

approvals link
approve - continue line link
approve return - order link
approve return - order with mixed lines link
approved link
assigning workflows to transaction types link
ato processes link
authorize to ship - check status link
authorize to ship - wait for authorization link
auto create po req link
autocreate FAS link
awaiting start date link


blanket - active link
blanket - expired link
blanket execution process link
blanket flow - generic link
blankets processes link
book link
book - continue line (complete) link
book - deferred link
book - eligible link
book - order deferred link
book - order manual link link
Book - Order, Manual with AME Approval link
branch on source type link


calculate cost rollup link
calculate lead time link
calculate lead time - setup parameters link
calculate price flag link
calculate purchase price link
check reservation link
check supply type link
close link link
close - blankets flow link
close - continue header link
close - order link
close - wait for line link
close -- deferred link
COGS Functions listing link
configuration - check status link
configuration - create BOM and routing link
Cost of Goods (COGS) Account Generator link
Cost of Goods (COGS) Account Generator Flows link
create configuration link
create configuration - eligible link
create flow schedule link
create or match config item link
create supply order - eligible link
create work order - set up parameters link
cto change order link
cto change order process link
ctochord.wft link
customer acceptance process link
customer accepted link
Customer Feedback Process link
customizations link


default error process link
Defect Process link
Delivery Flow - Generic link
dependencies link
draft link
draft - customer rejected link
draft - internal rejected link


EDI link
end link link
end (complete) link
end (incomplete) link
end (non shippable) link
end (not eligible) link
end (over shipped beyond tolerance) link
end (ship confirm) link
end (unreserve) link
enter link
enter - blankets link
error handling link
  expected link
  repricing link
error processes link
errors link
Exception Management link
exceptions link
expected errors link
export compliance screening link
export compliance screening - eligible link
Extending Shipping Seeded Flows link
extending workflow link
  example link
    approvals link
    deferred booking link
    process parameters link
    time-out transition for notifications link


fulfill link
fulfill - continue header flow link
fulfill - deferred link
fulfill - wait for line link
fulfillment flows link


generic processes link
guidelines link


header invoice interface - eligible link
header level processes link
high volume order processing link
HVOP link


inbound processes link
internal approval process link
inventory interface link
inventory interface - deferred link
inventory interface - eligible link
invoice interface link
invoice interface - continue line link
invoice interface - deferred link
invoice interface - eligible link
invoice interface - header level link
is line scheduled link
item types
  cto change order link
  om AME approval link
  om blanket header link
  om change order link
  om negotiation header link
  om order header link
  om order line link
  om standard link


line flow - ATO item link link
line flow - ATO model link link
line flow - configuration link link
line flow - configuration with authorize to ship (RLM) link link
line flow - generic link link
line flow - generic bill only link
line flow - generic bill only with inventory interface link
line flow - generic ship only link
line flow - generic with authorize to ship (RLM) link link
line flow - generic with export compliance link
Line Flow - Generic with Freeze Included Items at Pick link
line flow - generic with header level invoice interface link link
line flow - generic with repricing at fulfillment link
line flow - generic, bill only link
line flow - generic, bill only with inventory interface link
line flow - generic, performance link
line flow - generic, ship only link
line flow - generic, with export compliance link
Line Flow - OTA Item link
line flow - return for credit only link link
line flow - return for credit only with approval link
Line Flow - Return for Credit Only with Approval and Hdr Inv link
Line Flow - Return for Credit Only with Header Invoicing link
line flow - return for credit with receipt link link
line flow - return for credit with receipt and approval link
Line Flow - Return for Credit with Receipt and Hdr Invoicing link
Line Flow - Return for Credit, Receipt, Approval, Header Inv link
Line Flow - Return with Receipt and Approval, No Credit link
Line Flow - Return with Receipt Only, No Credit link
line flow - standard service link link
line flow return for credit only with approval link
line flow return for credit with receipt and approval link
Line Flow – OTA Return for Credit Only link
line level processes link
line workflow assignments link
lost link


navigator paths link
negotiation link
negotiation and sales agreement processes link
negotiation flow generic link
negotiation flow with approval link link
negotiation flows link
negotiation process link
notifications for sales agreement processes link


oexwford.wft link
offer - expire process link
offer expired link
OM AME Approval link
OM Blanket Header link
om change order link
om change order process link
om negotiation header link
om order header link link
om order header subprocesses link
om order line link link link
om standard link link
Oracle Release Management processes link
order flow - generic link
Order Flow - Generic with Booking Approval link
order flow - generic with header level invoice interface link
order flow - return with approval link
order flow – mixed or return with approval link
Order Information Portal link


pending customer acceptance link
pending internal approval link
pricing date link
pricing phases link
purchase release link
purchase release - deferred link
purchase release - eligible link
Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data concurrent program link


reprice link
reprice - eligible link
  handling errors in link
  troubleshooting link
repricing at the line fulfillment date link
repricing at the line ship/schedule date link
repricing order lines link
Retry Only error process link


sales agreements link
schedule link
schedule - deferred link
schedule - eligible link
schedule workflow activity link
scheduling workflows link
seeded data files link
seeded function activity definitions link
Seeded Shipping Workflows link
seeded subprocess definitions link
Seeded Trip and Delivery Workflow Definitions link
seeded workflow definition files link
seeded workflow definitions
  cto change order process link
  ISO Cancel Process link
  ISO Item Update Process link
  ISO Line Cancel Process link
  ISO Quantity and Schedule Date update Process link
  ISO Schedule Date Update Process link
  om change order process link
  om order header process link
  om order line link
seeded workflow definitions
  ISO Qty Update Process link
selecting workflows link
service item processes link
ship link
ship - deferred link
Ship to Deliver link
Ship to Deliver Initiated link
Shipping Business Events link
standard link
start link link
submit draft link


terminate - blanket flow link
terminate - blankets link
Trip Flow - Generic link
troubleshooting link
  expected errors link
    repricing link
    viewing workflow status link
  unexpected errors link
  viewing workflow status link


unexpected errors link
utility - is return line receivable? link
utility - set notification approver link
utility to get line category link
utility to get supply source type link


Validation by Concurrent Program link
Validation Using the Transaction Types window link
viewing workflow status errors link


wait link
wait for approval link
wait for booking link
wait for create configuration link
wait for CTO link
wait for inspection link
wait for invoice interface link
wait for PO receipt link
wait for receiving link
wait for required for revenue or delivery link
wait to firm - line service link
Wait to Fulfill Line link
windows link
workflow background engine processing link
workflow context change link
Workflow Validation link


XML link