
This appendix covers the following topics:

Advanced Pricing Lookups

This appendix lists the predefined Oracle Pricing Lookups.

Agreement Type

Access Level: Extensible

Allows the user to optionally categorize agreements by defining unique agreement types. For example, the user could setup an agreement type per contract type, or use the categorization for reporting purposes. An agreement type is optional on a pricing agreement.

The user can choose to use the seeded agreement types or add new types.

Seeded Agreement Types
Code Meaning Function
GSA Government Services Agreement Used to categorize pricing agreements.
STANDARD Standard Terms and Conditions Used to categorize pricing agreements.
VPA Volume Purchase Agreement Used to categorize pricing agreements.

Arithmetic Operator

Access Level: System

The method by which a price or modifier is calculated. Used in the Price List and Modifier Setup U.I.s.

Arithmetic Operator
Code Meaning Function
% Percent Modifier value is calculated as a per unit percentage of the List Price.
AMT Amount Modifier value is calculated as per unit amount +/- the List Price.
LUMPSUM Lump Sum Modifier value is a fixed amount, i.e. is not per unit.
NEW PRICE New Price Modifier value overrides the selling price.
PERCENT PRICE Percent Price List Price is derived as a percentage of an associated item.
UNIT PRICE Unit Price List Price is a per unit price.

Comparison Operator

Access Level: System

Used when setting up Qualifiers and Pricing Attributes to define the rule as to how the search engine should evaluate the attribute on the request line.

Comparison Operator
Code Meaning Function
= Equals Qualifier/Pricing Attribute value on the incoming request should match the Qualifier/Pricing Attribute value.
BETWEEN Between Qualifier/Pricing Attribute value on the incoming request should be in the range defined by the Qualifier / Pricing Attributes.
Not = Not Equal Qualifier Attribute value on the incoming request should NOT match the Qualifier Attribute value.

Currency Precision Type

Access Level: System

Valid values for the profile option QP: Unit Price Precision Type. Indicates whether the currencies standard or extended precision should be used.

Currency Precision Type
Precision Type Rounding Factor
Extended Rounding Factor is defaulted to the currencies extended precision
Standard Rounding Factor is defaulted to the currencies standard precision

Effective Date Types

Access Level: System

Effective date ranges of these types can optionally be defined on some types of Modifier Lists. The Search Engine will use these dates, if passed by the calling application, in addition to the pricing effective date to determine which Modifier Lists are eligible.

Effective Date Types
Code Meaning Function
ORD Order Date Order Date must be within the date range.
SHIP Requested Ship Date Customer requested Ship Date must be within the date range.

Incompatibility Groups

Access Level: Extensible

Incompatibility Groups allow the user to define which Modifiers cannot be applied to a request line with which other Modifiers, i.e. are incompatible, and which Modifiers cannot be applied to a request line with any other Modifier, i.e. are exclusive.

All Modifiers in a Phase which are incompatible should be assigned to the same Incompatibility Groups, LVL1 - LVL3, and any Modifier in a Phase which is exclusive should be placed in the EXCL - Exclusive Group.

Users may define additional incompatibility groups, but only the seeded EXCL - Exclusive group is treated as incompatible with ALL.

Incompatibility Groups
Code Meaning Function
EXCL Exclusive group Incompatible with all other Modifiers in a Phase.
LVL1 Level 1 Incompatibility Incompatible with other Modifiers in this incompatibility group in a Phase.
LVL2 Level 2 Incompatibility Incompatible with other Modifiers in this incompatibility group in a Phase.
LVL3 Level 3 Incompatibility Incompatible with other Modifiers in this incompatibility group in a Phase.

Incompatibility Resolution Code

Access Level: System

Methods of deciding which Modifier should be selected when multiple Modifiers in the same incompatibility group are eligible to be applied to a request line in the same pricing phase. The method for resolving incompatibility is specified by pricing phase when maintaining pricing phases in the Event to Phase Mapping Setup Up.

Incompatibility Resolution Code
Code Meaning Function
BEST PRICE Best Price Search Engine selects the Modifier which gives the lowest price to the customer.
PRECEDENCE PRECEDENCE Search Engine selects the Modifier with the lowest precedence, i.e. the highest specificity.

List Line Type Code

Access Level: System

Defines the behavior of a List Line; a List Line maybe a Price List Line or a type of Modifier, i.e. price adjustment, benefit or charge.

List Line Type Code
Code Meaning Function
PLL Price List Line Sets the base price of an item or level in product hierarchy.
PBH Price Break Header A series of base price or price adjustments which are eligible for application to the pricing request according to a delimited break unit range and the rules of the break type.
PMR Price Modifier One or more pricing attributes, whose value or range of values is used to derive a factor on a formula line.
DIS Discount Reduces the list price, or selling of the previous pricing bucket, according to the calculation rules of the arithmetic operator.
SUR Surcharge Increases the list price, or selling of the previous pricing bucket, according to the calculation rules of the arithmetic operator.
OID Other item Discount A discount for which eligibility can be qualified by one or more request lines, but is applied to the same or different request line/s which are on the request.
PMG Promotional Goods A discount for which eligibility can be qualified by one or more request lines, but for which a new request line is created for the discounted item.
CIE Coupon Issue Creation of a coupon which qualifies for a discount or promotional goods on a future request.
IUE Item Upgrade Substitution of one item for another on a request line, according to the pre-defined promotional Upgrade relationship between the two items.
TSN Terms Substitution Changing value of qualifier attribute in terms context on request line. Seeded qualifier attributes in terms context are Freight, Shipping, and Payment Terms.
Freight Charges Freight and Special Charges Monetary charges which are calculated based on attributes of a request line, but which do not effect the selling price on the request line.

List Type Code

Access Level: System

Used to categorize the type of list which groups price list lines or modifiers. Used for validation, including which types of lines can be included on the list, and reporting purposes.

List Type Code
Modifier Line Types Price List Discount Surcharge F&S Promotion Deal Price Modifier
Price List X            
Discount   X     X X  
Surcharge   X X   X X  
Freight Charge       X      
Price Break Header   X X   X X  
Item Upgrades         X X  
Other Item Discount         X X  
Terms Substitution         X X  
Promotional Goods         X X  
Coupon Issue         X X  
Price Modifier             X

Modifier Level Code

Access Level: System

Determines what qualifiers and pricing attributes are considered by the search engine when deciding if a request line qualifies for a modifier. This code also determines at what level, i.e. individual line or summary, a modifier should be applied to the request.

Modifier Level Code
Code Meaning Function
Line Line Line Group
Line Group Group of lines The quantity, in the pricing UOM, and amount spent on an item is summed across all request lines. Hence the total item quantity and amount, on the request, or total quantity and amount at a level in the product hierarchy, is considered by the search engine when deciding if a modifier is qualified or not.Modifier application is at the request line level.
Order Order Only qualifiers or pricing attributes of the summary request line, or header, are considered by the search engine when deciding if a modifier is qualified. Note: it is not possible for a header level modifier to be qualified by a request line.Modifier application is at the summary request line, or header level.

Price Break Type Code

Access Level: System

Rules which determine which delimited break unit range/s the qualifying break unit quantity falls into.

Price Break Type Code
Code Meaning Function
POINT Point Volume break in which each volume of break unit gets price/discount in the break range into which it falls.
RANGE Range Volume break in which each volume of break unit gets base price/modifier in the break range within which the total volume falls.
RECURRING Recurring Volume break in which the modifier is given for each volume of break unit that falls into the break range.
Used for modifiers only.

Price Formula Line Type Code

Access Level: System

Defines the behavior of a formula line. are the defined lookups for basic pricing in OM, and are the lookups defined for Oracle Pricing.

Price Formula Line Type Code
Code Function Meaning
ML Factor List Formula uses a price modifier list to derive the value for the formula line.
A price modifier list is a grouping of price modifier lines, each line having one or more pricing attributes, whose value or range of values is used to derive a factor.
NUM Numeric Constant Fixed value
PRA Pricing Attributes Formula takes as input the pricing attribute for the item referenced by the formula line.
Code Function Meaning
FUNC Function Formula uses a function to derive the value for the formula line
LP Price List Line Formula takes as input the list price of the price list line to which it is attached
PLL Price List Line Formula takes as input the list price from the price list line (any price list line) referenced by the formula line.
PRA Pricing Attribute Formula takes as input the pricing attribute for the item referenced by the formula line.
ML Factor List Formula uses a price modifier list to derive the value for the formula line.
A price modifier list is a grouping of price modifier lines, each line having one or more pricing attributes, whose value or range of values is used to derive a factor.
NUM Numeric Constant Fixed value

Pricing Events

Access Level: System

A point in the process flow of the transaction system/calling application at which a call is made to the Pricing Engine (analogous to a Workflow Event).

The following seeded lookup codes are for Oracle Order Management integration with pricing; each event represents a stage in the order cycle at which pricing is performed. The information returned by pricing; base prices, price adjustments, promotions, freight charges, etc. depends on the pricing phases which are processed for this event.

Note: in this release it is not possible to create new pricing events.

