Rules Engine

This appendix covers the following topics:

Date Types

Oracle Warehouse Management Rules Engine - Date Types
Date Type Example Additional Notes
Accounting Period 3rd period to 4th period Accounting defined on the general ledger
Always No additional data needed none
Calendar Period 1st period to 6th period Calendar periods defined on BOM calendar
Day Monday to Thursday none
Day of month 1st to 5th every month none
Full date Jan. 1, 2001 to Jan. 5, 2001 none
Month January to March none
Quarter 1st quarter to 3rd quarter none
Shift 2nd shift only Work shifts defined as BOM shifts
Week 10th to 25th week of the year none
Year 2001 to 2002 none


Oracle Warehouse Management Rules Engine - Objects
Object Usage Rule Type
Account Alias Attributes of the account alias. Used for finding cost group for account alias receipt. Cost Group
Actual Transaction Information from the move order line. Pick, Put away, Cost Group
BOM Bill of Materials Details about the job and schedule bill of materials header. This object is applicable for discrete, lot based (OSFM), repetitive, and flow manufacturing. Pick
BOM Components Details about the job and schedule material requirements defined on the BOM bill of materials. At work order creation, discrete, lot based, and repetitive jobs create a copy of this data. The copy can be referenced with the object WIP Requirements. This object is therefore applicable mostly for flow manufacturing, but can also be used by discrete, lot based (OSFM), and repetitive manufacturing. Pick
BOM Operations Details about the job and schedule operations defined on the BOM routing. At work order creation, discrete, lot based, and repetitive jobs create a copy of this data. The copy can be referenced with the object WIP Operations. This object is therefore applicable mostly for flow manufacturing, but can also be used by discrete, lot based (OSFM), and repetitive manufacturing. This is only applicable when the job has a routing, which is optional for discrete manufacturing. Pick
BOM Routing Details about the job and schedule routing header. This object is applicable for discrete, lot based (OSFM), repetitive, and flow manufacturing. This is only applicable when the job has a routing, which is optional for discrete manufacturing. Pick
Category Information on the item category. All
Category Set Attributes of the item category set. Cost Group, Label
Cost Group Information on the cost group on the move order line. Pick
Cost Group Transaction This object represents the input record passed to the cost group engine. It is based on the view WMS_COST_GROUPS_INPUT_V. Cost Group
Container Attributes of the inventory item used as the container for this task. Task Type
Customer Contact Contact person at the customer. Label
Customer Item Cross Reference The attributes of the customer item which corresponds to the current inventory item Label
Customers Customer information. For picking rules, this object is useful only for pick wave move orders. Pick, Cost Group, Label
Date Current date. Pick, Put away, Task Type
Destination Locator For picking rules, this is the destination locator on the move order line. On pick wave move orders, this would be the staging locator specified during pick release. For put away rules, this is the destination locator found through the rules. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Task Type
Destination Organization For picking and put away rules, the source organization and destination organization are the same - the organization on the move order line. Pick, Put away, Cost Group
Destination Project The destination project for the transaction or task. Cost Group, Task Type
Destination Subinventory For picking rules, this is the destination subinventory on the move order line. On pick wave move orders, this would be the staging subinventory specified during pick release. For put away rules, this is the destination subinventory found through the rules. Pick, Put Away, Cost Group, Task Type
Freight Carrier Freight carrier information. For picking and put away rules, this object is useful only for pick wave move orders. Pick, Put away, Label
Hazard Class The hazard class of the inventory item Label
Item Attributes of the item on the move order line All
Item Locator Attributes of relationship between item and source locator (for picking) or destination locator (for put away). Pick, Put away
Item Subinventory Information on any Item-Subinventory relationship between the item and the current source subinventory (for picking) or destination subinventory (for put away), such as min-max quantities. Pick, Put away
License Plate Attributes of the LPN on the move order line. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Label
License Plate Contents Attributes of the contents of the LPN on the move order line. Pick, Put away, Label
Lot Attributes of the Lot being allocated for the current move order line. Useful only for lot controlled items. All
Order Type Attributes of the Order Type on the sales order line. Useful only for pick wave move orders. Pick, Put away
Primary UOM Information on the Item Primary Unit of Measure. Pick, Put away
Purchase Order Header Attributes of the purchase order. Used mostly for put away move orders created during a PO receipt. Pick, Put away, Label
Purchase Order Lines Attributes of the purchase order lines. Put, Cost Group
Purchase Order Lines type Attributes of line type on the purchase order line. Put, Cost Group
Revision Attributes of the revision being allocated. Pick, Put away
Sales Order Header Attributes of the sales order header. For pick and put away rules, this object is useful only for pick wave move orders. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Label
Sales Order Lines Attributes of the sales order line for this move order line. For pick and put away rules, this object is useful only for pick wave move orders. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Label
Secondary UOM Attributes of the item secondary unit of measure. Pick, Put away
Serial Number Attributes of the current serial number being allocated. All
Ship To Customer Sites The customers ship-to location. Label
Source Locator The locator from where the engine is allocating. All
Source Organization For picking and put away rules, the source organization and destination organization are the same - the organization on the move order line. Pick, Put away, Cost Group
Source Project Attributes of the project specified on the move order line. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Task
Source Project Task Attributes of the task specified on the move order line. Pick, Put away
Source Subinventory The subinventory from where the engine is allocating during picking. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Task
Stock on-hand Information about the storable unit (combination of revision, lot, subinventory, locator, and cost group) being allocated, including receipt date and quantity. Pick, Put away
Subinventory / Locator For picking, information about the material in the locator being picked from, such as quantity in the current locator. Pick, Put away
Supplier Attributes of the supplier of the material. Put, Cost Group, Label
Supplier Site Attributes of the site for the supplier of the material. Put, Cost Group
Transaction Action Information about the move orders transaction action. Pick, Put away
Transaction Reason Information about the transaction reason on the move order line. Pick, Put away
Transaction Source Type Attributes of the transaction source type for the move order line. Pick, Put away, Cost Group
Transaction Type Attributes of the Transaction Type of the move order line. Pick, Put away, Cost Group
UOM Attributes of the unit of measure specified on the move order line. Pick, Put away
UOM Class Attributes of the class which contains the UOM specified on the move order line. Pick, Put away
User Information on the user who created the move order line. Pick, Put away
Warehouse Task Attributes of the task the task type is being assigned to. Task
WIP Entity The job name and reference to the manufacturing mode. This is applicable to discrete, lot based (SOFM), repetitive, and flow manufacturing. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Task
WIP Job Details about the particular job. This is applicable to discrete and lot based (OSFM) manufacturing only. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Task
WIP Operations Details about the job and repetitive schedule operations. This is applicable to discrete, lot based (OSFM), and repetitive manufacturing only. This is only applicable when the job has a routing, that is optional for discrete manufacturing. Pick
WIP Repetitive Schedule Details about the repetitive schedule. This is applicable to repetitive manufacturing only. Pick, Put Away, Cost Group, Task
WIP Requirements Details about the job and repetitive schedule material requirements. This is applicable to discrete, lot based (OSFM), and repetitive manufacturing. Pick
WIP Schedules Details about the flow schedule. This is applicable to flow manufacturing only. Pick, Put away, Cost Group, Task

