Budgetary Control Results Report


The Budgetary Control Results report provides detailed information about the funds check failure or success, reporting on transactions funds checked in Purchasing, Payables, Federal Financials, Projects, Grants, and General Ledger.

Budgetary Control Results Report Procedure

Budgetary Control Results report can be generated from the transactional windows or from the Standard Request submission window.

To generate the Budgetary Control Results report from the transactional windows:


To generate the Budgetary Control Results report from Standard Request window:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select Federal Budgetary Control Results Report.

  3. In the Ledger field, select the ledger.

  4. In the Period From and Period To field, select the period names for calendar assigned to the ledger selected.

  5. In the Funds Result Status field, select the status.

    Note: If left blank all funds check transactions for the ledger, period and any status will be displayed.

  6. In the Order By field, select a field name to sort the data.

    Note: If left blank the data will be order by account combination within a given transaction.

Federal Budgetary Control Results Report Parameters

The following table describes the report headings of the Federal Budgetary Control Results report.

Field Name Description
Ledger The ledger value from report parameter from the submit request window.
Currency This is the functional currency of the ledger displayed.
Order By The field on which the report is sorted.
Funds Result Status Funds Result Status

Note: The funds results status is defaulted to F (Failed), when the report is submitted through the Submit Request window. However, the user can change it to other values.

Templates The list consists of Oracle's predefined Budgetary Control Results template but in addition users can define their own template and therefore the list could expand.
Report Format The output format of the report such as HTML or PDF.
View Report Click View Report to see the impact on the data if you change the parameters for Order By or Budgetary Control Status.
Export When the user selects Export the body of the report is displayed in the format selected in Report Format.

The following table describes the values on which the Federal Budgetary Control Results report is grouped by.

Name Description
Application Application name
Batch Reference Batch reference; the value displayed is derived from the transaction(s) that has been funds checked.
Document Reference Document reference; the value displayed is derived from the transaction(s) that has been funds checked.
Supplier The supplier name for the relevant the Purchasing or Payables transaction.
Site The supplier site for the relevant transactions in the Purchasing or Payables transaction.

The following table describes the column headings of the Budgetary Control Results report.

Field Name Description
Account Combination Account combination
Period The period name for the specific transaction line/journal line.
Line Reference Line reference
Result Status Type Result status type
Result Message The detailed funds check message for each transaction line/journal line.
Previous Funds Available This is the funds available for the particular account combination at the Budgetary Control occurred.
Base Amount This is the transaction line amount that has undergone funds check.
Current Funds Available The funds available for the particular account combination at the time the Budgetary Control occurred which includes the transaction amount.
Amount Type The Amount Type determines the cumulative balance to use for the Budgetary Control interval.
Boundary The Boundary defines the end point of a Budgetary Control interval.
Treasury Account Symbol Treasury account symbol of the budget execution transaction.

When the Federal Budgetary Control Results Report is submitted from the standard report submission window in either General Ledger or subledgers:

A profile option for 'Budgetary Control Results Template' allows you to default the template used to display Budgetary Control Results, and it is available at all levels: Site, Application, Responsibility and User.

The default template is the 'Budgetary Control Results Template'. If Oracle Federal Financials is enabled, the default template is the 'Federal Budgetary Control Results Template'.

This profile option enables you to define your own Budgetary Control Results Report template and associate it with the profile option. When you perform a funds check, funds reservation, or run the Budgetary Control Result report from the Standard Request Submission window, the report matches the Budgetary Control Results Report template set in the profile option.

If you want to modify existing templates and add new columns, you can see what columns are available by viewing the XML file.

The XML file produced by the Budgetary Control Results Report can be viewed:

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