Federal Attributes (FAs)

Federal Specific Attributes for Suppliers and Customers

The following attributes are captured at the Supplier Header and Customer Account levels:

The following attributes are captured at the Supplier Site and Customer Account levels:

Federal Specific Attributes for Purchase Order and Release Forms

The Purchase Order and Release Forms include the ability to enter the following on the Purchase Order and Release Header:

To enter values for these attributes, click in the Global Descriptive Flexfield column.

Note: These attributes are only enabled for entry if the FV:Data Act Manually Enter Award Financial Information profile option = “Yes”, Revision Number = 0, and Status = Incomplete or Requires Reapproval.

Name Additional Information
Data Act Reporting Indicator Valid Values are:
  • “P” – Data Act Reportable Procurement Award

  • “F” – Data Act Reportable Financial Assistance Award

  • “N” or Null – Not Data Act Reportable

PIID Required if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “P”.
Not Allowed if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “F”.
Optional if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “N” or NULL.
Parent Award Id Optional if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “P” or “N” or NULL.
Not Allowed if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “F”.
FAIN FAIN and / or URI is required for Data Act Reporting Indicator “F''.
URI FAIN and / or URI is required for Data Act Reporting Indicator “F''.

The Purchase Order and Release Forms include the ability to enter the following on the Purchase Order and Release Distributions:

The BETC is always required. The Trading Partner TAS and the Trading Partner BETC are required if the Supplier is defined with a Federal or Non-Federal Code of “G” or “F: Federal”. To enter values for these attributes, click in the Global Descriptive Flexfield column.

The BETC is populated with the default Payment BETC defined for the Treasury Account Symbol associated with the balancing segment (fund) for the PO Charge Account. The BETC list of values is used to select any valid Payment BETC defined for the Treasury Account Symbol (where the TAS Type = Agency).

If the Trading Partner TAS is not entered and the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “G: General Fund” or “F: Federal”, the Trading Partner TAS defaults from the default Trading Partner TAS GDF defined on the Supplier Site, if a default value is defined.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “G: General Fund” for the Supplier, only Trading Partner TASs that have an Agency ID of “099” are listed.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, all Trading Partner TASs except those with an Agency ID of “099” are listed:

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, only Trading Partner TASs with an Agency ID that matches the Trading Partner Agency ID defined for the Supplier are listed:

The Trading Partner BETC is populated with the default Collection BETC for the Trading Partner TAS, if present. The Trading Partner BETC list of values lists all Trading Partner Collection BETC values defined for the Trading Partner TAS. If the Trading Partner TAS is not present, a Trading Partner BETC cannot be selected.

Federal Specific Attributes for PO Standard Purchase Order OAF Page

The Buyer Work Center OAF page includes the ability to enter the following on the Standard Purchase Order Header:

Note: The fields are either display-only or enabled for entry based on the way it is implemented at each agency's site. If enabled, to enter values for these attributes, click in the Global Descriptive Flexfield column.

Name Additional Information
Data Act Reporting Indicator Valid Values are:
  • “P” – Data Act Reportable Procurement Award

  • “F” – Data Act Reportable Financial Assistance Award

  • “N” or Null – Not Data Act Reportable

  • Required if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “P”

  • Not Allowed if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “F”

  • Optional if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “N” or NULL

Parent Award Id
  • Optional if Data Act Reporting Indicator is “P” or “N” or NULL

  • Not Allowed if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “F”

FAIN FAIN and / or URI is required for Data Act Reporting Indicator “F''
URI FAIN and / or URI is required for Data Act Reporting Indicator “F''

The Standard Purchase Order Lines and Distributions OAF pages include the ability to enter:

The Additional Information region on these pages includes these attributes:

Federal Specific Attributes for AP Payables Invoices Workbench

The Invoice Workbench Lines and Distributions windows include:

Invoices Matched to Purchase Orders

For invoice lines that are matched to Purchase Order lines, BETC, Trading Partner BETC, and Trading Partner TAS are populated at the Distribution level from the corresponding distributions on the referenced Purchase Order, at the time the invoice is validated.

Invoices not Matched to Purchase Orders

For invoice lines that are not matched to Purchase Order lines, these attributes are enterable at the Line and Distribution levels.

