Profile Options

Profile Options

During implementation, your system administrator sets a value for each user profile option to specify how Oracle Federal Financials controls access to and processes data.


This table indicates whether you can view or update and at which levels your system administrator can update these : the user, responsibility, application, or site levels. Use the System Profile Values window to define these .

A Required profile option requires you to provide a value. An Optional profile option already provides a default value which you can change.

This table lists the required and their available settings for Oracle Federal Financials.

The key for this table is:

Table Header

Table Values

The following table shows the profile options in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials.

Profile Options
Profile Option Required Default Value User Access SystemAdmin:
FV: FV Agency Proxy Server       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: AGENCY_ID_ABBREVIATION       Update Update Update Update
FV: CCR Certificate File       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: CCR UPDATE TIN       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: CCR XML Server       No Access     Update
FV: Create Federal Accounting upon PO Receipt, not Delivery       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: USE INTEREST REASON CODES       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: USE DISCOUNT LOST REASON CODES       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: Enable Third Party Payments       Update Update Update Update
FV: Enable Cash Position Detail       No Access Update No Access Update
FV: Federal Enabled       Update Update Update Update
FV: Import PO to Forms Context       No Access Update Update Update
FV: Include Adjusting Activity in YTD Beginning Balance       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: Limit TP TAS to Agency ID       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: PAM Input System       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: Planned Purchase Order Treated as Commitment?       Update Update Update Update
FV: Prepayment PO Required       No Access Update Update Update
FV: Prepayment and Invoice Fund(s) must match for Prepayment Application       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: Allow Commitment on Expired Funds       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: ECS ACH Vendor Total Payments       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: ECS Check Total Payments       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: Enable Warning Messages       Update Update Update Update
FV:Generate FMS 224 Reports       No Access No Access No Access Update
FV: Archive BE Interface Records       Update Update Update Update
FV: Download Treasury Files Directory       Update Update Update Update
FV: Enable Lockbox Finance Charge Application       No Access Update Update Update
FV: Verify Reimbursable Performance Dates       Update Update Update Update
FV_DEBUG_FLAG       Update Update Update Update
FV: Enable Automatic Numbering       No Access No Access No Access Update
Flexfields: Shorthand Entry       Update Update Update Update
MO: Security Profile       Update Update No Access Update
FV: Limit Bulk Format to 10 Treasury Symbols   Yes   No Access Update Update Update
FV: RECLASSIFICATION_JOURNAL_CATEGORY   Identified journal category   No Access Update Update Update
GL: Data Access Set Yes No Default No Access View Only Update Update Update
FV: Use Transaction ID for Debit Memo Creation Yes No   Update Update Update Update

Optional Profile Options in Oracle U.S. Federal Financials

This section lists the optional profile options in Oracle U.S. Financials referenced in this user guide.

FV: Limit TP TAS to Agency ID

The FV: Limit TP TAS to Agency ID profile option contains the valid values of “Yes” and “No”. The profile option was added at the Site Level. The seeded value is “No”. This option limits the TP TAS to those associated with the AID specified on the vendor or Customer

FV: Enable Automatic Numbering Profile Option

The FV: Enable Automatic Numbering profile option enables automatic numbering for Payment Reason with sequence assignments when set to Yes. This profile option enables the automatic numbering for payment instructions entered manually in the window in Oracle Payables.


Set the agency identification code for the CTX ACH Vendor Payment Format and Bulk Data Payment Format.


If set to Yes, captures and reports interest reason code data.


If set to Yes, captures and reports discount lost reason code data.

AP: Use Invoice Batch Controls

Must be set to Yes at the responsibility level for the IPAC Disbursement process.

FV: Enable Third Party Payments

If set to Yes, enables the Third Party Payment process.

FV: Enable Cash Position Detail

If set to Yes, the Cash Position Detail report automatically generates after a is built.

FV: Archive BE Interface Records

If set to Yes, budget execution transaction records are copied to the interface history table and purged from the interface table. If set to No, the records are not copied to the interface history table, but they are purged from the interface table.

FV: Download Treasury Files Directory

Download directory for the IPAC Transaction Report and the Fund Balance with Treasury Reconciliation reports.

FV: Enable Lockbox Finance Charge Application

If set to Yes, the Lockbox Finance Charge Application process automatically generates after the validation phase of AutoLockbox.

FV: Verify Reimbursable Performance Dates

Required to enable the performance date validation in the Purchasing Distributions window and the Payables Invoice Distribution window.


If set to Y, debug messages are printed in the log files created by the Federal Financials module.

FV: Enable Automatic Numbering

If set to Yes, automatic numbering enabled for pay reasons with sequence assignments

Flexfields: Shorthand Entry

If set to Yes, GL aliases are enabled. If set to No, GL aliases are disabled.

MO: Security Profile

This value is used by the windows and processes that are multiple organization access (MOAC) enabled and must be defined prior to accessing these modules.

FV: Limit Bulk Format to 10 Treasury Symbols

This value is used when processing the Bulk Treasury payment formats: US Federal Bulk CCPD Format, US Federal Bulk NCR Format, US Bulk PPDP Format, US Federal Bulk Salary and Travel NCR Format. If the value is Yes then these payment instruction files can only contain 10 treasury account symbols, otherwise there is no limit.


Identifies the journal category used to identify reclassification of cash activity transactions for the P224 and the CTA submission. If you define this profile option at the application level or the responsibility level, then set it at the application or responsibility level where P224 or CTA is submitted (Federal Financials application or the Federal Administrator responsibility).

FV: Use Transaction ID for Debit Memo Creation

The default value is N and once this profile is changed to Y, you cannot change it back to N.

Note: You must close all your finance charge debit items before you set the value to Y.

If the profile value is set to N, then the transaction number of the finance charge debit memo generated will be the transaction number of the original invoice appended by the finance charge suffix.

Important: If the original invoice has a transaction number greater than 17 characters in length, then the debit memos can have duplicate transaction numbers. In this case you must set the profile value to Y.

If the profile value is set to Y, then the transaction number of the finance charge debit memo generated will be the transaction ID appended by the finance charge suffix. The Netting process also will look for the debit memos which have transaction numbers as the transaction ID with finance charge suffix.

Related Topics

Overview of Setting User Profiles, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide