Awarding Solicitations

Awarding a Solicitation to one or more Suppliers

Once you have closed your solicitation, you decide on the supplier(s) to whom you want to make the award. You can choose to make a full award or a partial award. Partial awards depend on the CLIN/SLIN structure you use.

Some actions you may need during the awarding process:

When you wish to view the suppliers' responses and then move ahead with the awarding process, the following actions in the Actions LOV in the closed solicitation help you with the award-making decision and process:

Option lines without base lines can also be awarded to a supplier. Option lines with a base line may also be awarded to the same supplier as the base line. A CLIN/SLIN structure that is linked to another CLIN/SLIN structure via a cross-linked Option SLIN is also automatically awarded when one of the CLIN/SLIN structures is awarded.

Note: If you select any of the above actions and there are no lines in a Fair Opportunity Notice type solicitation, an error message will be displayed. However if there are unsolicited lines in an offer, then the Offer Totals will display in the appropriate fields, and the buyer can award the unsolicited lines.

Both Not Separately Priced or No Charge Priced ELINs are available for Awarding. If you award the CLIN or SLIN, all associated ELINs are also awarded with the CLIN or SLIN. If you award individual ELINs only, then only the individually awarded ELINs, along with parent CLIN or SLIN and CLIN flow to the Award. If you award a mix of CLIN / SLIN and ELINs, then only the selected ELINs along with the parent CLIN or parent SLIN/CLIN will be placed in the outcome award.

Using Umbrella Programs when creating multiple supplier awards

In this scenario (multi-supplier award), the Umbrella Program number specified during the award confirmation is the same Umbrella Program number that appears in the outcome IDVs. If the buyer forgets to specify an Umbrella Program here, all the IDVs will be created without any Umbrella Program. Later, the buyer manually update the IDVs if required.

Note: Each IDV references only the Umbrella Program that the buyer entered while creating outcome documents.

Awarding a solicitation when multiple active offers exist

The awarding process ensures that there is only one award per supplier. If lines are awarded from multiple active offers from the same supplier, they are consolidated and awarded in one award document. If the same line is awarded in both the offer documents, the line has two records for each award. Multiple Active offers awarded from same supplier will lead to multiple awards. Each offer awarded leads to one award.

Only CLINs are available to be awarded. When CLINs are awarded, the underlying SLINs and ELINs will also flow to the Award. This would be the case, even if the CLIN is Not Separately Priced / No Charge and the ELINs are priced. Note here that the ELINs will not display here and users will award the parent lines only. ELINs are created in the award with the same name as the solicitation. The ELINs in the solicitation are automatically linked to the ELINs in the outcome award document.

Note: When there are exhibits (CDRLs) mapped to one or more solicitation lines, and when the solicitation lines are awarded, either fully or partially to one or multiple vendors, then the mapped exhibits (CDRLs) are also available in the outcome award documents.

To make an award:

  1. From the Negotiations Home page, search for and select the solicitation to award.

  2. Select Close Solicitation from the Actions menu to close the solicitation. On the Close Solicitations page that displays, enter a note to the suppliers and Click Apply. This closes the solicitation immediately.

  3. Select either Award by Offer, or Award by Line from the Actions menu.

  4. If you select Award by Offer, then select the supplier and click Award Multiple Lines to award the supplier multiple lines. On the Award Multiple Lines page, review the award and recalculate if required. Select Save Award.

  5. Select Change Shortlist Status to alter the supplier's status.

  6. If you select Award by Line, then select the line to award and click Award. The Award Line page displays information about the offer. Add a note to the suppliers and click the Award option. See Viewing and Entering Address Details for default address information.

  7. Click Award Summary to see a summary of the award. The Award Summary page displays the Unsolicited Lines Awarded column in the Supplier tab. The column displays the number of unsolicited lines awarded, as a hyperlink. Clicking on this link takes you to a page where all the awarded unsolicited lines are displayed.

  8. Click Complete Award or Complete Fair Opportunity Notice action in the Solicitation page to complete the awarding process for the solicitation or Fair Opportunity Notice.

  9. The appropriate outcome documents are created and displayed in the Create Outcome Document page. The Create Outcome Document page displays the Unsolicited Lines Awarded column. The column displays the number of unsolicited lines awarded, as a hyperlink. Clicking on this link takes you to a page where all the awarded unsolicited lines are displayed.

    You can opt to retain the line numbers from the solicitation to the outcome document (award or IDV). Thus the outcome document uses the same line numbers as the solicitation. Update the value of the profile option PON: CLM Use Solicitation line number in PO Award / IDV to Yes, if you want the line numbers retained. For more information on the profile option, see: Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Implementation Guide.

    Click Review / Link Unsolicited Lines to open the Link Unsolicited Lines page. Click the Edit icon to open the Edit Links page. You can add or remove a link from the unsolicited line to its associated solicitation line. You cannot add a solicitation line from the original solicitation twice. You cannot add a CLIN or SLIN from the same structure if you have already linked or established a relationship with a CLIN or SLIN. You can create links to an existing CLIN or SLIN but not both.

    Click Apply to return to the Link Unsolicited Lines page. Return to the Create Outcome Document page.

  10. Click Manage Requisitions to open the Manage Requisitions page. The Solicitation Lines / Unsolicited Lines region displays all the awarded solicitation lines and the awarded unsolicited lines (with their associated solicitation line numbers) that are part of the outcome award.

    Use the Select radiobutton to select a solicitation line or an unsolicited line. The Select radiobutton is available for all lines, however, the PR Lines Summary region is not available for Option and Info lines. When you select a line, the linked backing requisition line information displays in the Related Requisition Lines region. You can opt to remove the association between the solicitation line / unsolicited line and the requisition line (if such funds are not to be used in any of the solicitation / unsolicited lines) by clicking the Remove (trashcan) icon. The Remove icon is not available for solicitation lines that were created by the AutoCreate process.

    If you wish to associate one or more requisition lines to the solicitation line / unsolicited line, first select the line in the Solicitation Lines / Unsolicited Lines region using the Select radiobutton. For an unsolicited line that has no solicitation line reference, you can use this page to add a solicitation line reference. Also, if the solicitation line reference changes for an unsolicited line during the awarding process, then one of the two scenarios will take place:

    • If the unsolicited line has a linked requisition line associated to it, the link will be retained as is.

    • If the unsolicited line has no linked requisition line and it's newly referenced solicitation line has a linked requisition line, the unsolicited line will now reference the linked requisition line.

    Click the Link Requisition Lines button to open the Requisition Lines Search page. The Link Requisition Lines button is not available for those solicitation lines that were created by the auto-create process (that is, solicitation lines created by referencing requisition lines in Document Builder). The search patterns is similar to the Search page for linking requisition lines to a draft solicitation.

    The Search region in the Requisition Lines Search page consists of the following default search criteria: Buyer, Requisition, Line Number, Item. In addition, you can add other search criteria fields using the Add Another LOV and selecting a value. Click Add to add another search criteria after selecting a search field from the Add Another LOV.

    The search region displays only those requisitions that are created for non-Inventory (i.e. Expense) items. Additionally, requisition lines that have no distributions are not displayed in the search region either.

    Enter values for the default search criteria as well as for the newly added search fields and then click Go. The search results display the requisition lines that match the search criteria.

    Select one or more requisition lines from the search results region and click Add. The Manage Requisitions page displays again and you can see the linked requisition lines. Click Apply to confirm your changes and return to the Create Outcome Document page. Clicking Apply will immediately associate the requisition lines to the solicitation / unsolicited lines. When you have made all the updates in the Create Outcome Document page, click Submit to create the outcome award. The Outcome Document Summary page shows you the award information, with the outcome award number as a hyperlink. Click the award number to view the award. When the Awards page displays, click the Distributions link to verify that the distribution has been created and funds are allocated from the requisition. You can cross-check the Amount, Charge Account and Fund Value in the award to verify that the requisition funds can now be used in the award.

    Click Return to Negotiations to return to your solicitation.

  11. In the Create Purchase Order page, select the supplier site. You can search for the supplier site by Site, Address, D-U-N-S Number or CAGE Code.

    When an award is created as an outcome document from the solicitation, the following fields are defaulted from the offer to the award:

    • Delivery Event - defaulted to award line

    • Period - defaulted to award line

    • Period of Performance Duration - defaulted to award schedule

    • Promised Period - defaulted to award line

  12. Enter Effective Dates, Release Method and click Submit to create the outcome documents, When the outcome documents are created, they are listed in the page. Click on the document number link to open the document and view the details. The unsolicited line(s) that you awarded are also displayed in the outcome document.

Reopen Awards

Sometimes, an award decision may not be completed or culminate in an outcome document (award or IDV) that can be fulfilled. Various situations can impede the fulfillment of an outcome document: for example, the awarded supplier(s) could back out or be unable to fulfill the requirement. Negotiation discussions could fall through after the awarding or the solicitation could be completed prematurely. Additionally, if the awarded supplier is rejected, then the second supplier may be awarded the solicitation. To accommodate situations like these, the Reopen Award action enables you to unlock the solicitation, and then modify the award or create a new award. The Reopen Award action is available for solicitations, Two-Stage RFQs, and staggered solicitations.

The completed solicitation cannot be undone. Thus, the Reopen Award action enables buyers to unlock the solicitation, modify the award, create a new award or revise the award(s).

If your solicitation has a status of Complete, Outcome not Requested, or Partially Complete, you can reopen the award. The status changes to Partially Complete.

To reopen an award:

  1. Cancel the outcome document in Oracle CLM Purchasing.

  2. From the Actions list in the negotiation page, select Reopen Award. You get a warning message, asking you to cancel the outcome document, and then proceed to reaward the negotiation.

Note that previously awarded suppliers are not automatically notified when an award is reopened. Linked requisitions that have been returned to the requisition pool after the Complete action was selected are not relinked during re-awarding.

The Purchase Order Summary page displays all outcome documents that are associated with the negotiation. Cancelled outcome documents are indicated with an icon. To view information about canceled documents, click Prior Award Information. Additionally, Internal Notes tracks the cancellation and reaward actions.

Awarding CLIN/SLIN Structures

Awarding the same CLIN/SLIN structure to two or more suppliers is possible. Quantity and Amount Based lines can be awarded to multiple suppliers, however, fixed priced lines can be awarded to one supplier only.