Selected Parameters

Oracle Warehouse Management Rules Engine - Parameters
Parameter Object Usage
Transaction Quantity Actual Transaction The quantity to be allocated, as entered on the move order line, in the transaction UOM.
Transaction Date Actual Transaction The date the transaction occurs.
Secondary Quantity Actual Transaction The quantity to be allocated on the move order line in the secondary UOM.
Current Date Date The current date according to the database.
Number of Other Items in the Location Destination Locator For put away rules, this value is the number of items other than the item on the move order line currently residing in the destination locator. Useful for put away rules preventing item commingling.
Number of Other Lots in the Location Destination Locator For put away rules, this is the number of lots for this item that currently reside in the destination locator, other than the lot being put away. Useful for put away rules preventing lot commingling.
Number of Other Revisions in the Location Destination Locator For put away rules, this is the number of revisions for this item that currently reside in the destination locator, other than the revision being put away. Useful for put away rules preventing revision commingling.
Proximity To Locator With Item By Coordinates Destination Locator For put away rules, this is the distance between the destination locator and the nearest locator that contains the item. If the item resides in the locator, this value = 0. The calculation only works if locators have defined x, y, and z coordinates. Useful for put away rules limiting the scattering of material in the warehouse.
Proximity To Locator With Item By Picking Order Destination Locator For put away rules, this is the distance between the destination locator and the nearest locator that contains the item, as determined by locator picking order. This calculation assumes that locators that have picking orders that are close in value are physically close in the warehouse. If the item resides in the locator, this value is 0. The calculation only works if locators have defined picking order. Useful for put away rules limiting the scattering of material in the warehouse.
Parent Child Generation Method Destination Organization Determines how the child lot is determines for the organization.
Child Lot Prefix Destination Organization The child lot prefix of the item.
Child Lot Total Length Destination Organization The total length of the child lot number.
Child Lot Zero Pad Code Destination Organization Indicates if there is a lot zero pad for the child lot.
Child Lot Validation Code Destination Organization Indicates if the child lot is subject to validation
Child Lot Copy Lot Attributes Code Destination Organization Indicates if the child lot inherits the parent lot attributes.
Item Grade Controlled Indicates if the item is grade controlled.
Lot Grade Lot Preferred grade of the lot listed on the move order line.
Lot Origination Date Lot Day you created the lot in the system.
Lot Origination Type Lot How you created the lot. For example if you created the lot in the lot master, then the origination type is lot master. If you generated the lot during a transaction, then the origination type is inventory.
Lot Retest Date Lot The date you need to retest the lot for usability.
Lot Expiration Date Lot The date you perform the predetermined lot expiration action.
Lot Expiration Action Code Lot The action to perform on a lot once it expires.
Lot Hold Date Lot The date until which you hold the lot before you can take any action.
Lot Maturity Date Lot The date the lot matures.
OPM QC Matching Lot This parameter determines if the lot matches process manufacturing customer quality specifications.
Preferred Grade Sales Order Line Grade listed on the sales order line
Fulfillment Base Sales Order Line Used in advanced catch weight scenarios, this field shows whether the fulfillment base is Primary (P), Secondary (S), or null. The Fulfillment Base field appears on the Sales Orders window > Line Items tab > Shipping sub-tab.
Schedule Ship Date Sales Order Line The date the material is scheduled to ship.
Secondary UOM Code Secondary UOM The secondary unit of measure for an item if the item is under dual unit of measure control.
Direct ATT/ATR Quantity Stock On-Hand The quantity of the storable unit currently being examined by the rules engine. A storable unit is a collection of material that has the same revision, lot number, and cost group that sits in a single subinventory and locator. In the database, a storable unit is a single row in MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES. When allocating serial numbers, this value is always equal to 1. Useful for rules for picking all of the material from a single locator.
Actual item on-hand quantity / txn UOM Subinventory/Locator The picking locator's on hand quantity. Useful for picking to deplete locators.
Actual on-hand quantity / txn UOM Subinventory/Locator The onhand quantity for all items being allocated in the locator being picked from or being put away to. Useful for picking to deplete locators.
Available Capacity by Customer-Specific Algorithm Subinventory/Locator The capacity of the destination locator as defined through a custom API. See Customization section. Available for put away rules.
Available Capacity by Units Subinventory/Locator Available capacity in destination locator for put aways, based on the defined Unit capacity on the locator.
Available Capacity by Volume Subinventory/Locator Available capacity in destination locator for put aways, based on volume. Returned value is in transaction UOM.
Available Capacity by Weight Subinventory/Locator Available capacity in destination locator for put aways, based on weight. Returned value is in transaction UOM.
