

1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns
The Debt Collection Act of 1982 states that a 1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns report must accompany Copy A of the 1099-C Cancellation of Debt report that is submitted to the Internal Revenue Service.
1099-C Cancellation of Debt
The Debt Collection Act of 1982 requires that a 1099-C Cancellation of Debt report must be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service for each debtor for whom a debt of $600.00 or more is cancelled during the calendar year.
Accrue Finance Charges
A process in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials that creates a debit memo for each Finance Charge Type associated with each newly overdue invoice; and adjusts existing finance charge debit memos for each Finance Charge Type associated with old overdue invoices.
See Automated Clearing House (ACH).
adjusted trial balance (ATB)
Balance for an SGL account and related attributes that make up a portion of a GTAS submission as of a specific date for a specific treasury appropriation fund symbol.
The method prescribed by the Department of Treasury under the IPAC system that allows a customer to charge a billing agency to remedy an incorrect billing.
advance appropriation
New budget authority appropriations that become available one or more fiscal years beyond the fiscal year for which the appropriation was passed.
advance funding
Budget authority appropriations provided in an appropriations act to be used, if necessary, to cover obligations incurred late in the fiscal year for benefit payments in excess of the amount specifically appropriated in the act for that year, where the budget authority is charged to the appropriation for the program for the fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the appropriations is passed.
Agency Location Code (ALC)
An 8-digit numeric symbol identifying the agency accounting and/or reporting office with disbursing authority. Any 4-digit ALC is preceded by four zeros.
Funds within an apportionment designated for specific programs or projects in an agency.
A subdivision of an allotment. Typically, managers distribute funds throughout the agencies to levels lower than the allotment to cover programs and projects for more specific purposes. An allowance cannot exceed the amount allotted. However, obligations and expenditure can exceed an individual allowance but must not exceed the total allotment in accordance with the Antideficiency Act.
Estimated cancellations or downward adjustments of prior-year obligations anticipated for recovery in the current fiscal year; only used in unexpired multiyear or no-year funds. These amounts are reported on the SF-132, Request for Apportionment as a Budgetary Resource.
Antideficiency Act
A regulation applying to federal agencies that establishes budgetary limitations at required levels within an agency.
Apply Cash Receipts
A procedure in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials to enter manual cash receipts for customers and invoices to be applied, as appropriate, to previously created finance charge debit memos, invoices, or on account.
An agency request to the Office of Management and Budget to acquire funds to be used in designated quarters of the fiscal year. Agencies divide apportionments into allotments, which are converted into commitments, obligations, and expended authority.
Funds provided to federal agencies through legislation. An appropriation is designated as multi-year, which can be used for a specified period of time in excess of one year; no-year, which can be used indefinitely; and single-year. which can only be used in the current year.
appropriation warrant
An official document that establishes the individual amounts that Congress appropriates by treasury account symbol.
Assign Finance Charges
A process in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials that selects customers and invoices for which finance charges are to be accrued during the Accrue Finance Charges process, based on customer classes specified in the Define Finance Charges window.
Assign Finance Charges Report
An internal report that provides information on customers and invoices assigned finance charges.
See adjusted trial balance (ATB).
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Primary electronic funds transfer (EFT) system used by agencies to make payments and to collect funds. The ACH is a distribution and settlement point for transmitting funds electronically between an originating financial institution and a receiving financial institution. Funds are transferred through the use of several format options targeted specifically to meet the Federal Government's needs.Federal Government ACH payments originated in the Prearranged Payment and Deposit (PPD) with or without addenda, Cash Concentration of Disbursement (CCD) with or without addenda or Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) formats.
automated interagency bill
A bill that exists on a computerized database, although it can be printed out in hard copy format.
billing agency fund
The accounting classification that is adjusted, billed, or credited by the billing agency.
borrowing authority
A budget authority that permits obligations and outlays to be financed by borrowing.
budget account definition
An administrative or functional subdivision of a budget agency. A budget account must have at least one treasury account symbol associated with it.
budget authority
Authority provided by law to incur financial obligations that result in outlays. Specific forms of budget authority include appropriations, borrowing authority, contract authority, and spending authority from offsetting collections.
budgetary resource
An amount available to enter into obligations in a given year. Budgetary resource comprises new budget authority for that year, including spending authority from offsetting collections, and unobligated balances of budget authority provided in previous years, including recoveries of prior year obligations and transfers.
Budgetary Accounting Guide
A publication issued by the Financial Management Service that provides information on year-end closing requirements for federal agencies.
bulk data payment formats
The bulk data payment format enables users to submit via Bulk files to Treasury RFC vendor or Employee payments. Bulk data processes create the following payment files:
  • Bulk Data CCD+

  • Bulk Data PPD+

  • Bulk Data Salary/Travel NCR

  • Bulk Data NCR

cash equivalent transactions
Transaction in which the Government makes outlays or receives collections in a form other than cash, or the cash does not accurately measure the cost of the transaction.
cash receipts
Cash payments collected to satisfy an exchange of cash for goods and/or services.
A person, typically a high level official at an agency, who verifies the accuracy of year-end submissions for the agency or a portion of the agency. Certifiers can either certify or reject submissions that were entered by preparers.
Circular A-34, Instructions on Budget Execution
A publication issued by the Office of Management and Budget that provides information on the SF 133 Report on Budget Execution.
Classification Transactions and Accountability (CTA)
CTA is a component of the Central Accounting and Reporting System (CARS) Agency Transaction Module (ATM). CTA provides Federal Program Agencies (FPAs) with a central location to report their monthly accounting activity to Treasury's Bureau of the Fiscal Service.
clearing accounts
Accounts established to temporarily hold general, special, or trust collections or disbursements pending clearance to the applicable receipt or expenditure account in the budget.
close out
An event that occurs concurrently with, or subsequent to, an agency decision to write off a debt for which the agency has determined that future additional collection attempts would be futile. At close out, an agency reports to the IRS the amount of the closed out debt as income to the debtor on IRS Form 1099-C in accordance with Treasury requirements. No additional collection action can be taken by the agency after issuing the IRS Form 1099-C.
Direct loans obligated or loan guarantees committed by a program in the same year, even if disbursements occur in subsequent years or the loans are modified. Modified pre-1992 direct loans constitute a single cohort; modified pre-1992 loan guarantees constitute a single cohort. For loans subsidized by no-year or multi-year appropriations, the cohort may be defined by the year of appropriation or the year of obligation. For information on proper determination, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) can be contacted.
The reservation of funds in anticipation of legal obligations.
consolidated payment files
Submitted electronically to Treasury's RFC on a daily basis and combines the records for multiple payment batches into one. Consolidated Payment Files are generated for the following:
  • CTX

