Business Event Type Code Mapping


Agencies and their Trading Partners are limited to the valid Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) / Business Event Type Code (BETC) combinations which exist in the Treasury Shared Accounting module. A validation is performed for cash transactions to ensure that the TAS/BETC combination is an established combination. A TAS/BETC mapping is provide in Oracle financials to ensure only valid TAS/BETC combinations are used for transaction processing.


Before defining TAS/BETC Mapping, you must define Business Event Type Codes (BETC), Trading Partner TAS, and Treasury Account Symbols

Defining TAS/BETC Mapping

Navigate to the Define TAS/BETC Mapping window.

This window is a ledger based window. The functionality for determining the ledger should mimic all other ledger based windows. Duplicate mapping of BETCs is not allowed.

The following table describes selected fields on the Define TAS/BETC Mapping window.

Define TAS/BETC Mapping Window Description
Field Name Description
TAS Type Identifies if the TAS is the Agency TAS or the Trading Partner TAS for mapping purposes
Treasury Account Symbol The list of available values includes valid Treasury Account Symbol values from the Define Treasury Account Symbol window.
Federal Account Symbol Title This is a read only field. Defaults from the Federal Account Symbol title on Define Treasury Account Symbol window, based on the Treasury Account Symbol that was selected.
Auto Create check box Creates the mapping for TAS's that are created as part of the Rollover Treasury Account Symbol process.
BETC The list of available values include BETC values from the Define BETC window that have the Enabled check box selected (set to yes) and Adjustment check box not selected (set to no).
Business Event Type Code Description This field is display only from Business Event Type Code description from Define Business Event Type Codes window based on BETC selected.
Payment or Collection This is a read only field. The value is retrieved from the Business Event Type Code window. The field will default based on the value defined for the BETC.
Adjustment BETC This is a read only field. The value is from the Business Event Type Code window. The field will default based on the value defined for the BETC.
Default flag check box Only one BETC is allowed to be selected for a payment BETC and only one BETC is allowed to be selected for a collection BETC.

Related Topics

Defining Business Event Type Codes (BETC).