Engineering Windows and Navigator Paths

Engineering Windows and Navigator Paths

For windows described in other manuals:

See... Refer to this manual for a complete window description.
BOM Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
CAP Oracle Capacity User's Guide
CST Oracle Cost Management User's Guide
Flex Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide
GL Oracle General Ledger User's Guide
HR Oracle Human Resources User's Guide
PO Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
MRP Oracle MRP User's Guide
SYS Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
User Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Text in brackets ([ ]) indicates a button.

The following table presents window names and navigation paths.

Engineering Responsibility

Window Name Navigation Path
Approval Lists Setup > Approval Lists
Assign Cross Reference Types (See INV) Prototypes > Items > