Oracle Asset Tracking Command Center

This chapter covers the following topics:

Asset Tracking Command Center User Interface


The Oracle Asset Tracking Command Center provides users with an integrated and seamless view of the active item instances which are eligible for capitalization and assets managed through the Oracle Asset Tracking application.

The Assets dashboard provides an integrated and seamless view of item instances and assets managed through Oracle Asset Tracking, and enables users to manage and synchronize assets with capitalized item instances. You can use the Assets dashboard to:

The Capitalization dashboard provides information and insights about item instances that are received but pending fixed asset creation and association. Users can use this dashboard to capitalize received items and create fixed assets. You can use the Capitalization dashboard to:

Searching Enterprise Command Center Dashboards

Use the dashboard sidebar to refine (filter) the data on each dashboard. You can also Search using a keyword, value, or a specific record. The type-ahead feature suggests matches for your entry that correspond to the selected data set. When you submit a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements list, and the dashboard data is refined to include only records that match the search. You can add multiple refinements and remove any of them at any time. Using Saved Searches, you can create and save your searches and refer to them later. You can also edit and delete saved searches.

Use an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) to perform a partial keyword or record search that matches any string of zero or more characters. You can also use a question mark (?) to perform a partial search that matches any single character.

Additional Information: For more information about searching for and refining data in enterprise command centers, see Search in Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Assets Dashboard

The Assets dashboard provides an integrated and seamless view of item instances and assets managed through Oracle Asset Tracking, and enables users to manage and synchronize assets with capitalized item instances.

From the Asset Tracking Super User, Standard responsibility, navigate to the Assets dashboard:

(N) Asset Tracking Super User > Asset Tracking Command Center > Assets Dashboard

The following is a partial display of the Assets dashboard.

the picture is described in the document text

The following describes the Assets dashboard components:

Component Description
Capitalized Assets (summary bar) The Capitalized Assets summary bar displays the following metrics:
  • Books

    This metric displays the number of asset books in Fixed Assets that have assets associated to them. Click this metric to display a List of Values window where you can select books to refine the dashboard data.

  • Currency

    This metric displays the transactional currency for the capitalized item instances. Currency selection is required for Asset Cost.

  • Pending Synchronization

    This metric displays the total number of capitalized item instances that have move transactions in pending status and related changes that are awaiting interface to assets. Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

  • Assets Net Value

    This metric displays the total net value of assets acquired through asset tracking. This is the difference of acquisition cost and accumulated depreciation.

  • Assets Within Enterprise

  • This metric displays the number of assets and item instances for both normal and depreciable items that are located internally, at a project location, at a WIP location, and at a sub-inventory location.

  • Assets Outside Enterprise

    This metric displays the number of assets and item instances located off site such as HZ Location, Party Location, or Customer and Vendor Location.

Note: Inactive operational assets with active Fixed Asset (FA) association from inventory transactions are not currently displayed in the Assets dashboard. This limits the Interface Move program submission from the dashboard for those instances. In addition, summarization bar metrics values do not match the values displayed in the other dashboard components.

You can resolve this by submitting the Interface Move Transactions program from the Asset Tracking Super User responsibility, and selecting Submit Requests from the menu for inventory items that have expired instances with fixed assets association. This ensures that the operational asset records can be processed for retirements in FA. This must be followed by running the Oracle Asset Tracking Command Center Data Load (full load) concurrent program that matches the values displayed on all dashboard components.

Asset Distribution by Location Type (chart) The Asset Distribution by Location Type chart displays the number and percentage of total of all capitalized item instances with fixed asset association, by location type. The chart includes normal and depreciable assets and displays the location types.
Click the Options icon to export the chart as an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.
Move Transactions Pending Interface to Assets (chart) The Move Transactions Pending Interface to Assets chart displays the number of all capitalized item instances pending interface to assets (move transactions). This chart also displays total asset cost.
Click the Options icon to export the chart as an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.
Asset Audit (results table) The Asset Audit aggregate table displays capitalized item instance detail attributes. Click the Options icon to hide or show table attributes, and export the results data.
Assets (results table) The Assets results table displays asset details and capitalized item instance details. From the drop-down list, you can select views to display assets by:
  • Assets

    Click the Asset Number action link to navigate to the Fixed Assets page to view and update asset details for the selected record.

    Click the Item Instance link to navigate to the Item Instance page to view and update item instance details.

    Click the Update Asset action link to navigate to the Update Asset page to view and update item instances.

    Click the Issue From Inventory action link to navigate to the Miscellaneous Transactions window where you can enter Issue From Inventory transactions for the selected record.

    Click the Receipt From Field action link to navigate to the Miscellaneous Transactions window where you can enter Receipt From transactions for the selected record.

    Click the Asset Maintenance action link to navigate to the Enterprise Asset Management, Assets dashboard where you can maintain and update assets. The dashboard displays using selected refinements for Instance Number or Maintenance Asset Number. You can also create work orders and work requests in the Assets dashboard.

  • Costs

    Click the Asset Number link to navigate to the Fixed Assets page to view and update asset details for the selected record.

    Click the Item Instance link to navigate to the Item Instance page to view and update item instance details.

    Click the Update Costs action link to navigate to the Fixed Assets, Asset Cost dashboard. The dashboard displays using selected refinements for Asset Number and Book Type Code.

  • Location

    Click the Asset Number link to navigate to the Fixed Assets page to view and update asset details for the selected record.

    Click the Item Instance link to navigate to the Item Instance page to view and update item instance details.

    Click the Update Employee action link to navigate to the Fixed Assets, Asset Location dashboard. The dashboard displays using selected refinements for Asset Location, Book Type Code, and Asset Number.

