Reports and Concurrent Requests

This chapter covers the following topics:

ABC Assignments Report

Use the ABC Assignments Report to print the ABC assignments of items. See: Defining ABC Item Assignments and Updating ABC Item Assignments.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter ABC assignments report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

ABC Assignment Group

Enter an ABC assignment group. The report lists items associated with this ABC assignment group. You can enter ABC groups that have been used to make assignments.

Sort Option

Choose one of the following options:

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ABC Descending Value Report

Use the ABC Descending Value Report to view the results of an ABC compile. The report is sorted by descending value or quantity, depending on the compile criterion. Use this report to evaluate the break points for assigning your ABC classes to items.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter ABC descending value report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

ABC Compile Header

Enter the compile name for an ABC compile header. The report lists items associated with this ABC compile header. You enter an ABC compile name when you define an ABC Compile. See: Defining and Running an ABC Compile.

Cumulative Display Criteria

Choose one of the following options:

Cumulative by Value Report the cumulative value.
Cumulative by Quantity Report the cumulative quantity.

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Account Alias Listing

Use the Account Alias Listing to show account alias information. An account alias defines an account number to which you can charge account transactions. During an account alias transaction, you can use an account alias instead of an account number to refer to the account.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Account alias listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

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Activate Onhand Level Material Status Tracking

Use the Activate Onhand Level Material Status Tracking report to start tracking material status at the on-hand level for an organization.

Note: After the status is enabled, it cannot be disabled or set to a null value. Also, after the status is set, the material status window for each status will have the on-hand status tracking activated, and you cannot deselect this option.

Report Submission

Use the Items Reports or Submit Request window and enter Activate Onhand Level Material Status Tracking report in the Name field, then run the program.

Report Parameters

Note: After the status is enabled, it cannot be disabled or set to a null value. Also, once set, the material status window for each status will have the onhand status tracking activated, and this option cannot be deselected.

Calculate Billing Units

This concurrent program calculates the billing units on a periodic basis for each service provided to a client. This program is used in conjunction with the third party logistics billing service agreements where the services rendered are translated into billing rules, and applied on the transactional records to determine the invoice amount.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Request window and enter Calculate Billing Units in the Name field to submit the request.

Report Parameters

Enter the following parameters as desired:

Additional Information: The Service Agreement Operation Unit field and Source to date fields are mandatory. However, if you leave the remaining fields blank, then the billing units are calculated for all the billing rules.

Field Description
Service Agreement Operation Unit Select from the operating unit that you have access to. This Operating Unit field does not affect how the transactions are selected or evaluated by the Calculate Billing Units program.
Client Select a client to restrict the calculation of billing units to the selected client.
Rule Name Calculates the billing units for the rule name associated with the billing rules attached to active service agreements.
Service Agreement# Calculates the billing units for the selected service agreement from the billing rules attached.
Service Item Calculates the billing units for the unique list of active service items from the billing rule.
Source to date To calculate the billing units, the date range between the last computation date parameter and the Source to date parameter are evaluated. To identify the transactions completed in this date range, the Creation Date field is considered in the corresponding transaction tables rather than the transaction date. The timestamp will also be shown with the date.

Close Period Status Control

Use the Close Period Status Control program to close a period across multiple organizations and periods.


Creating Organization Hierarchies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Run Close Period Control in the Name field to submit the request.

Report Parameters

Hierarchy Origin

Enter a hierarchy origin (Organization) to execute the program. This organization may have subordinate organizations.


Enter a valid organization hierarchy name from the list of values. You can choose any organization hierarchy where the current organization is a member, and close periods for all subordinate organizations. You can choose any organization hierarchy where all organizations subordinate to the hierarchy origin share the same item master, single calendar and cart of accounts.

Close Period From

Enter the list of valid periods to close. You can close the next periods and additional periods from the hierarchy level, and close the same periods for any subordinate organizations.

Request Count

Enter the number of requests to actively run at one time. This parameter allows you to specify the request count. For example, if an organization hierarchy has 500 subordinate organizations, the purge program would have to process 500 requests at a time. This parameter solves this problem by limiting the number of requests.

Note: You can run this program for the same period multiple times for one hierarchy, even if the hierarchy origin is closed.

Consigned Return Transactions Report (XML)

Run the Consigned Return Transactions Report (XML) report to identify the consumed material that is returned across billing periods. You can run this report at the owning organization level for a desired date range, and, optionally, define additional criteria such as item, subinventory, and other parameters.

Enter the following report parameters:

Request Parameters

Consumption Advice Diagnostics

The Consumption Advice Diagnostics concurrent program triggers the consumption and consumption advice validation process.

Request Parameters

Send Notifications

Select one of the following notification options:

Yes Sends the buyer the error information if the system detects an exception.
No Does not send the buyer a notice

Resend Notification Days

If you select yes for send notifications, optionally you can enter a date to resend the notification error message.

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Country-Specific Reports

Oracle Inventory provides country-specific reports to meet your global reporting needs. These reports are documented in the regional Oracle Financials user guides.

Country-Specific Reports for the Americas

These reports are documented in the Oracle Financials for the Americas User Guide:

Create Deferred Logical Transactions

The Create Deferred Logical Transactions concurrent request enables you to defer the creation of logical transactions for a pure shipment across multiple operating units. It contains the following parameters:

Report Submission

Use the Submit Requests window and enter Create Deferred Logical Transactions in the Name field to submit the report.

Customer Item Commodity Codes Listing

Use the Customer Item Commodity Codes Listing to print a listing of customer item commodity codes with their inactive dates.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Customer item commodity codes listing in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Commodity Code From

Enter a beginning commodity code to restrict the report to a range of commodity codes.

Commodity Code To

Enter an ending commodity code to restrict the report to a range of codes.

Related Topics

Defining Commodity Codes

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Customer Item Cross References Report

Use the Customer Item Cross References Report to print a listing of customer item cross references.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Customer item cross references report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters


Enter the customer number to restrict the report to a specific customer.

Address Category

If you have entered a customer number, enter an address category to restrict the report to a specific address category.


If you have entered a customer number, enter an address to restrict the report to a specific address.

Item Level

Enter the item level to restrict the report to a specific item level.

Customer Item Number From

Enter a beginning customer item number to restrict the report to a range of customer items.

Customer Item Number To

Enter an ending customer item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Preference Rank Lowest

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to restrict the report to the inventory item with the lowest preference rank. If you enter No, the report will include all items.

Related Topics

Defining Customer Item Cross References

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Customer Items Report

Use the Customer Items Report to print a listing of customer items.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Customer items report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters


Enter the customer number to restrict the report to a specific customer.

Address Category

If you have entered a customer number, enter an address category to restrict the report to a specific address category.


If you have entered a customer number, enter an address to restrict the report to a specific address.

Customer Item Number From / To

Enter a beginning and ending customer item to restrict the report to a range of items.

List Customer Items w/o Cross References

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include customer items for which no cross reference has been defined.

Related Topics

Defining Customer Items

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Cycle Count Entries and Adjustments Report

Use the Cycle Count Entries and Adjustments Report to monitor inventory accuracy. This report displays the cost based on the cycle count creation date for the item.

You can use the report as an accounting tool to review adjustments to inventory value. You can also use the report to determine if the count inaccuracy is from shrinkage or overages by reviewing the positive and negative adjustment value.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Cycle count entries and adjustments report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name. The report shows cycle count items included in this cycle count. See: Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count.


Select a subinventory to restrict the report to a single subinventory.

Start / End Date

Enter a beginning and/or ending transaction date to restrict the report to a range of cycle count transaction dates.

Display Serial Numbers

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report will include serial numbers for the items listed.

Approved Cycle Counts Only

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report includes only approved cycle counts. If you set this value to Yes, then the report shows the adjustment amount only if the counts are approved. If you set this value to No, then the report shows the adjustment amount regardless of the approval status if the item, unit cost, and adjustment amount are correct in the mtl_cycle_count_entries table.

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Cycle Count Hit/Miss Analysis

The Cycle Count Hit/Miss Analysis is a summary report on cycle count accuracy. Use this report to view inventory accuracy performance.

The report determines an item's inaccuracy by considering the first count entered for the item and excludes recounts. The report considers the tolerance you have established for each class and excludes those items whose count was within the hit/miss tolerance. This tolerance is useful, for example, when you weigh count items, when a 2% error could be the scale error. For stock accuracy measurements, a 1.5% count discrepancy is not a stock keeping error but an acceptable weight count error.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports window and enter Cycle count hit/miss analysis in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name. The report shows cycle count hit/miss analysis associated with this cycle count name. See: Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count.

Start / End Date

Enter a starting and/or ending date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

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Cycle Count Listing

Use the Cycle Count Listing to show inventory items for cycle counting. You use this report to record and enter the cycle count entries.

Use this report as a document to fill out during the physical count of the item. The report has blank spaces for entering the date the count was performed, the counter's name, the quantity counted, and reference comments. The document is then used for information entry in the Cycle Count Entries window.

The Cycle Count Listing prints in order by sequence number. Oracle Inventory assigns count sequence numbers to stock keeping units. A stock keeping unit is a unique combination of an item, subinventory, locator, revision, and lot. If an item has several counts, each count is assigned a sequence number. The report displays the sequence number to assist you when you are entering cycle counts in the Cycle Count Entries window.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports window and enter Cycle count listingin the Name field to submit the listing.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name. The report shows cycle count items included in this cycle count. See: Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count.

Start / End Date

Enter a starting and/or ending date to restrict the report to a range of schedule dates.

Include Recount Only

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to print recounts only.


Select a subinventory to restrict the report to a single subinventory.

Display Serial Numbers

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report will include serial numbers for the items listed.

Display On hand Quantities

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to display onhand quantities.

Items to Include

Select All to include all items, Not Exported to include non-exported items, or exported to include exported items.

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Cycle Count Open Requests Listing

Use the Cycle Count Open Requests Listing to report items which have been counted and require a recount. The report can include items that were scheduled but have not had a count entered. The report totals how many items were missed and how many items require recounts for each subinventory. The report is a management tool to determine how much effort is required for unexpected counts in addition to the regular cycle counts.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports window and enter Cycle count open requests listing in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name. The report shows open requests included in this cycle count name. See: Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count.

Overdue Requests Only

Select Yes to indicate only items with overdue count requests. Select No to also include items with open, but not overdue, requests.

Display Serial Numbers

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report will include serial numbers for the items listed.

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Cycle Count Unscheduled Items Report

Use the Cycle Count Unscheduled Items Report to audit the cycle count scheduler. This report lists items which are not scheduled in the specified schedule interval. Items that are not cycle count enabled (for Auto Schedule) can be included. Items for cycle counts that are manually scheduled can also be included. The schedule of items to count may fall behind because the scheduler is not being run often enough or because someone changed the parameters from day to week. The item appears on this report if the it has no date or the date violates the following calculation: if the last schedule date is before the report date minus the count interval, then the item is included in the report.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Cycle count unscheduled items reportin the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name. The report shows cycle count items included in this cycle count name. See: Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count.

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Cycle Count Schedule Requests Report

Use the Cycle Count Schedule Requests Report to report the schedules generated by the Automatic Scheduler and entered through the Manual Schedule Requests window.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Cycle count schedule requests report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name. The report shows cycle count items included in this cycle count name. See: Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count.

Start / End Date

Enter a starting and/or ending date to restrict the report to a range of schedule dates.

Display Serial Numbers

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report will include serial numbers for the items listed.

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Cycle Counts Pending Approval Report

Use the Cycle Counts Pending Approval Report to review adjustments waiting for approval. The report can be used as an approval document before data entry in the Approve Adjustments window.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Cycle counts pending approval report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name. The report shows cycle count items included in this cycle count. See: Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count.

Sort Option

Select one of the following options:

By Item Sort the report by subinventory and then by item within the subinventory.
By Locator Sort the report by subinventory, then by locator within the subinventory, and then by item within the locator.

Display Serial Numbers

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report will include serial numbers for the items listed.

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Expired Lots Report

Use the Expired Lots Report to:

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Expired lots report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Expiration Date

Enter a date. The report shows lots that expired before the date you enter.

Items From / To

Enter a beginning and ending value to restrict the report to a range of items.

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Forecast Rule Listing

Use the Forecast Rule Listing to view the data you entered for forecast rules.

Report Submission

Use the Planning and Forecasting Reports, Setup Reports, or Submit Requests window and enter Forecast rule listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

Report Parameters

Forecast Rules From / To

Enter a beginning and ending forecast rule to restrict the report to a range of forecast rules.

Bucket Type

Enter the bucket type to print only forecast rules with the bucket type you enter. If you do not enter a bucket type in this field, the report shows forecast rules for all bucket types.

Forecast Type

Enter a forecast type to print only forecast rules with the forecast type you enter. If you do not enter a type in this field, the report shows all forecast rules for all forecast types.

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Freight Carrier Listing

Use the Freight Carrier Listing to validate the freight carrier codes you have established for this organization. The report lists the default account for each freight code. Freight carriers are used for internal transfers between organizations, as well as shipments for customers and suppliers.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Freight carrier listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

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Genealogy Report

Use the Genealogy Report for lot and serial genealogy inquiry. You can use this report to audit lot and serial genealogy transactions for all lot or serial controlled finished goods which used selected lot or serial genealogy in their manufacturing and where a source genealogy type is chosen.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Genealogy Report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters


Enter Yes to indicate the organization name from where you access the report.


Enter Yes to indicate a system item.

Serial Number

Enter Yes to indicate the serial number for serial controlled items.

Include Inventory Balances

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include inventory balances.

Include Material Transactions

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include material transactions.

Include Move Transactions

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include move transactions.

Include Pending Transactions and Allocations

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include pending transactions and allocations.

Include Grade and Status Changes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include grade or status changes.

Include Quality Control Information

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include quality control information.

Genealogy Type

Enter the genealogy type for the source where used. The same genealogy type is used irrespective of whether the report is run for lots or serials.

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Generate cycle count requests

Submit this report to generate a specific cycle count or all cycle counts.

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Generate cycle count requests in the Name field to submit the report.

the picture is described in the document text

Note: When you run this program, task types are dynamically assigned to the cycle count tasks based on the Task Type Assignment rules created in the WMS Rules window. For more information, see the Oracle Warehouse Management Implementation Guide, Oracle Warehouse Management Rules Engine.

Global Transaction Purge

Use the Global Transaction Purge Report to purge inventory transactions across multiple organizations set up in a hierarchy.


Creating Organization Hierarchies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Global Transaction purge in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Hierarchy Origin

Enter a hierarchy origin (Organization) to execute the program. This organization may have subordinate organizations.


Enter a valid organization hierarchy name from the list of values. You can choose any organization hierarchy where the current organization is a member, and purge inventory transactions for all subordinate organizations.

Purge Date

Enter the desired purge date. You may purge transactions up to this date, provided that they exist in a closed period.

Purge Name

Enter the purge name.

Request Limit

Enter the number of requests to actively run at one time. This parameter allows you to specify the request count. For example, if an organization hierarchy has 500 subordinate organizations, the purge program would have to process 500 requests at a time. This parameter solves this problem by limiting the number of requests.

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Grade Change History

This report enables you to view all of the grade changes made during a given time period for a particular item within an organization.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports, Setup Reports, or Submit Requests window and enter Grade Change History in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Organization Code

Indicate the organization for which you want to run the report.


Indicate the item for which you want to run the report.

Lot Number From / To

Optionally indicate a starting and ending lot number to restrict the report to a specific lot range.

Date From / To

Optionally indicate a start and end date to restrict the report to a specific date range.

Import Cycle Count Entries from Open Interface

Use the Import Cycle Count Entries from Open Interface report to import cycle count entries open interface records into the database.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Import cycle count entries from open interface in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name.

Number of Workers

Enter the number of workers to be processed in the cycle count open interface.

Commit Point

The commit point is the point at which records are committed to the database. Enter the number of records to be processed before the records are committed to the database.

Error Report Level

Enter the number of errors that can be processed before the report is terminated.

Delete Processed Records

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to delete the processed records.

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Inactive Items Report

Use the Inactive Items Report to print items that have not had an inventory transaction since the date you specify. You can use this report to isolate items that have become inactive and verify their status.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports, Item Reports, or Submit Requests window and enter Inactive items report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Display and Break on Subinventory

Choose one of the following options:

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows inactive items associated with this category set.

Inactive Since

Enter a date. The report prints the items that have not transacted since the date you enter.

Subinventory From

Enter a beginning subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Subinventory To

Enter an ending subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

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Intercompany AR Invoices Report

Use this report to create intercompany receivables invoices for product shipment and freight charges initiated from sales orders and internal orders initiated by another operating unit. Oracle Inventory retrieves information such as customer, customer site, and transaction type from the intercompany relations definitions.

Invoicing Shipment Transactions

The Create intercompany AR Invoices process creates invoice lines for intercompany shipping transactions.

Invoicing Freight Chargers

The Create Intercompany AR Invoices program creates invoice lines for freight charges for the corresponding shipping transactions in Order management and Shipping Execution.

Report Submission

Navigate to the Intercompany Invoicing Reports window, and select Create Intercompany AR Invoices.

Report Parameters

Shipping Operating Unit

Enter the appropriate shipping operating unit. Leave this field blank to generate invoices for all shipping operating units.

Line Description

Enter the description for the invoice lines. Leave this field blank to use the item description as the invoice line description.

Related Topics

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Intercompany AP Invoices Report

Use this report to copy intercompany receivable invoices into Oracle Payables. This process creates invoices in the Xpense Xpress tables with a unique import source name and is processed by the Oracle Payables Invoice Import process.

Report Submission

Navigate to the Intercompany Invoicing Reports window, and select Create Intercompany AP Invoices.

Report Parameters

Selling Operating Unit

Enter the selling operating unit for which you want to copy intercompany Oracle Receivables invoices and generate intercompany Oracle Payables invoices. Leave this field blank to generate invoices for all selling operating units.

Note: When you enter a selling operating unit, specify the operating unit not the inventory organization (these are typically different entities depending on your setup). When the report is run, the operating unit ID is used, not the inventory organization ID.

Header Description

Enter the description you want to appear on the invoices. Leave this field blank if you do not to have a description for the invoices.

Line Description

Enter the description you want to appear on the invoice line. Leave this field blank if you want to copy the invoice line description from the Intercompany Receivables invoices.

Related Topics

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Inter-organization Shipping Information Listing

Use the Inter-organization Shipping Information Listing to verify the organizations to which your current organization ships and receives. You can use this report with the Freight Carrier listing to verify the accounts for freight charges between organizations.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Inter-organization shipping information listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

Report Parameters

From / To Organization

Enter an organization to restrict the report to a single organization.

Related Topics

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Inventory Aging Report (XML)

The Inventory Aging Report (XML) indicates how long an inventory item has been in the warehouse. You can define bucket days to identify the period from when an item is in the inventory.

Report Submission

Use the inventory Reports window or the Submit Requests window and enter Inventory Aging Report (XML) in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters


Enter an appropriate name for generating the report.

Category Set

Select the category set to which the inventory items belong.

Category From and To

Enter the beginning and ending category from which you would like to select the inventory items.

Item From and To

Enter the beginning and ending items.


Select the level at which you would like to generate the aging report. It can be at the level of Organization, Subinventory, or Locator.

Cost Group From and To

Enter the beginning and ending cost groups for the inventory items.

Order By

Enter Age, Value, or Category.

Bucket Days

Define bucket days in Oracle Receivables using the Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers window. Select the bucket days or period for which you would like to generate the aging report.

Include Expense Items

Select Yes or No to include the expense item in the aging report.

Include Expense Subinventories

Select Yes or No to include the expense subinventory in the aging report.

Inventory Charges and Product Usage Report

Use the Inventory Charges and Product Usage Report to provide cost center controllers detailed information on collateral and product usage charges for each cost center grouped by sales order.

This report lists, within a specified date range, detailed inventory charges and product usage information including, Cost Center, Order Type, Account Number, Requestor, Order Number, Freight, Item Number, Cost, and other additional order and shipping information.

Report Submission

Use the All Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Inventory Charges and Product Usage Report in the Name field to submit the request.

Report Parameters

Start / End Date

To restrict the report to a specific date range, enter the desired start and date.

Low Cost Center

To restrict the report to a specific range of cost centers, enter the desired beginning cost center.

High Cost Center

To restrict the report to a specific range of cost centers, enter the desired ending cost center.

Low Account

To restrict the report to a specific range of accounts, enter the desired beginning account number.

High Account

To restrict the report to a specific range of accounts, enter the desired ending account number.

Related Topics

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Inventory Debug File Retrieval

Run the concurrent program Inventory Debug File Retrieval to retrieve the debug file.

Program Submission

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. In the Name field, enter Inventory Debug File Retrieval.

  3. In the Parameters dialog box, enter a file name for the parameter Debug File Name.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Submit.

Program Parameters

Debug File Name

If you enter a file name, the concurrent program retrieves the debug file for that file name. If you do not enter a file name, this program considers the file name that is specified in the profile INV: Debug File (Including the complete path).

Inventory Packing Slip

You can use the Inventory Packing Slip report to create a packing slip for return to vendor and inter-organization transactions. This report verifies the carrier is not the owner of the shipped goods. This packing slip is issued to transport goods not related to a sale. You can also print a packing slip for the transfer of goods between warehouses that have a user-defined inventory transaction type.

The transaction type indicates the reason for the transfer of goods. If the reason is a user-defined transaction type, then the report does not print a ship-to address. You must run the Inventory Packing Slip report after you initiate the transaction. The system does not automatically print this type of packing slip.


Before you can run the Inventory Packing Slip Report you must verify you use only one packing slip per shipment.

Report Submission

Use the inventory Reports window or the Submit Requests window and enter Inventory Packing Slip in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Issuing Warehouse

Enter the warehouse that is issuing the material.

Shipment Numbers From / To

Enter the beginning and ending shipment numbers for which you want to print packing slips.

Receiving Warehouses From / To

Enter the beginning and ending receiving warehouses for which you want to print packing slips.

Freight Carriers From / To

Enter the beginning and ending freight carriers for which you want to print packing slips.

Packing Slips From / To

If you want to reprint packing slips, enter the packing slip range.

Transaction Reasons From / To

Enter the beginning and ending transaction reasons for which you want to print packing slips.

Print Shipper Details

Enter Yes is you want to print details about the shipper on the packing slips.

Inventory Transaction by Cost Center and Account Report

Use the Transaction by Cost Center and Account Report to conduct detailed investigation of financial transactions. For example, you can provide detailed account charges, which the Account Analyses Report and the Expense Transaction Detail Report do not show. You can list each inventory transaction by cost center and account for a specified date range, enabling the investigation of charges against a specific account.

This report should be used when the need to get detailed about a specific charge to a cost center or account arises, and is normally used for end-of-period tasks.

Report Submission

Use the All Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Transaction by CC and Account in the Name field to submit the request.

Report Parameters

Start / End Date

To restrict the report to a specific date range, enter the desired start and end date.

Category Set

Enter the desired category set for which you want to run the report.


Enter the range of item categories within the category set. You will be prompted to enter family and class information for the category.

Cost Center

Enter the desired cost center. If you would like the report to list the inventory transactions across all cost centers, leave this parameter blank.

Account Number

Enter the desired account number. The report will list charges against this account.

Related Topics

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Item Categories Report

Use the Item Categories Report to list items and their associated categories. Categories let you group items that share similar characteristics.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports, Setup Reports, or Submit Requests window and enter Item categories report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Cross-References Listing

Use the Item Cross References Listing to report cross-references that you associate with each item.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item cross-references listing in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Report Type

Choose one of the following options:

Item by Cross Reference Sort the report first by item and then by item cross reference.
Cross Reference by Item Sort the report first by item cross reference and then by item.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows item cross references associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Categories To

Enter an ending category restrict the report to a range of categories.

Cross Reference Type

Enter an item cross reference type. Choose from the Cross Reference types you set up in the Cross-Reference Types window.

Cross Reference From

Enter a beginning item cross reference to restrict the report to a range of item cross references.

Cross Reference To

Enter an ending item cross reference to restrict the report to a range of item cross references.

Items From

Enter a beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Definition Detail

Use the Item Definition Detail report to view comprehensive information for items. Use this report to verify items have been classified in conformance with decisions you have made regarding how the parts are to be planned, costed, and located. Item master detail is referenced in most other modules in Oracle Manufacturing for information on how to process or handle items. Use this report to confirm that the item master has correct settings for the functions you want performed on items. The report prints the item definition for the organization in which you submit the report.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item definition detail in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Display and Break on Category

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Sort report by category and break on category.
No Do not sort and break on category.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows items associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter the beginning manufacturing category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Categories To

Enter the ending manufacturing category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Items From

Enter the beginning item number to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter the beginning item number to restrict the report to a range of items.

All Item Attribute Groups

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print all item attribute groups detail.

General Information (Main) Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print general information item attributes detail.

Bills of Material Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print bill of materials item attributes detail.

Costing Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print costing item attributes detail.

Asset Management Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print asset management item attributes.

Purchasing Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print purchasing item attributes detail.

Receiving Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print receiving item attributes detail.

Inventory Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print inventory item attributes detail.

Physical Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print physical item attributes detail.

General Planning Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print general planning item attributes detail.

MPS / MRP Planning Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print MPS/MRP planning item attributes detail.

Lead Time Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print lead time item attributes detail.

Work in Process Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print work in process item attributes detail.

Order Management Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print order entry item attributes detail.

Invoicing Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print invoicing item attribute detail.

Process Manufacturing Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print process manufacturing item attributes.

Service Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print service item attributes.

Web Item Attributes

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print web item attributes.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Definition Summary

Use the Item Definition Summary report to print a limited amount of information about items, such as description, status, and cost.

You can use this report as a cost audit tool to review the catalog description and item cost.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item definition summary in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Item Sort the report by item.
Category, Item Sort the report by category and then by item.
Item Catalog Group, Item Sort the report by item catalog group and then by item.

Item Catalog Groups From

Enter a beginning item catalog group to restrict the report to a range of item catalog groups.

Item Description Option

Choose one of the following options:

Item Description Print the item description you defined.
Item Catalog Description Print the item catalog description of the item.

Item Catalog Groups To

Enter an ending item catalog group to restrict the report to a range of item catalog groups.

Category Set Name

Enter a category set. The report shows items associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Categories To

Enter an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Items From

Enter a beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Demand History Report

Use the Item Demand History Report to report results of the most recent compilation of item demand history. You can compile the demand history by using the Compile Demand History form or the Forecast Load form. The item demand history shows you what the item demand is for each period and for each transaction source type. You can use this report to review the sales demand for daily, weekly, or monthly time periods.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item demand history report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows item demand histories associated with this category set.

Categories To

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Categories To

Enter an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Items From

Enter a beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Bucket Type

Choose one of the following options:

Days Report the activity date for daily period
Weeks Report the activity dates for weekly time periods
Periods Report the activity dates based on the manufacturing calendar monthly period type for the organization.

If you choose a bucket type which has not been compiled the report shows no data. For example, if the compile has been done for periods and you choose weeks, the resulting report shows no data. If you rerun the report and choose periods the data for the items is printed.

History Start Date

Enter the start date that you want to print the result of the most recent item demand history compile.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Organization Assignment Report

Use the Item Organization Assignment program to assign an item, range of items, category set, or range of categories to multiple organizations belonging to the same Item Master Organization. This aids in the management of item setup and maintenance and is useful for companies that have a large number of inventory organizations utilizing the same item master.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item Organization Assignment in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Hierarchy Origin

Enter a hierarchy origin (organization) for which you would like to assign items. This organization may have subordinate organizations.


Enter a valid organization hierarchy name from the list of values. You can choose any organization hierarchy in which the current organization is a member, then assign items to all subordinate organizations. You can choose any organization hierarchy in which all organizations subordinate to the hierarchy origin share the same item master.

Category Set Name

Enter the category set name.

Categories From / To

Enter the range of item categories within the category set. You will be prompted to enter family and class information for the category.

Items From / To

Enter the beginning and ending item number for the range of items you are assigning.

Related Topics

Creating Organization Hierarchies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Quantities Summary Report

Use the Item Quantities Summary Report to provide a fast list of the items and quantity in the inventory.

Report Submission

Use the On-Hand Quantity Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item quantities summary in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Warning: The system does not validate your entries in the Items fields, so, for example, if you enter an invalid item number, the system will not warn you that the item number is invalid.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Relationships Listing

Use the Item Relationships Listing to list items with related or substitute item relationships. Item relationships are a way of defining acceptable substitutes for items. You receive a substitute item if your supplier cannot ship the original item on the purchase order. The listing can also be used to review catalog descriptions.

The Item Relationships Listing reports the unit of issue rather than the item unit of measure. The unit of issue is the amount in which the item is packaged.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item relationships listing in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Relationship Type

Choose one of the following options:

Related Report related items.
Substitute Report substitute items.

Item Description Type

Choose one of the following options:

Item Description Report item description.
Item Catalog Description Report item catalog description.

Items From

Enter a beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows item relationships associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Categories To

Enter an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Replenishment Count Report

Use the Item Replenishment Count Report to review the counts you entered for items before creating requisitions. The report includes items if they are assigned to a subinventory included in the count name and had a count entered. You can also use the report to validate the source information for the replenishment before you run the requisition process. The requisition process uses the source information to determine whether to create an internal or purchase requisition. The report prints the replenishment count depending on the option you chose when you entered the count in the Replenishments Count window. Oracle Inventory compares the count and on order quantities to derive the reorder quantity.

You can use replenishment counts for items where you do not maintain quantities and you want to enter a count and create a requisition for replenishment. For example, the types of inventories that you would not track are cabinets located in work areas containing expensed items, or low cost asset items in free stock bins. In a two-bin system, you start with two containers. You use the items in the first container until it is empty. When you open the second container, you place a replenishment count to replace the first container. The count you enter signals the beginning of the reorder process.

Report Submission

Use the Planning and Forecasting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item replenishment count report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Options

Count Name

Enter a replenishment count name. You define replenishment count names in the Replenishment Count Header window. See: Entering Replenishment Counts.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Reservations Report

Use the Item Reservations Report to determine how many units of an item are reserved for an account, an account alias, or for user-defined source types.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item reservations report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Display and Break on Category

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Prints the report in Category sequence.
No Does not display category on the report.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Required Date Report by required date.
Item Report by inventory item.
Source Type Report by source type, for example, by account or sales order.

Required Dates From

Enter a beginning required date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Required Dates To

Enter an ending required date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Items From

Enter a beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Transaction Source Type

Choose one of the following options. In addition to the predefined source types listed below, you may have additional user-defined source types.

Account Report general ledger account transactions.
Account alias Report account alias transactions.
Inventory Report inventory transactions.
Job or Schedule Report job or repetitive schedule transactions.
Sales order Report sales order transactions.

Source From

Enter the beginning value to restrict the report to a range of source values. A source is the identifier associated with the transaction source type. For example, the source for a sales order reservation is the sales order number.

Source To

Enter the ending source value to restrict the report to a range of source values.

Category Set Name

Enter a category set. The report shows reservations for items in this category set.

Categories From

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories. A reservation does not have a category. However, a reserved item can be grouped or selected by category.

Categories To

Enter the ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Statuses Report

Use the Item Statuses Report to view the item statuses. For example, you can use the report to review all pending statuses by making the effective date and the report date the same. If the item has a pending status, the report prints both the current and the new status effective date. A status changes from new to current on the effective date of the new status, provided the Update Item Status With Pending Status process has been run. Typically this process runs nightly. If so, any status date earlier than the report date is a current status.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item statuses report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Display and Break on Category

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to display and sort the report category and then by item status.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows item status associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Categories To

Enter an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Items From

Enter a beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Status Effective Date

Enter a status effective date. The report prints all statuses pending on or after this date. If you choose the current date the report prints all pending statuses. If you do not enter a date, the report prints all statuses, current and pending.

Item Status

Enter an item status. If you enter a value in this field, the report prints only items with the specified status.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item-Subinventory Report

Use the Item-Subinventory Report to list items assigned to subinventories. You can also use this report to

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Item-subinventory report in the Name field to submit the report.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Template Listing

Use the Item Template Listing to review the template definitions. A template is a way to define a set of attribute values.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports, Setup Reports, or Submit Requests window and enter Item template listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

Report Parameters

All Template Flag

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print all template flag detail.

Item Template

Enter an item template. If you enter Yes in the All Template Flag field, you cannot enter a value in this field.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Locator Listing

Use the Locator Listing to list locators you have defined. You can also use this report to review volume and weight allowed in a location before transacting items.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Locator listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Locator Quantities Report

Use the Locator Quantities Report to identify items and their quantities stored in the specified locators. You can transact item quantities to locators and track the movements of items at the locator level. If the locator has zero on-hand quantity, the locator does not print. Items within the locator print only if they have on-hand quantity.

You can also use this report to review volume and weight of on-hand quantities for storage capacity and usage.

Report Submission

Use the On-hand Quantity Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Locator quantities report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Locators From / To

Enter a beginning and ending value to restrict the report to a range of locators.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Lot And Serial Date Notification

This report sends a notification if the lot is expiring (if the input is expiration date) in the days input in the report. It can also be used by Oracle Process Manufacturing and Oracle Discrete Manufacturing to provide data on the lot and serial criteria entered for the report.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Lot And Serial Date Notification in the Name field to submit the report.


Enter the parameters as required:

Lot Inventory Report

This reports provides you with an overview of item lots, quantities, and lot statuses in all or the selected subinventories and locators within the organization.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Lot Inventory Report in the Name field to submit the report.


Item From / To

Enter a beginning and ending value to restrict the report to a range of items.

Subinventory From / To

Enter a beginning and ending value to restrict the report to a range of subinventories

Select Criteria

Lot Master Report

This provides you with an overview of the information you set up in the lot master. You can run this report for a specific item, or all items in the organization.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Lot Master in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Item From / To: Enter a beginning and ending value to restrict the report to a range of items.

Lot Transaction Register

Use the Lot Transaction Register for lot transaction audits. You can use this report to audit lot transactions for a specified time interval, for a range of dates, for ranges of items or categories, of for other criteria. You can use the report to analyze the cost and value of transacted items under lot control. You can also use this report to cross-reference lot numbers to serial numbers.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Lot transaction register in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Unit Of Measure

Choose one of the following options:

Primary Report primary unit of measure.
Transaction Report transaction unit of measure.

Transaction Dates From

Enter the beginning transaction date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Transaction Dates To

Enter the ending transaction date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Audit Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print audit detail.

Reason Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print reason detail.

Location Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print location detail.

Category Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print category detail.

Serial Number Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print serial number detail.

Lot Numbers From

Enter the beginning lot number to restrict the report to a range of lots.

Lot Numbers To

Enter the ending lot number to restrict the report to a range of lots.

Items From

Enter the beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Transaction Types From

Enter a beginning transaction type to restrict the report to a range of transaction types.

Transaction Types To

Enter an ending transaction type to restrict the report to a range of transaction types

Transaction Reasons From

Enter a from transaction reason to restrict the report to a range of transaction reasons.

Transaction Reasons To

Enter an ending transaction reason to restrict the report to a range of transaction reasons.

Subinventories From

Enter a beginning subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Subinventories To

Enter an ending subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows lot number transactions associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter a beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Categories To

Enter an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Source Type

Choose one of the following options. In addition to the predefined source types listed below, you may have additional user-defined source types.

Account Report general ledger account transactions.
Account alias Report account alias transactions.
Cycle Count Report cycle count transactions.
Internal order Report internal order transactions.
Internal Requisition Report internal requisition transactions.
Job or Schedule Report job or repetitive schedule transactions.
Physical Inventory Report physical inventory transactions.
Purchase order Report purchase order transactions.
RMA Report return material authorization transactions.
Sales order Report sales order transactions.

Transaction Sources From

Enter a beginning transaction source to restrict the report to a range of transaction sources.

Transaction Sources To

Enter an ending transaction source to restrict the report to a range of transaction sources.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Mass Lot Attributes Sync

Run the concurrent program Mass Lot Attributes Sync to synchronize the attribute values of existing lots across organizations. The program synchronizes the values of the same lot (but not between different lots) existing in the destination organization(s) with the values of lots from the source organization. This program also enables you to synchronize only the lot description flexfield attributes by selecting the Sync Description Flexfield option.

Warning: An error occurs if the entered lot number only exists in one organization.

Report Submission

Use the Submit Requests window and enter Mass Lot Attributes Sync in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Enter the following data:

Field Name Value
Source Organization Select the source organization for the lot attributes. Values from the source organization will be used to update the destination organization.
Item Low/High Optionally, select the item(s).

Note: If a single item is selected, then the item low and high values will be the same.

Lot Low/High Optionally, enter the lot or range of lots to be synchronized.
Destination Organization From/To Optionally, select the destination organization(s) for the lots to be synchronized:
  • Single: Select a single organization.

  • All: Leave the organization field blank.

  • From/To: Select a range of organizations.

Sync Description Flexfield Select one of the following:
  • No: The description flexfield attributes for the lot will not be updated.

  • Yes: The description flexfield attributes for the lot will be updated.

Commit Option Select one of the following:
  • No: Does not generate a report of lots to be updated.

  • Yes: Generates a report of lots to be updated. If the range of items is different, the range of lots selected on the Parameters window will be ignored, and all available lot numbers will be updated.

Material Account Distribution Detail

Use the Material Account Distribution Detail Report to view the accounts charged for inventory transactions. You can review inventory transaction values transferred to the general ledger by GL batch. This feature helps you reconcile your inventory accounting to your general ledger. See: Period Close, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports, Cost and Period Close Reports, or Submit Requests window and enter Material account distribution detail in the Name field to submit the report.

Use the Request Inventory Reports form and enter Material Account Distribution Detail Report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Account Sort the report by general ledger account.
Account, Item Sort the report by general ledger account and then by item.
Item, Account Sort the report by item and then by general ledger account.
Account, Subinventory Sort the report by general ledger account and then by subinventory.
Subinventory, Account Sort the report by item, then by subinventory, and then by general ledger account.

Transaction Type Option

Display Transaction Source Type Display the transaction source type name.
Display Transaction Type Display the transaction type name.

Transaction Dates From

Enter a beginning required transaction date to restrict the report to a range of transaction dates.

Transaction Dates To

Enter an ending required transaction date to restrict the report to a range of transaction dates.

Accounts From

Enter the beginning account to restrict the report to a range of accounts.

Accounts To

Enter the ending account to restrict the report to a range of accounts.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows transactions associated with this category set.

Categories From

Enter the beginning category to restrict the report to a range of categories in the selected category set.

Categories To

Enter an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories in the selected category set.

Items From

Enter the beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Subinventories From

Enter the beginning subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Subinventories To

Enter an ending subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Transaction Values From

Enter a beginning transaction value to restrict the report to a range of transaction values.

Note: When you use this option, the report evaluates the transaction amounts in absolute value. Therefore, if you enter a from value of 100, the report selects all transactions with positive (debit) or negative (credit) values greater than or equal to 100.

Transaction Values To

Enter the ending transaction value to restrict the report to a range of transaction values.

Note: When you use this option, the report evaluates the transaction amounts in absolute value. Therefore, if you enter a to value of 100,000, the report selects all transactions with positive (debit) or negative (credit) values less than or equal to 100,000.

GL Batch

Enter a general ledger batch number.

Transaction Source Type

Choose one of the following options. In addition to the predefined source types listed below, you may have additional user-defined source types.

Account Report general ledger account transactions.
Account alias Report account alias transactions.
Cycle Count Report cycle count transactions.
Internal order Report internal order transactions.
Internal Requisition Report internal requisition transactions.
Inventory Report inventory transactions.
Job or Schedule Report job or repetitive schedule transactions.
Physical Inventory Report physical inventory transactions.
Purchase order Report purchase order transactions.
RMA Report return material authorization transactions.
Sales order Report sales order transactions.
Standard cost update Report standard cost update transactions.

Sources From

Enter the beginning source value to restrict the report to a range of source values for the transaction source type you specified.

Sources To

Enter the ending source value to restrict the report to a range of source values for the transaction source type you specified.

Transaction Type

If you entered a transaction source type, you can enter a transaction type. The report shows only transactions associated with this transaction type. If you do not enter a value in this field, the report prints transactions for all transaction types.

Transaction Reason

Enter a transaction reason. The report shows only transactions associated with this transaction reason. If you do not enter a value in the field, the report prints transactions for all transaction reasons.


Select a currency. You can run this report for any defined currency, but your ledger currency is the default. If you select another currency, item costs are converted to the selected currency using the End of Period rate you select in the Exchange Rate field.

Exchange Rate

Select an exchange rate. If you do not select your ledger currency, the default is the most recent End of Period rate. However, you can select any prior End of Period rate.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Material Account Distribution Summary

Use the Material Account Distribution Summary report to review your inventory accounting activity. If you detect unusual accounts or amounts, use the Material Account Distribution Detail report to print the transaction in detail. You can also use the material Account Distribution Summary Report to verify your inventory account activity against your inventory valuation increases or decreases for the accounting period. Finally, you can use this report to reconcile an account across several periods.

Report Submission

Use the Transactions Reports, Cost and Period Close Reports, or Submit Requests window and enter Material Account Distribution Summary in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Sort By

Account, Item Sort the report by general account, and then by item.
Account, Transaction Type Sort the report by general ledger account and then by transaction type.
Account, Source Type Sort the report by general ledger account and then by transaction source type.
Account, GL Batch Sort the report by general ledger account and the by general ledger batch.

Transaction Dates From / To

Enter the beginning and end dates to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Accounts From / To

Enter a beginning and end account to restrict the report to a range of accounts.

GL Batch Name

Enter the general ledger batch name. This option limits the report to the GL Batch Name you enter. This is helpful when trying to reconcile inventory transactions to the general ledger.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Material Status Change History Report

This report shows the pending records for approval and the approved records of status changes for a particular on-hand, subinventory, locator, lot, or serial record resulting from the e-record and e-signatures (ERES) status update process.

Report Submission

Use the Submit Requests window and enter Material Status Change History Report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Enter the following data:

Field Description
Organization Code Select the source organization.
Subinventory Code Select the subinventory code to identify material status changes for a selected subinventory.
Locators From/To Optionally, enter the locator range.
Lot Numbers From/To Optionally, enter the lot number or range of lot numbers.
Item Optionally, enter the item or range of items to be included in the report.
Serial Number Optionally, enter the serial number for the item(s).
Date From/To Optionally, enter the date range when the status changes occurred.
Pending Approval Select whether you want the report to include the status changes that are pending approval or have already been approved.

Material Status Definition Report

This report provides you an overview of each material status and how it is used.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Material Status Definition in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Status From / To: Enter a beginning and ending status range to restrict the report to a range of statuses.

Order By

Min-Max Planning Report

Use the Min-Max Planning Report to show planning information for all items, or items with on-hand balances either below or above their assigned minimum or maximum on-hand quantities. You also have the option to generate internal or purchase requisitions for Buy items and WIP unreleased jobs for Make items for all items for which the on-hand quantity plus the on-order quantity is less than the min-max minimum amount.

The INV: Minmax Reorder Approval profile option governs the approval status of requisitions created by the Min-Max Planning Report. See: Oracle Inventory Profile Options.

Use the Item/Subinventory Information and Subinventory/Item windows to specify subinventory level min-max planning details. See: Assigning Subinventories to an Item and Assigning Items to a Subinventory.

You can define a default item source at the organization, subinventory, or item levels. Oracle Inventory uses the information from the lowest level to determine the source from which to requisition the item. The ascending hierarchy is: 1) Item in a subinventory, 2) Source in a subinventory, 3) Item in an organization, 4) Source in an organization.

Report Submission

Use the Planning and Forecasting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Min-max planning report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Planning Level

Choose one of the following options.

