Oracle Flow Manufacturing Client Extensions

This appendix provides information about the Flow Manufacturing client extensions.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Custom Kanban Quantity Calculation

Calculates kanban size and quantity.

Functional Overview



Custom Kanban Quantity Calculation enables the extension of Kanban Quantity Calculation to suit the need of different business requirements. The Kanban planning engine will use the resulting kanban quantity and size returned by this client extension. The table below provides the specifications:

Parameter Usage Type Required Derived Optional
p_version_number IN NUMBER x - -
p_average_demand IN NUMBER x - -
p_minimum_order_quantity IN NUMBER x - -
p_fixed_lot_multilier IN NUMBER x - -
p_safety_stock_days IN NUMBER x - -
p_replenishment_lead_time IN NUMBER x - -
p_kanban_flag IN NUMBER x - -
p_kanban_size IN/OUT NUMBER - - -
p_kanban_number IN/OUT NUMBER - - -
p_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 - - -

Custom Schedule

The Custom Schedule enables you to extend the line scheduling algorithms that are seeded with the product.

Functional Overview



The Custom Schedule enables the extension of the Line Scheduling algorithm to suit the need of different business requirements. The following table provide specifications:

Parameter Usage Type Required Derived Optional
p_api_version_number IN NUMBER x - -
p_rule_id IN NUMBER x - -
p_line_id IN NUMBER x - -
p_org_id IN NUMBER x - -
p_flex_tolerance IN NUMBER x - -
p_scheduling_start_date IN DATE x - -
p_scheduling_end_date IN DATE x - -
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 - - -
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER - - -
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 - - -


Selected flow schedules are converted to flow schedules before calling the scheduling and sequencing procedure. All rows that are to be sequenced or scheduled in this call are contained in the table wip_flow_schedules. All of these rows have the column Request_id set to USERENV('SESSIONID'). The procedure should operate on these rows, sequence and schedule them based on user defined algorithms, and update the rows in the flow schedule table.

New rows that are created should have the following columns populated.

The calling functions set a save point, before a call to the Custom Schedule. In case of a failure message from this procedure, the program will rollback to the save point and return an error message to the calling routines.


Procedure Name: IS_VALID_DEMAND

This procedure is being called from Line Scheduling Workbench before inserting the rows into wip_flow_schedule. It allows the user to customize the filtering of the demand to be inserted into wip_flow_schedules. This is called before the scheduling engine is invoked.

Parameter Usage Type Required Derived Optional
p_api_version_number IN NUMBER x - -
p_rule_id IN NUMBER x - -
p_line_id IN NUMBER x - -
p_org_id IN NUMBER x - -
p_demand_type IN NUMBER x - -
p_demand_id IN NUMBER x - -
p_valid_demand OUT BOOLEAN - - -
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 - - -
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER - - -
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 - - -

Flow Sequencing Customization and Extension

The Flow Sequencing Customization and Extension is used by Flow Sequencing.

Functional Overview

Package Name: FLM_SEQ_CUSTOM


The Flow Sequencing Customization and Extension enables the extension of all seeded attribute types to suit the need of different business requirements. The Sequencing engine uses the resulted attribute value returned by this client extension. There are three different types of customized attributes: Item, Sales Order and Planned Order.

Parameter Usage Type Required Derived Optional
p_api_version_number IN NUMBER Y - -
p_org_id IN NUMBER Y - -
p_id IN NUMBER Y - -
p_attribute_id IN NUMBER Y - -
p_attribute_type IN NUMBER Y - -
p_other_id IN NUMBER - - Y
p_other_name IN VARCHAR2 - - Y
x_value_num OUT NUMBER - - -
x_value_name OUT VARCHAR2 - - -
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 - - -
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER - - -
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 - - -

Functional Overview

Package Name: FLM_SEQ_CUSTOM


This procedure provides post-process demands for a task. The demands for a specific sequencing run are stored in FLM_SEQ_TASK_DEMANDS table identified by seq_task_id. The sequencing engine uses the demands stored to create flow schedules. To modify the demands, the API needs to either modify the quantity values (to increase or decrease demand), or delete the row (to remove the demand).

Parameter Usage Type Required Derived Optional
p_api_version_number IN NUMBER Y - -
p_seq_task_id IN NUMBER Y - -
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 - - -
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER - - -
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 - - -

Flow Execution Workstation Customization and Extension

The Flow Execution Workstation Customization and Extension is used by the Flow Execution Workstation.

Functional Overview


Procedure Name: GET_ATTRIBUTES

The procedure retrieves the information to display on the custom Property region of the Flow Execution Workstation, providing additional information for completing the work at a particular line operation or event. As an input parameter, the procedure takes wip_entity_id, operation sequence id, and operation type (line operation or event). This indicates the operation displaying the information. It returns a table of name value pairs to be rendered on custom Property region of Flow Execution Workstation.

Parameter Usage Type Required Derived Optional
p_api_version_number IN NUMBER Y - -
p_wip_entity_id IN NUMBER Y - -
p_op_seq_id IN NUMBER Y - -
p_op_type IN NUMBER Y - -
p_cust_attrib_tab OUT FLM_CUST_ATTRIBUTE_TBL - - -
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 - - -
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER - - -
x_msg_data  OUT VARCHAR2 - - -