HMRC Subcontractor CD-ROM


Inland Revenue provides a CD-ROM containing a list of verified subcontractors who do not require verification for payment thereby simplifying the verification process. The CD-ROM format is comma separated values (CSV) and contains information about contractor and subcontractor details. The information in the CSV file is human-readable and machine-readable (since not all recipients load the data). The information is in the form of two rows of literals (column headings) and multiple rows of data. The CD-ROM contains a minimum of 126 and 125 rows of contractor and subcontractors details respectively. One CD contains information relating only to a single Contractor UTR and Scheme ID.

Note: Entries preceding with an asterisk (*) indicate the name as on Inland Revenue's records and not their trading name. You must remove the asterisk before storing it locally.

CSV Data Layout

The data in the CSV file is represented schematically as follows:

Row 2 Contractor Scheme Details

Field Name Description
Contractor's Name Displays the first 28 characters of the contractor's name as in Inland Revenue records.
The character set is A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and any of the following: Hyphen (-), tilden (~), exclamation mark (!), quotes (“), ampersand (@), hash (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&), apostrophe ('), brackets (), asterisk (*), plus sign (+), comma (,), minus sign (-), full stop (.), colon (: ), semi-colon (;), lesser-than sign (<), equals sign (=), greater-than sign (>), question mark (?), square brackets ([]), backward slash (\), forward slash (/), caret (^), underscore (_), braces ({}), pound sign (£), euro sign
Contractor's UTR Numeric, ten digits.
Scheme ID Up to three digits 0-999. Scheme ID is not zero padded, that is if the scheme ID of the contractor is 001, the value displays as 1.

Row 5 onwards Subcontractor Details

Field Name Description
Subcontractor's UTR Ten digits.
Subcontractor's Name Displays the first 28 characters of the subcontractor's name.
The character set is A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and any of the following: Hyphen (-), tilden (~), exclamation mark (!), quotes (“), ampersand (@), hash (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&), apostrophe ('), brackets (), asterisk (*), plus sign (+), comma (,), minus sign (-), full stop (.), colon (: ), semi-colon (;), lesser-than sign (<), equals sign (=), greater-than sign (>), question mark (?), square brackets ([]), backward slash (\), forward slash (/), caret (^), underscore (_), braces ({}), pound sign (£), euro sign
National Insurance number (NINO) or Company Registration Number (CRN) Prints the NINO if the subcontractor is an individual else the CRN if the subcontractor is a company. The NINO and CRN contain nine characters. The NINO is represented as XX999999X where X denotes a letter and 9 a number. The CRN is represented as follows:
  • 99999999 for England and Wales, where 9 denotes a number, of which one must be between three to eight

  • XX999999 for Scotland and Northern Ireland, where X denotes a letter and 9 a number, of which one must be between one to eight.

This field Is empty if the subcontractor does not have a valid NINO or CRN.
Tax month last paid Date format is DD/MM/YYYY
Tax treatment Gross or Net


The following is an example of the CSV file in the CD-ROM:

Contractor name, Contractor UTR,Contractor Scheme ID
Subcontractor UTR, Subcontractor Name,National Insurance number or Company registration number,Tax Month last paid,Tax Treatment

The length of this Subcontractor List will be variable.

The following is an example with sample data:

Contractor name, Contractor UTR, Contractor Scheme ID
Subcontractor's UTR,Subcontractor's Name,National Insurance Number or Company registration number,Tax month last paid,Tax treatment
Subcontractor's UTR,Subcontractor's Name,National Insurance Number or Company registration number,Tax month last paid,Tax treatment
4906914055,QUICK FIXERS,55172839,05/04/2005,GROSS
1728191178,GEOFF ELF,NS224455,05/06/2004,NET
1730093254,WILL WET,XC203370V,05/10/05,NET
1732698337,ANDREW ANGUS,XC203371V,05/06/04,NET
1743187734,*MR S GILL OF A VERY BIG NAM,WS203383P,05/10/05,NET
1858415362,FRAN K. HOWARD's,,05/09/05,GROSS
2145030002,CHRIS PANE,,05/06/04,NET
2145030051,TREVOR THOMAS,,05/09/05,NET
2742855706,R RUPERT,,05/10/05,NET
4854278454,AMENDED NAME FOR TRUST,,05/09/05,GROSS
6145044332,D HASSLEHOF,,05/09/05,NET
2145030051,*MR T THOMAS,,05/10/05,NET