Advanced Task Framework

This chapter covers the following topics:


Advanced Task Framework allows you to configure and execute complex material flows for inbound items. You can plan and configure material flows to address specific business objectives. Advanced task framework also facilitates the inbound movement of material by simplifying the execution process.

Advanced Task Framework Concepts

Advanced Task Framework uses basic concepts that dictate the movement of material within a warehouse. These concepts are explained using a hypothetical example involving Jim. Jim is a traveling salesman who is based in Miami Florida. Jim travels frequently to meet customers and give product demonstrations. In Advanced Task Framework concepts, his travel from his home base to the client location is analogous to material movement in the warehouse. Some of the underlying concepts for making travel arrangements are similar to the way material movement is planned in a warehouse.

Final Destination and Location Routing

The business needs always dictate the destination location. Continuing with the previous example, the location of his clients determines Jim's final travel destination. If he has a meeting with a customer in the San Francisco Bay area, the nearest airport will likely be his final destination. His other needs are destination arrival time, ticket price, and total travel time to his final destination. Taking his needs into consideration, the airline uses its route plan and schedules to suggest a travel plan for Jim. The airline determines the most optimum travel plan based on his needs and may decide to route him through a hub airport such as Atlanta.

Advanced Task Framework helps select the most suitable routing for inbound material from the receiving area to the final location in the warehouse. This routing is known as the operation plan. Similar to the airline analogy, multiple operation plans may exist in a warehouse to move the material to a destination location. However you may configure operation plan selection rules to model constraints and business requirements so the system selects the most suitable operation plan for inbound material execution.

Consolidation and Deconsolidation

Why does Jim take a connecting flight? There are only a few direct fights between Miami and San Francisco, and the ticket prices on these flight are expensive. Why?

The routing through a hub airport allows the airline to improve asset utilization and offer cheaper and more frequent fights than a point-to-point flight routing. Routing through a hub airport allows an airline to consolidate passengers flying to multiple nationwide destinations into a single flight to a hub airport. The passengers on this flight are then deconsolidated and routed to flights going to multiple nation wide destinations.

In a warehouse the same principles apply. You can use consolidation and deconsolidation at intermediate drop off points to make material movement more efficient in you warehouse. Advanced task framework allows you to group material with similar attributes. Material grouping allows you to consolidate or deconsolidate items for execution. Advanced task framework allows you to consolidate material based on similar attributes in a location or LPN. Material grouping allows you to optimize warehouse resources so you can perform a particular warehouse operation on a group of items instead of the same operation multiple times on individual items.

An example of grouping is receiving the same item against multiple purchase orders. Assume the items are identical and are bound for the same final storage location. It is more efficient to group the items into an LPN and the putaway the LPN. This LPN can be putaway in a single movement rather than multiple moves to the same storage location for the same item. You can also use material grouping to separate items from a mixed LPN. You can deconsolidate the mixed LPN into individual LPNs that contains the same item.

Non-deterministic Final Destination Location

Jim's travel arrangements often depend on the outcome of a particular meeting. In such cases, he cannot determine the final destination with certainty. For example, Jim performs a product demo to the end users at a plant in Salt Lake City. If the end users like the product demo, Jim makes travel arrangements to the client head quarters in San Francisco for further discussion with management.

The situation is similar in a warehouse. Often the result of an operation on inbound material Often the result of an operation on inbound material dictates the final storage location and subsequent routing.

An example is a receipt of an item that requires inspection. In this case the final storage location and routing depends on the result of the inspection operation. The requirement may bye putaway accepted material in storage, and putaway rejected material in a staging area for customer returns. When you use Advanced Task Framework you can perform a mid-course correction of the final location and operation plan. in the example above, the system determines the new putaway location and the operation plan following the inspection.

Handling Exceptions

Jim plans his travel carefully. However sometimes his travel plans go haywire. When it odes happen usually one of the following two things occur:

In a warehouse, similar exceptions may occur and Advanced Task Framework handles the situation in a similar fashion. If an inexcusable exception occurs, Advanced Task Framework aborts the planned routing and replans the inbound movement for the destination location. A new operation plan is also assigned for the inbound movement. However in the case of an excusable exception, Advanced Task Framework retains the original plan for the inbound movement of material to the final storage location.


Advanced task framework consists of the following elements:

Advanced task framework leverages the layout and operation plan information to create tasks that direct you to perform operations in conformance with the operation plan.

Receiving Locators

Advanced task framework uses the physical layout of the receiving area to specify intermediate drop off points for inbound material. It also uses the information to specify the physical location for inbound activities such as inspection or packing.

The receiving area layout should clearly segregate the inventory and receiving area in the warehouse. An inventory area is where you store on-hand stock, reserve material, and pick material for outbound fulfillment. The receiving area stores inbound material that is not yet part of on-hand stock. The material in the receiving area is an asset from an accounting perspective. Once you separate these areas, you can define the receiving and inventory subinventories as receiving and storage subinventories.

Before you can define receiving locators, you must define receiving subinventories. you can further decide receiving subinventories into receiving locates with locator types such as packing station or inspection station.

You may also have zones within your warehouse. Advanced task framework uses material zones to simplify the definition of material flow. Zones can be a logical grouping of locators that have a common attribute such as packing. Zones provide improved flexibility to define inbound material flow by grouping together similar locators and referencing this group in the material flow.

Putaway Rules

You can configure putaway rules to suggest a final destination location for inbound material based on specific business requirements. The rules engine framework provides multiple objects and parameters to achieve a specific result such as:

Advanced Task Framework uses putaway rules to determine the final storage location. However, the putaway rules doe not determine intermediate storage locations.

Operation Plan

Advanced Task Framework uses operation plans to define the routing of material from a receiving area to the storage area. It does not apply to movement of material received against a direct routing because that material is automatically transferred to inventory upon receipt.

An operation plan is similar to a manufacturing routing. Like a routing, an operation plan defines the sequence of operations and when the operations occur. An operation plans has a unique name, and you can create a description to describe what the operation plan does. The following sections describe the operation plan required inputs.

Important: For the Inbound Inspection operation plan to function, you must select the Pregenerate after Receipt check box in the Organizations Parameters form (Warehouse Task Management tab).

the picture is described in the document text

Operation Plan Type

The operation plan type determines the type of operation you perform. An operation plan may be one of the following types:

Crossdock to WIP

The Crossdock to WIP check box indicates whether this operation plan is used for WIP crossdocking instead of for sales order crossdocking. WIP crossdocking is used only with opportunistic crossdocking.


The operation sequence indicates the order of operations in the material routing. Unlike a manufacturing routing, there are relatively few warehouse operations. Typical warehouse operations are as follows:

Advanced Task Framework imposes the following operation sequence restrictions on an operation plan.

In Inventory Flag

The In Inventory flag indicates when the inbound material crosses the invisible line that separates the receiving area from inventory. If you check the inventory flag it indicates the arrival of the flag in inventory when the operation completes. A deliver transactions, and the associated financial transactions for goods receipt occur at this time.

Advanced Task Framework does not allow material to revert back to receiving. Once you check this flag on an operation, it is automatically checked for all subsequent operations. The inventory glad controls the physical locator where the operation is carried out.

Locator Determination Parameters

Locator determination parameters are required for drop operations. The locator determination indicates the physical locator where you drop the material. You can use one of the following methods to determine locators.

LPN Determination Parameters

You may enter LPN determination parameters for drop operations. Advanced Task Framework uses LPN determination to suggest an LPN where material needs to be dropped. You can use LPN determination to plan consolidation for material with similar attributes. You can use one of the following methods to perform LPN determination.

Crossdock Method

If the operation plan is a crossdocking plan, then you must link it to a seeded outbound operation plan unless it is a WIP crossdocking operation plan. You cannot link a WIP crossdocking plan to an outbound seeded operation plan. These seeded outbound operation plans control the consolidation of material for shipping. The outbound seeded operation plans are:

Operation Plan Selection Rules

You can use multiple operations plans in a warehouse. However you can only use one operation plan for execution purposes when material is received. You can configure operation plan selection rules to select an appropriate operation plan based on business requirements. Operation plan selection rules are similar to label format rules. The return value is the operation plan assigned to receiving lines when the condition specified in the rule are satisfied.

Advanced Task Framework Setup Considerations

You must consider the following when you set up Advanced Task Framework

Operation Plan Assignment

An Operation plan is always assigned to material residing in receiving. Therefore when you assign an operation to material that has the last operation in receiving, for example, no operation with an in inventory flagged check, the system always uses operation plan selection rules to assign a new operation plan.

Default Operation Plans

If the operation plan selection rules fail to return an operation plan, at any time, the system assigns a default operation plan

Handling Non-deterministic Destination Location

Often the result of an operation on inbound material dictates the final storage location and its subsequent routing. Advanced Task Framework allows you to terminate the operation plan and perform a mid course determination of the final destination location and operation plan.

Packing of Inbound Material

The results of a packing operation may change the final putaway location for material. For example of you palletize material they may need to go to bulk storage and may require different equipment and material routing to the bulk area. If this is likely to happen, you should terminate the operation plan with a drop at or near a packing station. The actual packing then occurs using the packing workbench, and the material automatically moved to the packing station locator. Once packing is complete Advanced Task Framework determines the putaway location and assigns another operation plan to move the item to the next location.

Inbound Inspection

Inspection results may influence the final storage location of inspection required items. The business requirement is to route accepted material to storage, and rejected material to a rejection area to process for return to the vendor. You can define three operation plans to address this situation. The first operation plan moves material to the inspection station. The second operation plan moves accepted material to the storage area. The third operation plan moves the rejected material to the vendor return area. You can define an operation plan selection rule to determine the appropriate operation plan based on inspection results.

Handling Exceptions

An exception occurs when you perform a drop operation in a locator other than the suggested locator. Advanced Task Framework handles exceptions in the following ways:


An Advanced Task Framework load operation completes successfully when the following transactions occur.

When you load material in a receiving locator, the system should suggest the drop location based on the operation plan. You can use any of the following inbound drop transactions to perform the inbound drop.

The following operation plan describes a two step inbound material movement. The material is loaded from a receiving area and dropped into a P&D locator. The material is then moved to the final location using another set of load and drop operations.

the picture is described in the document text

You can use the Oracle Warehouse Management control board to monitor in progress, and completed operation plans. You can use Advanced Task Framework to view tasks as independent, or as part of an operation plan. You can collapse and expand an operation plan record and monitor the progress of operations within the operation plan.

Note: Load and drop operations appear as one task within the warehouse control board.

Common Problems

  1. Drop locator and / or LPN are not suggested as per the operation plan.

    Usually this occurs because the operation plan is not assigned. Verify the correct operation plan is assigned in the warehouse control board. If an incorrect operation plan or default operation plan is assigned, make the correction. If the proper plan is assigned, verify the locator or LPN determination parameters within the operation plan.

  2. The system assigns the same operation plan.

    Verify you defined the operation plan assignment rule properly. If you define the assignment rule improperly, then infinite looping occurs.

  3. Load and drop operations do not complete successfully.

    Usually the reason for this is available in the PL / SQL log file. To generate the log file set the profile options as follows:

    • INV: Debug Trace : Yes

    • INV: Debug Level: 9

    • INV: Debug file: (Include filename complete path where the file path must exist in the following query result) select value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir';

      See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2.

    For the Autonomous Database systems, to retrieve the debug file name, run the concurrent program Inventory Debug File Retrieval. The program uses the Debug File Name parameter as follows:

    • If you enter a file name, then the concurrent program retrieves the debug file for that file name.

    • If you do not enter a file name, then the concurrent program considers the file name that is specified in the profile INV: Debug File (Including the complete path).