Pricing Profile Options

This appendix covers the following topics:


This chapter contains information on profile options and system parameters specific to Oracle Basic Pricing.

Profile Options

During implementation, the value for each user profile option is defined to specify how Oracle Pricing controls access to and processes data. The system administrator typically sets up and updates profile option values. For more information, see Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide, User Profiles and Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library.

Setup Profile Options Summary

The following table indicates whether you can view or update the profile option and at which System Administrator level the profile options can be updated:

The following terms describe the available permissions:

The profile option may be either required or optional (Required column). If Required, you must provide a value; if the cell indicates Optional, you do not need to provide a value.

The profile options table indicates the default value for each profile option (Default Value column); you only need to change its value you do not want to use the default value. The phrase No Default indicates that there is no default value for the profile option; it does not indicate a default value of No.

After the table, the text describes the meaning of each profile option.

Profile Options for Oracle Pricing (Basic Pricing)
Profile Option Sys Admin Site Sys AdminApp Sys Admin Resp Sys Admin User Required Default Value
QP: Allow Duplicate Modifiers View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required Yes
QP: Blind Discount Option View & Update View & Update No access No access Required Yes
QP: Debug View Only View Only View Only View Only Optional Request Viewer Off
QP: Inventory Decimal Precision View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required 10
QP: Item Validation Organization View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required No Default
QP: Negative Pricing View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required No Default
QP: Price Rounding View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required Blank
QP: Qualify Secondary Price Lists View & Update View Only View Only View Only Optional No
QP: Return Manual Discounts View & Update View Only View Only View Only Optional Yes
QP: Satisfied Qualifiers Option View & Update View & Update View & Update View & Update Optional Yes
QP: Security Default Maintain Privilege View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required Blank
QP: Security Default ViewOnly Privilege View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required Blank
QP: Selling Price Rounding Options View & Update View Only View Only View Only Optional Individual: = round(listprice) + round(adj)
QP: Set Request Name View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required Blank
QP: Unit Price Precision Type View & Update View Only View Only View Only Required Standard
QP: Valueset Lookup Filter View & Update View Only View Only View Only Optional Yes
QP: Verify GSA Violations View & Update View Only No access No access Required No

OM: List Price Override Privilege

Default Value: None

This profile option enables you to override the list price of orders in the Sales Orders window and Quick Sales Orders windows in Oracle Order Management. You can override the list price for imported orders and orders entered directly in the Sales Orders windows.

Note: If Enforce List Price is selected for the order type, the list price cannot be overridden--even if the profile option is set to Unlimited. You can check if Enforce List Price is selected in the Transaction Types window.

If the list price has been overridden, you can "unfreeze" the changed list price by first clearing the List Price field. Once cleared, then the value from the original list price field is copied to the List Price field. Then choose Actions > Price Line or Actions > Price Order in the Sales Orders window to change the unit list price to the price list setup.

Example 1

  1. Enter Item AS54888 for a quantity of 10.

    Unit List Price: $1

    Unit Selling Price: $1

  2. Change the unit list price to $200 for the following results:

    Original list price is now $1.

    Unit Selling Price is now $200.

  3. When you save the order, a 10% additional discount is applied. The Unit Selling Price becomes $180.

Example 2

  1. Enter Item AS54888 for a quantity of 10.

    Unit List Price: $1

    Unit Selling Price: $1

  2. Save the order. The Unit Selling Price becomes $0.90 due to a 10% discount.

Overtype the unit list price to change the price to $200. The original list price field becomes $1. Unit selling price becomes $180.


The values for this profile option are:

QP: Allow Duplicate Modifiers

Default Value: Yes

Used by Basic Pricing Only. The profile option QP: Allow Duplicate Modifiers, which is typically set by the System Administrator, determines if duplicate modifiers are permitted. If set to Yes (the default), an existing modifier can be duplicated. If set to No, you must change the new modifier line before you can save it. A modifier line is considered a duplicate if any of the following attributes of the original and duplicated line match within the same modifier list:


The possible values for this profile option are:

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site level.

QP: Blind Discount Option

Default Value: Yes

The default value for this profile option should only be changed if you never define blind discounts.

If you never define blind discounts, set this profile option to No to bypass part of the search engine processing. A blind discount is a modifier that has all of the following qualities:


The possible values for this profile option are:

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and application levels.

