Concurrent Programs

This chapter covers the following topics:

Interaction History Bulk Processor

The Interaction History Bulk Processor concurrent program is used to log interaction records to Oracle Customer Interaction History tables in bulk, rather than after each interaction, following a large batch of interactions (such as a mass e-mail campaign). This program can be run as needed or set up to run periodically.

Note: The Oracle Customer Interaction History Bulk API is currently used by Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment. For information about how to implement Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment, please see the Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment Implementation Guide.

Scheduling the Interaction History Bulk Processor Concurrent Program

Use this procedure to schedule the Interaction History Bulk Processor concurrent program.


CRM Administrator


E-Business Home Page




  1. Select Requests > Run.

    The Submit a New Request window appears.

  2. Select Single Request and click OK.

  3. From the Name list, select Interaction History Bulk Processor.

    Note: There are no parameters for the Interaction History Bulk Processor concurrent process.

  4. To set the job frequency, click Schedule.

  5. In the Submit Request window, click Submit.


For more information about submitting concurrent requests, including defining a submission schedule, see Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Using the Error Viewer

Use this procedure to view logging errors that occurred during the Interaction History Bulk Processor concurrent program.


Interaction History or Interaction History JSP Admin


E-Business Home Page or CRM Home Page


Run the Interaction History Bulk Processor concurrent program.


  1. Click the Bulk Processing Errors tab.

  2. To filter the list of errors, select the filter criteria.

    You have the following options:

    1. Writer Code

    2. Request Type

    3. Request Id

Interaction History Import

The Interaction History Import concurrent program is used to import interaction data from third-party and legacy systems. This program can be run as needed or set up to run periodically.

Note: This concurrent program references PL/SQL procedure JTF_IH_IMPORT_GO_IMPORT.

To import data into the Oracle Customer Interaction History tables, do the following:

  1. Verify the format of the data to be transferred. See Validating Data.

  2. Use your tool of choice to move the data into the Oracle Customer Interaction History staging tables. See Loading the Data into Staging.

  3. Use the Interaction History Import concurrent program to move the data from the staging tables to the Oracle Customer Interaction History tables. See Scheduling the Interaction History Data Import Concurrent Program.

  4. Delete the data in the Oracle Customer Interaction History staging tables. See Deleting the Staging Table Rows.

Validating Data

You can use standard SQL*Plus database commands to view details about the Oracle Customer Interaction History staging tables. Verify that the data to be transferred conforms to the format of the data expected in the staging tables.

The Oracle Customer Interaction History staging tables are:

The Oracle Customer Interaction History staging tables are similar to the actual Oracle Customer Interaction History tables. However, the staging tables have three additional columns that hold data about the import process. The additional columns are:

For information about Oracle Customer Interaction History tables, see Appendix D, "Data Validations".

Loading the Data into Staging Tables

The method for loading the data into the staging tables will depend on the third party or legacy system with which you are working. You must have read and write access to the Oracle Customer Interaction History staging tables in order to complete this task.

Optionally, you can test that the data has been loaded properly in the staging tables by running stored procedure JTF_IH_IMPORT.GO_TEST. This procedure tests the data in staging tables without writing the data into the Oracle Customer Interaction History tables.

Scheduling the Interaction History Data Import Concurrent Program

Note: If you encounter problems moving the data from the staging tables to the Interaction History tables by running the Concurrent Manager, you can start the Interaction History mass import procedure from SQL*Plus by calling the stored procedure JTF_IH_IMPORT.GO_IMPORT.

There is one optional parameter to this procedure: NCntTransRows (NUMBER) - the number of interactions in one database transaction.

Use this procedure to schedule the Interaction History Import concurrent program.


Load the data to be imported into the Oracle Customer Interaction History staging tables. See Loading the Data into Staging Tables.


CRM Administrator or Interaction History Data Import


  1. Select Requests > Run.

    The Submit a New Request window opens.

