Warehouse Management Shipping Transactions

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Shipping Transactions

Oracle Warehouse Management system provides a full-suite of tools that enable a warehouse to effectively manage outbound shipments. Several methods to ship are available, which differ primarily in the level of shipment planning they utilize. Shipments can be made on the mobile device for individual order lines, for order lines grouped into a common destination, and for entire trips consisting of multiple deliveries.

Shipment confirmation is the final step in the outbound process. The outbound flow includes the following steps, each is discussed in other technical manuals:

Shipping is the point at which picked material leaves the warehouse for an order. All material is packed into containers, uniquely identified by a license plate number (LPN), at the pick confirmation step. Shipment confirmation is then simply confirming that all the LPNs picked for a staged for a particular order or trip are loaded onto a truck.


Shipment Confirmation

The actual shipment confirmation transaction impacts many entities in the application, spanning Order Management, Shipping Execution, and Inventory. In Order Management, the order line is updated as shipped. In Shipping Execution, the delivery is closed and the pickup trip stop is closed. In Inventory, the on-hand balance is decremented, serial numbers are issued (and also generated, for serial at sales order issue items), and the LPN is issued.

Shipment Types

Four different types of shipment confirmation can be performed on the mobile device with Oracle Warehouse Management:

All four methods enable the operator to enter any shipment-specific information, such as shipment gross weight, waybill number or shipment method. This data is posted to the shipment transactions form for management and reporting purposes.

LPN Ship and Dock Door Ship offer an additional mode for interfacing with a third party shipping solution. A verification mode provides the same interface, validation, and error-checking as the actual shipment page. Once the validation has been performed, however, instead of shipping the LPNs, the LPNs are returned to their pre-loaded state for the third party package to ship.

Quick Ship

Quick Ship is used to ship an entire delivery without confirming the individual LPNs. It requires that deliveries be set up, as it is triggered by the delivery number. All the order lines on the delivery must be staged prior to performing an Quick Ship. The statuses of the staging subinventory, locator and the lots and serials contained in the delivery should allow the shipment confirmation. Also, no items that are serialized at sales order issue may be on the delivery. Any ship sets must be completely contained within the single delivery or the delivery will not be allowed via quick Ship. After entering the delivery number, the operator will be notified of any of the issues above. After the delivery number is entered, the screen where additional (optional) information is entered appears, and the shipment is complete.

Additional Information: The quick ship process enables you to ship the return to supplier order with shipping integration deliveries as well. However, the Return To Stock button will not be enabled for this kind of delivery.

Quick Ship provides the operator with a return option, which releases the reservations on all items that are contained on a delivery. This is the quickest way to cancel an outbound process if the customer order is canceled after all lines have been staged for shipping. The return to stock option performs the following actions:

At this point, the Rules Engine can be invoked via a manual putaway to put the LPN into the best storage location.

LPN Ship

LPN Ship is used to individually confirm the shipment of all LPNs on a delivery, or to create new deliveries and confirm the shipment of LPNs that do not yet have a delivery. An operator begins by scanning the dock door that the LPNs will be shipped out of. Then each LPN to be shipped is scanned. If the LPN cannot be ship confirmed because of a material status assigned to a lot or serial contained in the LPN or the staging subinventory and locator, the operator will be informed of this. Multiple operators can load LPNs for LPN ship to the same door. Loading the LPN changes the LPN context to Loaded to Dock. Operators enter serial at sales order issue information when an LPN that contains serial at sales order issue items is scanned. At this point, serial attributes (if applicable) are also given to the serials.

At any point during the process, the operator can check for missing LPNs or missing items required at any dock door. However, when the operator tries to continue to the next step, shipping all loaded LPNs, the system will not let the operator continue if there are missing LPNs or missing items. Missing LPNs are LPNs that have been staged, but not yet loaded, while missing items are lines which have not yet been pick confirmed or pick released. This check is performed for all deliveries that are loaded to the selected door. Note that if trip planning is used, but LPN Ship is used for shipment confirmation, the check will be extended to all deliveries that are attached to any trip that is currently loaded at that dock door. The operator has the option of unassigning missing items from the delivery and continuing with the transaction, or continuing with loading but waiting for the missing items. Missing LPNs can be removed from the delivery assignment through the mobile device by clicking Unassign on the Missing LPN page. When Ship is selected, the system checks for missing LPNs, items, and ship sets, verifying that the entire ship set is present. Operators will be informed with all the ship set names which are partially loaded.

Once the validation performs successfully, the deliveries and trips are created for LPNs that do not already have deliveries created using the delivery grouping rules. For each delivery that is at the dock, the operator can optionally enter the shipment weight, shipment method, waybill number, and other delivery specific information. This step completes the shipment confirmation process for LPN Ship.

Dock Door Ship

Dock Door Ship is used to load and ship entire trips. Dock Door Ship uses a dock schedule and dock door appointments to intelligently suggest the best staging lane for the material. To take advantage of these features, the trip and a dock door appointment must be set up prior to pick release. The process flow, and the required setup for Door Ship will be discussed. The staging lane selection algorithm will also be described in greater detail. The actual ship confirmation user-interface is nearly identical to that of LPN Ship, but will also be discussed in further detail.

Required Setup

Prior to creating appointments for dock doors, the dock doors and associated staging lanes must be setup. Both dock doors and staging lanes are modeled as locators; the only difference between these locators and standard locators is a Locator Type field on the locator definition. For more information on setting up dock doors and staging lanes, see Setting Up Dock Doors to Staging Lane Relationships, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide.

After the special dock door and staging lane locators have been setup, the staging lane to dock door relationship must be established. A lane can be associated to multiple doors, and a door can have multiple lanes. This setup is done using the desktop form Dock Door to Staging Lane Assignment.

Suppose there are three parallel staging lanes and two dock doors in the shipping area of a warehouse:

the picture is described in the document text

One possible assignment is that the central lane is used for both dock doors, while the outer lanes are dedicated to their corresponding doors, so that each dock door has two lanes associated with it:

the picture is described in the document text

As appointments are made with dock doors, after this association, the system knows which staging lanes feed to which dock doors.

Dock Door Appointment

For the system to suggest the appropriate staging lane for the material, a dock door appointment must be setup for the trip prior to pick release. After the trip has been created an appointment is made for the trip with a particular door using the Dock Appointment form. Repeating appointments can be setup here as well. See Creating Trips, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide.

At pick release, the system checks the trip for dock door appointments, and assigns a staging lane to the pickup trip stop. The entire decision process is as follows:

the picture is described in the document text

Direct Ship

Direct Ship is typically used in ATO environments where specific LPNs are manufactured, reserved, and staged for specific outbound orders, and the pick release and pick confirmation process do not provide additional value. Any available LPN that resides in inventory can be selected for use in Direct Ship. Ship confirmation from Direct Ship automatically updates the delivery details from Ready for Release to Shipped, and closes any related delivery or trip stops.

Because Direct Ship can be performed directly on the mobile device without any manager intervention to run pick release and without any qualification-based task management, care should be taken to restrict access to Direct Ship in organizations where it will not be used. To that end, an organization parameter must be explicitly enabled to allow mobile users to access the Direct Ship page; failure to enable that parameter disables Direct Ship for the entire organization. In addition, Direct Ship is subject to the standard responsibility-based security, in that the mobile page can be removed from the menu option or selectively provided just to those users that require access and have been trained to use to Direct Ship.

An operator begins direct ship by scanning the dock door which will be loaded. Then each LPN to be shipped is scanned. At this point, material status is verified and serial numbers for serial at sales order items are collected. After entering the LPN, the operator will enter the sales order number and sales order lines for which the LPN will be shipped. At least one sales order line must be entered for each item in the LPN. Both under and overshipment are allowed. If a sales order line only partially meets the order line quantity, the order line will be closed if it is within the undershipment tolerance, or otherwise will remain open. If the quantity on a sales order line does not wholly consume the quantity on the LPN, overshipment tolerances will be checked, but if there is still additional quantity in the LPN that cannot be consumed even by applying these tolerances, the system will prevent the operator from loading the LPN without entering additional order lines to consume the extra LPN quantity.

However, if the LPN were reserved to particular sales orders in advance of attempting to load it for Direct Ship, then the user need not re-enter the sales order information. Rather, the sales order fields will be hidden from view. Note that if the LPN is only partially reserved, the user will be given the option of entering additional sales order lines or attempting to use the additional quantity for overshipment. As above, if the overshipment tolerances cannot wholly consume the LPN, the user will be unable to load the LPN. LPN reservations can be made manually in the Reservations form, or systematically via an LPN-based completion from a job or schedule that was reserved to a sales order, as is the case for ATO flows.

The same validation described for LPN Ship with respect to checking for missing items and missing lines applies to Direct Ship as well.

Direct Ship can be assisted by use of the Scheduled Shipment Report, which shows all shipments scheduled to be shipped in the user-specified time horizon of a particular sales order, delivery, or trip. In addition, this report can optionally include many attributes entered on the sales order line specific to ATO manufacturing environments.

Direct Ship and Catch Weight Processing

The Direct Ship mobile application page supports catch weight entry. Various form function parameters control the catch weight behavior. For more information, see Oracle Warehouse Management Implementation Guide, Form Function Parameters.

Shipping Process Flow

The trip now has a staging lane and a dock door. The actual shipment loading is identical to the flow for LPN Ship, except that the process is initiated by the selection of a dock door with appointment, rather than by selecting any dock door. So rather than displaying all available dock doors, the operator will only be able to select from dock doors that have open trips during the current time.

From here, the user-interface is identical to that in the LPN Ship. One or more operators can load LPNs on that trip, and missing LPNs or missing items can be viewed at any point. Because all outbound transactions with this process are assigned to a trip, the validation is also performed at the trip level. Once the validation is completed, the Ship button enables the operator to enter delivery specific details, and then the shipment is complete: LPNs are issued, inventory is decremented, order lines are completed, and the departure trip stop is closed.

Verification Mode

For implementations that integrate with third-party shipping solutions, other software packages may issue the material, decrement the inventory, close the order lines, and perform other updates. In these situations, Oracle Warehouse Management does not change the status of any entity. However, in cases where the operator must validate information such as material status, missing items/LPNs, or serial and attribute entry for serial at sales order issue items, the system provides a verification-only mode for both the LPN Ship and the Dock Ship windows.

The verification window is identical to the actual shipping mode, except that during the ship stage, the operator clicks the Verify button instead of the Ship button to verify whether there are missing items, missing LPNs, or ship sets. If everything is correct, then the LPN context reverts to the Picked state from Loaded at Dock state and the shipment is ready for third-party shipping. By returning all LPNs to their previous state, the validation step becomes optional and the decision to use it becomes part of the business process.

Setting Up Windows

There are four distinct types of shipping: Quick Ship, LPN Ship, and Dock Ship. LPN Ship and Dock Ship have a shipment mode and a verification-only mode, as described earlier. These combine to give six different flavors of shipment confirmation on the mobile. The Quick Ship and Direct Ship modes have their own page, but the other modes are setup using different form function parameters of the same page. The forms and the parameters are included below:

Mobile Shipping Forms and Parameters
Mode Form Parameters
Quick Ship Mobile Quick Ship None
LPN Ship Mobile LPN Ship Confirm DOCK=N VERIFY_ONLY=N
LPN Ship Verification Mobile LPN Ship Confirm DOCK=N VERIFY_ONLY=Y
Dock Door Ship Mobile LPN Ship Confirm DOCK=Y VERIFY_ONLY=N
Dock Door Ship Verification Mobile LPN Ship Confirm DOCK=Y VERIFY_ONLY=Y
Direct Ship Mobile Direct Ship None
Catch Weight Update - TYPE=CT_WT_ALL
Catch Weight Entry - TYPE=CT_WT_NEW

Note that the default form function parameters are VERIFY_ONLY=N and DOCK=N, giving the LPN Ship page.

All the shipment modes support entering serial numbers for serial at sales order items except Quick Ship. Serial numbers for these items can be entered either individually, or by specifying a range. This functionality is controlled by a form function parameter called SHIP_SERIAL_TYPE, that can take on one of two values: RANGE andINDIVIDUAL.

Advanced Catch Weight Entry

The catch weight used for pricing must be captured prior to ship confirm either:

Additional Information: When the fulfillment base is secondary, the catch weight will be the primary quantity. Item pricing will typically be by primary as well, and the repricing of order lines based on entered catch weight is supported.

The capture method may depend on whether you have access to a scale or measuring device during the picking transaction (for example, easily transportable measuring device or goods-to-man environment) or if the quantity was recorded in advance (for example, the length, weight, or potency may be recorded on labeling visible to the picker). For Direct Ship transactions, you must do the catch weight entry as the LPNs are loaded to the dock door.

Ordinarily, the order line is not re-priced during ship confirmation; the line price determined during order entry is the price for which the customer is billed.

The quantity must always be populated for an item prior to ship confirm. If defaulting is allowed on the item setup, then the quantity defaults based on a nominal conversion from the primary, and you do not receive any error messages indicating that secondary entry was not performed. For this reason, take care in allowing the secondary quantity to be defaulted.

The quantity is recorded at the delivery detail level. You must enter the quantity per lot and revision, but not for individual serial numbers. Because you can define the quantity as an optional field on the task page, this raises the possibility that the quantity could be entered for an item, revision, or lot, and then additional quantity for which the secondary quantity was not entered could be picked into the same LPN.

Because there is no physical way to differentiate the material for which catch weight was entered from the material for which it was not entered, in this scenario, the catch weight you entered is cleared. Similarly, if the same thing happens but in the reverse sequence, you cannot enter a catch weight quantity for the second task loaded into the same LPN because it is ambiguous whether the secondary quantity applies to the entire primary quantity in the LPN, or only the quantity just picked.

You can also enter the quantity after the LPN is loaded, and the same restrictions about recording it for a quantity prior to the entire identifiable unit of that quantity being present in the LPN apply here as well. In addition, you can use profile options to restrict the mobile Catch Weight Entry page to display all items loaded and staged for which the quantity has not yet been entered so you can identify the items requiring weighing, or all items for which quantity can be captured to allow easy corrections and updates.

Related Topics

For information on the catch weight processing, see the following technical brief on My Oracle Support: Advanced Catch-Weight Solution in Oracle E-Business Suite Applications, Document ID 1551171.1.

Setting Up the Advanced Catch Weight Feature

It can be challenging for manufacturing and distribution companies to procure, stock, and sell customized products that may be required in various units-of-measure (UOM): for example, a manufacturer may need to procure the raw material in one UOM then manufacture to finished goods in another UOM, pack and store in yet another UOM, and eventually ship in a totally different UOM.

Important: To implement the advanced catch weight feature, you need to also install Oracle Warehouse Management.

Catch weight processing permits the capturing of a secondary quantity and unit of measure in addition to the primary quantity and unit of measure. This secondary unit of measure can be used for billing and pricing to the customer. The secondary quantity is captured for the purpose of pricing and invoicing.

Several industries price shipped product based on a secondary item quantity (e.g. weight) for which an exact conversion to the ordered quantity does not exist. For instance, many meat products may be sold as individual pieces or cases, yet priced according to the specific weight of that particular case, which varies with each case. Paper or metal may be stocked by the reel, but priced on the reel length, which due to manufacturing processes may differ from reel to reel.

Oracle enables you to perform the fulfillment process (receive, stock, order, pick to ship) using advanced catch weight features that enable you to

Additional Information: When the fulfillment base is set to Secondary, then the catch weight is the primary quantity.

With catch weight support, the material is still stocked and transacted in the primary quantity only (for example, each, reel, case). However a secondary quantity and unit of measure can be entered during the picking step, or at any other point prior to ship confirmation using the mobile page. This information may then be used to control pricing and invoicing.

Configuration options by item control this feature and how (or if) default conversions should be performed. In addition, user-defined tolerances may be established to minimize the potential for user error. To use the catch weight feature, you need to complete the following implementation setup steps:

  1. Set profile option OM: Default Fulfillment Base.

  2. Set the catch weight general ledger account.

  3. Set up the nominal UOM conversions.

  4. Define the catch weight item attributes.

  5. Define price for secondary UOM.

  6. Define catch weight field in task page.

  7. Verify fulfillment base.

1. Set profile option OM: Default Fulfillment Base

Set the profile option OM: Default Fulfillment Base to Yes to enable the advanced catch weight feature at the site level or select No (the default value).

2. Set the catch weight general ledger account

The On-hand Adjustment Account on the Organization Parameters window (Other Accounts tab) is the default general ledger account for catch-weight transactions that is used for catch-weight adjustments, and for lot increase and decrease transactions.

For more information about the On-hand Adjustment Account, see the Oracle Inventory User's Guide, Defining Other Accounts Parameters.

3. Set up the nominal UOM conversions

Set up the desired UOM conversions such as inter-class conversions between items; for example, a) between Each and Lbs b) between Case and Each.

The nominal conversion is used in concert with the primary quantity and the tolerances to ensure that the secondary quantity is within the allowed range, and to default the secondary quantity, if allowed, after the primary quantity is known. The nominal conversion is set up using a normal unit-of-measure conversion.

The conversion is typically, but not necessarily, inter-class because the primary quantity is typically in a count class (such as each, dozen, case), while secondary quantity is typically in a weight or dimensional class (such as gallons, feet, pounds). Therefore, the conversion is also typically item-specific.

  1. Create an inter-class conversion for the item; for example, between each and pounds such as 1 Each = 6.74 lbs.

  2. Create an intra-class conversion for the item; for example, between case and each such as 1 Case = 4 Each

    For more information, see Lot-Specific Unit of Measure Conversions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

4. Define catch weight item attributes

Set up catch weight items with item attributes that are required for catch weight usage; for example, items must be set with dual UOM and defaulting specified as default/no-default with an item deviation defined as large as possible. (The item deviation enables the system to perform conversions beyond the UOM conversion specified between primary and secondary UOM).

These attributes enable catch weight items to be:

You can define attributes for catch weight items in the Master Item / Organization Item windows. For information on defining attributes for catch weight items, see Oracle Inventory User's Guide, Defining Catch Weight Item Attributes, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

5. Define pricing for secondary UOM

This is done via standard pricing setup.

6. Define catch weight form function parameters

A form function parameter enables you to change the appearance, behavior, default values, and other features of an Oracle Applications window or mobile application page. Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications relies on form function parameters to simplify the user interface and navigation.

The following catch weight parameters control catch weight features for the following mobile application pages:

For more information about setting the catch weight parameters, see the Oracle Warehouse Management Implementation Guide, Form Function Parameters.

7. Verify fulfillment base

The fulfillment base attribute appears on the sales order line level at the time of UOM defaulting and when changes occur to the item or UOM (or from warehouse management using the fulfillment matrix API).

After the order is booked, you can verify the fulfillment base value on the Shipping Transactions window or on the sales order line (Sales Orders window > Line Items tab > Shipping subtab). The value will be Primary (P), Secondary (S), or null (always interpreted as Primary by all modules involved).

Related Topics

For detailed information on implementing advanced catch weight, see the following technical brief on My Oracle Support: Advanced Catch-Weight Solution in Oracle E-Business Suite Applications, Document ID 1551171.1.

Assign Re-pricing Workflow to Order Type

For the order line to be re-priced based on the secondary quantity, the order actions must be explicitly configured for this. Otherwise, the line will not be re-priced, and instead it will keep the same price from the nominal conversion defined in the UOM conversions. This assignment is done via the Order Management Transaction Type setup.

the picture is described in the document text

Click Assign Line Flows button, and then select the Order Type for which this action should be assigned. Enter the line type for which the reprice action is required. You can optionally restrict this action to a specific item type or provide effectivity dates. Enter Line Flow – Generic, with Repricing at Fulfillment as the process name.

Related Topics

Main Attribute Group, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Transaction Types, Oracle Order Management User's Guide

Transaction Processing Modes

After the shipment confirmation is submitted, there are two process steps. First, the delivery status, delivery line status, and pickup stop status are immediately updated. This prevents the order from being shipped repeatedly. A concurrent request is spawned which is submitted to the Inventory / Order Management interface. This concurrent request updates the items' on-hand quantities, reservations, and LPN context, as well as the order line status. For this reason, transaction processing mode, set via profile options for other forms, is irrelevant to the shipping forms; shipping transactions are always processed as a combination of online and immediate concurrent processes.

To process the inventory interface, the inventory concurrent manager the Inventory Remote Procedure Manager must be running.

Scale Integration for Weight

The delivery gross weight can be entered before ship confirmation. The weight can be entered manually, or can be captured by an integrated scale. To the mobile device, the scale would essentially appear as just another input device, triggered when the user enters the weight field.

Common Problems

  1. Invalid material status message

    Shipping transactions honor material status: if any material status that disallows shipment confirmation applies to the material under shipment, the transaction cannot be completed. Material status can be assigned to a subinventory, locator, lot number, or serial number, so verify the material statuses of the staging lane and the subinventory of the staging lane, as well as all the lots and serials of the LPNs being shipped. With LPN Ship and Dock Door Ship, the material status check for the LPN is made immediately after the user exits the LPN field, and the LPN will not be accepted if the material status is invalid. With quick Ship, the material status check is made for all LPNs tied to the delivery immediately after the user exits the delivery field.

  2. LPN not available to ship

    There are several reasons that an LPN may not be in the list of values when shipping.

    First, check that the status of the delivery line with which the LPN is associated is Staged; this can be verified on the Shipping Transactions form. If the line is Released to Warehouse, that indicates that the line has not yet been pick confirmed. It may only be pick loaded, for instance. Only staged LPNs are available for shipment.

    Next, verify that the LPN under consideration is assigned to the trip that was selected, if using Dock Door Ship. The form limits the operator to only loading LPNs associated with the selected trip. However, there may be multiple overlapping trips scheduled for the same dock door in which case the operator may mistakenly choose the incorrect trip.

    Verify that the delivery status is Open or Packed. This can also be checked on the Shipping Transactions form. Finally, make sure that the LPN is not already loaded or shipped by checking the LPN context. The LPN context can be verified on the desktop via the Material Workbench, or on the mobile via LPN Inquiry.

  3. LPN not available to ship for Direct Ship.

    Only LPNs that reside in inventory are available to ship with Direct Ship. Furthermore, the LPN must be available. It cannot be allocated for a move order, nor can it be reserved to any demand other than the sales order for which it is about to be shipped.

  4. Sales order or order line not available for Direct Ship

    Sales order or order line not available for Direct Ship Only booked and scheduled sales orders that have not yet been pick released are eligible for Direct Ship. That means that the associated delivery details must be in status “Ready to Release”, and not “Released to Warehouse” or “Backordered”. In addition, verify that the LPN being loaded contains the item on the sales order line you are trying to enter.

  5. Unable to access Direct Ship page.

    Because Direct Ship transactions can be performed without any manager direction such as that required to trigger Pick Release for LPN Ship, and because shipment transactions are not easily reversed and trigger external events such as billing and invoicing, access to Direct Ship is restricted by an Organization Parameters flag that comes seeded disabled. Unless this flag is enabled, the Direct Ship mobile page cannot be accessed.

  6. Delivery not in list of values for quick ship

    Verify that the delivery status is Open or Packed. This can also be checked on the Shipping Transactions form. Also verify that the delivery contains at least one line that which is staged, as deliveries which do not have any lines staged cannot be ship confirmed.

  7. Dock door not in list of values for dock door ship

    The most common cause for this issue is that the current time is outside the appointment time window. The Dock Door Ship page limits the user to selecting only those trips for which the appointment is current. However, if an appointment was missed and the truck is arriving late, the appointment time can be revised on the desktop.

    Also verify that the trip status is open on the Shipping Transactions form.

  8. Missing Item

    A missing item message indicates that an item that is on the trip or delivery has not yet been pick confirmed. It may still be loaded on an operator's equipment and not yet dropped, or it may have been backordered. Check the line status of the missing item in the Shipping Transactions form. Query by the trip or delivery in question, and check for any status other than Staged; these would be considered missing items. Missing items can be unassigned from the delivery or trip by the operator on the mobile or on the desktop.

    Also, because a dock door can have multiple deliveries staged to it, the missing item message may refer to a different delivery that has been loaded but not yet shipped. Verify the delivery number displayed on the missing item page.

  9. Missing LPN

    A missing LPN message indicates that an LPN that has been staged for a trip or delivery has not yet been loaded. The operator may simply have missed it on the staging lane, or it may have been staged to another staging lane. Note that even if the LPN has been staged to a different lane, it can still be loaded using the ship confirm process.

    Also, because a dock door can have multiple deliveries staged to it, the missing LPN message may refer to a different delivery that has been loaded but not yet shipped. Verify the delivery number displayed on the missing LPN page.

  10. Unable to unload LPN from dock door from Unload page

    LPN load transactions can be reversed by using the LPN Unload transaction. However, there are two different Unload screens to access depending on the mode in which the LPN was loaded. If the LPN was loaded using Direct Ship, use the LPN Unload page available in the Direct Ship menu option. If the LPN was loaded using LPN Ship or Dock Ship, use the LPN Unload page available from the same menu where the load page was accessed.

Debugging Notes

All mobile shipping related Java files are in the same package oracle.apps.inv.wshtxn.server. The server side code is in INVPWSHS/B.pls and WMSPSHPS/B.pls. There are several ways to debug.

For Java code, there are several log files for the mobile transactions. See the mobile installations guide to find the log files. The log files will indicate where the error or exception occurs and the problem is. Then trace back to the Java files to find out what exactly the issue is.

For concurrent request to ship confirm, turn on the profile OE:DEBUG to view details in the request log files. The log file will indicate how many lines are inserted to the MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table and if the INV and OM interfaces are successful. If it fails in the inventory transaction manager, the message ‘MTL_ONLINE_TRANSACTION_PUB.process_online returns false' will be logged in the log file. A detailed error message should also be displayed.

For Inventory Transaction Manager, set up all the following three profiles to see the log files:

Profile Options
Profile Setting
INV:Debug Trace Yes
INV: Debug file provide the complete path for the log file
INV:Debug Level set a value larger than 1

Trip Verification

This query the dock door appointment from the trip, the dock door id, dock door name, appointment time frame and pick up stop id and status can be gotten. The status of pick up stop should be OP (open) and the appointment time frame should fall into the current time. Then the trip can be loaded from the appointed dock door.

select distinct wda.dock_id, 
                milk.concatenated_segments DOCK_DOOR_NAME,
                wda.trip_stop pickup_stop_id, 
                wts.status_code pickup_stop_status
from wms_dock_appointments_b wda, mtl_item_locations_kfv milk,
                wsh_delivery_legs wdl, wsh_Trip_stops wts, mtl_parameters org
        where wda.dock_id = milk.inventory_location_id
                and wda.organization_id = milk.organization_id 
                and wda.trip_stop = wdl.pick_up_stop_id 
                and wdl.pick_up_stop_id = wts.stop_id 
                and wts.trip_id = &TRIP_ID
                and org.organization_id = milk.organization_id
                and org.organization_code = &ORGANIZATION_CODE

All staged LPNs

This query returns all the LPNs in the current organization for a given pick up stop which are not yet loaded. The query can be used to check why one particular LPN can't be loaded. This query can be manipulated to fit your needs, for example the released_status and inv_interfaced_flag can be changed to different values to satisfy different requirements.

Display LPNs in Organization Staged but not Loaded

select distinct wlpn.license_plate_number Master_lpn_name, 
from wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
wms_license_plate_numbers lpn,
wsh_delivery_details wdd2, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
where wdd2.delivery_detail_id = wda.parent_delivery_detail_id
and wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
and wdd2.lpn_id = lpn.lpn_id
and lpn.outermost_lpn_id = wlpn.lpn_id
and wlpn.lpn_context <> 9
and lpn.organization_id = &ORGANIZATION_ID
wdd.released_status = 'Y'
and (wdd.inv_interfaced_flag <> 'Y' or wdd.inv_interfaced_flag is null )

Display LPNs in organization staged but not loaded for particular trip stop

select distinct wlpn.license_plate_number Master_lpn_name, 
       wnd.name delivery_name
from wms_license_plate_numbers lpn, wms_license_plate_numbers 
wlpn, wsh_new_deliveries wnd, wsh_delivery_legs wdl, 
wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
wsh_delivery_details wdd2
where wdl.pick_up_stop_id = &PICK_UP_STOP_ID
and wdl.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
and wnd.status_code in ('OP', 'PA')
and wnd.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id
and wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
and wdd2.delivery_detail_id = wda.parent_delivery_detail_id
and wdd2.lpn_id = lpn.lpn_id
and lpn.outermost_lpn_id = wlpn.lpn_id
and wlpn.lpn_context <> 9
and wdd.released_status = 'Y'
and (wdd.inv_interfaced_flag <> 'Y' or wdd.inv_interfaced_flag is null )

View Loaded LPNs

Query on what are loaded in a given dock door currently. Here we have two cases. One is for dock loading (based on dock door and trip) and the other is for LPN Ship (only based on dock door). All the related information will be retrieved from WMS_SHIPPING_TRANSACTION_TEMP which includes trip, delivery, delivery detail, and LPN information.

Display Loaded LPNs when Using Dock Ship

select milk.concatenated_segments DOCK_DOOR_NAME,
wstt.parent_lpn innermost_lpn_name,
wstt.outermost_lpn master_lpn_name
mtl_item_locations_kfv milk
where wstt.organization_id = &ORGANIZATION_ID
and wstt.trip_id = &TRIP_ID
and wstt.dock_door_id = milk.inventory_location_id
and wstt.organization_id = milk.organization_id

Display loaded LPNs when using LPN Ship

select wstt.trip_id,
       wstt.parent_lpn innermost_lpn_name,
       wstt.outermost_lpn master_lpn_name
mtl_item_locations_kfv milk
where wstt.organization_id = &ORGANIZATION_ID
and wstt.dock_appoint_flag = 'N'
and wstt.dock_door_id = milk.inventory_location_id
and wstt.organization_id = milk.organization_id
and milk.concatenated_segments = &DOCK_DOOR_NAME

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How does the auto-pick confirm option affect the shipping process?

    Auto-pick confirmation can be enabled for the organization, or it can be set at the time of pick release. When this option is enabled, the system automatically confirms all the suggested transactions without requiring individual confirmation from users.

    All tasks picked via the mobile device must be packed into LPNs as part of pick confirmation, but all tasks that are auto-pick confirmed will be staged loose without any LPN association. Ship confirmation using either LPN Ship or Dock Ship requires that staged lines be packed in LPNs, so auto-pick confirmed lines cannot use either of these shipment methods. However, the mobile Quick Ship process does not require any reference to LPN, and so the Quick Ship method can still be used when auto-pick confirm is used. Also, desktop shipping via the Shipping Transactions Form can also be used when auto-pick confirmation is used.

  2. What documentation is generated during shipment confirmation?

    Shipment confirmation with WMS supports printing the same documents previously printed from the desktop. In addition, label printing is supported at shipment confirmation.

  3. Exactly which of the loaded LPNs are shipped when the user selects Ship?

    Multiple users can be loading LPNs to a single dock door. The loaded LPNs remain staged at the dock door until all missing items, missing LPNs, as incomplete ship set problems have been either remedied or overridden. Therefore, it is possible for one operator to be tracking down missing LPNs for a delivery that has been loaded to a dock door, while another operator is loading a new delivery to the same dock door. Selecting Ship on the mobile attempts to ship all LPNs that were loaded using the method the operator is currently in.

    Specifically, if one user has loaded a dock using LPN Ship, and another user has loaded the same dock using LPN Ship, then if any user presses Ship from the LPN Ship page for that dock door, then the system will perform error checking for both deliveries and attempt to ship both deliveries. However, via the Dock Ship page, the dock door will appear empty.

    If, however, one user has loaded a dock using LPN Ship, and another user has loaded the same dock using Load Dock, then pressing Ship from the LPN Ship page will only affect the delivery loaded via LPN Ship, and similarly, pressing Ship from the Load Dock page will only affect the trip loaded via Load Dock.

  4. How can I tell when a delivery or trip has been fully loaded?

    There are several ways to determine when a trip or delivery has been fully loaded. The simplest and quickest way is to select the Missing LPN or Missing Item button on the shipment page. Missing LPN will display any LPNs that have been pick confirmed and staged, but not yet loaded on the truck, for any deliveries or trips staged at that door, limited to deliveries or trips that have been staged with the same method. Missing Item will display any items that have not yet been pick-confirmed.

    Note that while these checks can be initiated manually, they are performed automatically when the user chooses Ship, so that selecting Ship is another way to verify that the delivery or trip has been fully loaded. If it is fully loaded, the shipment will be shipped, while if it is not fully loaded the appropriate missing messages will be displayed.

    Finally, a query can be performed on the Material Workbench on the desktop or via LPN inquiry on the mobile. However, to the list of LPNs that should be on a trip or delivery must be known to know which LPNs to perform the query on, and this in turn can be gathered from the Shipment Planning & Transactions form on the desktop.

  5. Can a trip be shipped with LPN Ship?

    A trip that does not have an appointment must be shipped via LPN Ship, while a trip that does have an appointment must be shipped via Load Dock.

  6. Why can't an LPN be loaded to a particular dock?

    The system prevents users from loading LPNs of a single delivery or a single trip to multiple different docks. Doing so would present a deadlock situation, in which each dock cannot be ship confirmed because each dock has missing LPNs at the dock door.