QP: Debug

Default value: Request Viewer Off


This profile option can be updated at the user level and is active for the transactions of the user who set this profile option—other users' transactions are not affected.

QP: Inventory Decimal Precision

Default value: 10

Used to set maximum decimal precision for unit of measure (UOM) conversion when calculating pricing quantity. If not set, the default is set to 10 digits decimal precision.

Example 1

Consider the following set up:

The pricing engine rounds the pricing quantity based on the decimal precision setting. If the default precision is 10 digits, then the resulting pricing quantity will be 12 * (1/12) = 0.999999999999…the number will be rounded to 1YR.

Example 2

Consider the following set up:

The pricing engine rounds the pricing quantity based on the decimal precision setting. If a user sets the Profile QP: Inventory Decimal Precision to 6 digits, then the resulting pricing quantity is calculated as follows: 16 * (1/12) = 1.33333333333333… which is rounded to 1.333333 DZ.

QP: Item Validation Organization

Default Value: None

Set this profile option, by site or responsibility, to an organization at the level in your organization hierarchy at which you set prices for items.

This profile option indicates the Oracle Manufacturing organization that items are validated and viewed against when entering items in the Price List or Modifier windows. The possible values for this profile option are all inventory master organizations currently defined.

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and responsibility levels.

QP: Negative Pricing

Default value: No

The default value should only be changed if your business needs to define a negative price on a price list line.

Note: Controls whether a negative price can be entered in the Price List setup window.


This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and application levels.

QP: Price Rounding

Default value: Blank

This profile option controls how the value for the rounding factor is derived and used in price lists and related windows. The Price List window rounds, stores and displays the list price based on this profile option setting.

The value entered in the Round To field from the price list is used to store the rounded value, while Currency Precision determines the displayed list price.

For example, if the Round To value is -2 and the Currency Precision is -5, the following list prices display:

If the QP: Price Rounding profile option is set to Enforce Currency Precision, then the value in the Round To field in the Price Lists window cannot be updated. Also, the values permitted for the rounding factor will be limited to the price list currency precision.

The following table shows how different settings for QP: Price Rounding affect the list price. For this example, assume that the price list price = 6.15 and the Markup = 1.52% resulting in 6.24348.

Rounding Example
List Price If the QP: Price Rounding value is: Blank (Default) If the QP: Price Rounding value is: Enforce Price List Rounding Factor If the QP: Price Rounding value is: Enforce Currency Precision
- Round To value on Price List: -2 Round To value on Price List: -2 Round To value on Price List: -4
List Price 6.15 6.15 6.15
Markup 1.52 % 1.52 % 1.52 %
List Price (new) 6.24348 6.24 6.2435


Blank (Default): If this option is selected, the following occurs:

Enforce Price List Rounding Factor: If this option is selected, the value entered in the Round To field of the Advanced Pricing - Price Lists window is used for:

Enforce Currency Precision: If selected, the Rounding Factor field on the price list cannot be updated by the user. Instead the Rounding Factor value defaults from the profile QP: Unit Price Precision Type (either Standard/Extended precision) for the price list currency. The decimal places that display for the list price is determined by the Currency Precision.

Rounding Behavior

The profile option settings for QP: Price Rounding affect the rounding behavior as described below:

Formula Prices

For dynamic formulas, the calling application passes the rounding factor and the resulting rounding factor displays regardless of the profile setting.

Price List

Adjust Price List

The list price, after adjustment by amount or percent, will be rounded and stored using Rounding Factor if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision.

Add Items to Price List

The list price will be rounded and stored using Rounding Factor if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision and Set List Price Equal to Cost From is checked on the window.

Update Formula Prices

The list price will be rounded and stored using Round To if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision.


The Round To is used to round and store the list price if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision.

QP: Qualify Secondary Price Lists

Default value: No

This profile option enables secondary price lists to be checked for qualifiers when the primary price list is not validated. If the profile is set to Yes an item on a non-validated line will not be picked up from secondary price lists when the primary price list is not validated.


QP: Return Manual Discounts

Default Value: Yes

This profile option determines how the pricing engine should perform incompatibility processing for manual discounts.


The possible values for this profile option include the following:

The Pricing Engine does not consider applied manual modifiers during incompatibility processing. Discounts (automatic or manual) deleted as part of incompatibility processing will not be returned as manual discounts.

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels.

