Define Treasury Account Symbols


The Treasury Account Symbol is an identification code assigned by Treasury, in collaboration with OMB and the owner agency, to an individual appropriation, receipt, or other fund account. All financial transactions of the Federal government are classified by TAS for reporting to Treasury and OMB. The TAS should be derived from the internal fund code at the time of reporting.

In the Define Treasury Account Symbols window, you enter Treasury Account Symbol components, such as, Sub-level Prefix Code, Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier, Agency Identifier, Beginning Period of Availability, Ending Period of Availability, Availability Type Code, Main account Code, and Sub-Account Code. Not all Treasury Account Symbol elements contain all eight component elements. The Define Treasury Account Symbols window dynamically builds the Treasury Account Symbol from fields entered in this window. When building the Treasury Account Symbol, fields that are optional, such as Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier, Sub-Account Code, or Sub-Level Prefix Code, and fields that do not have a value entered are not recorded as part of the treasury account symbol.

Defining Treasury Account Symbols


Prior to defining Treasury Account Symbols, you need to define accounting periods.

Navigate to the Define Treasury Account Symbols window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Define Treasury Account Symbols window.

Define Treasury Account Symbols Window Description
Field Name Description
Agency Identifier (AID) 3-character code that identifies the agency that is responsible for the Treasury Account Symbol (accepts pre CGAC 2-character format).
Main Account Code (MAIN) 4-character code that identifies the type and purpose of the fund.
Federal Account Symbol Title (FAST) User-defined description of Treasury Account Symbol.
Budget Bureau Code (BBC) Code that links appropriate budget bureau to Treasury Account Symbol.
Budget Account Code (BAC) Code that links appropriate budget account to Treasury Account Symbol.
Sub-level Prefix Code (SLPC) 4-character code used only when there is a unique need (requested by the agency) for a subclassification below the TAS.
Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier (ATA) 3-character code that identifies the agency receiving funds through an allocation transfer (if any) (accepts pre CGAC 2-character format).
Authority Duration Code (ADC) Appropriation time frame (A–Annual account, M–Multiyear account, X– No-year account).
Beginning Period of Availability (BPOA) 4-character year that, in annual and multiyear accounts, identifies the first year of availability under law that an account may incur new obligations.
Ending Period of Availability (EPOA) 4-character year that, in annual and multiyear accounts, identifies the last year of availability under law that an account may incur new obligations.
Availability Type Code (AV) Availability type other than annual or multiyear (C = Canceled TAS, F = Clearing/ Suspense, or X = No-year TAS.
Sub-Account Code (SUB) 3-character code that identifies a Treasury-defined subdivision of a TAS.
Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) Treasury account symbol will default. This value is used for payment processing, IPAC and FMS-224 reporting. The value In this field can be overwritten by the user.

The Treasury Account Symbol default value is derived as follows:

Data Elements Description Derived From Format # of Spaces Additional Information
Sub-Level Prefix Code Sub-Level Prefix Code (##) 4 Parenthesis are added around the Sub-Level Prefix Cod.
Example: If Sub-Level Prefix Code value is 01, this would be formatted as (01)
Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier ##- or ###- 3 or 4 A hyphen is displayed after the Allocation Transfer Agency Id.
Agency Identifier Agency Identifier ## or ### 2 or 3 -
Fiscal Year Ending Period of Availability, Authority Duration Code and Availability Type Code X
1,2, or 3 Values are derived as:
Data element is ignored If Authority Duration Code is 'X' and Availability Type Code is blank.
X: If Authority Duration Code is 'X' and Availability Type Code is 'X'.
F: If Authority Duration Code is 'X' and Availability Type code is 'F`.
A: If Authority Duration Code is 'X' and Availability Type code is 'A`.
M: If Authority Duration Code is 'X' and Availability Type code is 'M`.
Last 2 digits of ending period of availability: If authority duration code is 'A'. For example, if Ending period of availability is 2006, this would be formatted as 06.
Last 1 digit of beginning period of availability/last 1 digit of ending period of availability: If authority duration code is 'M'. For example, if beginning period of availability is 2007 and ending period of availability is 2009, this would be formatted as 7/9.
Main Account Code Main Account Code #### 4 -
Sub-Account Code Sub-Account Code .#
.## or
2, 3 or 4 A period is added prior to the Sub-Account Code. Leading zeros are not included.
If the Sub-Account Code is 123, this would be formatted as .123. If the Sub-Account Code is 002, this would be formatted as .2. If the sub-account code is 000 this would be formatted as null/blank.

Examples of the TAS format for reference purposes

Examples of the TAS Format
11 8888 22   A 2005 2005     (22)11058888
11 9999   77 M 2005 2006   888 77-115/69999.888
22 7777     X         227777
22 0333 66   M 2005 2009   4 225/90333.4
33 1111     A 2005 2005     33051111
44 9999 02   X     F 033 (02)44F9999.33
111 2222     X         1112222
11 2222   888 X     X   888-11X2222
333 1111 18   M 2005 2008     3335/81111
222 5555   33 A 2006 2006     33-222065555
99 2222     X     C 5 99C2222.5
555 2222   06 X       444 06-5552222.444
111 4444     X/F         111F4444
55 2222 44 11 X/X       33 11-55X2222.33

The Define Treasury Account Symbols window also contains additional data elements that are considered to be attributes to the Treasury Account Symbol and are reportable to Treasury.

The following table describes selected fields on the Attributes tab of Define Treasury Account Symbols window.

Define Treasury Account Symbols Window - Attributes Tab Descriptions
Field Name Description
Fund Type Available values are:
  • UG: Unavailable General Fund Receipt

  • EC: Consolidated Working Fund

  • EM: Management Fund

  • EP: Public Enterprise Revolving Fund

  • ER: Intragovernmental Revolving Funds

  • ES: Special Fund

  • US: Unavailable Special Fund Receipt

  • DF: Deposit Fund

  • ET: Trust Non-revolving Fund

  • UT: Trust Non-Revolving Fund Receipt

  • TR: Trust Revolving Fund

  • CF: Clearing Account

  • EG: General Fund

Financing Account Code Type of financing for the appropriation:
  • D: Direct

  • G: Guaranteed

  • N: Non-financing

GTAS Reportable Indicator Checks if TAS is GTAS reportable
Start Date Defaults to the October 1 for the Beginning Period of availability.
Expiration Date System derived date. Last date of the fiscal year based on the Ending Period of Availability.
Cancellation Date System derived date. Last date of the fiscal year plus five years based on the Ending Period of Availability.
Fund Attributes Select to redirect to the Fund Attributes form.

Other indicators are available for informational and ease of processing purposes.

The following table describes selected fields on the Attributes tab of Define Treasury Account Symbols window.

Define Treasury Account Symbols Window - Other Tab Descriptions
Field Name Description
Auto Create Defaults to Y (checked) for annual and multiyear funds. If the check box is selected, the TAS will be created for the new fiscal year (FY) when the Rollover Treasury Account Symbols process is run.
No PYA Accounting If selected, No PYA accounting will occur for this Treasury Account Symbol.

Related Topics

Defining Calendars, Oracle General Ledger User Guide

Adding Periods to Calendars, Oracle General Ledger User Guide

Rollover Treasury Account Symbols

The Rollover Treasury Account Symbols process allows the recreation of expired multi year and single year funds with new beginning and ending periods of availability for ease of set up in the new year. TASs, Funds and TP TASs will be recreated when the Auto Create checkbox is selected.

The parameters for the process are:

Rollover Treasury Account Symbols Reports

This process creates the following reports: