Using the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process and Report


Federal agencies that perform their own disbursing are required to submit FMS Forms 1219 and 1220, which provide the Department of Treasury with monthly statements of accountability and details of payments and collections for the agencies. Information regarding report requirements is available in the Treasury Financial Manual (TFM), 2-3100.

Disbursing officers in agencies that perform their own disbursing prepare the FMS Form 1219 Statement of Accountability to determine the accountability of disbursing officers for funds held outside the Department of Treasury, that is, cash on hand. This includes Department of Treasury Regional Finance Centers (TRFCs), Military Departments (Army, Navy, and Air Force), and nonmilitary agencies that do their own disbursing. Disbursing officers prepare the FMS Form 1220 Statement of Transactions to provide Department of Treasury with a monthly statement of payments and collections for the agency.

You perform these tasks to produce your FMS Forms 1219 and 1220 reports:

  1. Run the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process.

  2. Use the Transaction Correction window to verify the run of the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process and enter any updates and omissions.

  3. Run the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report.


Before running the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process and Report, enter FMS Form 1219/1220 information in the FMS Form 1219/1220 Definitions window. You may also need to complete one or more of these tasks:

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Federal Options Setup, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Fund Attributes Setup, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Interagency Transaction Procedures


Define Bank Accounts, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

Federal Report Definitions Setup, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide

FMS Form 1219/1220 Process

Run the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process to select transactions from General Ledger for the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report, based on the values in the accounting flexfield.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process.

Report Parameters

Ledger Name

Select the ledger to report on.

Period Name

Select the accounting period to report on.

Agency Location Code

Select the agency location to report on.

Delete Corrections

Select Yes to delete any updates to the FMS Form 1219/1220 that you made in the Transaction Correction window. Select No to retain the updates.

Related Topics

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

Updating FMS Form 1219/1220

Use the Transaction Correction window to update FMS Form 1219/1220. You use the Transaction Correction window after a run of the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process. You can:

After you update FMS Form 1219/1220, run the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process again before running the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report. If necessary, you can exclude your updates from the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process.

To update the FMS Form 1219/1220:

  1. Navigate to the FMS Form 1219/1220 Transaction Correction window.

  2. Enter any Amount and corresponding Agency Location Code not processed by the system.

  3. If necessary, choose the Error Record button to enter the Accomplish Date or Treasury Account Symbol.

    Note: If you select line number 2.11, 2.12, 2.80, or 4.20 in the Line Assignment window, then you must enter an Accomplish Date.

  4. To update a line assignment, select a transaction record and choose the Lines button.

  5. Choose the Line Numbers that you want for FMS Form 1219 reporting.

  6. If you choose line number 4.10, enter an FMS Form 1220 column.

FMS Form 1219/1220 Report

Use the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report to print the FMS Form 1219 Statement of Accountability and the FMS Form 1220 Statement of Transactions. You run the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report after running the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process and making any updates in the Transaction Correction window.

You can run preliminary reports to review the FMS Form 1219 and 1220 information, or run a final report for submission to the relevant authorities.

If necessary, the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report also prints the FMS Form 1219/1220 Exception Report.

Use the Standard Request Submission windows to submit the FMS Form 1219/1220 Process.

Note: The Zero Activity FMS Form 1219/1220 and the Supplemental FMS Form 1219/1220 are also printed using this procedure.

Report Parameters

Run Type

Enter Preliminary to run a preliminary report or Final to run the final report.

DO Name

Enter the name of the disbursing officer.

DO Location

Enter the address of the disbursing officer.

DO Tel No

Enter the telephone number of the disbursing officer.

Period Name

Enter the period name for the report.

Agency Location Code

Enter the agency location to report on.

FMS Form 1219 Statement of Accountability Report

Report Headings

The following table describes the heading section of the FMS Form 1219 Statement of Accountability report.

Heading Description
<Disbursing Officer> Name of the disbursing officer
<Department or Agency> Name of the department or agency
<Location> Address of the department or agency
Ledger Ledger name
Agency Location Code The agency location code
Period The reporting period

Column Headings

The following table describes the FMS Form 1219 Statement of Accountability report.

Heading Description
Section I: General Statement of Account Section title.
Part A: Transactions During Period Affecting Accountability Computes the total disbursing office accountability to Department of Treasury.
1.00 Accountability Beginning Of Period Balance of accountability for the disbursing office or station as of the close of the previous accounting period.
2.00 Increases in Accountability Description.
2.10 Checks Issued Current Period Total amount of checks drawn on the Department of Treasury for the current period; analysis of the total amount by check symbol, shown in Section II, Part A.
2.11 Checks Issued/Adjustments (TFS Form 5206) Total amount of adjustments of prior month check issue amounts based on FMS Form 5206 recorded in the current month; analysis of the total amount by check symbol and month and year of the check issue, shown in Section II, Part A.
2.12 Checks Issued/Adjustments - Other Total amount of adjustments of prior month check issue amounts other than those based on FMS Form 5206 recorded in the current month; analysis of the total amount by check symbol and month and year of the check issue, shown in Section II, Part A.
2.30 Other Transactions Description.
2.34 Discrepancies in D.O. Accounts - Credits Total amount of all unidentified transactions during period of account that increases the disbursing office accountability and cannot accurately be classified to line 2.36 or 2.37.
2.36 Payments by Another D.O. Total amount of Department of Treasury check payments issued by another disbursing office, at the reporting office's request, during period of account.
2.37 Transfers from Other D.O. Total amount of transfers received from other disbursing officers during period of account.
2.80 IPAC Payments and Collections Total amount of IPAC payments and collections for the period, including any adjustments of IPAC payments and collections and limited pay in prior periods; an analysis by ALC and month and year of the payments and collections reported in Section II, Part B.
2.90 Total Increases in Accountability Sum of lines 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.34, 2.36, 2.37, and 2.80.
3.00 Subtotal Sum of the accountability at the beginning of the period and the increases in accountability during the reporting period; line 1.00 plus line 2.90.
4.00 Decreases in Accountability Description.
4.10 Net Disbursements Total of gross vouchered charges to appropriation and fund accounts net of receipts and collections credited to appropriation or fund accounts for the reporting period; analysis by appropriation, fund, or receipt account reported in FMS Form 1220.
4.20 Deposits Presented or Mailed to Bank Deposits of disbursing officers net of related net vouchers; summary analysis by deposit symbol and month and year presented or mailed to the bank reported in Section II, Part B.
4.30 Other Transactions Description.
4.34 Discrepancies in D.O. Accounts - Debits Total amount of all unidentified transactions during the reporting period that decreases the disbursing office accountability and that cannot be classified accurately to line 4.36 or 4.37.
4.36 Payments for Another D.O. Total amount of Department of Treasury check payments issued by the reporting disbursing office at the request of another disbursing office during the reporting period.
4.37 Transfers to Other D.O. Total amount of transfers sent to other disbursing officers during period of account.
4.90 Total Decreases in Accountability Sum of lines 4.10, 4.20, 4.34, 4.36, and 4.37.
5.00 Total Accountability Close of Period Difference between amounts reported on line 3.00 and line 4.90.
Part B: Analysis of Officer's Accountability Summarizes the elements that make up the current and prior disbursing officer's accountability.
6.10 Deposits in Banks Total of all checkbook balances in U.S. dollar or U.S. dollar equivalent of foreign currencies on deposit in designated depository accounts.
6.20 Cash on Hand and in Transit to Treasury Total of cash items held at disbursing office or station in U.S. dollar or U.S. dollar equivalent of foreign currencies.
6.50 Advances to Agents Total cash that has been advanced to officially authorized government cashiers for which they are accountable to the disbursing office.
7.00 Receivables and Deferred Voucher Charges Payments made on vouchers that are not complete; total of uncollected check overdrafts; total funds lost, stolen, or are otherwise unavailable; total of all dishonored checks held for redemption by the drawer.
8.00 Total of My Accountability Sum of lines 6.10, 6.20, 6.50, and 7.00; amount of accountability for which the incumbent disbursing office is personally liable.
9.00 Predecessor Officer's Receivables Total of uncollected check overdrafts applying to checks issued by the predecessor disbursing office; total funds of the predecessor disbursing office lost, stolen, or are otherwise unavailable; any predecessor disbursing office funds that remain outstanding for any reason.
9.90 Total Disbursing Office Accountability Sum of lines 8.00 and 9.00; total should equal Total Accountability Close of Period (line 5.00).
Certification Name of contact and telephone number of contact, signature of the disbursing office, and date.
Section II - Summary by Symbol of Check and Deposit Transactions with U.S. Treasury  
Part A - Checks Issued and Adjustments for Prior Periods Analysis shown by check symbol for checks issued or check issue adjustments transactions that occurred in the current period.
TC 210 Checks Issued Current Period Analysis by Check Symbol for checks issued in the current reporting period.
1 Check Symbol/DO Symbol Check symbol number under which the checks are drawn or to which the check issue adjustment transactions apply.
2 Issue Date (MM/YY) Accomplish date; blank; not used in this section.
3 Amount Total amount of all checks issued during the current reporting period under the related check symbol.
TC 211 Checks Issued Adjustments - TFS Form 5206 Analysis by Check Symbol for check issue adjustment based on FMS Form 5206 in the current reporting period by check symbol and original issue month and year.
1 Check Symbol/DO Symbol Check symbol number under which the checks are drawn or to which the check issue adjustment transactions apply.
2 Issue Date (MM/YY) Original issue month and year to which the check issue adjustment transactions apply.
3 Amount Total adjustment for the check symbol and issue month for the check issue adjustment.
TC 212 Checks Issued Adjustments - Other Analysis by check symbol for checks issue adjustment transactions other than those based on FMS Form 5206 in the current reporting period by check symbol and original issue month and year.
1 Check Symbol/DO Symbol Check symbol number under which the checks are drawn or to which the check issue adjustment transactions apply.
2 Issue Date (MM/YY) Original issue month and year to which the check issue adjustment transactions apply.
3 Amount Total adjustment for the check symbol and issue month for the check issue adjustment.
TC 280 IPAC Payments and Collections All IPAC transactions reported in the current reporting period.
1 Check Symbol/DO Symbol ALC under which the IPAC payments and collections are made.
2 Issue Date (MM/YY) Month and year during which the IPAC transaction, including adjustments, are processed.
3 Amount Amount of the IPAC transaction or adjustment by ALC and Issue Date.
Part B - Summary of Deposits Presented or Mailed to Bank (Line 4.20)  
TC 420 Deposits Presented/Mailed to Bank (Line 4.20) Total deposits net of debit vouchers presented or mailed to the bank accomplished during the current or prior reporting period by the related deposit symbol.
1 Deposit Symbol Deposit symbol number used by the disbursing office.
2 Date Presented or Mailed to Bank Month and year the deposit accomplished.
3 Amount Total amount for deposit transactions net of debit vouchers for the deposit symbol and date accomplished.

FMS Form 1220 Statement of Transactions Report

Report Headings

The following table describes the heading section of the FMS Form 1220 Statement of Transactions report.

Heading Description
<Disbursing Officer> Name of the disbursing officer
<Department or Agency> Name of the department or agency
<Location> Address of the department or agency
Agency Location Code The agency location code
Period The reporting period

Column Headings

The following table describes the FMS Form 1220 Statement of Transactions report.

Heading Description
Appr. Fund or Receipt Account Appropriation, fund, or receipt account symbol.
Receipts and Collections Credited to Appropriation or Fund Accounts All receipts and collections, IPAC chargebacks, and refunds or voids of payments where the obligation originally made in a prior fiscal year.
Gross Disbursements All disbursements and refunds or voids of payments where the obligation originally made in the current fiscal year; data derived from payment vouchers made on letters of credit on an issue month basis.

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Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User Guide

FMS Form 1219/1220 Exception Report

The FMS Form 1219/1220 Exception Report prints all transactions either included in or omitted from the FMS Form 1219/1220 Report that require review or correction. The FMS Form 1219/1220 Exception Report includes:

Report Headings

The following table describes the heading section of the FMS Form 1219/1220 Exception report.

Heading Description
Date The date of the report
Period The reporting period

Column Headings

The following table describes the FMS Form 1219/1220 Exception report.

Heading Description
Section I: Record(s) appearing in current month from prior period activity: Transactions posted in a prior period but not reported; may be due to reopening of period after FMS Form 1219/1220 generation, or FMS Form 1219/1220 generation prior to final close of period.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name.
GL Period Period posted to General Ledger.
Accomplish Date Date accomplished.
Amount Transaction amount.
Section II: Record(s) appearing in current month from future period activity: Transactions with a future accomplish date that has now arrived.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name.
GL Period Period posted to General Ledger.
Accomplish Date Date accomplished.
Amount Transaction amount.
Section III: Record(s) omitted from current month with future accomplish date: Transactions with a future accomplish date not included on FMS Form 1219/1220.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name.
GL Period Period posted to General Ledger
Accomplish Date Date accomplished.
Amount Transaction amount.
Section IV: Record(s) omitted from current month with incomplete data for Interagency Transfer: Interagency disbursement transactions missing in Interagency Transfers window; transaction cannot be processed until it is entered in Interagency Transfers window.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name.
GL Period Period posted to General Ledger.
Accomplish Date Date accomplished.
Amount Transaction amount.
Section V: Record(s) omitted from current month with incomplete Refunds, Voids, and Chargebacks information: Voided payment transactions missing in the Cash Receipt Refunds window and the Payable Refunds window.; transaction cannot be processed until it is entered in the Cash Receipt Refunds window and the Payable Refunds window.
Batch Name General Ledger journal entry batch name.
GL Period Period posted to General Ledger.
Accomplish Date Date accomplished.
Amount Transaction amount.