Using Strategies

This chapter explains how to create and use strategies to automate your collections process.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Viewing Strategies for a Customer

Use this procedure to view strategies for a customer, account, bill to location, or delinquency.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the View list, select the object for which you want to view strategies: Customer, Account, Bill To, or Delinquency.

  2. Select the Strategy tab.

    The list of strategies for the selected object appears.

  3. Select a strategy.

    The work items for the selected strategy appear.

  4. If you want to view a related checklist, then click Checklist.

    The Checklist Details window lists items on the checklist with dates and whether or not items are completed.

  5. If you want to see details for a work item, then select the work item and click Details.

    The Work Item Details window displays the detail information.

  6. Optionally, you can edit the status, dates, and assignee fields in Work Item Detail.

  7. To complete a work item, click Complete Work. This initiates a workflow notification process and updates the work item status in Collector's Work Queue.

Viewing Strategies History

As the data in Strategy and work item tables keep growing, for performance reasons there is a need to archive data corresponding to old strategies being set to Cancelled or Closed statuses.

In the Strategy tab, strategies grid and work items grid displays the data from archived tables along with current data tables. the "Archived?" column in Strategy and Work item grids shows Yes when the data showing is from history/archive tables.

Note: You has to archive your strategy data based on your requirement. The application does not support automatic archival of strategies.

Changing Work Items in a Strategy

If you determine that work items in a strategy need to change, you can change, skip, or add new work items. Use this procedure to change work items for a customer, account, or bill to location, or delinquency strategy.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the View list, select the object for which you want to view strategies: Customer, Account, or Bill To, or Delinquency.

  2. Select the Strategy tab.

    The list of strategies for the selected object appears.

  3. Select a strategy.

    The work items for the selected strategy appears.

  4. Click Change Work Item.

    The Strategy User Item Selection window lists all current work items for the strategy as well as all available work item templates available.

  5. If you want to skip one of the work items, then highlight it and click Skip.

    The status for the work item changes to Skip.

    Note: If you click Complete Work for a wait time work item, Oracle Advanced Collections executes the wait time.

  6. To add a work item:

    • Highlight the work item above the sequence where the new work item should appear.

    • Select the work item from the Available section.

    • Click the arrow to move the item to the Assigned section.

      The work item appears below the highlighted item and is given a Work Item Order number that equals the one on the line before plus one.

  7. To remove an item that was manually added:

    • Highlight the item you want to remove in the Assigned section.

    • Click the arrow to move it to the Available section.

  8. Click OK.

Changing a Strategy

Use this procedure to change a strategy for a customer, account, bill to location, or delinquency.

Note: If you change a strategy and not all of the work items for that strategy have been executed, then those work items that have not yet been executed will change with the strategy.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the View list, select the object for which you want to view strategies: Customer, Account, Bill To, or Delinquency.

  2. Select the Strategy tab.

    The list of strategies for the selected object appears.

  3. Select a strategy.

    The work items for the selected strategy appear.

  4. To change a strategy:

    • Click Change Strategy.

      The Change Strategy window displays available strategy templates.

    • Select a template.

    • Click OK.

      The highlighted strategy on the Strategy tab is replaced with the new strategy template.

Reviewing Strategies as a Manager

Using the Collections Manager responsibility, use the following procedure to view strategies and work items in Oracle Advanced Collections that are assigned to you as a manager.


  1. Using the Collections Manager responsibility, select the Strategy tab.

    A list of your strategies appears.

  2. Click a strategy name.

    The details for that strategy appear.

  3. Optionally, if the Checklist button is enabled, you can do the following:

    • Click Checklist.

      The checklist for the strategy appears.

    • Optionally, enter date information for checklist items.

    • Optionally, select Complete for checklist items.

      Your changes appear the next time you view the checklist, but are not saved to the database.

Putting Strategies On Hold or Releasing Strategies

Using the Collections Agent responsibility, use the following procedure to put strategies on hold or release them that are assigned to you as a manager. Collections Manager role is required for this functionality. The On Hold/Release button would be disabled if you do not have Collections Manager Role.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the Strategy tab.

    A list of your strategies appears.

  2. Select the strategies that you want to put on hold.

  3. Click On Hold/Release.

  4. Give the number of days you want to keep the selected strategies on hold. The number should not be more than 1000 days.

    The status of the selected strategies will be "On Hold"

    The strategies also display the last Hold Start and Release dates.

  5. As the number of holding days are passed, the "IEX: Strategy Management" concurrent program will release them from hold, provided all delinquencies are not fully promised.

    If you want to release the strategies before the holding period, then you can select the strategies and click On Hold / Release to release the strategies.

    Important: Submit Workflow Background Process to resume Strategy Workflow for the on hold or released strategies.

Related Topics

Running On Hold or Release Concurrent Program for Strategies

Canceling a Strategy

You can now select a strategy and cancel it using the "Cancel strategy" option from the pop-up menu in the Strategy grid. Though you can cancel a strategy from UI using Cancel Strategy menu, a new strategy will be assigned when the Strategy Management concurrent program is run next time, if the Party / Account / Bill-To / Delinquency is delinquent.