Implementing Supplier Data Publication and Synchronization

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Supplier Data Publication and Synchronization

The Supplier Data Publications feature set provides the capabilities to integrate Supplier Hub with other spoke systems. It has the infrastructure to raise necessary business events. It also has APIs that can be used to integrate data from third party systems. Since Supplier Hub uses Oracle Trading Community Architecture as its foundation, various APIs provided by TCA can be used to perform Supplier related operations. For TCA product APIs, see Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide.

Publication services are a set of predefined APIs that extract supplier profile information such as tax, banking, classifications, supplier site, and contacts information from Supplier Hub. Whenever a supplier profile, supplier site, or contact is created or changed within Supplier hub, a business event is raised. These business events in Supplier Hub are pre-registered with the Oracle Workflow Event manager. A system registered in the Oracle Workflow Event manager can subscribe to an event, and use the event subscription logic to specify the processes to perform when the triggering event occurs.

A business event passes the primary identifier of the changed supplier profile, supplier site, or contact plus the operation performed, such as create, update or delete. The subscriber can call the query services to extract the object definition from Supplier Hub using the entity identifier passed by the business event. The subscriber can specify what information they require about that entity based on the input parameters passed to the query service. The query service then returns the object definition to the subscriber.

Supplier Hub provides the supplier profile publish event that enables publishing of supplier information. Additionally, the Hub has the ability to track publish event history.

Supplier data librarians can generate a business intelligence report of the supplier profile using the Generate Report button in the Search Results area of the Smart Search page.

Export Search Results to Excel

Supplier Management allows export of supplier profile information into spreadsheet from the Advanced Search results page. Search for the supplier or suppliers who you wish to export. Then click on 'Export All' to export the entire result set to a spreadsheet. Set the display format to export the most relevant information.

Implementing Supplier Data Publication and Synchronization

To implement Supplier Data publication and Synchronization functionality, complete the following:

Using Supplier Hub APIs

Supplier Hub provides the following APIs:

These APIs and Web Services can be found from Oracle Integration Repository. To find these APIs, choose "Integrated SOA Gateway" responsibility. Find "Integration Repository" from the menus listed and then drill down the following hierarchy: Procurement > iSupplier Portal > Suppliers. Click on Suppliers object to refresh the right side panel. In there, you will see "Supplier APIs" (internal name POS_VENDOR_PUB_PKG). Click on Supplier APIs, to find all the APIs listed above.

You may additionally use Oracle Trading Community Architecture APIs, Web Services and Events to modify any party level information. For TCA product APIs, see Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide.

Setting Up Business Events

Users can automatically publish Supplier related information from Supplier Hub as data is created or updated using business events. For automated publication, the business event framework, in conjunction with publication services, provides an integration infrastructure for publishing data in the Supplier Hub repository to consuming business process services and optionally subscribing applications.

To find these events, login to Oracle E-Business Suite and choose "Integrated SOA Gateway" responsibility. Find "Integration Repository" from the menus listed and then drill down the following hierarchy: Procurement > Internet Supplier Portal > Suppliers. Click on Suppliers object to refresh the right side panel. In there, you will see "Payables Supplier Event".

Payables Supplier Event: The application triggers this event whenever you create or update a Supplier / Supplier Site / Supplier Contact.

Internal Name: oracle.apps.ap.supplier.event

Source File: patch/115/xml/US/apsupevnte.wfx

Source Version: 120.0.12010000.3

Source Product: AP

TCA Events: See Business Events in Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide.

Supplier Hub - Publish Supplier Event: The application triggers this event whenever you publish supplier data.

Internal name: oracle.apps.pos.supplier.publish

Source File: patch/115/xml/US/ POSPUBSE.wfx

Source Version: 120.0.12010000.2

Source Product: POS

Supplier Task Business Events: See Subscribing to Task Business Events in Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide.

Supplier UDA Events

To subscribe to one of the aforementioned events:

  1. Log on to Oracle Applications using the Workflow Administrator Web Application responsibility.

  2. Navigate to Business Events and search for a business event.

  3. Click Create Subscription.

  4. Enter the action and other parameters for the subscription.

For implementation steps, see Managing Business Events in Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

Setting Up Supplier Profile Report

Supplier Hub enables you to generate supplier profile reports using Oracle BI Publisher. Oracle BI Publisher is a template-based publishing solution delivered with the Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides a new approach to report design and publishing by integrating familiar desktop word processing tools with existing E-Business Suite data reporting. BI Publisher leverages standard, well-known technologies and tools, so you can rapidly develop and maintain custom report formats. You can design and control how the report outputs are presented in separate template files. At runtime, BI Publisher merges your designed template files with the report data to create PDF, RTF, HTML, or EXCEL output to meet a variety of business needs.

Supplier Hub provides a sample template POSGENRPT. You can use this template or create your template to generate the report. BI Publisher merges the template and its data source into the report. You can run the report using the Generate Report button in the Search Results area of the Smart Search page. See: Generating Supplier Profile Report in Oracle Supplier Management User's Guide.

To create your custom template, you can use the predefined POSGENRPT.xsd file (XML schema file) to view the available tags. The schema file contains the tags pertaining to the supplier profile. You can add the applicable tags to your custom template.

Use the Template Builder to create your templates. The Template builder is a plug in for MS word to simplify the creation of RTF Templates. You can download 'Patch 4239263 - Oracle XML Publisher Template Builder' from My Oracle Support and install Template Builder on your local PC. After you install Template Builder, a new menu option 'Template Builder' is available in MS Word document. Use this menu option to create the templates.

Load the predefined XML schema document (XSD) and use the tags in the xsd file to create your RTF template.

Additionally, see Using the Template Manager in Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide for details on how to setup the template.

Setting Up Profile Options

Prior to generating the supplier profile report, you must set the following profile options: