Funds Available Procedures


In the Funds Available Inquiry window, you can do the following:

The Funds Available procedure calculates the balance for Budget Authority, Commitments, Obligations, and Expended Amount according to the accounting information defined in the Define Fund Attributes window. Agencies can define a single or parent account for each item.


Viewing Funds Available

To view funds available, navigate to the Funds Available Inquiry window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Funds Available Inquiry window.

Funds Available Inquiry Window Description
Field Name Description
Budget Budget name from current Ledger.
Period Type Period type; Year To Date.
Rollup Type Used for inquiry rollup, Treasury Account Symbol, or Fund value.
Budget Authority Amount authority provided by law to enter into financial obligations that result in immediate or future outlays involving Federal Government funds.
Total Actuals Totals of Commitments, obligations, and expenditures.
Funds Available Amount remaining from the Budget Authority.
Commitments Amounts reserved in anticipation of an obligation.
Obligations Obligated amount for selected criteria.
Expenditures Expended amount for selected criteria.

Related Topics

The Funds Availability Reports provide more complete fund information in report form.

Funds Availability Reports Procedures