  2. Select the Single Request and click OK.

    The Submit Request window opens.

  3. From the Name list, select Interaction History Data Import.

    Note: There are no parameters for the Interaction History Data Import concurrent process.

  4. To set the job frequency, click Schedule.

  5. In the Submit Request window, click Submit.


For more information about submitting concurrent requests, including defining a submission schedule, see Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Deleting the Staging Table Rows

If you decide to reload data or to load additional data into the staging tables, you must first delete the current data before adding new data. You can use standard SQL*Plus database commands to delete the existing rows.

Interaction History Purge

The Interaction History Purge concurrent program is used to remove interaction data based on a set of purge criteria. This program can be run as needed or set up to run periodically.

Caution: Purging interaction data can affect functionality in Oracle Email Center and Oracle Marketing. Use the Interaction History Purge concurrent program with great care. Review your historical reporting needs before making any decision to purge data.

Use this procedure to schedule the Interaction History Purge concurrent program.


Interaction History Data Purge


E-Business Home Page




  1. Select (Interaction History Data Purge) Requests.

    The Find Requests window appears.

  2. Click Submit A New Request.

    The Submit a New Request window appears.

  3. Select Single Request and click OK.

  4. From the Name list, select Interaction History Data Purge.

    The Parameters windows appears.

    Note: You can re-open the Parameters window by clicking in the Parameters field.

  5. Enter the criteria for selecting the interaction data to be deleted.

  6. Click OK.

  7. To set the job frequency, click Schedule.

  8. In the Submit Request window, click Submit.


For more information about submitting concurrent requests, including defining a submission schedule, see Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.


Use these parameters to select that data that you want to purge. You must set at least one parameter. If you set more than one parameter, the program will select only the data that meets all of the selected parameters. To purge all interactions, set the Purge Type to ALL.

Parameter Required? Definition
Party IDs No Specify a list of comma-separated numbers that correspond to the party_id(s) that you wish to purge. If a single party id is to be purged, then no commas are required.
Party Type No Specify the Party Type of the parties associated with interactions to be purged. Valid Values: PERSON ORGANIZATION PARTY_RELATIONSHIP
Start Date No The interaction start date from which to purge. Interactions with a start date greater than or equal to this value will be purged.
End Date No The interaction end date to purge up to. Interactions with an end date less than or equal to this value will be purged.
Safe Mode Yes Allows the purge to be run in a report only mode. TRUE (default) - No data deleted. Will report the number of Interactions, Activities and Media Items to be purged. No records are purged.FALSE - Data is deleted.
Purge Type No Specify 'ALL' to purge all interactions. When specifying other criteria (party ids, party type, start date and end date), leave this value empty.
Activity Outcomes No Specify a list of comma-separated numbers that correspond to the activity outcome id(s) that you wish to purge. If a single outcome id is to be purged, then no commas are required. If an activity is found associated with an interaction that has one of the outcome ids specified, then the interaction and all of it's activities are purged.
Activity Results No Specify a list of comma-separated numbers that correspond to the activity result id(s) that you wish to purge. If a single result id is to be purged, then no commas are required. If an activity is found associated with an interaction that has one of the result ids specified, then that interaction and all of it's activities are purged.
Activity Reasons No Specify a list of comma-separated numbers that correspond to the activity reason id(s) that you wish to purge. If a single result id is to be purged, then no commas are required. If an activity is found associated with an interaction that has one of the result ids specified, then that interaction and all of its activities are purged.
Interaction Outcomes No Specify a list of comma-separated numbers that correspond to the interaction outcome id(s) that you wish to purge. If a single outcome id is to be purged, then no commas are required.
Interaction Results No Specify a list of comma-separated numbers that correspond to the interaction result id(s) that you wish to purge. If a single result id is to be purged, then no commas are required.
Interaction Reasons No Specify a list of comma-separated numbers that correspond to the interaction reason id(s) that you wish to purge. If a single result id is to be purged, then no commas are required.