QP: Satisfied Qualifiers Option

Default value: Yes

The profile option QP: Satisfied Qualifiers Option impacts performance when entering and booking an order. It controls whether satisfied qualifiers are returned to the calling application or not.


Yes (Default): The pricing engine returns all the satisfied qualifiers to the calling application. This increases pricing engine processing time.

No: Processing time is reduced because the pricing engine does not return the satisfied qualifiers to the calling applications.

QP: Security Default Maintain Privilege

Default value: Global

This profile option controls the default maintain privileges for NEWLY CREATED price lists and modifiers after security is turned on. For example, if the profile option is set to Operating Unit, then the maintain privileges for a newly-created price list or modifier are restricted to the operating unit where the price list or modifier was created.


Global: Includes all users with access to pricing menus.

Operating Unit: Includes users within the named operating unit.

None: No-one can maintain the entity.

QP: Security Default ViewOnly Privilege

Default value: Global

This profile option determines the default view-only privileges for NEWLY CREATED price lists and modifiers after security is turned on. This controls which users (if any) have access to view specific price lists and modifiers.

View and maintain responsibilities are controlled separately by different profile options.


Global: Includes all users with access to pricing menus.

Operating Unit: Includes users within the named operating unit.

None: No-one can view the entity.

QP: Selling Price Rounding Options

Default value: Individual: = round(listprice) + round(adj)

This rounding option rounds the selling price after adding unrounded list price and adjustments: selling price = round (list price + adjustments)

Note: The profile OM: Round Unit Selling Price has been migrated to QP: Selling Price Rounding Options.


This profile option can be viewed and updated at the site level.

Freight Charge Rounding:

If the QP: Selling Price Rounding Options profile is set to NO or ADDITIVE then freight charges will not be rounded. If the profile is set to INDIVIDUAL then freight charges will be rounded. The rounding flag in the control record passed by calling application may have one of the following values:

Case 1

Rounding Flag = Q

Profile QP: Selling Price Rounding Options = NO

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%

Adjustment amount = -3.15

Selling price = 12.60-3.15=9.45

Case 2)

Rounding Flag = Q

Profile QP: Selling Price Rounding Options = INDIVIDUAL

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%.

Adjustment amount = -round (round(12.60)*0.25) = -3

Selling price = round(12.60) - 3 = 10

Case 3)

Rounding Flag = Q

Profile QP: Selling Price Rounding Options = ADDITIVE

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%.

Adjustment amount =-3.15

Selling price = -round(12.60 - 3.15) = 9

Case 4)

Rounding Flag = N

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%.

Adjustment amount = -3.15

Selling price = 12.60-3.15=9.45

Case 5)

Rounding Flag = Y

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%.

Adjustment amount = -round (round(12.60)*0.25) = -3

Selling price = round (12.60) - 3 = 10

Case 6)

Rounding Flag = NULL

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%

Adjustment Amount = -round (round(12.60)*0.25) = -3

Selling price = round(12.60) - 3 = 10

QP: Set Request Name

Default value: Blank

This profile option is used in conjunction with the QP: Debug profile option. Set QP: Set Request Name to Yes if you want the value in the Request Name field prefixed to the OrderID.


Any valid values such as the Name or User ID of the user submitting the price request. The QP: Set Request Name profile option is visible and can be updated at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels.

QP: Unit Price Precision Type

Default Value: Standard

This profile option determines the Round To value that defaults in the price list. The Round To value is limited by the number of positions allowed in the standard or extended precision format of the price list currency.


The possible values for this profile option are:

This profile option can be updated at the site and application levels.

QP: Valueset Lookup Filter

Default Value: Yes

Use this profile option to enable or disable a search criteria window for qualifier value lookups in qualifiers, price lists, and modifiers. Some qualifiers use large valusets, for example, those based on all customers, and searches may take a long time. If you want to reduce the number of items that display in the list of values, you can enter search criteria. If you do not enter search criteria and click the list of values indicator for the fields Value From or Value To, you see a window which advises that you have not entered search criteria and that the search may take a long time.


The possible values for this profile option are:

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site level.

QP: Verify GSA Violations

Default Value: No

This profile option indicates whether the pricing calculation engine should test for GSA violations. You can change the value to Yes if you require GSA pricing functionality.

The evaluation is performed if: 1) a request is for a non-GSA customer, and 2) GSA rules are violated if the selling price of an item is calculated to be less than the price of the item on any GSA price list.


The possible values for this profile option are:

This profile option can be updated at the site level.