RFID Implementation

This chapter covers the following topics:


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automated data collection technology that enables equipment to read tags attached to the objects without contact or line of sight. RFID uses radio frequency (RF) waves to transfer data between a reader and an item to identify, track or locate the item. The RFID system consists of a tag, which is made up of a microchip with a coiled antenna, and an interrogator or reader with an antenna. The reader sends out electromagnetic waves that form a magnetic field when they "couple" with the antenna on the RFID tag. A passive RFID tag draws power from this magnetic field and uses it to power the microchip's circuits. The chip then modulates the waves that the tag sends back to the reader and the reader converts the new waves into digital data and sends to a server for processing.

In a warehouse when a material is received, the RFID reader can read the contents in a RFID tag attached to the LPN and record a receipt automatically. Similarly, during the outbound shipment process, the RFID reader can read the contents in the RFID tag attached to the LPN and automatically confirm the shipment. This eliminates the task of manual confirmation of receipt and shipment.


The following section lists definition associated with RFID.

RFID Platform Architecture

Warehouse management uses the Oracle RFID platform with a warehouse control system layer (WCS) to implement RFID. This platform supports the following:

Functional Process

Warehouse management supports RFID-enabled receiving and shipping transactions. All of these flows require the RFID tag be applied to the outermost LPN, and the only other data on the RFID tag other than the manufacturers tag identifier is the license plate number. Warehouse management ignores reads of inner LPNs. There is no cross-reference between the data on the tag and the LPN, so the tag data and the LPN must match exactly.

Warehouse management supports all receipt routings for a receipt from an internal sales order or ASN receipt. If the receipt routing is direct, a read of the tag will automatically receive the LPN into the inventory locator associated with the reader. If the receipt routing is standard or inspection, a read of the tag will automatically receive the LPN into the optional receiving locator associated with the reader.

You can implement a RFID solution for outbound process. Warehouse management confirms a shipment automatically whenever

The key for RFID implementation is the RFID tag should carry the LPN number. Based on the LPN number, warehouse management detects the Internal Order / Purchase Order for which a receipt needs to be confirmed. Based on LPN number, the system detects the Sales Order(s) which needs to be confirmed for shipment.

Setting Up RFID

This section describes the RFID setup steps performed within warehouse management.

  1. Define the RFID device in Oracle Warehouse Management.

  2. Assign device to a WMS business event.

  3. Define the profile WMS: RFID user.

  4. Set up the Warehouse Control System (WCS) layer

Define the RFID device in Oracle Warehouse Management

  1. RFID readers placed in warehouse are modeled as devices. When defining readers, specify the device name for the reader within Oracle Applications as well as the integration method to be used for this particular reader.

  2. You need to enter a device name and device type for each RFID reader. The device associated with the RFID reader should be RFID. Only those devices whose device type is RFID are used for integration. Unlike material handling devices, you must assign RFID devices to a particular locator in a sub-inventory. However, you can skip this assignment if the receipt routing is either Inspection or Standard.

    The only input method for integration of warehouse and RFID devices is API. The Application Server uses the warehouse management API to inform the system that an RFID reader has encountered an RFID tag. Warehouse management uses the response status of the WMS-API for processing RFID transactions to drive the signals to the output devices

    However, you can customize your own events based on several other output methods supported within warehouse management. Supported output methods are Extensible Markup Language (XML), Comma Separated Values (CSV) and API (using a synchronous API call). If the output method is set to either XML or CSV, specify an output directory for the flat file to be written as well as the prefix for the file. You must include this directory in the database setting for the output directories (as specified in the v$ parameter setting).

    You can leave the default flags for Lot/Serial, Notify on Task Completion, Force Sign On, Employee, and Model.

    the picture is described in the document text

Assign device to a WMS business event

After you model the RFID reader as a device, you can assign it to a business event on the Assign Devices to Business Events window.

You can automate the following business events using an RFID system within warehouse management:

You can assign an RFID reader to one business event even though the system allows multiple assignments. The parameter Auto Invoked does not affect RFID.

Define the profile WMS: RFID user

When an RFID event is triggered, the application processes only the pallet tag. Without the context of a mobile or desktop user interface, the system does not know identity of the operator performing the transaction. All transactions must be stamped with a user. Therefore, a profile option has been provided to default the user, called WMS: RFID User.

This profile option is set only at the site level. It controls the user stamped on the receiving and shipping transactions, as well as the user associated with the ship confirm concurrent request. The simplest setup is to use a default user such as MFG, or you can set up a user for RFID transactions. This may provide a greater level of traceability.

Set up the Warehouse Control System (WCS) Layer

The following sub-steps are required to set up WCS layer:

For information on setting up the WCS layer, see the following technical brief on My Oracle Support: Warehouse Control System (WCS)/Material Handling Equipment (MHE), Document ID 387006.1.

After setting up the WCS layer, proceed with setting up the middle tier as described in the following technical brief on My Oracle Support: Warehouse Control System (WCS)/Material Handling Equipment (MHE), Document ID 387006.1.

Business Flow Description

Using an RFID system, you can automate receiving and shipping process in your warehouse. You can use a label printing kit to write a LPN number into the RFID tag. For automating the shipment process you need to ensure that the RFID tag contains a LPN ID. Similarly, you need to instruct your suppliers that they need to put a LPN ID into ASN shipment line and into RFID tag.

Typically an RFID reader is attached to the locator. The RFID reader sends out electromagnetic waves that form a magnetic field. When material passes through the locator, the magnetic field of the RFID reader interrogates with the antenna of the RFID tag and the magnetic field powers the microchip's circuits. The chip then modulates the waves to send the LPN information back to the reader. The reader then converts the new waves into a digital data and sends it to the application server

When you move goods through the locator, RFID reader attached to the locator interrogates the RFID tag on the outer LPN and responds. RFID reader then passes the message along with the device name. Based on the RFID read event and configured rules, the Oracle WMS API is called and passes LPN number and device name as input.

You can configure a light stack as an output device to receive feedback events. You can configure the light stack such that when a read event is successfully determined, a yellow light glows in the light stack. When a light stack glows yellow, then operator waits for success or failure of the transaction.

Based on the LPN context and RFID device name, Oracle WMS automates the transaction. After automatically performing the transaction, Oracle WMS returns a confirmation / failure message using the outbound process attached to the device. If the outbound process is API, then status of the transaction is returned synchronously. If the transaction is successful, then a green light glows, otherwise red. If the green light glows in the light stack, then the operator can proceed. If a red light glows in the light stack, then the operator needs to stop and start debugging the reasons for the failure. In case the light stack shows a red light, then the operator can also perform using mobile pages.

You can also configure a buzzer with various frequencies for confirmation.

Automating the Outbound Process

You can use the RFID system for automatic Ship Confirmation of Internal orders and Sales Orders. Automatic confirmation is controlled by two factors – LPN Context and the Business event associated with RFID event

LPN Context Business Event Result in Device History Comments
In Inventory Truck Load Success LPN context is changed to Loaded to Dock. Use 'Close Truck' option in Direct ship menu on the mobile UI to confirm the shipment.
In Inventory Truck Load and Ship Success Shipped Automatically by the System.
Picked Truck Load Success LPN context is changed to Loaded to Dock. Use LPN ship in the mobile UI to confirm the shipment.
Picked Truck Load and Ship Success Shipped Automatically by the System

Automating Direct Ship

You can raise a sales order and reserve a LPN against the Sales Order. This sales order can also be a result of an internal requisition.

You can use a label printing kit to write a LPN number into the RFID tag. When you move material out of the dock door, the RFID reader attached to the dock door detects the RFID tag on the outer LPN and passes the LPN number. Based on the RFID read event, the Oracle WMS API is called and passes LPN number and device name as input.

Warehouse management identifies the business event from the device name. Since the context of the LPN is Resides in Inventory, warehouse management triggers a Direct Ship transaction. If the associated business event is Truck Load and Ship, then warehouse management automatically confirms the shipment.

However, if the business event associated with the RFID device is Truck Load, the system sets the context of the LPN to Loaded to Dock. You have many options to confirm the shipment. You can use a push button, which triggers Close Truck public API. You can also use the Truck Close option in the Direct Ship menu in the mobile UI to ship the material.

Automating LPN Ship

Unlike automating direct ship, in this scenario you need to Pick release the Sales Order. You can stage the material either by picking from storage locator or by cross docking from a receiving locator.

You can use a label printing kit to write a LPN number into the RFID tag. You need to write the LPN number of the item being shipped and not the LPN number from where the item is picked. Therefore, it is better to write the LPN number into RFID tag in staging lane. When you move goods out of the dock door, RFID reader attached to the dock door detects the RFID tag on the outer LPN and passes the LPN number to the system. Based on the RFID read event, the Oracle WMS API is called and passes LPN number and device name as input.

Warehouse management identifies the business event from the device name. Since the context of the LPN is Picked, warehouse management triggers an LPN Ship transaction.

If the associated business event to the RFID device is Truck Load, then Oracle WMS automatically confirms the event of the loading the LPN into the truck. Oracle WMS uses the sub-inventory and locator associated with the device for automatic confirmation. Operator then needs to manually confirm the Ship Confirm event using his mobile. Alternatively the operator can use a push button which in turns calls Close Truck public API to close the truck and ship the material.

If the associated business event for the RFID device is Truck Load and Ship Confirm, warehouse management automatically confirms the event of loading of LPN into truck and ship confirms when last RFID is read.

Inbound Process

You can automatically record a receipt event for the following:

Business Flow / Receipt Routing Locator Type Locators Required
Direct Receipt Storage Yes
Standard / Inspection Receipt Receiving Optional

Note: If the subinventory is defined for a reader, the locator must also be specified on the reader definition.

Warehouse management supports all receipt routings for a receipt from an internal sales order or ASN receipt. If the receipt routing is direct, a read of the tag will automatically receive the LPN into the inventory locator associated with the reader. If the receipt routing is standard or inspection, a read of the tag will automatically receive the LPN into the optional receiving locator associated with the reader.

Automating Direct Receipts

You can automate the orders whose receipt routing is direct receipt. In this case the RFID reader is attached to the storage locator.

Warehouse management identifies the business event from the device name. It then retrieves the internal order or purchase order associated with LPN. This is the reason you can automate only those Purchase Order receipts that have a LPN in ASN. The system then checks whether the LPN context is 'In transit'.

If the business event is 'Direct Receipt', the receipt routing in the order is 'Direct receipt' and LPN context is 'In Transit', warehouse management automatically performs receipt and put way transaction into sub inventory and locator associated with RFID device.

Automating Standard and Inspection Receipts

You can automate the receipt process for orders where the receipt routing is standard or inspection receipt. In this case, the RFID reader is attached to a receiving locator.

When you receive goods into a receiving locator, the RFID reader attached to the locator detects the RFID tag on the outer LPN and passes the LPN number to the system. Based on the RFID read event, the Oracle Warehouse Management API passes the LPN number and device name as input.

Oracle Warehouse Management identifies the business event from the device name. It then retrieves the internal order or purchase order associated with LPN. This is the reason you can automate only those Purchase Order receipts that have an LPN.System then checks whether the LPN context is In transit or Resides at Vendor.

If the business event is Standard/Inspection receipt, the receipt routing in the order is either Standard receipt or Inspection Receipt and LPN context is In Receiving, warehouse management automatically performs the put away task. The destination inventory will be the sub inventory and locator associated with RFID device.

If a RFID device is not associated with a sub inventory and locator, warehouse management uses the suggested subinventory and locator in the put away task.

The RFID enabled outbound process is as follows:

Business Flow Validation to automatically ship
Truck Load Does not automatically ship; use either public API or mobile RF to close truck
Truck Load and Ship All LPNs in delivery or trip tied to LPN have been loaded

Debugging Tips

This section provides information on how to solved debugging problems during an RFID implementation.

Device Request History

Once transaction processing completes, the details of the transaction are moved to the WMS_DEVICE_REQUESTS_HIST table and you can view the history on the history window. The system uniquely stamps every invocation. You can use the Device Requests History window to view the status of the transactions.

To view information about one of the requests, select the Request ID. The detailed success or error message appears in the Message field.

Use Responses as XML or CSV

Nonautonomous Database (nonADB) Systems: You can set output method of the RFID device as XML or CSV files and mention an output directory. If this type of response is easier to debug, then the response mode and output directory can be set in the Define Devices window. Navigation path: Warehouse Manager: Setup, Warehouse Configuration, Printers & Devices, and then Define Devices. Ensure that the output directory is a directory that the application has permissions to write to. You can check the directories that the system has write access to with the following SQL query:

select value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir'

See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2.

Autonomous Database (ADB) Systems: In the Define Devices window, if the Output Method is XML or CSV, then set the Out Directory to EBS_APPLPTMP. The EBS_APPLPTMP directory is created in the database tier. To access the output files generated in the database tier, the application transfers them to the location $APPLCSF/EBS_DBXFER/wms in the application tier.

Note: If the EBS_APPLPTMP directory is set up in a nonADB system, then the nonADB system behaves in the same way as the ADB system.

Mobile Use

You can use a mobile page to directly invoke the WmsRfidEpcPub.processRfidTxn() API. You can pass the RFID device name and LPN number as input values and trigger the RFID event. No validation is present on the RFID device name or the LPN number. To add this mobile page in your menu, add the function Mobile RFID test to the menu in which you desire the test mobile page to appear.

the picture is described in the document text

Enable Logging

Enable logging for user ID with the parameter WMS: RFID. System will write into the log file maintained for the user ID identified by the parameterWMS: RFID user.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I implement barcodes and RFID?

    Barcodes are inexpensive and effective for certain tasks. It is likely that RFID and barcodes will coexist for many years. For example, you can use labels on each LPN so that it is easy to read the contents of the LPN and attach a RFID tag for the outer LPN for automating the transactions. However, most of your needs for a barcode can also be met with RFID. There may other reasons why you need to use both barcodes and RFID. One reason might be the cost associated with RFID tags. In such scenarios, you can choose to use RFID for materials that are costly or hazardous in nature. For low cost items you can go for barcodes.

  2. Can warehouse management write data into an RFID tag?

    Oracle WMS can write data into a RFID tag. Most RFID tag writers are label printers. Therefore, you can leverage on the existing infrastructure of label integration to write any kind of data into a RFID tag. When you write data always verify that RFID tag holds LPN number. Please check with 3rd party label printing software vendors for the capability to write data into a RFID tag.

  3. Does warehouse management provide special tags as an XML output file in the label integration for writing data into an RFID tag?

    No. You can configure the data as attributes in the XML and most third party software (like Loftware and Zebra) can extract these attributes from the XML for writing into a RFID tag.

  4. What does on RFID tag contain?

    At present the only content of a RFID tag, which warehouse management can read is the LPN number. It can contain other information, warehouse management does not use.

  5. What happens if the RFID tag does not contain and LPN number?

    Warehouse management records the event as a failure.

  6. How can I connect to the object name server?

    Warehouse management does not yet provide any out-of-box solution for connecting to Object Name Server (ONS).

  7. Can an RFID device be associated with two business events?

    An RFID device cannot be associated with two business events. If an RFID is associated with two business events, warehouse management returns an error. However, the system does not prevent you from assigning a RFID device to multiple business events.

  8. What happens if an RFID tag is attached to an inner LPN as well as an outer LPN?

    Warehouse management reads both the tags and ignores the inner LPN. Therefore you can process an RFID-enabled pallet consisting of RFID-enabled cases.

  9. What happens if an overlap exists in the reader field (area of coverage of two devices, and they detect the same LPN?

    The RFID reader software deals with this problem where algorithms for tag and reader field collision are implemented. First, the warehouse manager should make sure that there is no overlap between reader fields of the devices. If one or more devices detect a LPN simultaneously warehouse management performs the transaction for the first read and logs an error for the second read.

  10. Can warehouse management ship or receive multiple RFID enabled pallets at a single RFID reader at once?

    Warehouse management supports shipping or receiving of multiple RFID-enabled pallets at a single RFID reader at once. However, the way in which the light stack is triggered would need to be enhanced. Specifically, each pallet read and subsequent event will trigger a yellow light followed by either a green or red light. The link between warehouse management and the light stack simply passes the message from warehouse management on to the light with no filtering or aggregation. So with two simultaneous reads, it is entirely possible to see yellow > green > yellow > green, or a long yellow followed by a long green. With three reads, it can become even more complex, and as error conditions are also introduced, the light stack becomes even more unpredictable.