Reports and Processes

This chapter covers the following topics:

Schedule Report

The Schedule Report displays the scheduled production of all assemblies for a line within a given date range. The purpose of the schedule report is to provide personnel on the shop floor ready access to the production plan and sequence of assemblies.

The report includes line name, scheduled completion date, build sequence, assembly name, UOM, quantity, schedule group, schedule number, order number, order line, and order requested date.

Setting the Display BOM to Yes explodes the Bills of Material and shows the following for all components of each assembly: operation sequence, component number, component UOM, quantity per revision, ECO number, and whether the component is optional. The Display Optional Items Only parameter is linked with the Display BOM parameter. Setting the Display Optional Items Only to Yes results in the report displaying only optional components for the BOM.

Report Parameters

From Line

Select the single line or the first line in the range you wish to review. The list of values displays all active lines in the organization. This is an optional parameter.

To Line

Select the final line in the range to be displayed, if you are requesting data for a range of lines. The list of values displays all active lines in the organization. Tab through this field to request date for a single line. This is an optional parameter.

From Date

Choose the start date from which you wish to view line data, if you want a date other than the default value of the system date. The date must be greater than the system date. This is a required parameter.

To Date

Choose the end date through which you wish to view line data, if you want a date other than the default value of the system date. This is a required parameter.

Schedule Group

Select a specific schedule group to limit the data shown. The default is to show data for all schedule groups within the line(s) selected. This is an optional parameter.

Display BOM

Enter Yes to include the Bill of Material for the first level of all components for each assembly in the report. Phantom items are displayed and the Bill of Material will explode until it reaches a non-phantom item. The default is No.

Display Optional Items Only

This field is active only when Display BOM is set to Yes. Enter Yes to display only optional items in the BOM.

Linearity Report

The Linearity Report provides a performance monitoring tool that compares planned and actual production on a daily basis for the selected date range. The report displays the planned production rate, the actual production rate, the variance, and the linearity index for selected lines and, optionally, schedule groups and assemblies over a given time range.

Variance can be either positive or negative. The linearity index tracks the absolute value of variance as deviation. The formula for linearity index is:

linearity index = {1 - [total deviations/total planned rate]} * 100

The higher the linearity index, the more closely matched the actual production rate is to the planned rate.

The Linearity Report can be run with two different sort options and two levels of detail. The report options include: Linearity Report by Week (Summary), Linearity Report by Week (Detail), Linearity Report by Line (Summary), and Linearity Report by Line (Detail). Detail reports include information by assembly in addition to the information provided on Summary reports. The sort order for Week-based reports is: week of > line > schedule group. The sort order for Line-based reports is: line > schedule group > week of.

Summary reports include the following information: date from to date to, week of, line, schedule group, planned production, actual production, variance, linearity index, day #, summary for line, summary for week, and weekly total.

Detail reports include the following information: date from to date to, week of, line, schedule group, assembly, planned production, actual production, variance, linearity index, day #, summary for schedule group, summary for line, summary for week, summary for schedule group, and weekly total.

Report Parameters

Report Option

Select Summary or Detail. If Detail is selected, the report will include information for individual assemblies. The default value is Summary.

Sort Option

Select whether the data should be sorted by Week or by Line. The default value is Week. The sort order for Week-based reports: week of > line > schedule group. The sort order for Line-based reports: line > schedule group > week of.

From Line

Select the single line or the first line in the range you wish to review. The list of values displays all active lines in the organization. This is an optional parameter.

To Line

Select the final line in the range to be displayed, if you are requesting data for a range of lines. The list of values displays all active lines in the organization. This is an optional parameter.

From Date

Choose the start date from which you wish to view line data, if you want a date other than the default value of the system date. This is a required parameter.

To Date

Choose the end date through which you wish to view line data, if you want a date other than the default value of the system date. This is a required parameter.

Schedule Group

Select a specific schedule group to limit the data shown. The default is to show data for all schedule groups within the line(s) selected. This is an optional parameter.