Dock Management

This chapter covers the following topics:

Functional/Business Flow Description

Material enters the warehouse through the receiving dock and exits through the shipping dock. In some cases, the same set of dock doors could be used for both receiving and shipping. Upon receipts or prior to shipping, activities such as assembly of loads, consolidation of inventory transfers, and scheming efficient warehouse material flow occur in the staging lanes that lies in the proximity of dock doors.

There is an opportunity for logistics involving plan, control, and execution of the activities in the docks and staging area. Outbound docking logistics pertains to shipments while inbound docking logistics involves handling receipts. Docking logistics includes scheduling and assignment of dock doors to inbound receipts, outbound shipments, and associating staging lanes with receipts or shipments.

Dock management provides the warehouse manager a window to assign dock doors to outbound trip stops, inbound unloading activities, and other activities. Dock door and staging lane associations can be established. For outbound shipments, staging lanes will be suggested for picking tasks based on dock appointment, staging lane/dock door association, and staging lane availability.

You can schedule a dock door appointment from the Create/Edit Dock Appointment window or you can schedule a dockless appointment from the Schedule Dock Appointments page.

To access the Create/Edit Dock Appointment window:

  1. Navigate to the Warehouse Manager responsibility, Outbound Logistics, and then Dock Assignment.

  2. Select an organization.

  3. Click OK.

    The Calendar window appears.

  4. Click New.

    The Create/Edit Dock Appointment window appears.

  5. Enter the required information.

  6. Click OK.

To access the Schedule Dock Appointments page:

  1. Navigate to the Warehouse Manager responsibility, Inquiry, and then Schedule Appointments.

    The Schedule Dock Appointments page appears.

  2. Select an organization.

  3. Click Go.

    The Schedule Dock Appointments page appears. On this page you can create appointments with the following combinations: only Dock, only Carrier, only Ship Method, Dock and Carrier, and Dock and Ship Method.

  4. Click the Create Task icon.

    The Create Appointment window appears.

  5. Enter the required information.

  6. Click OK.


Locator Classification

Dock door and staging lanes are modeled as locators in warehouse management. The inventory locators are classified into the following types:

Staging Lane - Dock Door Association

A staging lane stages material that is to be loaded to many loading docks. Similarly, a loading dock loads material staged in many staging lanes.

A multiple-to-multiple relationship between dock doors and staging lanes can be established through Dock Door to Staging Lane Assignment Form.

Default Staging Lane (Subinventory and Locator)

A default staging subinventory and default staging locator can be set for an organization from Shipping Parameters Form. This information will be used by pick release process as the last resort if staging lane can not be derived from dock appointment and staging lane is not specified during pick release.

Related Topics

Defining Stock Locators, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Set Up Locator Parameters, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide

Dock Scheduling and Trip Planning

Trip - Dock Door Association

For outbound activities, during trip planning, each trip will be assigned with a dock door from which the truck will be loaded. A dock appointment can be created from Dock Assignment form for this purpose. Inbound unload activities or other activities can be scheduled to a particular dock door as well. These appointments are for informational purpose only. They do not drive any Oracle Warehouse Management functionality.

Pick Release

During pick release process staging lane (drop off subinventory and locator) needs to be provided to Oracle Warehouse Management allocation engine before the engine can determine the picking location. Following is the logic for deriving a drop off staging lane.

In Release Pick Waves form, staging subinventory and locator will be defaulted from shipping parameters and the user can override it to any other staging lane. If this is specified then it will be used for allocation. If the user leaves these fields blank, the system will try to derive the staging lane based on dock appointment, given the fact a dock appointment has been created for the trip of this wave. If a dock appointment does not exist, or a trip has not even been created, or for any other reasons the staging lane cannot be derived from a dock appointment, the default staging lane in Shipping Parameters will be used.

Derive Staging Lane for Trip from Dock Appointment

If a trip has been created for this wave, and a dock appointment has been created for this trip, the staging lane can be derived from the dock appointment. The following is an example of the logic:

First of all if the staging lane has been previously assigned for this trip, the same staging lane will be used. If the trip has not been associated with any staging lane yet, and a dock appointment has been created for this trip, the staging lanes associated with this dock door become candidates. The system will search for a staging lane that has not been assigned to any trip through dock appointment and return this staging lane. If all of the staging lanes have been associated with trips, the system will return the staging lane that will be finished loading the earliest.


Locator Classification

Dock door and staging lanes are modeled as locators in Oracle Warehouse Management. Locator type can be specified in Stock Locators form under Setup > Warehouse Configurations > Warehouses manual.

Refer to the Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide for detail on setting up locators.

Staging Lane - Dock Door Association

The multiple-to-multiple relationship between dock doors and staging lanes can be established through the Dock Door to Staging Lane Assignment form under Setup > Warehouse Configurations > Warehouses manual.

Refer to the Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide for detail on setting up Staging Lane - Dock Door Association.

Default Staging Lane (Subinventory and Locator)

Default staging subinventory and default staging locator for an organization can be set from the Shipping Parameters form under Setup > Warehouse Configurations > Warehouses manual.

Refer to the Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide for detail on setting up default staging lanes.

Dock Scheduling and trip planning

Trip - Dock Door Association

Dock appointments can be created for outbound trips from the Dock Appointment form under Outbound Logistics.

When Oracle Transportation Management is integrated with Oracle Warehouse Management, you can optimize dock door usage, ensure dock doors are synchronized with the transportation plan, and stage material accurately to the correct dock door. For information on synchronizing dock appointments with Oracle Transportation Management, see the Oracle Transportation Management Integrating Oracle Transportation Management with Oracle E-Business Suite guide.

Release Pick Wave

A sales order or wave can be released through the Release Pick Waves form under Outbound Logistics Manual. On the Inventory tab, the Default Staging Subinventory and Default Locator will be populated from shipping parameters after specifying the Warehouse field. The user can override these fields or clear them. If these fields have values, picking tasks being generated will honor these values as drop-off locators. This can be verified though the WMS Control Board. If these fields are left blank, the drop off locator will be derived from one of the staging lanes associated with the dock door that has been scheduled for this trip. If there is not any dock appointment scheduled for this trip, the drop off location will be defaulted to the shipping parameters.

Related Topics

Setting Up Dock Door Appointments, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide

Releasing Sales Orders for Picking, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide