
Overview of Lookups


Access Level: Extensible

Defines the seeded accessorial charges.

Code Meaning
IMPORT/EXPORT Import/Export Compliance

Access Level (ACCESS_LEVEL)

Access Level: System

The Access Level lookups are used in pricing security to define the level of access granted to a price list or modifier (pricing entities).

Code Meaning

Agreement Source Code (AGREEMENT_SOURCE_CODE)

Access Level: System

The Agreement Source code, which displays in the Pricing Agreements window, identifies whether the agreement displayed is a Pricing or Contract type of agreement.

Additional Service Charge (SERVICE_SURCHARGE)

Access Level: Extensible

Defines seeded service charges that can be applied.

Code Meaning
SHRINK WRAP Shrink Wrapping

Agreement Type (QP_AGREEMENT_TYPE)

Access Level: Extensible

Enables the user to optionally categorize agreements by defining unique agreement types. For example, the user could set up an agreement type per contract type, or use the categorization for reporting purposes. An agreement type is optional on a pricing agreement.

The user can choose to use the seeded agreement types or add new types.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
GSA Government Services Agreement Used to categorize pricing agreements.
STANDARD Standard Terms and Conditions Used to categorize pricing agreements.
VPA Volume Purchase Agreement Used to categorize pricing agreements.

Arithmetic Operator (ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR)

Access Level: System

The method by which a price or modifier is calculated. Used in the Price List and Modifier Setup UIs.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
% Percent Modifier value is calculated as a per unit percentage of the List Price.
AMT Amount Modifier value is calculated as per unit amount +/- the List Price.
BLOCKPRICE Block Price Modifier value is calculated using a block price.
BREAKUNIT Break Unit Modifier value is calculated using a break unit, which can be either a Point or Range break.
LUMPSUM Lump Sum Modifier value is a fixed amount, not per unit.
NEWPRICE New Price Modifier value overrides the selling price.
PERCENT_PRICE Percent Price List Price is derived as a percentage of an associated item.
UNIT_PRICE Unit Price List Price is a per unit price.

Attribute Mapping Options (QP_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING_OPTIONS)

Access Level: User

Describes the attribute mapping options.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
N Map all attributes
Y Map all attributes used

Calculate Price Flag (QP_CALCULATE_PRICE_FLAG)

Access Level: User

Indicates the degree to which the price is frozen.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
N Freeze price
P Partial price
Y Calculate price

column_type_code (COLUMN_TYPE_CODE)

Access Level: System

This lookup describes the allowed column type code.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
DESC Descriptive Flex Segment
KEY Item Flex Segment
KEYFLEXFIELD Descriptive Flex Segment

Comparison Operator (COMPARISON_OPERATOR)

Access Level: System

Used when setting up Qualifiers and Pricing Attributes to define the rule as to how the search engine should evaluate the attribute on the request line.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
= Is Qualifier/Pricing Attribute value on the incoming request should match the Qualifier/Pricing Attribute value.
BETWEEN Between Qualifier/Pricing Attribute value on the incoming request should be in the range defined by the Qualifier / Pricing Attributes.
Not = Is Not Qualifier Attribute value on the incoming request should NOT match the Qualifier Attribute value.

Comparison Operator - Framework (COMPARISON_OPERATOR_FWK)

Access Level: System

Used when setting up qualifiers and pricing attributes to define how the search engine should evaluate the attribute on the request line.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
= Is Value on the incoming request should match the Qualifier/Pricing Attribute value.
BETWEEN Between Value on the incoming request should be in the range defined by the Qualifier / Pricing Attributes.
Not = Is Not Value on the incoming request should NOT match the Qualifier Attribute value.

Conversion Date Type (CONVERSION_DATE_TYPE)

Access Level: System

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
FIXED Fixed Date Type
PRICING_EFFECTIVITY_DATE Pricing Effectively Date Type

Currency Conversion Method (CONVERSION_METHOD)

Access Level: System

Defines the currency conversion method.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
FIXED Fixed Conversion Method
FORMULA Formula Conversion Method
TRANSACTION Transaction Conversion Method

Currency Precision Type (CURRENCY PRECISION TYPE)

Access Level: System

Valid values for the profile option QP: Unit Price Precision Type. Indicates whether the currencies standard or extended precision should be used.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Precision Type Rounding Factor
Extended Rounding Factor is defaulted to the currencies extended precision
Standard Rounding Factor is defaulted to the currencies standard precision

Effective Date Types (EFFECTIVE_DATE_TYPES)

Access Level: System

Effective date ranges of these types can optionally be defined on some types of modifier lists. The Search Engine will use these dates, if passed by the calling application, in addition to the pricing effective date to determine which Modifier Lists are eligible.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
ORD Order Date Order Date must be within the date range.
SHIP Requested Ship Date Customer requested Ship Date must be within the date range.

Entity Quick Search Criteria (ENTITY_QUICK_SEARCH_CRITERIA)

Defines the entity search criteria used to query entities in pricing security.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
Name Entity Name
OU Owned By Operating Unit

Formula Type (QP_FORMULA_TYPE)

These lookups determine how a formula calculates the price:

Code Meaning Definition
DYNAMIC Dynamic The list price resulting from the formula calculation is not calculated or stored anywhere until the sales order is entered with that Price List line item. When the sales order is entered, the pricing engine evaluates the formula and displays the final list price on the order.
STATIC Static If the formula is attached to a price list line for static calculation of the final list price, you can run a concurrent program at any time to calculate the final list price using the formula up front (not wait until order entry time) and also store it in the price list.

Freight Charges Type (FREIGHT_CHARGES_TYPE)

Access Level: User

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Charges

Grantee Type (GRANTEE_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Grantee Type refers to the hierarchy of users to which privileges can be granted:

Home Page Modifier List Type (HOMEPG_MODIFIER_LIST_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Defines the types of modifier lists available from the Home page in the HTML user interface.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
DEL Deal
DLT Discount List
PRO Promotion
SLT Surcharge List

Home Page Modifier SubList Type (HOMEPG_MODIFIER_SUBLIST_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Defines the modifier search criteria that can be selected when searching for modifier lists from the HTML UI.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
LIST_NO Number
MODIFIER_LINE_NO Modifier Line Number

Home Page Pricelist Sublist Type (HOMEPG_PRICELIST_SUBLIST_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Defines the price list search criteria that can be selected from the HTML UI.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning

Home Page Search List Type (HOMEPG_SEARCH_LIST_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Defines the list types that can be searched for from the HTML UI Home page.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
MODLIST Modifier List
PRL Price List

Home Page View List Type (HOMEPG_VIEW_LIST_TYPE)

Access Level: User

You can view recently-created modifier lists or price lists in the HTML UI Home page. The following lookups define the entities that can be viewed:

Code Meaning
MODLIST Recently Created Modifier Lists
PRL Recently Created Price Lists


Access Level: Extensible

These lookups define the HTML page names available in the Oracle Advanced Pricing HTML UI.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
CRDEL Create Deal List
CRDLT Create Discount List
CRPRO Create Promotion List
CRSLT Create Surcharge List
DETDEL View Deal List
DETDLT View Discount List
DETPRO View Promotion List
DETSLT View Surcharge List
UPDDEL Update Deal List
UPDDLT Update Discount List
UPDPRO Update Promotion List
UPDSLT Update Surcharge List

Incompatibility Groups (INCOMPATIBILITY_GROUPS)

Access Level: Extensible

Incompatibility Groups enable the user to define which modifiers cannot be applied to a request line with other modifiers (incompatible) and which modifiers cannot be applied to a request line with any other modifier (are exclusive).

All modifiers in a phase that are incompatible should be assigned to the same Incompatibility Groups, LVL1 - LVL3, and any modifier in a phase that is exclusive should be placed in the EXCL - Exclusive Group.

Users may define additional incompatibility groups, but only the seeded EXCL - Exclusive group is treated as "incompatible with ALL."

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
EXCL Exclusive group Incompatible with all other Modifiers in a Phase.
LVL1 Level 1 Incompatibility Incompatible with other Modifiers in this incompatibility group in a Phase.
LVL2 Level 2 Incompatibility Incompatible with other Modifiers in this incompatibility group in a Phase.
LVL3 Level 3 Incompatibility Incompatible with other Modifiers in this incompatibility group in a Phase.

Incompatibility Resolution Code (INCOMPAT_RESOLVE_CODE)

Access Level: System

Methods of deciding which modifier should be selected when multiple modifiers in the same incompatibility group are eligible to be applied to a request line in the same pricing phase. The method for resolving incompatibility is specified by pricing phase when maintaining pricing phases in the Event to Phase Mapping Setup Up.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
BEST PRICE Best Price Search Engine selects the modifier that gives the lowest price to the customer.
PRECEDENCE PRECEDENCE Search Engine selects the Modifier with the lowest precedence, i.e. the highest specificity.

Levels of Sourcing Rule for an Attribute (QP_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING_LEVEL)

Access Level: Extensible

Define levels of the sourcing rule for an attribute.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
LINE Order Line Level Sourcing Rule
ORDER Order Header Level Sourcing Rule

Limit Attribute Type (LIMIT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE)

Access Level: System

Indicates the entity of a limit dimension attribute.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
QUALIFIER Qualifier Attribute
PRICING Pricing Attribute
PRODUCT Product Attribute

Limit Basis (QP_LIMIT_BASIS)

Access Level: System

Indicates the basis on which a promotional cap limit is calculated. The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
ACCRUAL Accrual Units
CHARGE Charge Amount
COST Cumulative Discount
QUANTITY Item Quantity

Limit Exceed Action (LIMIT_EXCEED_ACTION)

Access Level: System

Indicates the action to take if a promotion or modifier applied to a sales order exceeds the promotional cap (available balance) of a promotional limit.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
HARD Adjust the order benefit amount so that the order meets but does not exceed the promotional limit. Apply that adjusted amount to the order. Inactivate the modifier or modifier list.
SOFT Apply the full benefit to the order and then place a promotional hold on the order.

Limit Level (LIMIT_LEVEL)

Access Level: System

Indicates how the pricing engine should maintain the promotional limit balance transactions.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
TRANSACTION The pricing engine maintains a consumption record for each order that consumes the limit.
ACCROSS_TRANSACTION The pricing engine maintains one consumption record for all orders that consume the limit.

Line Type (QP_LINE_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Indicates the type of line within the pricing request.

Code Meaning

List Type Code (LIST_TYPE_CODE)

Access Level: System

Categorizes the type of list that groups price list lines or modifiers. Used for validation, including which types of lines can be included on the list, and reporting purposes.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
AGR Agreement Price List
CHARGES Freight and Special charge List
DEL Deal
DLT Discount List
PML Price Modifier List
PRL Standard Price List
PRO Promotion
SLT Surcharge List

Markup Operator (MARKUP_OPERATOR)

Access Level: System

These values are used with multi-currency conversion lists to determine how the Markup Value (for example, 10) is applied against the base currency, either percent or amount.

Code Meaning
% Percent
AMT Amount

Miscellaneous Charges (MISCELLANEOUS)

Access Level: Extensible

Defines user-defined miscellaneous charges.

Code Meaning
MISC Miscellaneous Charges
PENALTY Charge for late payment
RESTOCKING Restocking Fee
RETURN Return Fee

Modifier Level Code (MODIFIER_LEVEL_CODE)

Access Level: System

Determines what qualifiers and pricing attributes are considered by the search engine when deciding if a request line qualifies for a modifier. This code also determines at what level, i.e. individual line or summary, a modifier should be applied to the request.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
Line Line Line Group
Line Group Group of lines The quantity, in the pricing UOM, and amount spent on an item is summed across all request lines. Hence the total item quantity and amount, on the request, or total quantity and amount at a level in the product hierarchy, is considered by the search engine when deciding if a modifier is qualified or not. Modifier application is at the request line level.
Order Order Only qualifiers or pricing attributes of the summary request line, or header, are considered by the search engine when deciding if a modifier is qualified. Note: it is not possible for a header level modifier to be qualified by a request line.Modifier application is at the summary request line, or header level.

Modifier List Framework Search Options (QP_MLH_SEARCH_OPTIONS_TYPE)

Access Level: Extensible

Determines the available search options for modifier lists in the HTML UI.

Modifier List Line Type Code (LIST_LINE_TYPE_CODE)

Access Level: System

Defines the behavior of a List Line. A List Line maybe a Price List Line or a type of Modifier: for example, a price adjustment, benefit or charge.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
CIE Coupon Issue Creation of a coupon that qualifies for a discount or promotional goods on a future request.
DIS Discount Reduction of the list price, or selling of the previous pricing bucket, according to the calculation rules of the arithmetic operator.
FREIGHT_CHARGE Freight and Special Charges Calculation of monetary charges based on attributes of a request line. These do not affect the selling price on the request line.
IUE Item Upgrade Substitution of one item for another on a request line according to the predefined promotional upgrade relationship between the two items.
OID Other item Discount A discount for which eligibility can be qualified by one or more request lines, but is applied to the same or different request lines that are on the request.
PBH Price Break Header A series of base price or price adjustments that are eligible for application to the pricing request according to a delimited break unit range and the rules of the break type.
PLL Price List Line Setting of the base price of an item or level in product hierarchy.
PMR Price Modifier One or more pricing attributes, whose value or range of values is used to derive a factor on a formula line.
PRG Promotional Goods A discount for which eligibility can be qualified by one or more request lines, but for which a new request line is created for the discounted item.
SUR Surcharge List price increase or selling of the previous pricing bucket, according to the calculation rules of the arithmetic operator.
TSN Term Substitution Changing value of qualifier attribute in terms context on request line. Seeded qualifier attributes in terms context are Freight, Shipping and Payment Terms.

Multi Currency Attribute Type (MULTI_CURR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE)

Access Level: System

Code Meaning
PRICING Pricing Attribute
PRODUCT Product Attribute

Optional Currency (OPTCUR)

Access Level: User

When Optional Currency is selected for a modifier, the modifier can be used with any price list regardless of its currency. Such modifiers could be used with both single price lists that are set up in a single currency, or with multi-currency enabled price lists.

Code Meaning
OPTCUR Optional Currency

Organizer Formula Type (ORGANIZER_FORMULA_TYPE)

Access Level: System

Defines the formula types to be used in the Pricing Organizer.

Code Meaning

Organizer Pricing Attributes Option (ORGANIZER_PRIC_ATTR_OPTION)

Access Level: System

Defines the pricing attributes option to be used in the Pricing Organizer.

Code Meaning
N No Pricing Attributes
P Pricing Attributes
S Not Specified

Organizer Product Attributes Option (ORGANIZER_PROD_ATTR_OPTION)

Access Level: System

Defines the product attributes option to be used in the Pricing Organizer.

Code Meaning
N No Products
P Products
S Not Specified

Organizer Qualifiers Option (ORGANIZER_QUAL_OPTION)

Access Level: System

Defines the qualifiers option to be used in the Pricing Organizer.

Code Meaning
N No Qualifiers
Q Qualifiers
S Not Specified

Price Break Type Code (PRICE_BREAK_TYPE_CODE)

Access Level: System

Rules that determine which delimited break unit range or ranges the qualifying break unit quantity falls into.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
POINT Point Volume break in which each volume of break unit gets price/discount in the break range into which it falls.
RANGE Range Volume break in which each volume of break unit gets base price/modifier in the break range within which the total volume falls.
RECURRING Recurring Volume break in which the modifier is given for each volume of break unit that falls into the break range.
Used for modifiers only.

Price Formula Line Type Code (PRICE_FORMULA_LINE_TYPE_CODE)

Access Level: System

Defines the behavior of a formula line. The first table lists the lookups for basic pricing in Order Management, and the second table lists the lookups defined for Oracle Pricing. The following tables list the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Price Rounding (PRICE_ROUNDING)

Access Level: System

Defines the price rounding option selected. The following tables list the default values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
Factor Enforce Price List Rounding Factor
Precision Enforce Currency Precision

These values are defined as follows:

If neither box is selected, then no limit on the number of decimal places entered on the price list and no rounding of the engine result of the static formula calculation and displaying this value on the Price List Line. Both boxes cannot be selected at the same time.

Pricing Control Flag (QP_PRICING_CONTROL_FLAG)

Access Level: User

Used by engine to identify whether the engine should just recalculate the selling price without retrieving new adjustments or calculate the selling price by retrieving new adjustments.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
C Calculate Engine
N Search Engine
Y Calculate & Search Engine

Pricing Events (PRICING_EVENTS)

Access Level: System

A pricing event is a “point” in the process flow of the transaction system/calling application when a call is made to the Pricing Engine (analogous to a Workflow Event). Each event represents a stage in the order cycle at which pricing is performed.

The following seeded lookups are for Oracle Order Management integration with pricing. The information returned by pricing such as base prices, price adjustments, promotions, freight charges and so on, depends on the pricing phases that are processed for this event.

Note: In this release, you cannot create new pricing events.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
BATCH Batch Processing Calls pricing engine when orders are processed in batch, replaces 'Line' and 'Order' events.
BOOK Book Order Calls pricing engine as order is booked.
FTE_APPLY_MOD FTE: Apply Modifiers to Price Calls pricing engine when a modifier is priced in Oracle Transportation Execution.
FTE_PRICE_LINE FTE: Price a Transportation Line Calls pricing engine when a transportation line in Oracle Transportation Execution is priced.
ICBATCH INV: Batch Processing for Intercompany Transfer Pricing Calls pricing engine when batch processing transaction is initiated in Oracle Inventory.
LINE Enter Order Line Calls pricing engine to get line level modifiers as user navigates out of a line or saves the order.
ORDER Save Order Event Calls pricing engine, as user saves order, to get order level modifiers and other benefits, which depend on multiple order lines.
PRICE Fetch List Price Calls pricing engine to get base price as user enters item, quantity and unit of measure on the order line.
PRICE_LOAD Price a Logistics Load  
REPRICE_LINE Reprice Line Pricing event that can be used to reprice an order line at any point during the order flow.
SHIP Enter Shipments Calls pricing engine as order is shipped.

Pricing Group Sequence (PRICING_GROUP_SEQUENCE)

Access Level: Extensible

A Pricing Group Sequence controls the application order of price adjustments and retrospective discounts such as accruals. The sequence of application of these modifiers becomes important when the adjustment or accrual value is derived from the selling price (the price resulting from applying prior price adjustments) rather than the list price. This is known as discounts on discounts or cascading discounts.

The sequence number of the group determines which order the calculation engine will apply the modifiers. The pricing group sequence allows the user to place all price adjustments and retrospective discounts in a pricing bucket. All modifiers in a bucket are additive, meaning that the adjustment amount for all modifiers in a bucket is calculated from the final selling price, or subtotal, of the previous bucket. The user can add additional pricing group sequences or buckets if they require further subtotals or cascading of modifiers. Pricing Group Sequence 0 is reserved for base price calculation.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
0 Base Price Base Price calculation
1 Price Adjustments Bucket 1 First modifier subtotal
2 Price Adjustments Bucket 2 Second modifier subtotal
3 Price Adjustments Bucket 3 Third modifier subtotal

Pricing Engine Request Viewer Options (QP_REQUEST_VIEWER_OPTIONS)

Access Level: User

Used to control the options for Pricing Engine Request Viewer.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
N Request Viewer Off
V Request Viewer On, but Debug Log is not visible in Viewer
Y Request Viewer On

Pricing Security Bulk Create Privileges Results Status (BULK_CREATE_STATUS)

Access Level: User

These values indicate the status of transaction when the Pricing Administrator creates a bulk grant in the Bulk Create Privileges page (pricing security).

