Oracle Property Manager Menu Paths

This appendix describes the default navigation paths for each window on the Oracle Property Manager menu.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Oracle Property Manager Navigator Paths

The following table lists window names and typical navigation paths (if your system administrator has customized your navigator, your navigation paths may be different):

Window Name Navigation Path
Approve Rent Increase Terms Leases and Documents: Rent Increase: Approve Rent Increase Terms
Approve Schedules Leases and Documents: Approve Schedules
Approve Variable Rent Terms Leases and Documents: Variable Rent: Approve Variable Rent Terms
Authorize Billings Leases and Documents: Billings: Authorize. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Authorize Payments Leases and Documents: Payments: Authorize. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Billing Schedule Details Leases and Documents: Billings:Authorize. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button. Choose the Details Button.
Billing Term Template Leases and Documents: Billings:Billing Term Template
Billings Exported to Receivables Leases and Documents:Billings:Export to Receivables. Check the Exported check box and choose the Find button.
Buildings Property Definition: Building
Contacts Agents: Contacts
Customers (Enter) Agents: Customers: Standard or Agents: Customers: Quick
Customer Profile Classes Agents:Customers:Profile Class
Customers Summary Agents:Customers:Summary
Details Milestones Leases and Documents:Main Leases:Enter Leases and Documents. Choose the New button. Enter lease information. Choose the Milestones button.
Employees (Enter) Agents:Employees:Enter Employees
Employees (View) Agents:Employees:View
Export Billings to Receivables Leases and Documents:Billings:Export to Receivables. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Export Payments to Payables Leases and Documents:Payments:Export to Payables. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Export to CAD Interface Open Interfaces:Locations and Space Allocation:Export
Find Billing Schedules Leases and Documents:Billings:Export to Receivables. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Find/Enter Customers Agents:Customers:Standard
Find Locations Property Definition:View Locations. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Find Payment Schedules Leases and Documents:Payments:Export to Payables. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Find Payments Leases:Export Payments. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Find Space Assignment Assignments:Assign Space. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Floors Property Definition:Building. Choose the Floors button.
Import from CAD Open Interfaces:Locations and Space Allocation:Import
Index History Leases and Documents:Rent Increase:Enter Index History.
Land Property Definition:Land
Lease Leases and Documents: Enter Leases and Documents. Choose the New button. On the Lease window, choose the New or Open button.
Lease Amendment Leases and Documents:View Lease History. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button. Choose the Amendments button.
Lease Details History Leases and Documents:View Lease History. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button. Choose the Amendments button.
Lease Edit Leases and Documents:View Lease History. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button. Choose the Transactions button, then choose the History button.
Leases Leases and Documents: Enter Leases and Documents. Choose the New button.
Leases (History) Leases and Documents:Main Lease:View Lease History. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Locations Inquiry Property Definition:View Locations. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Milestone Templates Setup:Milestones Template
Offices Property Definition:Buildings: Choose the Floors button, then choose the Offices button.
Parcels Property Definition:Land: Choose the Parcels button.
Payment Schedule Details Leases and Documents: Payments:Authorize. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button. Choose the Details Button.
Payment Term Template Leases and Documents: Payments:Payment Term Template
Payments Exported to Payables Leases and Documents:Payments:Export to Payables. Check the Exported check box and choose the Find button.
Properties Property Definition:Property
Regions and Office Parks Property Definition: Regions
Roles and Sites Agents:Contacts. Choose the New button.
Rent Increase Leases and Documents:Rent Increase:Enter Rent Increase. Choose the Open or New button.
Rent Increase Leases Leases and Documents:Rent Increase:Enter Rent Increase.
Reporting Currencies Setup:International:Enable Reporting Currencies
Sections Property Definition:Land: Choose the Parcels button, then choose the Sections button.
Space Assignment Assignments:Assign Space
Space Assignment (View) Assignments:View Space Assignments. Enter search criteria and choose the Find button.
Suppliers Agents:Suppliers:Enter Suppliers
Suppliers (View) Agents:Suppliers:View
Variable Rent Leases and Documents:Variable Rent:Enter Variable Rent
Variable Rent (View) Leases and Documents:Variable Rent:View Variable Rent

Equipment Leasing Navigator Paths

The following table shows the navigation for Equipment Leasing:

Icon/Tab/Window Name Navigation Path
Equipment Lease Search Equipment Leases: Leases: Equipment Lease Search
Create Lease Equipment Leases: Leases: Equipment Lease: Search and Create Lease
Parties (B) Equipment Leases: Leases: Equipment Lease Search: Create Lease: (B) Parties
Assets Equipment Leases: Leases: Equipment Lease Search: Create Lease
Assets Payments (B) Equipment Leases: Leases: Equipment Lease Search: (B) Create Lease: Payments
Options Equipment Leases: Leases: Equipment Lease Search: (B) Create Lease: Options
View Transaction Equipment Leases: Leases: View Transactions
Set up: System Option Equipment Leases: Set up: System Option
Set up: Term Templates Equipment Leases: Set up: Term Templates
Set up: Term Templates Equipment Leases: Set up: Discount Rate Index

Detailed set up information is in the Equipment-Specific Setups for Compliance, Oracle Property Manager Implementation Guide.

For information in the Equipment Leases Window, see, Equipment Leases Window.

The following concurrent programs and reports can be run and monitored from Reports: Equipment Leases: Reports menu.

