Form Function Parameters

This appendix covers the following topics:

Form Function Parameters Overview

A form is a special class of function that appear in the Navigate windows in Oracle Applications. A function is a part of an application's functionality that is registered under a unique name and used to assign or exclude it from a responsibility.

A form function parameter allows you to change the appearance, behavior, value defaulting and other features of an Oracle Applications window. Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications relies on form function parameters to simplify the user interface and navigation.

Form function parameters are name-values lists and they are widely used in Oracle Warehouse Management transactions to control the form appearance, layout and functionality. Form function parameters are configured by navigating to Application->Function option in the system administrator responsibility. Standard WMS install comes with seeded menu options with pre-configured form function parameters. You can specify different values for the form function parameters to create your own mobile menu options. This can be done by creating a user-defined function and assigning it a unique function name.

Lot and Serial Form Function Parameters

The Maintain Lots and Maintain Serial Numbers windows enable authorized personnel to update lot and serial attributes. The View Lot Numbers and View Serial Numbers windows will give non-authorized personnel view-only access to lot and serial attributes. Limiting access is achieved by calling the Lots and Serials forms in query only mode as shown below:

Lot and Serial Form Function Parameters
Mode Form Parameter
View Lot Numbers Update Item Lot Information QUERY_ONLY='YES'
Maintain Lot Numbers Update Item Lot Information -

Miscellaneous Transactions Form Function Parameters

The following form function parameters are used to setup the various transactions:

Miscellaneous Transactions Form Function Parameters
Form Parameter Valid Parameters Description
Mobile Inventory Issue TRANSACTION ALIAS_ISSUE, MISC_ISSUE Determines if the operator must enter an account alias or an account number for an issue transaction. If no parameter provided, defaults to ALIAS_ISSUE
Mobile Inventory Receipts TRANSACTION -- Determines if the operator must enter an account alias or an account number for a receipt transaction. If no parameter provided, defaults to ALIAS_RCPT
Mobile WMS Pack / Unpack TYPE PACK, UNPACK, SPLIT, CONSOLIDATE, UPDATE Determines if the transaction is a pack, unpack, split, consolidate, or LPN update transaction. A value for this parameter must be provided
Mobile Inventory Issue
Mobile Inventory Receipts
Mobile Sub Transfer
Mobile Org Transfer
TXN_TYPE_ID Any valid transaction type id from MTL_ TRANSACTION_ TYPES TXN_TYPE_ID that have the same transaction action and transaction source type as the applicable system defined transaction type Defaults the transaction type and hides the transaction type field from the operator if a parameter is provided
Mobile Inventory Issue
Mobile Inventory Receipts
ACCOUNT Any valid account alias as defined in CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS.MTL_GENERIC_DISPOSITIONS_KFV defined within the current organization Defaults the transaction account and hides the account field from the operator if a parameter is provided. Note that this can only be used for Alias Issues and Alias Receipts.
Mobile Inventory Receipts SERIAL_TYPE INDIVIDUAL RANGE If this parameter is set it to RANGE then the form accepts a range of serial numbers. The form will show two serial number fields - From SN and To SN on the mobile page. The serial numbers within that range are assumed to be continuous and not missing. If the form function parameter was set to “INDIVIDUAL” then in that case only one serial number field is displayed and the user needs to enter all the serial numbers one at a time. If no parameter provided, defaults to INDIVIDUAL
Mobile Sub Transfer
Mobile Org Transfer
QTYRG Y,N Indicates if the lot and serial quantity is cross-checked for lot / serial transactions (Y), or if the transaction quantity is calculated from the lot / serial quantity (N). If no parameter provided, defaults to Y.

Packing Workbench Form Function Parameters

The form function parameter ENABLE_LOT_DFF for the functionFo rth efunction WMS_PACK_WORKBENCH controls the display of the Lot Attributes button on t, he LPN Pack (Packing Workbench) window. The Lot Attributes button is needed when a lot is received on the desktop forms and is packed into LPN using the Packing Workbench before its putaway on the mobile application.

Packing Workbench Form Function Parameters
Form Parameter Valid Parameters Description
Packing Workbench ENABLE_LOT_DFF Y, N

    Displays the Lot Attributes button instead of the Expiration Date field on the packing workbench windows (such as LPN Pack and so on). When the lot number is scanned (entered), the Lot Attributes button is enabled, and when clicked, displays the Lot Entry window.

    Note: This is applicable for lot-controlled items only.


    Displays the Expiration Date field for the lot instead of the Lot Attributes button. This is the default setting.

Putaway Page Form Function Parameters

The put away process has several modes in which a put away can be performed. These modes are configured by form function parameters set on the put away page, and are as follows:

Putaway Form Function Parameters
Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
SUGGESTION RULES, USER, BOTH, LINES This form function parameter controls the visibility of buttons on the drop page and also controls if automatic consolidation on drop is enabled. If the rules engine suggests a single location for all contents within an LPN, automatic consolidation implies that the user is not asked to individually confirm each item, locator and quantity being dropped. Instead the user just needs to confirm the sub and locator for the entire drop once. The behavior for different values of this parameter is as follows:
RULES: displays <load>and<Drop>buttons. The <User Drop>button is not displayed. This automatically consolidates on location suggested for the entire LPN.
USER: Displays only <User Drop>button. used for user-directed putaway. This automatically consolidates on location suggested for the entire LPN.
BOTH: Displays the <Load>, <Drop>, and <User Drop>buttons. This allows you to perform system directed or use directed putway. This automatically consolidates on location suggested for the entire LPN.
LINES: Displays the <Load>and <Drop> buttons. Thi is used for system-directed putaway. This options forces you to confirm each line individually even if all items in the LPN have the same destination locator.
Default Value = BOTH
VALIDATE YES, NO This parameter is applicable only ifUser Drop button is activated and therefore it is applicable only if SUGGESTION is set to either BOTH or USER If this parameter is set to “Yes”, the sub-inventory and locator is validated to see if violate a constraint defined in putaway rules. No rules engine validation is performed if this parameter is set to “No”.
LOAD_INTO_LPN YES, NO Controls display of the Into LPN field in the Manual Load Page.
LOAD_FULL_LPN YES, NO Controls the display of the <Load Entire LPN>button in the Manual Load page.
LOAD_CONTENTS YES, NO Controls display of the <Select Contents>button in the Manual Load page.
LOAD_TRANSFER_CONTENTS YES, NO Controls display of the <Transfer All Contents>button in the Manual Load Page
SERIALLY_COUNTED YES, NO If set to 'YES', each entry of serial number increments the qty in item based putaway. If 'NO” user enters the qty and then serial
PAGE_TYPE MANUAL_DROP, MANUAL_LOAD, DROP_ALL, SYSTEM_DROP, PUTAWAY_LOAD Controls if the page being configured will be of type manual load, manual drop, drop all or system directed drop.
DROP_INTO_LPN YES, NO Controls the display of the Into LPN field in the Drop Pages.
DROP_FULL_LPN YES, NO Controls the display of the <Drop Entire LPN> button in the Drop Pages
DROP_TRANSFER_CONTENTS YES, NO Controls display of the <Transfer All Contents> button in the Drop Pages.

The following form setup creates a user defined Mobile Receipt menu option that allows receipt only for Purchase Orders. The mobile receipt form has the Country of Origin field enabled for entry.

Function Function Description HTML Call Parameters

WMS Control Board Form Function Parameters

The following table lists the parameters on the WMS Control Board / Find Tasks window (function = WMS_WMSCTLBD):

Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
SHOW_PICK_NONE_TASKS Y,N Enter one of the following options:

    Displays the Pick None option on the WMS Control Board / Find Tasks window.


    Does not display the Pick None option on the WMS Control Board / Find Tasks window.

Important: The Pick None status is available for only Outbound, Manufacturing and Warehousing sources.

Mobile Advanced Catch Weight (Mobile Application Function Parameters)

The following table lists the parameters for the following Catch Weight mobile pages:

Parameters for the Catch Weight page
Parameter Name Allowed Values
  • Y: Display the LPN tare weight fields.

  • N: Hide LPN tare weight fields. This is the default value.

  • Y: Display the package tare weight field.

  • N: Hide package tare weight field. This is the default value.

  • Y: When the Order Fulfillment base is Secondary and a catch weight entry/update is performed for an LPN before pick drop, and

    • The pick task has consumed all of the primary quantity in a locator.

    • A secondary quantity remains in that source locator.

    then the remaining secondary quantity will be automatically issued as a residual transaction after the pick drop.