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
C Privilege has existed and been updated correctly.
F Failed to create the wanted privilege.
N New privilege has been created successfully.
U Privilege has existed and remains unchanged.

Pricing Status Code (QP_PRICING_STATUS)

Access Level: User

Indicates the returned status of the pricing engine.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
CALC Error in calculation engine
DUPLICATE_PRICE_LIST Duplicate price list
D_PBH Delete in Price Break Processing
FER Error processing formula
GSA GSA violation
INVALID_BEST_PRICE Could not resolve best price
INVALID_INCOMP Could not resolve incompatibility
INVALID_UOM Invalid unit of measure
INVALID_UOM_CONV Unit of measure conversion not found
IPL Invalid price list
N New record created
OER Other error
UOM Failed to price unit of measure
X Unchanged

Print on Invoice Flag (PRINT_ON_INVOICE_FLAG)

Access Level: System

This code tells whether to print a discount on an invoice or not. The Print on Invoice flag is no longer available on the Modifier window.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
M Print Message
N Don't Print Discount
Y Print Discount

Process Code (QP_PROCESS_CODE)

Access Level: User

Used by the engine for selecting lines for calculation.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
D Deleted
N New
X Unchanged

Proration Type (PRORATION_TYPE)

Access Level: System

Defines methods used to prorate discounts (none, category, all lines).

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
C Category
N None
Y All Lines


Access Level: User

Defines the price list mass maintenance value change types.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
CV Clear Value
IP Percent
IV Amount
NV Replace Value
XX No Change


Access Level: User

Defines the pricing mass maintenance action type.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
NV End Date and Create New
OV Override


Access Level: User

Defines the pricing mass maintenance date change type.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
NO No Change
YES Change Date


Access Level: User

Defines the pricing mass maintenance formula change criteria.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
NO No Change
REM_FOR Remove Static and Dynamic Formula
REP_DYN Replace All Formulas with Dynamic Formula
REP_STA Replace All Formulas with Static Formula

Query Operator (QUERY_OPERATOR)

Access Level: System

Indicates the available values for a query.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
= Equal


Access Level: Extensible

Indicates the reason for an adjustment to a promotional limit balance. You adjust a balance by creating a consumption record against it.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
MISC Miscellaneous

Rebate Payment Transaction Type Code (REBATE_TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE)

Access Level: System

Defines the Rebate Payment Transaction Type Code.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning

Related Modifier Group Type (RLTD_MODIFIER_GRP_TYPE)

Access Level: System

Used by Oracle Pricing internally to identify relationships between, and functional groupings, of modifiers.

The following table lists the default (seeded) values for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
BENEFIT Benefit Identifies those modifiers that are given as a benefit once the qualification criteria has been met.
COUPON Coupon Identifies the benefit that is given for a Coupon Issue.
PRICE BREAK Price Break Records which modifiers are price break lines for a price break.
QUALIFIER Qualifier Identifies those modifiers that the request must qualify for in order to get a benefit.

Relationship Type Code (QP_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_CODE)

Access Level: User

Used in identifying the relation between the lines.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
DETAIL_TO_DETAIL Detail to Detail
LINE_TO_DETAIL Line to Detail
LINE_TO_LINE Line to Line
ORDER_TO_LINE Order to Line
PBH_LINE Price Break Header Line

Request Type (REQUEST_TYPE)

Access Level: Extensible

A Request Type indicates to the pricing engine the type of transaction being priced. This information is important to pricing, as the engine will use this information to only consider data created specifically to price this particular type of transaction.