  • Bulk Data Checks

  • Bulk Data ACH

contract authority
Budget authority that permits obligation to be incurred in advance of either an appropriation of the cash to make outlays to liquidate the obligations or offsetting collections.
Cash value of the resources allocated to a particular program. When used in connection with federal credit programs, cost means the estimated long term cost to the government of a direct loan or loan guarantee, calculated on a net present value basis, excluding administrative costs and any incidental effects on governmental receipts or outlays.
credit program account
An account into which an appropriation for the cost of a direct loan or loan guarantee program is made and from which such cost is disbursed to a financing account for the program.
Passing a debt to a designated collection center or private collection agency in an effort to collect the amount due.
CSV file
A file format that separates data fields with commas (commas delimited). The character data is usually surrounded by quotes. This file format is frequently used to import and export data between different programs.
current value of funds
The average annual rate of the Department of Treasury tax and loan accounts. The rate is used to determine whether taking a vendor discount for early payment is economically beneficial.
Debt Collection Act of 1982
A set of regulations governing the receivables management and collections practices of federal agencies.
Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1966
The DCIA provides that any nontax debt or claim owed to the U. S. Government that is 180 days delinquent, with certain exceptions, will be referred to the Department of the Treasury for collection. Debt that is in litigation or foreclosure with a collection agency or designated Federal debt collection center or that will be disposed of under an asset sales program is exempt from transfer to the Secretary.
deposit fund
An account established to record amounts held temporarily by the government until ownership is determined, such as earnest money paid by bidders for mineral leases, or held by the government as an agent for others, such as State and local income taxes withheld from Federal employees' salaries and not yet paid to the State or local government. Deposit fund transactions are excluded from the budget totals because the funds are not owned by the government. Since increases in deposit fund balances reduce Treasury's need to borrow, they are a means of financing a deficit or a surplus.
direct loan
A disbursement of funds by the government to a non-federal borrower under a contract requiring repayment of such funds with or without interest. The term includes the purchase or participation in a loan made by a non-federal lender. It also includes the sale of a government asset on credit terms of more than 90 days duration.
disbursement in transit
A liability account used for payments pending Department of Treasury confirmation of disbursement.
discretionary spending
Budgetary resources, except those provided to fund mandatory spending programs, provided in appropriations acts.
Due Date Calculation
A process in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials that determines the due date on the payment schedule by using the later of the Invoice Received Date or the Goods/Services Acceptance or Receipt Date.
economically beneficial discounts
Discounts offered by suppliers that federal agencies are required to take pursuant to the Prompt Payment Act. An agency must take available discounts for early payment unless they are not economically beneficial. Discounts are not beneficial if an agency can realize a greater return by keeping its money invested until a later payment due date.
Obligations where services are performed by employees, contractors, vendors, carriers, grantees, lessors, and other Government funds; goods and tangible property is received; and amounts becoming owed under programs for which no current service is required, such as annuities, insurance claims, other benefit payments, and loans.
expended authority
Portion of an agency's budget authority that has been expended.
The issuance of checks, disbursement of cash, or electronic transfer of funds made to liquidate a federal obligation. Outlays during a fiscal year may be for payment of obligations incurred in prior years or in the same year. Expenditures can exceed obligations but cannot exceed allotted funds in accordance with the Antideficiency Act.
expenditure transaction
A withdrawal from one account and a credit to another account when the withdrawal and credit are recorded in the central accounts of the Financial Management Service (FMS) as an expenditure and repayment.
Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)
The Treasury Account Symbol is currently a 21-character symbol. Treasury has developed a 24 character component based GWA TAS representing the agency appropriation in GWA. The component based code TAS is comprised of the following elements:
  • Sub level prefix (SP): Used in special situations. When used the Sub-Level Prefix represents a programmatic breakdown of the account for Treasury publication purposes.

  • Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier (ATA): The Agency Identifier of the agency receiving funds through an allocation transfer.

  • Agency Identifier (AID): Agency Identifier of account owner. Used in conjunction with the main account code, the Agency Identifier represents the department, agency or establishment of the U.S. Government that is responsible for the TAS.

  • Beginning Period of Availability (BPOA): In annual and multi-year funds, identifies the first year of availability under law that an appropriation account may incur new obligations.

  • Ending Period of Availability (EPOA) - In annual and multi-year funds, identifies the last year of funds availability under law that an appropriation account may incur new obligations.

  • Availability Indicator (A): Identifies no-year accounts 'X', clearing/suspense accounts 'F', Treasury's central summary general ledger accounts 'A', and merged-surplus accounts 'M'.

  • Subaccount Code (SUB): Identifies an available receipt or other Treasury-defined subdivision of the main account.