Pricing Events
Code Meaning Function
PRICE Fetch List Price Calls pricing engine to get base price as user enters item, quantity and unit of measure on the order line.
LINE Enter Order Line Calls pricing engine to get line level modifiers as user saves the order line.
ORDER Save Order Event Calls pricing engine, as user saves order, to get order level modifiers and other benefits which depend on multiple order lines.
BOOK Book Order Calls pricing engine as order is booked.
SHIP Enter Shipments Calls pricing engine as order is shipped.
BATCH Batch Processing Calls pricing engine when orders are processed in batch, replaces ‘Line' and ‘Order' events.

Pricing Group Sequence

Access Level: Extensible

A Pricing Group Sequence is a mechanism to control the application order of price adjustments and retrospective discounts, i.e. accruals. The sequence of application of these modifiers becomes important when the adjustment or accrual value is derived from the selling price (the price resulting from applying prior price adjustments) rather than the list price. This is known as discounts on discounts or cascading discounts. The sequence number of the group determines which order the calculation engine will apply the modifiers.

The pricing group sequence allows the user to place all price adjustments and retrospective discounts in a pricing bucket; all modifiers in a bucket are additive, i.e. the adjustment amount for all modifiers in a bucket is calculated off the final selling price, or subtotal of the previous bucket.

The user can add additional pricing group sequences / buckets if they require further subtotals or cascading of modifiers. Pricing Group Sequence 0 is reserved for base price calculation.

Pricing Group Sequence
Code Meaning Function
0 Base Price Base Price calculation
1 Price Adjustments Bucket 1 First modifier subtotal
2 Price Adjustments Bucket 2 Second modifier subtotal
3 Price Adjustments Bucket 3 Third modifier subtotal

Related Modifier Group Type

Access Level: System

Used by Oracle Pricing internally to identify relationships between, and functional groupings, of modifiers.

Related Modifier Group Type
Code Meaning Function
QUALIFIER Qualifier Identifies those modifiers which the request must qualify for in order to get a benefit.
BENEFIT Benefit Identifies those modifiers which are given as a benefit once the qualification criteria has been met.
COUPON Coupon Identifies the benefit which is given for a Coupon Issue.
PRICE BREAK Price Break Records which modifiers are price break lines for a price break.

Request Type

Access Level: Extensible

A Request Type indicates to the pricing engine the type of transaction being priced. This is important to pricing, as the engine will use this information to only consider data created specifically to price this particular type of transaction.

The following seeded lookup codes are for Oracle Order Management integration with pricing. Any application which wishes to use Oracle Pricing should create a request type lookup code to identify their transaction.

Request Type
Code Meaning Function
ONT Order Management Order Used to price an Order Management Order.

Source System

Access Level: Extensible

The Source System is used to identify the origin of the pricing data. The pricing engine will use this information to restrict it's search to pricing information which originated from a particular application depending on the Request Type to Source System Setup.

Any application which wishes to use create pricing information should create a source system lookup code to identify their pricing data.

Source System
Code Meaning Function
QP Oracle Pricing Use Oracle Pricing tables as data origin.

Shipping Execution Lookups

This section lists the key lookups in Oracle Shipping Execution. Consult the Oracle Shipping Execution Lookups form (Setup > Lookups) for complete information on all of the lookups.

Key Lookups

DELIVERY_STATUS: Delivery status

DOCUMENT_TYPE: Shipping document types

EXCEPTION_SEVERITY: Exception severity

EXCEPTION_STATUS: Exception status

EXCEPTION_TYPE: Exception type

FREIGHT_COST_TYPE: Freight cost type lookups

INSPECTION_STATUS: Inspection status

LOGGING_ENTITY: Exception logging entity

OPN_SORT_BY: Sort Order for Open Deliveries Report

PACK_PRINT_ALL: Packing slip print all option values

PACK_SORT: Packing slip print sort option values

PACK_TYPE: Packing slip types

PICK_STATUS: Pick status

REPORT_USAGE: Report usage

SECURITY_PRIVILEGE: Security privileges in shipping transactions

SOURCE_SYSTEM: Source system from which delivery details are imported

TRIP_STATUS: Trip status

TRIP_STOP_STATUS: Trip stop status

UPS: UPS service levels

Header to Line Cascade Attributes Lookup

The following attributes are in the Lookup OM_Header_To_Line_Cascade:

Name Enabled by Default
Accounting Rule No
Agreement Yes
Customer PO Yes
Blanket Number No
Deliver To Contact No
Deliver To No
Demand Class No
FOB Point No
Freight Terms No
Bill To Contact No
Bill To No
Invoicing Rule No
Order Firmed Date Yes
Payment Term Yes
Price List No
Pricing Date No
Request Date No
Return Reason No
Sales Person No
Shipment Priority Yes
Shipping Method Yes
Warehouse No
Ship To Contact No
Ship To Yes
Customer No
Tax Exempt No