Electronic Document Access (EDA)

Overview of EDA

The Electronic Document Access (EDA) is a mandatory Department of Defense (DoD) system that serves as the master repository for all unclassified DoD contracts, orders and modifications. EDA is used by the program management, finance, disbursing, contracting, industry trading partners, other federal agencies, and the logistics community to store and manage common documents. Specifically, the data within EDA will be provided to WAWF for receiving and invoicing processes and the standard format is key for the integration between systems as well as for data conversion.

In order for contract data to be accepted by EDA, it must be presented in a standard format. EDA requires that incoming award data be provided as a PDF and as an index file consisting of predefined elements. Additionally, EDA also accepts the award/modification data in the Procurement Data Standard (PDS) XML format. CLM provides the ability to generate these three files.

The three files generated from CLM are integrated with EDA through DoD's electronic business environment, the Global EXchange Services (GEX). The GEX provides broker and mediation service between government agencies, commercial industry, and government systems. It is the GEX that enforces the file validations and ensure that the data is acceptable to be passed to EDA.

For more information on setting up EDA, refer to the Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Implementation Guide.