    Setting this parameter to Y will create a cycle count entry for the source locator of that task (using the default Cycle Count header specified on Organization Parameters).

    Note: This parameter is applicable only when the Order Fulfillment base is Secondary, and for LPNs loaded through pick load but not dropped yet when catch weight is being entered.

  • N: This is the default value.

CTWT_MAX_PRI_RESID Value = Any positive number.
In some situations, a primary quantity may remain in the source locator if the:
  • Order Fulfillment base is Secondary and a catch weight entry/update is performed for an LPN before pick drop.

  • On-hand secondary quantity is being fully consumed.

Setting this parameter ensures that quantities below the specified threshold are issued automatically from the source locator when the pick drop is done. For example, suppose a picker picked 10 pounds (primary) and 1 each (secondary). The weight of the material for catch weight entry/update is 9.9 pounds. If the pick drop is now performed with the updated weight, the staged material is 9.9 pounds, 1 each. However, the source locator will still have an on-hand record for 0.1 pounds, 0 each.
However, you can prevent remaining fractional on-hand primary quantities by setting this parameter as described in the following example.
For example, if you set the parameter to CTWT_MAX_PRI_RESID=0.1 then the remaining quantity of 0.1 pounds, 0 each (or any quantity less than 0.1) will be automatically flushed out of the system. The value specified for the CTWT_MAX_PRI_RESID parameter represents the maximum primary quantity that the system automatically generates from the source locator for a task. Primary quantities greater than the specified number will remain untouched.
This parameter applies only when:
  • Order Fulfillment base is Secondary (and therefore applies only to primary quantities).

  • Automatic issue of material occurs only if the remaining on-hand secondary quantity becomes zero.

Note: The LPN must be loaded (by pick load) but not dropped at the time of catch weight entry.

The following form function parameters for the form function WMS_LOAD_TRUCK control catch weight behavior on the mobile Direct Ship (Load Truck) page:

Parameter Name Allowed Values
  • P: The order fulfillment base is Primary. This is the default value.

  • S: The order fulfillment base is Secondary.

  • Y: Enable catch weight entry.

  • N: Disable catch weight entry. This is the default value.

  • Y: Displays the Delivery Number field on the Load Truck page to allow direct ship by delivery.

  • N: Hides the Delivery Number field on the Load Truck page. This is the default value.

Mobile Counting (Mobile Application Function Parameters)

The following table contains the cycle and physical counting form function parameters for the form function Mobile Cycle Count (INV_MOB_CYCL_COUNT).

Mobile Counting Function Parameters
Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
COUNT_OPTION DETAIL, SUMMARY, BOTH If your count contains an LPN, you can alternatively do a summary count or a detail count. Note that these options might not both be available depending on the user that is set as a form function parameter.
  • DETAIL: A detail count means that the user will open up the LPN and count items stored within it.

  • SUMMARY: A summary count means that the user is sure that everything inside the LPN agrees with what the system thinks is inside it.

  • INDIVIDUAL: This specifies the user must enter each serial number individually.

  • RANGE: The user should enter by specifying the FROM and the TO serial number in the range.

  • NO: Enables the counter to enter and process the individual lot quantities without entering the total item quantity first for lot controlled items. Displays the Next Lot button on the Cycle Counting page to enable the counter to enter the current lot and lot quantity, and proceed to the next lot. The system calculates the sum of the quantity entered for individual lots as the count quantity.

  • YES: The counter must enter the total item quantity for a lot-controlled item during the count and then enter the quantity for individual lots on the Cycle Counting page. Displays the Quantity and Remaining Quantity fields for mobile cycle counting.

Mobile Express Receipts (Mobile Application Function Parameters)

You can use the following parameters to specify a mobile express receipt function.

Mobile Express Receipt Function Parameters
Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
SERIAL_TYPE RANGE, INDIVIDUAL If this parameter is set it to RANGE then the form accepts a range of serial numbers. The form will show two serial number fields - From SN and To SN on the mobile page. The serial numbers within that range are assumed to be continuous and not missing. If the form function parameter was set to “INDIVIDUAL” then in that case only one serial number field is displayed and the user needs to enter all the serial numbers one at a time.
TRANSACTION REQEXP, ASNEXP, SHIPMENTEXP, SHIPMENTCONFM Controls the documents that can be used to perform an express receipt.