federal report definitions
Report information, set up in the Federal Report Definitions windows that is used to customize reports by specifying report content and entering report data to meet Federal Government reporting requirements.
Federal Setup Options
Specially defined and updated information used by federal agencies and maintained in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials. Federal Options are required for some new features and reports. The Define Federal Options window is used to enter the information.
Finance Charge Types
Finance charge information entered in the Define Finance Charges window that is used to assign and accrue finance charges in Receivables.
Financial Management Service (FMS) or Fiscal Services (FS)
The Bureau of the Fiscal Service is a bureau (previously know as FMS) of the United States Department of the Treasury, providing central payment services to Federal Program Agencies, operating the federal government's collections and deposit systems, providing government-wide accounting and reporting services and managing the collection of delinquent debt owed to the government.
financing account
The non-budget account or accounts associated with each credit program account for post-1991 direct loans or loan guarantees. It holds balances, receives the subsidy cost payment from the credit program account, and includes all other cash flows to and from the government. Separate financing accounts are required for direct loans and loan guarantees.
See Financial Management Service (FMS).
FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Exception Report
A report that shows transactions included or omitted from the FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report that may require review or correction.
FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report
A report used to provide information to the Treasury about the financial condition and operations of federal agencies for which Treasury disburses.
Act of surrendering the right to enforce a valid claim usually in return for a binding promise to perform a specified act. Forbearance sometimes refers to an agreement by a lender to refrain from taking legal action when a mortgage is in arrears, as long as the borrower complies with a satisfactory arrangement to pay off the past due balance by a future date.An involuntary payment of a debt secured by collateral by seizing the collateralized property.
foreign currency fund accounts
Accounting mechanisms established by the Treasury to account for foreign currency that is acquired without payment of U.S. dollars. Use of these amounts requires appropriations or payment with appropriated dollars unless otherwise authorized by law. Foreign currency fund accounts are established with a two-digit agency prefix assigned by Treasury, the symbol FT, and a three-digit foreign currency account code.
forward funding
Budget authority appropriations that become available for obligation in the last quarter of the fiscal year for the financing of ongoing grant programs during the next fiscal year.
fund/budgetary accounting
The legal requirement that federal agencies establish accounts for segregating revenues, other resources, related liabilities, obligations, and balances in order to carry out specific activities or achieve certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. One of the most important laws requiring federal agencies to adhere to fund accounting concepts is the Antideficiency Act.
fund group
Last four characters of the treasury account symbol. The four-digit identifier that corresponds to the Treasury Account Symbol in the Treasury Account Symbols and Titles (FAST) book. The Treasury Appropriation/Fund Group is the combination or roll-up of all fiscal years reported for each agency appropriation or fund account symbol.
fund parameters
Information maintained about each fund in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials. Fund parameters define additional information associated with the balancing segment of the Accounting Flexfield.
fund type
Major classification for the different account types, such as General Fund, Clearing Account, and Special Fund.
fund value
The Federal Government obtains monies from many sources. The use of the monies is governed by the appropriations process. Agencies segregate their accounts into funds to assure compliance with legal requirements. Monies obtained from general taxation and revenue powers and from business operations are accounted for in the following types of funds: General Fund, Special Funds, Revolving Funds, Management Funds, Trust Funds, and Deposit Funds. There can be multiple fund values per treasury account symbol, but a fund value can be assigned to one and only one treasury account symbol. For reporting purposes, fund values roll up to the treasury account symbol.
funds available
The total amount of allotted funding still available for spending by an agency.
Funds Available
A procedure in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials for agencies to view funds available at both detail and summary levels and to compare budget amounts to actual fund values.
general fund
Accounts for receipts not set aside by law for a specific purpose, the process of general borrowing, and the expenditure of these monies.
Government Results and Performance Act (GRPA)
A Federal Government regulation requiring agencies to report on financial performance through a series of regulatory reports.
Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS)
GTAS is the primary means of reporting agency trial balance data to Treasury. It is a single data collection system that has paved the way for more consistent and complete financial data and allows for better analytical reporting.
See Government Results and Performance Act (GRPA).
Holiday/Non-Working Dates
Holiday and non-working dates entered in the Define Holiday/Non-Working Dates window that is used by the Due Date Calculation process to determine a payment schedule in compliance with the Prompt Payment Act.
Identification of Federal Employees Report
A report that provides information on federal employees indebted to the Federal Government.
Interagency Transfers
A window in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials used by the customer agency to store information regarding the billing agency fund involved in an interagency transaction.