Empty Flag Object Destination Locator Use this parameter to find empty locators. The value is equal to Y for empty locators, if there value is N the locator is not empty. Using this parameter is the most efficient way to find an empty locator.
Item Resides in Locator Object Destination Locator To find locators that already contain this item, use this parameter. The value is equal to 'Y' for locators that contain the selected item, and 'N' for locators that do not contain the item. This parameter is best used to find locators that contain mixed items including the item under consideration. The best performance will occur if rules that use this parameter also set the Mixed Items flag equal to 'Y'. To find locators where the item does not mix with other items, use the Only Item in Locator parameter.
Maximum Occupied Capacity by Units, Volume and Weight Subinventory/Locator The highest value from among occupied capacity of the locator determined by weight, occupied capacity of the locator determined by volume, and occupied capacity of the locator by units. Available for put away move orders.
Maximum Occupied Capacity by Volume and Weight Subinventory/Locator The populated locator's highest value, determined by weight and population governed by volume. Available for put away move orders. Value is in transaction UOM.
Minimum Available Capacity by Units, Volume and Weight Subinventory/Locator The lowest value from among available capacity of locator measured by weight, available capacity of locator measured by volume, and available capacity of locator by units. Available for put away move orders.
Minimum Available Capacity by Volume and Weight Subinventory/Locator The lower value from among available capacity of locator measured by weight and available capacity of locator measured by volume. Available for put away move orders. Value returned in transaction UOM.
Minimum Remaining Available Capacity by Units, Volume and Weight Subinventory/Locator The lowest value from among remaining available capacity of locator measured by weight, remaining available capacity of locator measured by volume, and remaining available capacity of locator by units. Remaining available capacity is the capacity that will be available in the locator after the current transaction. Available for put away move orders
Minimum Remaining Available Capacity by Volume and Weight Subinventory/Locator The lower value from among remaining available capacity of locator measured by weight and remaining available capacity of locator measured by volume. Remaining available capacity is the capacity that will be available in the locator after the current transaction. Available for put away move orders. Value is in Transaction UOM.
Minimum Total Capacity by Units, Volume and Weight Subinventory/Locator The lowest value from among total capacity of locator measured by weight, total capacity of locator measured by volume, and total capacity of locator by units. Available for put away move orders
Minimum Total Capacity by Volume and Weight Subinventory/Locator The lower value from among total capacity of locator measured by weight and total capacity of locator measured by. Available for put away move orders. Value is in transaction UOM.
Mixed Items Flag Object Destination Locator This parameter returns 'Y' if the locator contains more than one item, and 'N' if the locator contains 0 or 1 item. Please refer to the Update Locator Capacity concurrent request to understand how this flag is maintained.
Occupied Capacity by Customer-Specific Algorithm Subinventory/Locator Currently occupied capacity in the destination locator as defined by a custom API. See the Customization section.
Occupied Capacity by Units Subinventory/Locator Currently occupied capacity in the destination locator as measured by unit.
Occupied Capacity by Volume Subinventory/Locator Currently occupied capacity in the destination locator as measured by volume. Value in Transaction UOM.
Occupied Capacity by Weight Subinventory/Locator Currently occupied capacity in the destination locator as measured by weight. Value in Transaction UOM.
Only Item in Locator Object Destination Locator This parameter returns the item identifier of the only item in the locator. This parameter is null if the locator is empty, or if the locator contains more than one item. To putaway to locators that contain only the current item, set the Only Item in Locator parameter equal to the Inventory Item Identifier parameter on the Item object.
Remaining Available Capacity by Customer-Specific Algorithm Subinventory/Locator The capacity that will be available in the destination locator after this transaction, as determined by a custom API. See the section on customization
Remaining Available Capacity by Units Subinventory/Locator The capacity that will be available in the destination locator after this transaction, as measures in units.
Remaining Available Capacity by Volume Subinventory/Locator The capacity that will be available in the destination locator after this transaction, as measures by volume. Value in Transaction UOM.
Remaining Available Capacity by Weight Subinventory/Locator The capacity that will be available in the destination locator after this transaction, as measures by weight. Value in Transaction UOM.
Total Capacity by Customer-Specific Algorithm Subinventory/Locator Total capacity of the destination locator, as given by custom API. See Customization section.
Total Capacity by Units Subinventory/Locator Total capacity of the destination locator in units.
Total Capacity by Volume Subinventory/Locator Total capacity of the destination locator in volume. Value in the Transaction UOM.
Total Capacity by Weight Subinventory/Locator Total capacity of the destination locator in weight. Value in the Transaction UOM.

Seeded Rules

Oracle Warehouse Management Rules Engine - Seeded Rules
No. Type Rule Name Description
1 Pick Rotate stock Pick stock based on FEFO for expiration date controlled material and FIFO for non-expiration date controlled material
2 Pick Absolute LIFO Pick stock based on LIFO of receipt date
3 Pick 30-day range FEFO min pick task Pick any lot that expires in the next 30 days, splitting the pick across storage units-of-measure intelligently, and ordering to deplete locators closest to empty first (restricted to items that are lot controlled)
4 Pick Serial order Pick stock in alphabetical order of the serial number (restricted to items that are serial controlled)
5 Pick Single lot, pick UOM Pick a single lot, splitting the pick across storage units-of-measure intelligently, and ordering by FEFO or FIFO (restricted to items that are lot controlled)
6 Pick Rotate stock pick UOM Pick stock based on FEFO for expiration date controlled material and FIFO for non-expiration date controlled material, splitting the pick across storage units-of-measure intelligently
7 Put away Empty locator Put away to any empty locator
8 Put away Prevent lot or item commingling Put away to any locator, when the item commingling (different items) or lot commingling (different lots of same item) are prevented, ordering the locator to minimize fragmentation
9 Put away Single location Put away to any locator that has enough capacity for the entire put away, while trying to minimize item fragmentation
10 Put away Minimize fragmentation Put away to minimize fragmentation of the item
11 Put away Like material status code for lots Put away a lot controlled item to a locator or subinventory that has the same material status (restricted to items that are lot status controlled)
12 Put away Like material status code for serials Put away a serial controlled item to a locator or subinventory that has the same material status (restricted to items that are serial status controlled)
13 Pick Pick Common Stock This rule is applicable for project manufacturing organizations only. It will ensure that only material that is not stored in a project locator, or common stock, is allocated.
14 Pick Same Planning Group @ This rule is applicable for project manufacturing organizations only. It ensures that only material that is in a project locator of the same planning group as the planning group on the move order request is allocated
15 Pick Same Project This rule is applicable for project manufacturing organizations only. It ensures that only material that is for the same project as that on the move order line is allocated.
16 Pick Same Project Same Task This rule is applicable for project manufacturing organizations only. It ensures that only material that is for the same project and task as that on the move order line is allocated.
17 Pick Seeded Default Pick Rule This rule has no restrictions and no sort criteria and is automatically assigned as the default organization picking rule when the organization is first enabled for warehouse management.
18 Put away Seeded Default Put away rule This rule has no restrictions and no sort criteria and is automatically assigned as the default organization putaway rule when the organization is first enabled for warehouse management.

Seeded Strategies

Oracle Warehouse Management Rules Engine - Seeded Strategies
No. Type Strategy Name Description
1 Pick Prefer single lot Attempt to pick single lot, but pick multiple lots if necessary, splitting the pick across storage units-of-measure intelligently (rule 5, then rule 6)
2 Pick 30-day range FEFO Pick any lot that expires in the next 30 days, splitting the pick across storage units-of-measure, and deplete the almost empty locators first (rule 3)
3 Pick Rotate stock Pick stock based on FEFO for expiration date controlled material and FIFO for non-expiration date controlled material (rule 1)
4 Pick Rotate stock, pick UOM Pick stock based on FEFO for expiration date controlled material and FIFO for non-expiration date controlled material, splitting the pick across storage units-of-measure (rule 6)
5 Put away Empty locator Put away to any empty locator (rule 7)
6 Put away Minimize fragmentation Put away to minimize fragmentation of the item (rule 10)
7 Put away Same material status code Put away lot or serial status controlled material to a locator or subinventory with the same status (rule 11, then rule 12)
8 Pick Project Manufacturing Allocation Preferences This strategy uses five seeded picking rules to model common requirements of a project manufacturing organization. The strategy is automatically assigned to the organization when an organization is enabled for both warehouse management and project manufacturing. This means that a picking strategy search order, with the source organization as the only object, is also defined when an organization is both warehouse management and project manufacturing enabled. The strategy attempts to allocate first the most specific material for a particular project and task, gradually loosening the restrictions, finally allocating any material if necessary. It behaves as follows:
  1. Allocate material from the same project and task

  2. Allocate material from the same project

  3. Allocate material that is not stocked for any particular project (Common stock)

  4. Allocate material from the same planning group

  5. Allocate any material

    The last rules may be too generic for some organizations, but a copy of the strategy can be made, and then that copy modified by removing or modifying the last rule.