Mobile Inbound Page (Mobile Application Function Parameters)

The easiest way to change the behavior of receiving forms is using the function parameters. The user-defined function must also be associated with an HTML call that relates it to the underlying inbound function. A list of the HTML call and the standard inbound function is specified in the following table.

Mobile Inbound Function Parameters
Inbound Function HMTL Calls
Mobile Receipt oracle.apps.inv.rcv.server.RcptGenFunction
Express Receipt oracle.apps.inv.rcv.server.RcptASNFunction
Load and Drop

A list of mobile function parameters and their values can be entered under the parameters column. Only certain form function parameters are valid for specific inbound function. A list of form function parameters and allowed values for each parameter is shown for each inbound function. The following table lists the function parameters and the impact of their values on the behavior of receiving forms:

Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
SERIAL_TYPE RANGE, INDIVIDUAL If this parameter is set it to RANGE then the form accepts a range of serial numbers. The form will show two serial number fields - From SN and To SN on the mobile page. The serial numbers within that range are assumed to be continuous and not missing. If the form function parameter was set to “INDIVIDUAL” then in that case only one serial number field is displayed and the user needs to enter all the serial numbers one at a time.
ATTACHMENT_DISPLAY_MODE NEVER, ALWAYS, REQUEST Controls if document attachment should be displayed on receipt. If this parameter is set to Request, then the receipt page shows a button for <ATTACHMENTS>.
SHOW_COO YES, NO This form function parameter controls the display of Country of Origin field.
DOCTYPE ALL, PO, INTSHIP, ASN, RMA, REQ This form function parameter controls the document type used for receipt e.g. if the parameter value is set to “PO”, only Purchase Orders can be used to receive items from the form.
ITEM_CONTROLLED YES, NO If this form function parameter is set to “yes”, the receipt page is configured for item-initiated receipt. In such a case, user enters the item and then selects the document number to receive the item. If the value is set to “no”, document initiated receipt is assumed.
TRANSACTION ALL, PO, INTSHIP, ASN, RMA Control allowed transaction types in for Inspection in MSCA inspection menu. No relevance for WMS. Default to ALL.

Mobile Manufacturing Form Function Parameters

For WIP completion there are two modes in which the transaction can be done. The transaction type parameter set for the completion transactions decide the mode in which the transaction will operate.

Form Parameter Valid Parameters Description
Completion transactions (WIP_WIPTXCMP) TXNTYPE STOP, DROP The value DROP integrates the completion and put away transactions, while the value STOP makes the two operations distinct. The user-interface for the two modes is identical; the form function parameter only controls which buttons <Load> and <Drop> or <Save>are displayed. If STOP is used, you can still use the directed put away features by entering the put away form and scanning the newly completed LPN to be put away.

Mobile Material Status Update (Mobile Application Function Parameters)

Material status can be updated on the mobile by users with the proper access. There are three levels of access to view and update material status: inquiry only, limited access, and full access.

Update Mobile Interface Parameters
Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
LEVEL QUERY_ONLY, LIMITED_ACCESS, FULL_ACCESS QUERY_ONLY: Users with inquiry only access will not be able to update any material status, but they can inquire on the status of any object. Users with inquiry only access will still be able to set the status of lots or serials at receipt, but do not have the ability to update that status after the receipt transaction has been completed.
LIMITED_ACCESS: Users with the need to update the status of lots and serials only will have limited access. They cannot update the material status of locators or subinventories.
FULL_ACCESS: Users with the need to update any material status will have full access. They have the ability to change lot, serial, locator, and subinventory material status.

Mobile Picking (Mobile Application Function Parameters)

For mobile pick load pages, a configuration framework has been provided that can pre-define and control the behavior of various fields. This configuration framework can be defined through the set up forms and referenced through the form function parameters to display the appropriate mobile page.

Parameters common to the following pages: Pick Load page, Pick Drop page, Unload page:
Parameter Values

Note: Applicable for the Pick Load page.

  • ALL: Back orders all the tasks for the same stock keeping unit (SKU) and location combination for which the load transaction is being performed.

  • CURRENT: Back orders only the current task for which the load transaction is being performed.

Specifies whether the configuration should be cached, or should be retrieved from the database each time the Pick Load page is rendered. This parameter should be set to YES for better performance. If this parameter is not specified, caching is enabled.
ENABLE_ZONE_PICK The form function parameter ENABLE_ZONE_PICK determines whether the From Zone field or the From Sub (subinventory) field appears on the Task Sign on page. This parameter has the following values:
  • Yes: Displays the From Zone field (instead of the From Sub field).

  • No (default value): Displays only the From Sub field.


Note: The following parameters are applicable only if the PAGE_TYPE is DIRECTED_TASK

Decides which page will the user be taken to. DIRECTED_TASK: Pick Load page SYSTEM_DROP: Pick Drop page MANUAL_UNLOAD: Unload page
This parameter controls whether the user, while picking a move order issue, must confirm charge account information for the issued material in the Charge Account Confirmation page. Confirming the account information is typically the last step while picking in a move order issue task.
  • If set to Yes, the Charge Account Confirmation page is bypassed, and the user does not have to confirm charge account information. This is useful when processing a high volume of transactions because the picker does not need to spend extra time confirming the account information. This is the default value.

  • If set to No, then the Charge Account Confirmation page is not bypassed, and the user must confirm charge account information for the issued material in the Charge Account Confirmation page.

This form function parameter setup determines the type of tasks, which will be rendered from the user-defined menu. NONE: All types ALLOWSO_IO: Sales Order and Internal Order ALLOW_WO: WIP tasks ALLOW_REPL: Replenishment ALLOW_MO_XFER: MO transfer ALLOW_MO_ISSUE: MO issue ALLOW_COUNT: Cycle Count
Specifies the manner in which the tasks are dispatched
DISCRETE – Uses the pick slip grouping rule stamped at time of pick release to group the tasks together. Identical to patchset I grouping.
ORDER – Uses the source order or request and all tasks of the same sales order or WIP job are dispatched to the user.
CLUSTER – Uses a predefined number and dispatches all tasks for that many deliveries to the end user
WAVE – One tasks is dispatched at a time to the user.
PICKBYLABEL – Dispatches all tasks associated with an LPN based on container setup or cartonization rules
BULK – dispatches all bulk tasks to the user
Applies to Manual Picking only.
Displays item attachments.
Dispatches tasks that exist in the queue as a results of the retains_dispatch_task parameter.
Retains dispatch task in the queue after you press F2.
As part of seeded data the following page types are available. GENERAL: The task page rendered will be similar to the patch set I page EXP_PICK: Minimal confirmations and Drop EXP_LOAD: Minimal confirmations and Load

Mobile Shipping (Mobile Application Function Parameters)

There are four distinct types of shipping: Quick Ship, LPN Ship, and Dock Ship. LPN Ship and Dock Ship have a shipment mode and a verification-only mode, as described earlier. These combine to give six different flavors of shipment confirmation on the mobile. The Quick Ship and Direct Ship modes have their own page, but the other modes are setup using different function parameters of the same page. The pages and the parameters are included below:

Mobile Shipping Interface Form Function Parameters
Mode Form Parameter
LPN Ship Mobile LPN Ship Confirm DOCK=N VERIFY_ONLY=N
LPN Ship Verification Mobile LPN Ship Confirm DOCK=N VERIFY_ONLY=Y
Dock Ship Mobile LPN Ship Confirm DOCK=Y VERIFY_ONLY=N
Dock Ship Verification Mobile LPN Ship Confirm DOCK=Y VERIFY_ONLY=Y
Direct Ship Mobile Direct Ship None
Direct Ship Unload Truck TXN.RELIEVE_RSV = Y OR N

Note: The default form function parameters are VERIFY_ONLY=N and DOCK=N, giving the LPN Ship page. All the shipment modes support entering serial numbers for serial at sales order items except Quick Ship. Serial numbers for these items can be entered either individually, or by specifying a range. This functionality is controlled by a form function parameter called SHIP_SERIAL_TYPE, that can take on one of two values: RANGE, and INDIVIDUAL.

View Device Request Form Function Parameters

The Device Requests window also shows the status of errored device requests. You can modify the transaction lines to allow the errored device responses to transact.

View Device Request Form Function Parameters
Form Parameter Valid Parameters Description
Device Requests History OPERATION_MODE NORMAL, DEBUG If the parameter is set to OPERATION_MODE=DEBUG then the window is fully editable and each modification to the window modifies WMS_DEVICES_REQUESTS. However, if the profile is set to OPERATION_MODE=NORMAL then this window is for error handling of device responses. If this is the case, you can edit a limited number of fields on the View Device Requests window.