You can also click the Options icon to process table-level actions that include:
  • Deployment - Uninstall

    Normal items with project reference.

  • Deployment - Retirement

    Normal items with project references that can be retired operationally and financially.

  • Deployment - Move

    Transactions which can be moved from one location to another.

  • Deployment - Out of Service

    Normal items with project reference.

  • Deployment - Project Transfer

    Normal items with project reference.

  • Run Interface Move Transactions

    Instances which have pending move transactions to be interfaced.

  • Run Post Mass Retirals

    Transactions that have entry in fa_mass_ext_retirements.

  • Run Calculate Gains and Losses

    Transactions which have entry into fa_retirements and status is less than and greater than success.

You can also Export the data sets and Compare selected records.

Capitalization Dashboard

The Capitalization dashboard provides insights on transactions that are pending in different stages of capitalization for both normal (COI) and depreciable (COR) items. The dashboard also allows actions to seamlessly complete fixed asset creation.

The dashboard provides a rich set of components that allows interactive search, analytical capabilities using charts, graphs, and a tag cloud. It also allows actions to process capitalization from results tables for transactions.

From the Asset Tracking Super User, Standard responsibility, navigate to the Asset Tracking page:

(N) Asset Tracking Super User > Assets > Capitalization Dashboard > Item Instance [tab] > Capitalization Dashboard [subtab]

The following is a partial display of the Capitalization dashboard.

the picture is described in the document text

The following describes the Capitalization Dashboard components:

Component Description
Capitalization in Progress Metrics (summary bar) The Capitalization in Progress summary bar displays the following metrics:
  • Operating Units

    This metric displays the number of Operating Units for existing item instances. Click this metric to select specific Operating Units and further refine the dashboard data.

  • Currency

    This metric displays the number of (count) currencies for all metrics and data elements.

  • Pending Interface to Assets

    This metric displays the number of item instances that are pending interface to Fixed Assets. Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

  • Value Pending Interface to Assets

    This metric displays the total value of item instances that are pending interface to Fixed Assets.

  • Books Pending Mass Addition

  • This metric displays the number of books with item instances that have pending mass additions.

  • Pending Mass Additions

    This metric displays the number of item instances that are pending post mass addition. Click this metric to refine the dashboard data.

  • Value Pending Mass Addition

    This metric displays the total value of item instances that are pending post mass addition.

Pending Transaction Types for Capitalization (tag cloud) The Pending Transaction Types for Capitalization tag cloud displays all pending transactions that are responsible for capitalizing and creating asset tie-back for the available item instances. This tag cloud contains transactions that are in pending status only.
Instances for Capitalization (tab layout)
Instances Distribution (tab)
The Instances by Accounting Class, Status, Location Type, Category chart displays the distribution percentage of total item instances.
Click the Options icon to select display dimensions that include:
  • Accounting Class

  • Location Type

  • Operational Status

  • Major Category

The Instances by Organization chart displays the total item instances against Inventory Organizations to which the item instances belong.
You can also click the Options icon to export each chart as an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.
Instances for Capitalization (tab layout)
Instances Count (tab)
The Count by Period, Accounting Class chart displays the number of item instances pending fixed asset association. Instances are divided based on accounting classification and grouped by GL periods.
The Pending Interface to Assets, Mass Addition by Category chart displays the number of item instances pending interface to Fixed Assets.
Click the Options icon to select display dimensions that include:
  • Major Category

  • Minor Category

You can also click the Options icon to export each chart as an image, or in a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format.
Inventory, Field Instances (results table) The Inventory, Field Instances results table displays attributes pertaining to item instances that are capitalized after receipt into inventory, issued to field, or leased to the customer.
Click the Instance Number link to navigate to the Asset Tracking, Item Instance page to view and update item instance information for the selected record.
Click the Issue to Project or Field action link to navigate to the Miscellaneous Transaction window and perform miscellaneous transactions to issue material or receive material from general ledger accounts in your current organization.
Click the Create Sales Order action link to navigate to the Sales Order window in the Oracle Order Management application.

Note: You can click the options icon to:

  • Compare - Compares selected item instances

  • Export - Exports the data set to a csv file.

  • Interface Inventory Transactions to Assets - For selected item instances, this launches the 'Create Assets: Interface Inventory Transactions to Fixed Asset' concurrent program for creating asset tieback.

  • Run Post Mass Additions - Launches the 'Post Mass Addition' concurrent program for creating fixed asset associations with item instances.

Project Instances (results table) The Project Instances results table displays attributes pertaining to item instances which are capitalized at project locations.
Click the Instance Number link to navigate to the Asset Tracking, Item Instance page to view and update item instance information for the selected record.
Click the Issue to Project action link to navigate to the Projects Command Center, Capital Dashboard where you can view cost and capital-related data for capital projects for the selected record.
Click the Projects Dashboard action link to navigate to the Projects Command Center, Capital dashboard for the selected Project Number as the default value and selected refinement.

Note: You can click the options icon to:

  • Compare- Compares selected item instances

  • Export - Exports the data set to a csv file.

  • Deployment - Install - Navigates to the Deployment, Install: Item Instances page.

  • Deployment - Put into Service - Navigates to the Deployment, Put into Service: Item Instances page.

  • Interface Inventory Transactions to Projects-Assets - For selected item instances, this launches the 'PRC: Transaction Import, Interface In-Service Transactions to Oracle Projects - Normal Items, PRC: Transaction Import, Create Asset Headers in Oracle Projects - Normal Items concurrent program, PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a Single Project, PRC: Interface Assets to Oracle Assets' concurrent program for creating asset tieback. This action remains enabled for partial transactions that have quantity remaining.

  • Run Post Mass Additions - Launches the 'Post Mass Addition' concurrent program for creating fixed asset associations with item instances.