interagency transactions
Transfers between Treasury agencies that involve two or more different appropriation, fund, or receipt accounts and are classified as expenditure transactions.
Interest, Administrative and Penalty (IPA)
Interest, Administrative and Penalty are finance charges associated with the Federal Government. Oracle U.S. Federal Financials creates debit memos for Finance Charge Type associated with overdue invoices.
intragovernmental fund
See revolving fund.
Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System (IPAC)
A government-owned and operated system that performs intra-governmental funds transfers.
See Interest, Administrative and Penalty.
See Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System (IPAC).
See Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP).
Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP)
A cooperative effort among major agencies of the Federal Government to arrive at a common set of financial management standards as mandated by the President of the United States. Representatives from major agencies serve on a committee charged with formulating these standards.
liquidating account
The budget account that includes all cash flows to and from the government resulting from pre-1992 direct loans or loan guarantees. Cash flows associated with modified direct loans and loan guarantees are treated as exceptions. The liquidating accounts are the old credit accounts, whose transactions are counted on a cash basis in calculating budget outlays and the deficit. Liquidating accounts are not subject to credit reform accounting except for the effects of modifications.
loan guarantee
Any guarantee, insurance, or other pledge with respect to the payment of all or a part of the principal or interest on any debt obligation of a non-federal borrower to a non-federal lender. It does not, however, include the insurance of deposits, shares, or other withdrawable accounts in financial institutions.
mandatory spending
Spending controlled by laws other than appropriation acts, including spending for entitlement programs and spending for the food stamp program.
Multi-Fund Accounts Receivable (MFAR)
Enables users to post receivables invoices, receipts, debit memos, credit memos, and adjusting entries to multiple balancing segment values or fund.
nonexpenditure transfer
See transfer.
normal balance indicator
Normal condition of the balance in an SGL account, that is, debit or credit.
object class
A uniform classification identifying obligations of the Federal Government by the types of goods or services purchased, such as personnel compensation, supplies and materials, and equipment, without regard to the agency involved or the purpose of the programs for which they are used.
Allotment funds obligated for goods or services that have been ordered, but not yet received. Obligated funds are not available for spending by an agency.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
A U.S. Federal Government office that helps the President of the United States oversee the preparation of the federal budget and supervise the administration of federal agencies. The OMB also oversees and coordinates the administration's procurement, financial management, information, and regulatory policies.
The amount the Treasury Department pays a customer for receivable invoices that have been outstanding for at least 181 days but less than 10 years. For example, if Customer A owes Agency A $150 and if Agency B owes Customer A $200, then the Treasury Department will pay Customer A $50. The $50 the Treasury Department pays Customer A is offset by the amount Customer A owes Agency A.
offsetting collections
Collections that by law are credited directly to expenditure accounts.
offsetting receipts
Collections that are deducted from gross budget authority and outlays, rather than added to receipts, and that are not authorized to be credited to expenditure accounts.
See Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Payment to liquidate an obligation other than the repayment of debt principal. Outlays are the measure of government spending. Outlays generally are equal to cash disbursements but also are recorded for cash-equivalent transactions, such as the subsidy cost of direct loans, and loan guarantees, and interest accrued on public issues of the public debt.
Payment Application Modernization Project/Payment Automation Manager (PAM)
PAM automates and streamlines the current Legacy Payment System for processing and issuing payments. PAM accepts bulk file submissions of payments through Treasury's Regional Finance Centers (RFCs) The PAM Project is an effort to modernize the current mainframe-based software applications that are used to disburse approximately 1 billion federal payments annually.
Payment Terms Types
Payment terms, specified in the Define Payment Terms Types window, used to automatically calculate the payment due date in compliance with the Prompt Payment Act. The payment term also defaults to purchase orders and invoices generated for a specific vendor.
A process by which an agency refers debts to FMS for subsequent referral to a Private Collection Agency (PCA). FMS takes no collection action when debts are referred to FMS for pass-through other than referring the debts to a PCA. The pass-through process enables FMS to assess and monitor fully the performance of its PCA contractors.
Representative from the federal program agencies (FPA) who prepares the adjusted trial balance (ATB) information for one or more treasury appropriation fund symbol (TAFS) accounts.
Prompt Payment Act
A set of laws applying to federal agencies mandating how and when to pay commercial obligations. The act requires agencies to pay interest on overdue invoices and to take discounts offered by suppliers unless doing so would not prove economically beneficial.
Prompt Payment Due Date Report
An internal report that provides information about invoices within a specific payment batch for which a due date adjustment was made.
Prompt Payment Exception Report
An internal report that provides information about payments that have an invalid due date.
Prompt Payment Statistical Report
A report that provides detailed statistical information about payments within a specific date range.