At the Line level; BETC, Trading Partner TAS, and Trading Partner BETC are optional. To enter values for these attributes, click in the Global Descriptive Flexfield column. This is the last column on the Line and has “()” as the column header. Select “US Federal Attributes” as the Context Value list of values to enter attributes values:

At the Distributions level, the BETC is always required. The Trading Partner TAS and the Trading Partner BETC are required if the Supplier is defined with a Federal or Non-Federal Code of “F: Federal” or “G: General Fund”. To enter values for these attributes, click in the Global Descriptive Flexfield column. This is the last column on the Line and has “()” as the column header. When to pop-up window appear, select “US Federal Attributes” as the Context Value.

Federal Specific Attributes for GL Journals Form

The GL Journals form includes the ability to enter the following on the Journal Line:

Federal Specific Attributes for GL Journals Form

The GL Journals form includes the ability to enter the following on the Journal Line:

To enter values for these attributes, click in the Global Descriptive Flexfield column.

The BETC, Trading Partner TAS, and Trading Partner BETC attributes are used for CTA Reclassification transactions.

The Data Act Reporting Indicator, PIID, Parent Award, FAIN and URI attributes are used for Data Act reporting.

The Data Act attributes are only enabled for entry if the FV:Data Act Manually Enter Award Financial Information profile option = “Yes”, and the journal has not been posted.

Name Additional Information
Data Act Reporting Indicator Valid values are:
  • P – Data Act Reportable Procurement Award

  • F – Data Act Reportable Financial Assistance Award

  • N or Null – Not Data Act Reportable

PIID Required if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “P”.
Not Allowed if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “F”.
Optional if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “N” or NULL.
Parent Award ID Optional if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “P” or “N” or NULL.
Not Allowed if Data Act Reporting Indicator = “F”.
FAIN FAIN and / or URI is required for Data Act Reporting Indicator “F''
URI FAIN and / or URI is required for Data Act Reporting Indicator “F''

Federal Specific Attributes for AR Receivable Transactions

The AR Transactions Distributions window includes:

These attributes are entered at the Distribution level. BETC is required. Trading Partner TAS and Trading Partner BETC are required if the Customer Account has a Federal or Non-Federal Code of “F: Federal” or “G: General Fund”. To enter these attributes, click in the Global Descriptive Flexfield column. This is the last column on the Distribution line with “()” as the column header. Once clicked, a pop-up window appears. Select “US Federal Attributes” as the Context Value.

The BETC is populated with the default BETC for the Treasury Account Symbol associated with the balancing segment (fund) of the GL Account. The BETC LOV can be used to select any valid Collection BETC defined for the associated Treasury Account Symbol.

If the Trading Partner TAS is blank and the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “G: General Fund” or “F: Federal”, the Trading Partner TAS defaults from the Default Trading Partner TAS GDF defined on the Customer Account; if a default value is defined.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “G: General Fund” for the Customer Account, only Trading Partner TASs that have an Agency ID of “099” are listed.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, all Trading Partner TASs except those with an Agency ID of “099” are listed:

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, only Trading Partner TASs with an Agency ID that matches the Trading Partner Agency ID defined for the Customer Account are listed:

If a Trading Partner TAS is selected, the Trading Partner BETC is populated with the default Payment BETC for the Trading Partner TAS. The Trading Partner BETC list of values can be used to select any valid Payment BETC defined for the associated Trading Partner TAS.

Federal Specific Attributes for AR Receivable Adjustments

The following attributes are accommodated for AR Adjustments through the use of FAs at the adjustment line level:

The BETC is populated with the default BETC for the Treasury Account Symbol associated with the balancing segment (fund) of the GL Account. The BETC LOV can be used to select any valid Collection BETC defined for the associated Treasury Account Symbol.

If the Trading Partner TAS is blank and the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “G: General Fund” or “F: Federal”, the Trading Partner TAS defaults from the Default Trading Partner TAS GDF defined on the Customer Account; if a default value is defined.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code s “G: General Fund” for the Customer Account, only Trading Partner TASs that have an Agency ID of “099” are listed.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, all Trading Partner TASs except those with an Agency ID of “099” are listed:

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, only Trading Partner TASs with an Agency ID that matches the Trading Partner Agency ID defined for the Customer Account are listed:

If a Trading Partner TAS is selected, the Trading Partner BETC is populated with the default BETC for the Trading Partner TAS. The Trading Partner BETC LOV can be used to select any valid Payment BETC defined for the associated Trading Partner TAS.

Federal Specific Attributes for Miscellaneous Receipts

The following attributes are accommodated for Miscellaneous Receipts through the use of FAs at the header level:

The following attributes are accommodated for Miscellaneous Receipts through the use of FAs at the distribution level:

The BETC is populated with the default BETC for the Treasury Account Symbol associated with the balancing segment (fund) of the GL Account. The BETC LOV can be used to select any valid Collection BETC defined for the associated Treasury Account Symbol.

If the Trading Partner TAS is blank and the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “G: General Fund” or “F: Federal”, the Trading Partner TAS defaults from the Default Trading Partner TAS GDF defined on the Customer Account; if a default value is defined.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code s “G: General Fund” for the Customer Account, only Trading Partner TASs that have an Agency ID of “099” are listed.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, all Trading Partner TASs except those with an Agency ID of “099” are listed:

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, only Trading Partner TASs with an Agency ID that matches the Trading Partner Agency ID defined for the Customer Account are listed:

If a Trading Partner TAS is selected, the Trading Partner BETC is populated with the default BETC for the Trading Partner TAS. The Trading Partner BETC list of values can be used to select any valid Payment BETC defined for the associated Trading Partner TAS.

Federal Specific Attributes for PJ Project Agreements

The Projects Agreement window includes:

These attributes are entered at the Funding Summary level. Trading Partner TAS and Trading Partner BETC are required if the Customer Account has a Federal or Non-Federal Code of “F” or “G”. To enter these attributes, click in the Global Descriptive Flexfield column. This is the last column on the Funding line with “()” as the column header. Once clicked, a pop-up window appears. Select “US Federal Attributes” as the Context Value.

If the Trading Partner TAS is blank and the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “G: General Fund” or “F: Federal”, the Trading Partner TAS defaults from the Default Trading Partner TAS GDF defined on the Customer Account; if a default value is defined.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code s “G: General Fund” for the Customer Account, only Trading Partner TASs that have an Agency ID of “099” are listed.

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, all Trading Partner TASs except those with an Agency ID of “099” are listed:

If the Federal or Non-Federal Code is “F: Federal” and one of the following conditions is met, only Trading Partner TASs with an Agency ID that matches the Trading Partner Agency ID defined for the Customer Account are listed:

If a Trading Partner TAS is selected, the Trading Partner BETC is populated with the default BETC for the Trading Partner TAS. The Trading Partner BETC list of values can be used to select any valid Payment BETC defined for the associated Trading Partner TAS.

The Project Agreement includes the Trading Partner TAS and BETC where appropriate.

PO Purchase Order API

The Purchase Order API includes BETC, Trading Partner TAS, and Trading Partner BETC as Federal Attributes at the distribution level as follows:

The BETC is always required. If a BETC is not provided, it is populated with the default Payment BETC defined for the Treasury Account Symbol associated with the balancing segment (fund) in the PO Charge Account on the Distribution.

The Trading Partner TAS and the Trading Partner BETC are required if the Supplier is defined with a Federal or Non-Federal Code of “F: Federal”. If the Trading Partner BETC is not provided it will default based on the default Trading Partner BETC defined for the Trading Partner TAS, if present.

Federal Specific FAs for AR Receivable Transaction API

The Transactions API include BETC, Trading Partner TAS, and Trading Partner BETC as Federal Attributes at the Distribution level as follows:

The BETC is always required. If a BETC is not provided, it is populated with the default Payment BETC defined for the Treasury Account Symbol associated with the balancing segment (fund) in the PO Charge Account on the Distribution.

The Trading Partner TAS and the Trading Partner BETC are required if the Customer Account is defined with a Classification of “Federal Class”.

AR Adjustment API

The following attributes are now accommodated for the AR Adjustments API/Import Process at the adjustment line level:

The BETC is always required. If a BETC is not provided, it is populated with the default Payment BETC defined for the Treasury Account Symbol associated with the balancing segment (fund) in the Account on the Distribution. The Trading Partner TAS ID and the Trading Partner BETC are required if the Customer Account is defined with a Federal or Non-Federal Code of “F”

AR Miscellaneous Receipts API

The following attributes are now accommodated for the AR miscellaneous receipts API at the receipt line level:

The BETC is always required. If a BETC is not provided, it is populated with the default Payment BETC defined for the Treasury Account Symbol associated with the balancing segment (fund) in the Account on the Distribution. Trading Partner information is optional.

IPAC Receivables Selection

The IPAC Receivables Selection process includes populating the BETC, Trading Partner TAS, and Trading Partner on the IPAC Transaction Table.