The following seeded lookup codes are for Oracle Order Management integration with pricing. Any application that wants to use Oracle Pricing should create a request type lookup code to identify its transaction.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Function
ASO Order Capture Used to price an Order Capture transaction.
FTE Oracle Transportation Execution Shipment Used to price an Oracle Transportation Execution Shipment.
IC Inter Company Invoicing Used to price Inter Company Invoicing.
MSD Demand Planning Used to price a Demand Planning transaction.
OKC Oracle Contracts Oracle Contracts Core
ONT Order Management Order Used to price an Order Management Order.

Revision Reason Code (QP_REVISION_REASON_CODE)

Access Level: User

Defines the reason for revising the agreement header and lines.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
NOREV No Revision for this Agreement

Rounding Type (QP_ROUNDING_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Used by the engine for rounding the price.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
N No Rounding
U Round Price After Adding Unrounded List Price and Adjustments
Y Round Selling Price and Adjustments

Security Control on/off (QP_SECURITY_CONTROL)

Access Level: User

Defines the available values for the profile option to turn security on or off.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning

Security Entity Type (SECURITY_OBJECT_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Defines the available entity types to which security privileges can be assigned.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
AGR Agreement Pricelist
MOD Modifier
PRL Standard Price list
SET Pricing Entity Set

Selling Price Rounding Options (QP_ROUNDING_OPTIONS)

Access Level: User

Defines the available rounding options for the selling price.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Description
NO_ROUND No: unrounded listprice + unrounded adj No Rounding: List Price and adjustments are not rounded. The selling price also is not rounded.
NO_ROUND_ADJ Additive: round(listprice + adj); unrounded Freight Round Selling Price after adding unrounded list price and unrounded adjustments. Freight charges are unrounded.
ROUND_ADJ Individual: round(listprice) + round(adj) Round Selling Price and adjustments

Source System (SOURCE_SYSTEM)

Access Level: Extensible

Defines the seeded source systems used when setting up Pricing Transaction Entities.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
AMS Oracle Marketing
ASO Oracle Capture
FTE Oracle Transportation Execution
INV Oracle Inventory
OKC Oracle Contracts
QP Oracle Pricing

Surcharges Type (SURCHARGES_TYPE)

Access Level: Extensible

Defines the seeded types of surcharges.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
ACCESSORIAL Accessorial Charge
SERVICE_SURCHARGE Additional Service Charge

Types of Context (QP_CONTEXT_TYPE)

Access Level: Extensible

Defines the type of available contexts.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
PRODUCT Product Context
QUALIFIER Qualifier Context

Types of Pricing Transaction Entities (QP_PTE_TYPE)

Access Level: Extensible

Indicates the type of pricing transaction entity.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
DEMAND Demand Planning
INTCOM Intercompany Transaction
LOGSTX Logistics
ORDFUL Order Fulfillment

Types of Segment Levels (QP_SEGMENT_LEVEL)

Access Level: Extensible

Indicates the level at which an attribute can be sourced.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning Description
BOTH Order Header As Well As Order Line Sourcing Attribute Sourced at Order Header as well as Order Line
LINE Order Line Sourcing Only Attribute Sourced at Order Line only
ORDER Order Header Sourcing Only Attribute Sourced at Order Header only

Usage Pricing Type (QP_USAGE_PRICING_TYPE)

Access Level: User

Indicates the usage pricing type.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning

Ways of Sourcing an Attribute (QP_SOURCING_METHOD)

Access Level: User

The sourcing method indicates different ways an attribute can be sourced.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
ATTRIBUTE MAPPING Sourcing Rule Needs To Be Defined.
CUSTOM SOURCED Actual Sourcing Code Provided: No Sourcing Rule Needed
USER ENTERED Attribute Sourced While Pricing An Order

Yes No (YES_NO)

Access Level: System

Defines the seeded Yes and No values.

The following table lists the default (seeded) value for this lookup type:

Code Meaning
No No
Yes Yes