Federal Reports Table Setup


This chapter describes how to set up federal reports tables in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials before generating the reports for the first time.

You must run the setup procedures described in this chapter must be run before generating these reports:


Agencies must comply with the US SGL To comply with GTAS requirements. Agencies that expand their numbering system to accommodate agency-specific requirements must designate a parent account that is a six-digit US SGL account.

Setting Up Funds Availability Tables

The Funds Availability Table Setup procedure populates these funds availability reports and the associated columns in the Funds Availability Report Definitions window:

Note: You can run the Funds Availability Table Setup procedure multiple times. Running the procedure does not overwrite any updates to the Account Assignments but does overwrite any Column Name updates.

To populate the Funds Availability Report Definitions window:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select Funds Availability Table Setup.

  3. Perform the Funds Availability Setup procedure to add the account assignments for each column.

Setting Up US SGL Accounts Tables

Note: You can run the US SGL Accounts Table Setup procedure and the GTAS Attributes Table Setup procedure multiple times. Running these procedures could overwrite manual updates entered in these windows:

This procedure populates the Define US SGL Accounts window with this information:

Note: It is recommended that you run the US SGL Accounts Table Setup procedure before running the GTAS Attributes Table Setup procedure.

To populate the Define US SGL Accounts window:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Name field, select US SGL Account Table Setup.

  3. To populate the Define US SGL Accounts window with US SGL account information, click Submit.

  4. Perform the US SGL Accounts setup procedure to verify the populated data and to make modifications if required.

    Note: Since various reports are generated based on the data populated in the US SGL Accounts window, it is imperative that the data is correct. You must verify that the data was populated and make modifications if required.

Related Topics

To perform the US SGL Accounts setup procedure, see Federal Report Definitions Setup.

Setting Up GTAS Attributes Tables

This procedure populates the GTAS Attributes window with the required US SGL accounts, balance types, and attributes for GTAS reporting.

For information on the attributes required for GTAS reporting published by the Department of Treasury, see the FMS website at the following URL:


To populate the GTAS Attributes window:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Request Name field, select GTAS Attributes Table Setup.

  3. Enter Ledger

  4. Select to delete existing data or to reseed the entire table or make updates only.

  5. Execute the GTAS Attributes setup procedure

    Note: Since various reports are generated based on the data populated in the GTAS Attributes window, it is imperative that the data is correct. You must verify that the data was populated and make modifications if required.

Related Topics

To perform the US SGL Attributes setup procedure, see Federal Report Definitions Setup.

Setting Up the Reimbursable Activity Report Tables

The Populate Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions procedure populates the associated columns in the Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions window.

To run the Populate Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions Process:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window

  2. In the Name field, select Populate Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions.

  3. To send the request to the concurrent manager, click Submit.

  4. Perform the Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions setup procedure to verify the populated data and to make modifications if required.

Related Topics

To perform the Reimbursable Activity Report Definitions setup procedure, see Federal Report Definitions Setup.