Organization Perform planning for the entire organization.
Subinventory Perform planning only for the specified subinventory. The report cannot generate jobs and does not consider WIP jobs as supply or WIP components as demand.


Enter the subinventory. You can enter this field only when you choose the subinventory planning level.

Item Selection

Enter the type of item you want to include on the report.

Items under minimum quantity All items that fall under the minimum quantity.
Items over maximum quantity All items that fall over the maximum quantity.
All min-max planned items All items that are identified as min-max planned items.

Category Set

Enter the category set.

Categories From / To

Enter a range of categories to restrict the report to one or more categories.

Items From / To

Enter a range of items to restrict the report to one or more items.

Planners From / To

Enter a range of planners to restrict the report to one or more planners.

Buyers From / To

Enter a range of buyers to restrict the report to one or more buyers.

Sort By

Enter Inventory Item, Category, Planner, or Buyer to select the sorting criterion.

Demand Cutoff Date

Enter the demand cutoff date. The report includes demand on or before this date. If you set Net WIP Demand to No this calculation is for display purposes only.

Demand Cutoff Date Offset

Enter the demand cutoff date offset.

Supply Cutoff Date

Enter the supply cutoff date. The calculation includes open supply orders on or before this date.

Supply Cutoff Date Offset

Enter the supply cutoff date offset.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to restock. If you have set the Planning Level to Organization, the report generates requisitions or jobs according to the item's Make/Buy flag. If you have set the Planning Level to Subinventory, the report generates only requisitions.

For Repetitive Item

Enter the default delivery location.

This is not applicable for subinventory-level planning. If you are using the Organization Planning Level, choose one of the following options:

Create Requisition Create requisitions for items under minimum quantity.
Create Discrete Job Create discrete jobs for items under minimum quantity.
Report Only Run the report without creating jobs or requisitions.

Default Delivery To

Net Reserved Orders

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to net reserved orders.

Net WIP Demand

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to net WIP demand. Net demand is the unshipped sales quantity for the selected organization or subinventory. You cannot set this to Yes if you are using subinventory level planning. This parameter is not supported for subinventory level min-max planning.

Include PO Supply

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include PO supply.

Include WIP Supply

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include WIP supply. This parameter is not supported for subinventory level min-max planning.

Include Interface Supply

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include interface supply.

Include Non-nettable Subinventories

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include non-nettable subinventories. This parameter is not supported for subinventory level min-max planning.

Display Format

Choose one of the following:

Display All Information The report displays all columns.
Don't Display Supply/Demand Details The report does not display the Minimum Order Quantity, Maximum Order Quantity, and Multiple Order Quantity columns
Don't Display Order Constraints The report does not display the On Hand Quantity column.

Display Item Information

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to display item information.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Move Order Pick Slip Report

Use the Move Order Pick Slip Report to print move order pick slips. You can run this report before or after you commit the move order transaction.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Request window and enter Move Order Pick Slip in the name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Move Order Number From / To

Enter a beginning and ending move order number for which you want to print a pick slip.

Pick Slip Number From / To

Enter a beginning and ending pick slip number.

Source Subinventory

Select a source subinventory

Source Locator

Enter the source stock locators.

Destination Subinventory

Select the destination subinventory.


Enter the name of person requesting the move order.

Destination Locator

Enter the destination stock locators.

Date Required From / To

Enter the beginning and ending date for the period for which you want to print a pick slip.

Print Options

Select one of the following:

Transacted Lines Print a pick slip for transacted move order lines.
Untransacted Lines Print a pick slip for non-transacted move order lines.
All Lines Print a pick slip for both transacted and non transacted move order lines.

Move Order Types

Select one of the following options:

Outbound Prints pick slips for outbound move orders.
Inbound Prints pick slips for inbound move orders.
Manufacturing Prints pick slips for manufacturing move orders.
Warehousing Prints pick slips for warehousing move orders.
All Prints pick slips for all move orders.

Sales Order From / To

Enter the beginning and ending sales order numbers for which you want to print a pick slip.

Freight Carrier

Enter the freight carrier to associate to the pick slip.


Enter of select the customer to associate to the pick slip.

Auto-Allocate Approved Lines

Select one of the following:

Yes Auto-Allocate approved move order lines.
No Do not allocate approve order lines.

Plan Tasks

Select one of the following:

Yes Plan the dispatching picks.
No Automatically dispatch picks.

Pick Slip Grouping Rule

Indicate the appropriate pick slip grouping rule.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Move Order Purge

Use the Move Order Purge program to delete move orders based on line status and order type. This program deletes move order lines that have no allocations and a status of Closed or Canceled. Move order headers that have no lines are also deleted.

Report Submission

Use the All Reports or Submit Request window and enter Move Order Purge in the name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters


Enter the organization from which you want to delete move orders.

Move Order Type

Select one of the following options:

Move Order Type Description
Manufacturing Pick Move orders created from pick release
Pick Wave Move orders created for outbound shipping
Put Away Put-away
Receipt Move orders for receiving transactions
Replenishment Move orders created from replenishment
Requisition Move order requisition
Reservation Move orders created from reservations

The concurrent program deletes move order lines based on the following criteria:

Purge Name

Enter the purge name.

From and To Creation Date

Select a range of dates between which the move orders were created. You can only delete move orders that exist in a closed period.

Lines Per Commit

Enter the number of records to be processed before the records are committed to the database.

Movement Statistics Exception Report

Use the Movement Statistics Exception report to list exceptions that occurred during the movement statistics gathering and reporting process. This report includes data for the legal entity and period specified during the execution of the concurrent program.

Report Submission

Use the Movement Statistics Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Movement Statistics Exception in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Select the legal entity for which you want to list movement statistics exceptions. You can choose any legal entity that has the same ledger as the current organization.

Zone Code

Select the code associated with the economic zone for which you want to list movement statistics exceptions.

Usage Type

Choose one of the following options:

Internal Movement of goods within countries of the economic zone.
External Movement of goods from a country of one economic zone to a country outside the zone.

Statistical Type

Select the following option:

Intrastat The European Union common market.

Period Name

Enter a calendar period for which to run the report. The calendar used is the calendar assigned to the legal entity in the Movement Statistics Parameters window.

Document Source Type

Choose one of the options below; or, leave the field blank to process movement statistics for all the transactions listed below.

Internal Order



Purchase Order


Sales Order

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Movement Statistics Reset Status Report

Use the Movement Statistics Reset Status report to reset the status of movement statistics records that have been frozen.

Report Submission

Use the Movement Statistics Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Movement Statistics Reset Status in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Select the legal entity for which you want to list movement statistics exceptions. You can choose any legal entity that has the same ledger as the current organization.

Zone Code

Select the code associated with the economic zone for which you want to list movement statistics exceptions.

Usage Type

Choose one of the following options:

Internal Movement of goods within countries of the economic zone.
External Movement of goods from a country of one economic zone to a country outside the zone.

Statistical Type

Select one of the following options:

Intrastat Declaration of imports and exports within European Union borders.
Extrastat Declaration of imports and exports between a member of the European and a country external to the European Union.

Period Name

Enter a calendar period for which to run the report. The calendar used is the calendar assigned to the legal entity in the Movement Statistics Parameters window.

Document Source Type

Choose one of the options below; or, leave the field blank to process movement statistics for all the transactions listed below.

Internal Order



Purchase Order


Sales Order

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Movement Statistics Processor

You submit the Movement Statistics Processor periodically to analyze all the transactions that occurred within a legal entity. The processor generates movement statistics records based on the setup parameters.

Report Submission

Use the Movement Statistics Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Movement Statistics Processor in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Select the legal entity for which you want to generate movement statistics records. You can choose any legal entity that has the same ledger as the current organization.

Start / End Date

Enter the start and date for the period for which you want the processor to analyze transactions.

Document Source

Choose one of the options below; or, leave the field blank to process movement statistics for all the transactions listed below.

Internal Order



Purchase Order


Sales Order

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Movement Statistics Report

Use the Movement Statistics report to review and finalize the movement statistics entered for receipts, shipments, and other material transactions. You can report by specific legal entity, type of movement, and calendar period. You can also choose whether to freeze the information for official reporting. You can choose between summary and detail formats.

Column Information Notes:

The parent identification number is equal to the movement identification number for rows without a parent.

The transaction value of the movement is calculated from the invoice, if one is associated with the movement. If there is no associated invoice, the value is calculated from the document (sales order/purchase order) price. If there is no invoice or document associated with the movement, the value is calculated either from the inventory cost or a value you entered.

The statistical value is calculated from the transaction value and the adjustment percentage or amount you entered with the movement transaction. If you did not enter an adjustment value, the statistical value is equal to the transaction value.

The weight is either the weight entered with the movement transaction or a calculation based on a conversion from the transaction unit of measure to the weight unit of measure.

The trader types are Customer, Supplier, or Organization.

If the item involved in the movement is an inventory item, the inventory cost for the item is printed.

Valid source types are Internal Order, Inventory, Purchase Order, RMA, Sales Order, and Miscellaneous.

The source number corresponds to the source type and therefore, if it exists, is a requisition number, purchase order number, RMA number, or sales order number.

If you entered outside cost information with the movement, the outside value is printed. The outside value corresponds to the outside value code in the next column of the report you associated with the movement, if any. The outside value could be for repair, processing, or other outside costs and can be entered as part of the movement statistics information.

The transaction value is calculated from the invoice, if one is associated with the movement. If there is no associated invoice, the value is calculated from the document (sales order/purchase order) price. If there is no invoice or document associated with the movement, the value is calculated either from the inventory cost or an entered figure.

The statistical value is calculated from transaction value and the adjustment percentage or amount you entered with the movement transaction. If you did not enter an adjustment value, the statistical value is equal to the transaction value.

The weight is either the weight entered with the movement transaction or calculated based on a conversion from the transaction unit of measure to the weight unit of measure.

If you entered outside cost information with the movement, the outside cost code, such as repair, processing, or other, is printed.

Report Submission

Use the Movement Statistics Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Movement Statistics Report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Enter the legal entity for which to report movement statistics. You can choose any legal entity that has the same ledger as the current organization.

Zone Code

Select the code associated with the economic zone for which you want to list movement statistics exceptions.

Usage Type

Choose one of the following options:

Internal Movement of goods within countries of the economic zone.
External Movement of goods from a country of one economic zone to a country outside the zone.

Statistical Type

Select the following option:

Intrastat The European Union common market.

Movement Type

Choose one of the following options:

Arrival Report arrival movement statistics.
Arrival Adjustments Report adjustments to prior period arrival movement statistics.
Dispatch Report dispatch movement statistics.
Dispatch Adjustments Report adjustments to prior period dispatch movement statistics.

Period Name

Enter a calendar period for which to run the report. The calendar used is the calendar assigned to the legal entity in the Movement Statistics Parameters window.

Report Option

Choose one of the following options:

Standard/ Summary Print selected information in summary format. No database update occurs.
Standard/Detail Print selected information in detail format. No database update occurs.
Official/ Summary Print selected information in summary format. All information reported is updated in the database and flagged as frozen.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Open Period Control

Use the Open Period Control request to open a period across multiple organizations and periods.


Creating Organization Hierarchies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Open Period Control in the Name field to submit the request.

Report Parameters

Hierarchy Origin

Enter a hierarchy origin (Organization) to run the program. This organization may have subordinate organizations.


Enter a valid organization hierarchy name from the list of values. You can choose any organization hierarchy where the current organization is a member, and open periods for all subordinate organizations. You can choose any organization hierarchy where all organizations subordinate to the hierarchy origin share the same item master, single calendar, and chart of accounts.

Number of periods to Open

Enter the number of periods to open. You can open the next periods and additional periods for the hierarchy origin organization, and open the same periods for any subordinate organizations in the organization hierarchy. To open periods, they must have a Future status.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Creating Organization Hierarchies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Organization Hierarchy Exceptions Report

Use the Organization Hierarchy Exceptions Report to display all organizations belonging to the user specified legal entity, but not assigned to any organization hierarchy.

Report Submission

Use the All Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Organization Hierarchy Exceptions Report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Legal Entity

Enter the legal entity. The report shows all organizations belonging to the user specified legal entity, not included within an organization hierarchy.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Creating Organization Hierarchies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Organization Parameters Listing

Use the Organization Parameters Listing to show the organization parameters for your Oracle Application.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports window and enter Organization Parameters Listing in the Name field to submit the report.

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PAR Replenishment Count Worksheet

The PAR Replenishment Count Worksheet addresses requirements that relate to the health care industry. This report is similar to the Item Replenishment Count Report, but in addition captures information that is specific to hospitals. This report captures the time and date when you captured the count. It also captures the locator information, item and item description, count type, UOM, PAR level, count quantity, supply quantity, Reorder Expense Quantity Account, Source Type, Source Organization, and Source Subinventory When you run this report, it reflects the changes made to the setup of the replenishment count header and lines.

Note: You can only run this report for PAR Level Planning enabled subinventories.

Report Submission

Use the Planning and Forecasting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter or select PAR Replenishment Count Worksheet.

Report Parameters


Enter the subinventory for which you want to run the report.

Count Name

Enter a replenishment count name. You define replenishment count names in the Replenishment Count Header window. See: Entering Replenishment Counts.

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Physical Inventory Adjustments Report

Use the Physical Inventory Adjustments Report to view physical inventory adjustments created by your count entries. You use adjustments reports to verify tag quantities and/or dollar impact of the physical inventory. The adjustments are reported between the snapshot quantity and the count quantity. Use this report as a tool when approving adjustments in the Physical Inventory Adjustments window if the physical inventory you selected requires approvals.

You can also run the Physical Inventory Adjustments Report as a historical document after the adjustment process has completed. The report totals identify monetary adjustments to the value of inventory for the physical inventory name.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports window and enter Physical inventory adjustments report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Display and Break on Subinventory

Select one of the following options:

Value Description
No Does not sort on subinventory.
Yes Sorts the report first by subinventory then by the option you choose in the Adjustment Value Sort Option field.

Adjustment Value Sort Option

Select one of the following adjustment value sort options:

Value Description
Descending Sorts the report by descending adjustment value.
Ascending Sorts the report by ascending adjustment value.

Note: If you select No in the Display and Break on Subinventory option, then the report sorts by the value you choose for this option.

Include Rejected Items

Select Yes or No to include rejected items in the report.

Physical Inventory

Enter a physical inventory name. The report shows physical inventory adjustments associated with this physical inventory. See: Defining a Physical Inventory.

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Physical Inventory Adjustments Affecting Reservations and Allocations (XML) Report

Before approving adjustments, use the Physical Inventory Adjustments Affecting Reservations and Allocations (XML) report, to view the validations that might cause an adjustment approval to fail. The validations include open reservations, allocations, and pending transactions. You can then resolve the errors before sending the adjustments for approval.

Report Submission

To submit the report:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

  2. In the Program field, enter the report name.

  3. In the Parameters window, select values.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Submit.

Report Parameters

Display and Break on Subinventory

Select one of the following options:

Value Description
No Does not sort by subinventory.
Yes Sorts the report first by subinventory then by the option you select in the Adjustment Value Sort Option field.

Adjustment Value Sort Option

Select one of the following adjustment value sort options:

Value Description
Descending Sorts the report by descending adjustment value.
Ascending Sorts the report by ascending adjustment value.

Tip: If you select No in the Display and Break on Subinventory option, then the report sorts by the value you choose for this option.

Include Rejected Items

Select Yes to include rejected items in the report.

Physical Inventory

Enter a physical inventory name. The report shows physical inventory adjustments associated with this physical inventory. See: Defining a Physical Inventory.

Physical Inventory Counts Report

Use the Physical Inventory Counts Report to validate the count information you entered for a physical inventory. The report includes the count and the counted by information essential to review for recount. The report can also be used after all counts have been entered to determine the new inventory value for the physical inventory.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports window and enter Physical inventory counts report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Item, Category, Tag, Subinventory Sort by item, then by category within the item, then by tag within the category, and then by subinventory within the tag.
Category, Item, Tag, Subinventory Sort by category, then by item within the category, then by tag within the item, and then by subinventory within the tag.
Tag, Category, Item, Subinventory Sort by tag, then by category within the tag, then by item within the category, and then by subinventory within the item.
Subinventory, Category, Item, Tag Sort by subinventory, then by category within the subinventory, then by item within the category, and then by tag within the item.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows item categories associated with this category set.

Physical Inventory

Enter a physical inventory name. The report shows counts information associated with this physical inventory name. If the name has no tags the report returns no data. See: Defining a Physical Inventory.

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Physical Inventory Item Accuracy Report

Use the Physical Inventory Item Accuracy Report to report on physical inventory adjustments.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports window and enter Physical inventory accuracy analysis in the Name field to submit the report.

Physical Inventory

Enter a physical inventory name. The report shows physical inventory item accuracy associated with this physical inventory. See: Defining a Physical Inventory.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report uses item categories associated with this category set.

Adjustment Value Sort Option

Choose one of the following options:

Descending Report physical inventory item accuracy by descending value.
Ascending Report physical inventory item accuracy by ascending value.

Include Rejected Items

Select Yes or No to indicate if you want to include rejected items in the report.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Physical Inventory Missing Tag Listing

Use the Physical Inventory Missing Tag Listing to identify tags that have not been counted. If a tag was created by the generate physical inventory tags process, it may have a system on-hand quantity. If the tag was missed when the counts were done, it creates an adjustment to inventory quantities. Use this report to verify that you have no missing tags before proceeding with adjustments. Tags may be removed from this list by entering a count or voiding them.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Physical inventory missing tag listing in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Physical Inventory Name

Enter a physical inventory name. The report shows physical inventory missing tags associated with this physical inventory name. See: Defining a Physical Inventory.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Physical Inventory Summary Report

Use the Physical Inventory Summary Report to review the results of a physical inventory. The report provides a summary for the number of counts for the physical inventory and for the number of transactions processed for the adjustment.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Physical inventory trend and summary analysis in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Report Option

Choose the following option:

Summary Report Report physical inventory summary information.

Physical Inventory Name

Enter a physical inventory name. The report shows physical inventory information associated with this physical inventory. See: Defining a Physical Inventory.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Physical Inventory Tag Listing

Use the Physical Inventory Tag Listing to review the tags created by the generate physical inventory tags process. You can also use this as a history document after all counts have been completed.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Physical inventory tag listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

Report Parameters

Physical Inventory Name

Enter a physical inventory name. The report shows tags associated with this physical inventory. If the physical inventory you choose has been created but the generate physical inventory tags process has not been run, the report returns no data.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Physical Inventory Tags

Use the Physical Inventory Tags report to print physical inventory tags. For a specified physical inventory, you can print all tags or ranges of tags for a single subinventory or all subinventories.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Physical Inventory Tags in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Physical Inventory Name

Select the physical inventory for which you want to print tags.


Enter the subinventory to restrict the tags printed to those for a specific subinventory.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Tag Number Sort the tags by tag number.
Subinventory, Locator Sort the tags by subinventory, locator, item, revision, lot number, and serial number.
Subinventory, Item Sort the tags by subinventory, item, revision, lot number, serial number, and locator.


Choose one of the following options:

Full Listing Print all tags within the report parameters.
Partial Listing Print only the tags within the From and To range specified below.

From / To

If you have chosen a partial listing, enter the range of tag numbers, subinventories, locators, or items depending on the Sort By option above) that you want to print.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Physical Inventory Trend Report

Use the Physical Inventory Trend Report to review your physical inventory accuracy over time. The trend report provides a summary for the number of counts and transactions entered for the physical inventories. The trend report shows the dates of the physical inventories. If you have done several physical inventories for the subinventories, the trend of the adjustment values are summed for the subinventories.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Physical inventory trend and summary analysis in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Report Option

Choose the following option:

Trend Report Report physical inventory trend information.

Physical Inventory Name

Enter a physical inventory name. The report shows physical inventory information associated with this physical inventory. If you do not enter a value in this field, all physical inventories are reported. See: Defining a Physical Inventory.

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Planner Listing

Use the Planner Listing to list material planners or planning entities. You assign planners to inventory items when you define items.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Planner listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Print Cycle Count Entries Open Interface Data

Use the Print Cycle Count Entries Open Interface Data report to print cycle count entries open interface data.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Print cycle count entries open interface data in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Cycle Count Name

Select a cycle count name. The report prints cycle count entries associated with this cycle count name.

Request ID

Enter a request ID to restrict the report to a single request.

Action Code

Choose one of the following options:

Export Report cycle count open interface records with the action code Export.
Validate Report cycle count open interface records with the action code Validate.
Create Report cycle count open interface records with the action code Create.
Simulate Report cycle count open interface records with the action code Simulate
Process Report cycle count open interface records with the action code Process.

Count Date From / To

Enter a beginning and ending count date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Related Topics

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Purge Cycle Count Entries Open Interface Data

Use the Purge Cycle Count Entries Open Interface Data report to purge all cycle count entries from the open interface.

Report Submission

Use the ABC and Counting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Purge cycle count entries open interface data in the Name field to submit the report.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Reorder Point Report

Use the Reorder Point Report to show planning information for items for which the Inventory Planning Method is set to Reorder Point. See: Oracle Inventory Profile Options.

The reorder point is a planning method based on history that is used for spare parts where no bill of material exists. This method is useful when you have independent demand items.

In this report, Lead Time is the sum of preprocessing, processing, and postprocessing lead times. The Reorder Point is the Safety Stock plus the Lead Time Demand. The Lead Time Demand is the sum of forecast demand of three bucket types. The forecasts are stored in the MRP_FORECAST_DATES table for a bucket type. Bucket Type 1 is Daily, 2 is Weekly, and 3 is Periodically. Total Forecast Demand = Daily forecast demand calculated between current date and order end date + Weekly forecast demand calculated between current date and order end date + Periodical forecast demand calculated between current date and order end date. Order end date is the same as order lead time.

The On-Hand Quantity is for the organization at the time the report was generated, excluding expired lots. The Supply Quantity is the current quantity on order, calculated from approved requisitions, approved purchase orders, and intransit inventory. The Total Available is the On-Hand Quantity plus the Supply Quantity less the Demand Quantity. The Reorder Quantity is the economic order quantity (EOQ), subject to the minimum order quantity, maximum order quantity, and fixed lot multiple. The Demand Quantity is the unsatisfied sales order quantity (reserved and unreserved).

Report Submission

Use the All Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Reorder point report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Item Selection

Select one of the following options:

All reorder point planned items Report all items identified as reorder point planned items. The report contains all items, whether or not their on-hand and on-order balances fall below their reorder points. This allows you to see where item balances stand in relation to the specified order point.
Items under reorder point Report only items with on-hand and on-order balances that fall below their reorder point.

Demand Cutoff Date

Enter the demand cutoff date. The report considers only demand with dates equal to or earlier than the demand cutoff date.

Supply Cutoff Date

Enter the supply cutoff date. The report considers only supply with expected receipt dates equal to or earlier than the cutoff date.


Select Yes or No to indicate whether you want to create demand records in the interface tables for requisitions and/or WIP jobs. You can enter a value here only if you are defined as an employee. To actually create the requisitions/discrete jobs, you will need to run the import processes: See: Requisition Import Process, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide and Importing Jobs and Schedules, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.

Default Delivery To

Select the default delivery location for the requisition. You can enter a value in this field only if you choose Yes in the Restock field.


Enter the forecast designator. This forecast is used to determine the demand to be used in the reorder point calculation.

First Sort

Select one of the following options for the first sorting criterion:

ABC Class Sort the report by ABC class.
Buyer Sort the report by buyer.
Category Sort the report by category.
Inventory item Sort the report by inventory item.
No sort Do not sort the report.
Planner Sort the report by planner.

Second Sort / Third Sort

Select one of the above options for the second and third sorting criteria. The second sort option sorts by the first sort type and then by the second type within the first type. The third sort option sorts by the first type, then by the second type within the first type, and finally by the third type within the second type.

Items From / To

To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending items.

Planners From / To

To restrict the report to a range of planners, select the beginning and ending planners.

Buyers From / To

To restrict the report to a range of buyers, select the beginning and ending buyers.

Category Set

Select the category set for which you want to run the report.

Categories From / To

To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending categories.

ABC Assignment Group

To restrict the report to a specific ABC Assignment group, select the group.

ABC Class

If you selected an ABC Assignment group, you can further restrict the report to a specific ABC Class by selecting the class.

Include PO Supply

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to include purchase order supply.

Include WIP Supply

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to include WIP supply.

Include Interface Supply

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to include interface supply.

Include Non-nettable Subinventories

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to include non-nettable subinventories.

Display Item Description

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to print the item description.

Display Additional Information

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to display the following additional item information: Category, Planner, Buyer, and ABC Class.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Serial Number Detail

Use the Serial Number Detail report to print information about current serialized units of inventory items.

Report Submission

Use the Item Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Serial number detail in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Serialized Unit Status

Choose one of the following options to restrict the report to that status:

Serialized Unit Status  
Defined but not used Report defined but not used serial units.
Resides in stores Report serialized units that reside in inventory.
Issued out of stores Report serialized units that are issued out of inventory.
Resides in intransit Report serialized units that reside in intransit.
Resides in receiving Report serialized units that reside in receiving.
Resides in WIP Report serialized units that reside in WIP.

Source Type

Choose one of the following options. In addition to the predefined source types listed below, you may have additional user-defined source types.

Account Report serialized units associated with general ledger account transactions. This source type is not valid with Defined but not used or Resides in intransit serialized unit statuses.
Account alias Report serialized units associated with account alias transactions. This source type is not valid with Defined but not used or Resides in intransit serialized unit statuses.
Cycle Count Report serialized units associated with cycle count transactions. This source type is not valid with Defined but not used or Resides in intransit serialized unit statuses.
Internal order Report serialized units associated with internal orders. This source is not valid with Defined but not used or Resides in stores serialized unit statuses.
Internal requisition Report serialized units associated with internal requisitions. This source type is not valid with Defined but not used, Resides in intransit, or Issued out of stores serialized unit statuses.
Inventory Report serialized units associated with inventory transactions. This source type is not valid with Defined but not used serialized unit status.
Job or Schedule Report serialized units associated with job or repetitive schedules. This source is not valid with Defined but not used or Resides in intransit serialized unit statuses.
Physical Inventory Report serialized units associated with physical inventory transactions. This source type is not valid with Defined but not used or Resides in intransit serialized unit statuses.
Purchase order Report serialized units associated with purchase orders. This source is not valid with Defined but not used or Resides in intransit serialized unit statuses.
RMA Report serialized units associated with return material authorizations. This source type is not valid with Defined but not used or Resides in intransit serialized unit statuses.
Sales order Report serialized units associated with sales orders only. This source type is not valid with Defined but not used, Resides in intransit, or Resides in stores serialized unit statuses.

Serial Numbers From

Enter the beginning serial number to restrict the report to a range of serial numbers.

Serial Numbers To

Enter the ending serial number to restrict the report to a range of serial numbers.

Items From

Enter the beginning item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Items To

Enter the ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Suppliers From

Enter the beginning supplier to restrict the report to a range of suppliers.

Suppliers To

Enter the ending supplier to restrict the report to a range of suppliers.

Supplier Serial Numbers From

Enter the beginning value to restrict the report to a range of supplier serial numbers.

Supplier Serial Numbers To

Enter the ending value to restrict the report a range of values.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Serial Number Transaction Register

Use the Serial Number Transaction Register for serial number transaction audits. You can use this report to audit serial number transactions for a specified time interval, location or group of locations, reason or group of reasons, or other criteria. For example, if your user-defined reason codes include Fail or Rework, you can use this report to isolate the serial numbers for these reason codes. You can use this report as a balancing report to determine if both the receipt and issue of a serial number have occurred. You can also use this report to determine the monetary value of serial numbered items in inventory or of items under serial number control that have been shipped.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Serial number transaction register in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Unit of Measure

Choose one of the following options:

Primary Report primary unit of measure.
Transaction Report transaction unit of measure.


Enter the organization to retrieve serial data for the organization. If this field is blank, the report retrieves serial data for all organizations.

Transaction Dates From / To

Enter a beginning and ending required date to restrict the report to a range of transaction dates.

Audit Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print audit detail.

Reason Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print reason detail.

Location Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print location detail.

Category Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print category detail.

Lot Number Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print lot number detail.

Serial Numbers From / To

Enter a beginning and ending serial number to restrict the report to a range of serial numbers.

Items From / To

Enter a beginning and ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Transaction Types From / To

Enter a beginning and ending transaction type to restrict the report a range of transaction types.

Transaction Reasons From / To

Enter a beginning and ending transaction reason to restrict the report to a range of reasons.

Subinventories From / To

Enter a beginning and ending subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows serial number transactions associated with this category set.

Categories From / To

Enter a beginning and ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Source Type

Choose one of the following options. In addition to the following predefined source types, you may have additional user-defined source types.

Account Report general ledger account transactions.
Account alias Report account alias transactions.
Cycle Count Report cycle count transactions.
Internal order Report internal order transactions.
Internal Requisition Report internal requisition transactions.
Job or Schedule Report job or repetitive schedule transactions.
Physical Inventory Report physical inventory transactions.
Purchase order Report purchase order transactions.
RMA Report return material authorization transactions.
Sales order Report sales order transactions.

Transactions Sources From / To

Enter a beginning and ending transaction source to restrict the report to a range of sources.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Shortage Parameter Report

Use the Shortage Parameter Report to view information about shortage parameter setup.

Report Submission

Use the Shortage Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Shortage Parameter Report in the Name field to submit the report.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Shortages Summary Report

The Shortages Summary Report provides information on the following: items for which shortages are detected, the jobs or orders that exist as unfulfilled demand for those items, and the quantities needed. The report allows you to expedite material to where it is most needed, based on outstanding shortages.

Report Submission

Use the Shortage Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Shortages summary report in the Name field to submit the report. You can submit the report to select shortages based on an item, a group of consecutive items, an item category, or an item planner.

Report Parameters

Group Option

Choose one of the following options:

Item Category Group report entries by item category
Item Group report entries by item
Item Planner Group report entries by item planner

Item Category Set

Enter an item category set. The report shows shortages for items in this category set.

Item Categories From / To

Enter a beginning and ending category to restrict the report to a range of item categories.

Items From / To

Enter a beginning and ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Item Planner

Enter an item planner to restrict the report to shortage items of this item planner.

With On-hand Quantity Only

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the report will include only items for which there exists on-hand quantity.

Send Notifications

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want the system to send notifications about shortage items to the pre-specified distribution list.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Status Attributes Listing

Use the Status Attributes Listing to show the item statuses that you can assign to items. Statuses can determine what functions are enabled for an item.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Status attributes listing in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Item Statuses From / To

Enter the beginning and ending item status in a range of item statuses. The report shows item statuses from this value to the To value.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Subinventory Listing

Use the Subinventory Listing to list subinventories. Subinventories are unique physical or logical separations of material, such as raw inventory, finished goods, or defective material. You must define at least one subinventory. You can use this report to review whether the value of material in this subinventory appears on the balance sheet whether the subinventory tracks on-hand quantities.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Subinventory listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Subinventory Quantities Report

Use the Subinventory Quantities Report to show inventory item quantities by subinventory.

Report Submission

Use the On-hand Quantity Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Subinventory quantities report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Item Range

Choose one of the following options:

Full listing Report all subinventories.
Partial list by inventory item Report only those subinventories for a partial range of items.
Specific subinventory Report only the subinventory you specify.

Items From / To

Enter a beginning and ending item to restrict the report to a range of items. You can enter an item here only if you enter Partial list by inventory item in the Item Range field.


Enter a subinventory for which to report on-hand quantity. You can enter a value here only if you enter Specific subinventory in the Item Range field. You can also enter a subinventories range if desired.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Transaction Historical Summary Report

Use the Transaction historical summary report to report past item quantities, past item value, or past inventory balances. The report calculates historical balances based on a rollback date. The report rolls back all of the transactions for the item to the date you specify and prints the quantity, value, or balance as of that date. In addition, the value and quantity versions let you specify the source type. The report sums the transactions for the item and reports the value or quantity by source type. The report aggregates transaction source types not selected for a specific column in the Other column of the report.

You can use the Balance and Value version of the report totals to determine the gross change in monetary value of a subinventory or inventory for a period of time. For example, if you have two periods open and you want to see the prior period's inventory balance, you can roll back all transactions to the beginning date of the period. Another example would be to generate the report by value and put the rollback date as of your last physical inventory. This would allow you to audit the source transaction values that have created the change from the last physical inventory to the current inventory value.

You can also use this report to measure the volume of throughput in the inventory. The volume of the throughput is the total item quantity that has gone in and out of the inventory from a rollback date you specify to today. You can also use this report to measure the monetary value throughput for the inventory or a subinventory from a date you specify. For example, the source type sales orders and inventory transfers could be analyzed for the value transacted for the last month. By contrast, you could run the quantity option for the same source types and see the number of units transacted for the same period.

Finally, you can use the report to analyze the source of the transactions that have raised and lowered the quantity or value for the items by category. This is a useful tool for sales or purchasing evaluations of item categories.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports, Cost and Period Close Reports, On-hand Quantity Reports. or Submit Requests window and enter Transaction historical summary in the Name field to submit the report.

Use the Request Inventory Reports form and enter Transaction Historical Summary Report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Enter the following data:

Field Description
Selection Option Choose one of the following options:
  • Balance

  • Quantity

  • Value

Sort By Choose one of the following options:
  • Subinventory: Sort the report by subinventory.

  • Item: Sort the report by inventory item.

  • Category: Sort the report by category.

For WMS-enabled organizations:

  • You cannot sort by Subinventory if Balance or Value is selected in the Selection Option field.

  • Sorting by cost group is enabled for WMS enabled organizations.

Selection Option Choose one of the following options:
  • Quantity: Report past on-hand quantities and transaction sources that produced the quantities.

Include Consigned Select if you want to include consigned inventory in this report.
Rollback to this Date Enter a date from which you want to report past quantity, value, or balances.
Category Set Enter a category set. The report shows past quantity, value, or balances associated with items in this category set.
Categories From / To Enter a beginning and ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.
Items From / To Enter a beginning and ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.
Subinventories From / To Enter a beginning and ending subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.
Source Type for Column One Enter a transaction source type. The report enumerates transaction quantities or value associated with this transaction source type. Source types not selected for a specific column are aggregated as Other in the report. If your selection option is Balance, the report considers all source types.
Source Type for Column Two Enter a transaction source type. The report enumerates transaction quantities or value associated with this transaction source type. If your selection option is Balance, the report considers all source types.
Source Type for Column Three Enter a transaction source type. The report enumerates transaction quantities or value associated with this transaction source type. If your selection option is Balance, then the report considers all source types.
Source Type for Column Four Enter a transaction source type. The report enumerates transaction quantities or value associated with this transaction source type. If your selection option is Balance, then the report considers all source types.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Transaction Purge

Use this report to purge transactions within the organization.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Transaction Purge in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Purge Date

Enter the desired purge date. You may purge transactions up to this date, provided that they exist in a closed period.

Purge Date

Enter the desired purge date. You may purge transactions up to this date, provided that they exist in a closed period.

Transaction Register

Use the Transaction Register:

If you run this report without any detail and for a date range, you can use it as a batch transaction report.

Important: This register should not be used to reconcile your inventory transactions or balances to your general ledger. This report displays a transaction value for all transactions including receipts of expense items into asset subinventories. These transactions are not part of your inventory balances. In addition, this report does not show valuation charges, such as the average or standard cost update.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Transaction register in the Name field to submit the report.

Use the Request Inventory Reports form and enter Transaction Register in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Sort By

Choose to sort the report by one of the following options:

Unit of Measure

Choose to report in either the Primary or Transaction unit of measure

Transaction Dates From / To

Enter a beginning and ending required date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Audit Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print audit detail.

Reason Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print reason detail.

Location Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print location detail.

Category Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print category detail.

Serial Number Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print serial number detail.

Lot Number Detail

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print lot number detail.

Items From / To

Enter a beginning and ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Transaction Types From / To

Enter a beginning and ending transaction type to restrict the report to a range of transaction types.

Transaction Reasons From / To

Enter a beginning and ending transaction reason to restrict the report to a range of transaction reasons.

Subinventories From / To

Enter a beginning and ending subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows transactions associated with this category set.

Categories From / To

Enter a beginning and ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Source Type

Choose one of the following options. In addition to the predefined source types listed below, you may have additional user-defined source types.

Account Report general ledger account transactions.
Account alias Report account alias transactions.
Cycle Count Report cycle count transactions.
Internal order Report internal order transactions.
Internal Requisition Report internal requisition transactions.
Inventory Report inventory transactions.
Job or Schedule Report job or repetitive schedule transactions.
Physical Inventory Report physical inventory transactions.
Purchase order Report purchase order transactions.
RMA Report return material authorization transactions.
Sales order Report sales order transactions.
Standard cost update Report standard cost update transactions.

Sources From / To

Enter a beginning and ending source to restrict the report to a range of sources.

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Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Transaction Source Type Summary

Use the Transaction Source Type Summary to report on-hand quantities and transaction sources that produced the quantities or inventory value. For example, you can use the report to view the total quantity of a category of items transacted in the past week, by selecting the category sort and by limiting the category. Enter a date range for the one week interval with a selection option of Quantity.

You can also use the report to monitor an engineering subinventory for the monetary value issued and received to engineering account numbers and other stockrooms, by limiting the subinventory to engineering with a selection option of Value. If you set up source types for asset and expense accounts and a source type for transaction to other subinventories, assign them to column one, two, and three.

You can also use the report to determine how many transactions have been processed for sales orders, by limiting the source type to sales orders and selecting option Frequency.

Important: You should not use this report to reconcile your inventory transactions or balances to your general ledger. This report displays a transaction value for all transactions including receipts of expense items into asset subinventories. These transactions are not part of your inventory balances. In addition, this report does not show valuation charges, such as the average or standard cost update.

Report Submission

Use the Transaction Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Transaction source type summary in the Name field to submit the report.

Use the Request Transaction Reports form and enter Transaction Source Type Summary in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Subinventory Sort the report by subinventory.
Item Sort the report by inventory item.
Category Sort the report by category.

Selection Option

Choose one of the following options:

Quantity Report on-hand quantities and transaction sources that produced the quantities.
Frequency Report inventory frequency. Reports the volume or how many transactions occurred.
Value Report inventory value. Prints the value of the quantity times the item unit cost at the time of the transaction.

Transaction Dates From / To

Enter a beginning and ending required date to restrict the report to a range of transaction dates.

Category Set

Enter a category set. The report shows quantity, value, or frequency associated with this category set.

Categories From / To

Enter a beginning and ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.

Items From / To

Enter a beginning and ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Subinventories From / To

Enter a beginning and ending subinventory to restrict the report to a range of subinventories.

Source Type for Column One

Enter a transaction source type. The report shows transactions quantity, value, or frequency associated with this transaction source type.

Source Type for Column Two

Enter a transaction source type. The report shows transactions quantity, value, or frequency associated with this transaction source type.

Source Type for Column Three

Enter a transaction source type. The report shows transactions quantity, value, or frequency associated with this transaction source type.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Units of Measure Listing

Use the Units of Measure Listing to list units of measure you use for tracking, issuing, receiving, and storing inventory items. Use the report to view the standard classes which have been defined for the unit of measure.

Report Submission

Use the Setup Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Unit of measure listing in the Name field to submit the listing.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Vendor Lot Trace Report

The vendor lot trace report enables you to view the lot number, and associated vendor lot number for an item.

Report Submission

Use the ON-hand Quantity Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Vendor Lot Trace in the Name field to submit the report

Report Parameters

Sort By

Item, Lot Number Displays the information first by item, then lot number
Lot Number, Item Displays the information first by lot number, then item number
Supplier Lot Number, Item Displays the information first by supplier lot number, then item number.

Dates From / To

Select a date range for the report.

Lot Numbers From / To

Optionally, select a lot number range.

Vendor Lot Number

Optionally enter a vendor lot number

VMI Onhand by Supplier Report

Use the VMI Onhand by Supplier Report to view onhand inventory by supplier across organizations.

Report Submission

Use the ON-hand Quantity Reports or Submit Requests window and enter VMI Onhand by Supplier in the Name field to submit the report

Report Parameters

Supplier From / To

To restrict the report to a range of suppliers, enter a beginning and ending supplier.

Organization From / To

To restrict the report to a range of organizations, select a beginning and ending organization.

Item From / To

To restrict the report to a range of items, select a beginning and end item.

Category Set

Select a category set. The value of all inventory types, subinventories, intransit inventory and receiving inspection is reported for items associated with the category set. This default is the purchasing category set.

Item Category From / To

To restrict the report to a range of categories, select a beginning and ending category.

Related Topics

Running Reports and Programs, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice

This program generates XML messages for the receipt transactions affecting inventory. When an inventory adjustment transaction occurs (such as a miscellaneous receipt/issue, subinventory transfer, direct-organization transfer, or WIP transaction), you can run the Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice concurrent program to generate an XML message that provides information about the adjustment data. Typically, this program is used to support communication between a logistics service provider (where the inventory activity is done) and the client. Technically, the business event/work flow is called once each time the concurrent program is run.

The following steps summarize the process at the logistic service provider (LSP) instance:

  1. Perform an inventory adjustment transaction (such as a miscellaneous receipt/issue, subinventory transfer and so on).

  2. Run the concurrent program Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice.

    When you run the program, it retrieves the eligible adjustment transactions (with MMT.TRANSACTION_EXTRACTED <> 'Y') and creates an XML message for each set of adjustment transactions. The workflow process calls the XML gateway to generate and send the XML message.

  3. The XML outbound message is sent through the workflow engine and XML gateway:

You can review the message history for each XML message containing the adjustment transactions by selecting View Message History in the Tools menu in the Material Transactions window.

Note: This program currently supports only inventory items, but not other items and mode combinations. Both logistics service providers (LSP) and distributed modes are supported. If the profile option WMS: Deployment Mode is set to a mode other than these two, the program does not take any action and exits completing normal.


Enter the following parameters for the concurrent program:

Warehouse Inventory (Onhand) Report Message

Use the Warehouse Inventory (Onhand) Report Message concurrent program to generate reports (in an XML format) about onhand inventory information. The report sends data to a client system about the receipt and activity transactions generated from a logistics service provider (LSP).

Overview of Process: When you run the program, a workflow (Item Type = INVMOQD) extracts the onhand data and creates an XML message that is sent through the XML gateway.

Note: LSPs are typically third party companies that are outsourced by a company to supply specialized supply chain services.

Report Submission

Navigate to the Inventory Reports window or the Submit Requests window, enter Warehouse Inventory (Onhand) Report Message in the Name field, and click Submit to run the report.


Report Parameters

Enter the parameters for the Warehouse Inventory (Onhand) Report Message as described in the following table. The XML message will be generated based on criteria you define.

Parameter Description
Warehouse Enter the warehouse for which the report is run.
Item Select an item.

Note: The results are generated for only the selected item.

Subinventory Select a subinventory. If you select a subinventory, you can specify additional criteria for stock locators that define the subinventory row, rack, and bin.
Locator Select the locator.
Lot Number Specify a lot number.

Note: Only the lot for the selected item appears.

Group By Select one of the following grouping options:
  • Item (Default): Result will be summarized by quantity at the organization level for each item or queried item.

  • Item, Warehouse: Results will be summarized by quantity at the organization level, across subinventory, and locator.

  • Item, Warehouse, Subinventory: Results will be summarized by quantity at the organization, subinventory, and cross locator levels.

  • Item, Warehouse, Subinventory, Locator: Result will be summarized by quantity at the organization, subinventory, and locator levels.

Note: The Group By option that is available depends on the value selected in the Subinventory/Locator fields. If Subinventory is selected, only the third and fourth Group By option will be available. If Locator is entered, only the fourth option is available.

Print Lot Prints the item on-hand detail for each lot.