public enterprise fund
See revolving fund.
Receivable Type
A receivable category. Preseeded receivable types include Direct Loans, Defaulted Guaranteed Loans, and Administrative receivables. Receivable types are linked to transaction types in the Receivable Types window.
Receivables and Payables Netting
A feature that allows agencies to manage the collection of receivables by offsetting receivables against payables for vendors who are also customers.
Receivables Management
The processing and application of collections on receivables. Receivables management for federal agencies involves compliance with the requirements set forth in the Debt Collection Act of 1982.
Legislative action that cancels new budget authority or the availability of unobligated balances of budget authority prior to the time the authority would otherwise have expired.
Regional Finance Center (RFC)
Disburses public monies on behalf of federal civilian agencies.
Report on Budget Execution
See SF 133 Report on Budget Execution.
reimbursement or reimbursable work
A sum that is received by the Federal Government as a repayment for commodities sold or services furnished either to the public or to another government account and that is authorized by law to be credited directly to specific appropriation and fund accounts. These amounts are deducted from the total obligations incurred (and outlays) in determining net obligations (and outlays) for such accounts. Reimbursement between two accounts for goods or services are an expenditure transaction or transfer.
reimbursable obligation
Obligation financed by offsetting collections credited to an expenditure account in payment for goods and services provided by that account.
Receivables Activity Worksheet
A report that provides information on the status of receivables, including direct loans, defaulted guaranteed loans, administrative receivables, and footnotes.
revolving fund
A fund that conducts continuing cycles of business-like activity in which the fund charges for the sale of products or services and uses the proceeds to finance its spending, usually without requirement for annual appropriations. Public enterprise funds conduct business-like operations mainly with the public; and intragovernmental revolving funds conduct business-like operations mainly within and between government agencies.
Routing Transfer Number (RTN)
Devised by the American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the specific financial institution responsible for the payment of a negotiable instrument. The RTN system has evolved to designate participants in automated clearinghouses, electronic funds transfer, and online banking. Every financial institution has a designated RTN. A valid RTN must have nine digits of which the first two digits are 01 through 12 through 32.
Secure Payment System (SPS)
SPS provides Treasury Financial Management Services and FPAs with enhanced capabilities for creating, submitting, electronically signing and approving certifications for payment request schedules.
sequence assignment
A pay group that has an initial value, final value, and a start date assigned at a minimum, and that database sequence was created for the pay group based on this information. Optionally, users can also include prefix, suffix, and an end date in this setup.
SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits
A document used by federal agencies to complete interagency expenditure transactions involving two or more appropriation, fund, or receipt accounts.
special fund receipt accounts
All collections not earmarked by law for a specific purpose.
Statement of Transactions
See FMS Form 224 Statement of Transactions Report.
Status of Obligations Report
An internal report used to measure financial performance against operating plan objectives. The report assists federal agencies in determining if the procurement process has been completed for each obligation.
Estimated long-term cost to the government of a direct loan or loan guarantee, calculated on a net present value basis, excluding administrative costs. In net present value terms, it is the portion of the direct loan disbursement that the government does not expect to recover, or the portion of expected payments for loan guarantees that will not be offset by collections. The subsidy may be for post-1991 direct loan obligations or loan guarantee commitments, for re-estimates of post-1991 loans or guarantees, or for modifications of any direct loans or loan guarantees.
summary schedules
Submitted electronically to Treasury's RFCs on a daily basis and include certification for Bulk Data files sent to Treasury. SPS Summary Schedules are generated for the Pam Bulk File.
Super Master Account Ffile (SMAF)
The SMAF is the combination of the current Federal Agencies' Centralized Trial-Balance Systems I and II Master Appropriation Files and contains the valid Treasury Account Symbol balances and attributes used for budgetary and proprietary adjusted trial balance submissions.
surplus warrant
A warrant document that withdraws unobligated balances of an appropriation after the period of availability has expired. A surplus occurs when receipts exceed outlays.
See treasury appropriation fund symbol (TAFS).
TAFS split
Subdivides a treasury appropriation fund symbol. Splits are established for programmatic or administrative reasons.
TAFS status
Indicates the status of a specific TAFS account. The following definitions apply: unexpired indicates the TAFS can incur new obligation; expired indicates that the TAFS can liquidate obligations or make adjustments, but cannot incur new obligations; cancelled indicates that the TAFS will have no more reportable activity.
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
A number that identifies a taxpayer. The taxpayer identification number can be an employee identification number or a social security number.
See Treasury Financial Manual (TFM).
See Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
Transmittal Letters (T/L)
Sequentially numbered transmittal letters signed by the Commissioner of the Department of Treasury's FMS that accompany Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) chapter releases. These letters release the following:
  • changes or additions to existing chapters and new chapters

  • summaries of the new or revised material

  • instructions for the addition or substitution of material

  • regulations or published instructions that are superseded or rescinded

See Treasury Offset Program (TOP).
Trading Partner
The Agency Identifier of the other federal entity involved in transactions with the reporting entity.
Move budgetary resources from one budget account to another. Depending on the circumstances, the budget may record a transfer as an expenditure transfer, which means a transfer that involves an outlay, or as a nonexpenditure transfer, which means a transfer that does not involve an outlay.
Refers to the U.S. Department of Treasury. Among other roles, the Treasury formulates and recommends economic, fiscal, and tax policies; and serves as financial agent for the Federal Government.
main account code (MAIN)
Four-digit identifier typically corresponding to the last four digits of the treasury account symbol. A numeric or alphanumeric account symbol used to classify transactions with fund types.
treasury appropriation fund symbol (TAFS)
Code that represents the department, account symbol, and period of availability to incur new obligations. This is also referred to as treasury account symbol.
Treasury Financial Manual (TFM)
The Treasury's official publication for financial accounting and reporting of all receipts and disbursements of the Federal Government. The Financial Management Service of the Treasury issues the TFM to provide policies, procedures, and instructions for federal departments and agencies.
Treasury Offset Program (TOP)
A centralized debt collection program developed by FMS and operated through its RFC. TOP enables the RFCs to match delinquent debtor files against payment files. When a match occurs, the payment is intercepted and the debt is offset up to the amount of the debt.
treasury account symbol
A seven digit code that identifies the appropriation from which agencies can create spending transactions. The first two digits are the agency code; the third digit is the fund fiscal year; and the last four digits are the type of fund.
treasury undisbursed balance
Fund balance, which is cash, for a TAFS account at a point in time, for example, as of September 30th.
trust fund
Type of account designated by law as a trust fund for receipts and offsetting receipts set aside for specific purposes and for the expenditure of these receipts.
trust fund groups
Monies collected and spent by the government through trust fund accounts.
TSV (Tab Separated Values)
A file format that uses tab characters (ASCII 9) as separators between fields (tab delimited). Unlike comma delimited (CSV) files, the character data is not usually surrounded by quotes. This file format is used to transfer data between different programs.
Cancellations or downward adjustments of prior-year obligations that are not anticipated for recovery in the current fiscal year; only used in unexpired multiyear or no-year funds.
A binding agreement that results in immediate or future outlays. Budgetary resources must be available before obligations can be incurred legally. Unexpended obligations are services that have not been performed or goods that have not been received.
unobligated balance
Cumulative amount of budget authority that is not obligated and that remains available for obligation under law.
U.S. Government Standard General Ledger account (US SGL)
Accounts used to record, classify, and report accounting events in a uniform manner throughout the Federal Government. US SGL accounts provide control over all financial transactions and resource balances; in combination with other attributes, satisfy basic financials and budget execution reporting requirements of the OMB and Department of Treasury; and integrate proprietary and budgetary accounting.
See U.S. Government Standard General Ledger account (US SGL).
Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits
See SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits.
Waive Finance Charges
A process in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials that allows users to waive subsequent finance charges for selected customers or invoices.
An official document issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the law, that establishes the amount of money authorized to be withdrawn from the central accounts maintained by the Treasury.
An event that occurs when an agency officially determines, after all appropriate collection tools and techniques have been used, that a debt or a portion of a debt is uncollectible. The uncollectible amount is removed from an entity's receivables; however, collection attempts can be made after receivables are removed.
year-end closing
The process required by the Office of Management and Budget in which agencies liquidate unobligated commitments, generate closing entries to be posted to General Ledger, and carry forward obligated balances to the next fiscal year.
year-end closing definitions
Information set up in the Define Federal Year-End Close window. The Define Federal Year-End Close window is used to define from and to accounts for creation of year-end closing General Ledger entries and to set up the year-end closing sequence order.
Year-End Closing Execution Report
An internal report that provides information on accounts for which closing entries were generated during the Year-End Closing process.
year-end closing process
A set of activities that allows federal agencies to comply with Office of Management and Budget requirements regarding the closing of appropriation accounts, preparing for the next fiscal year, and reporting on those activities.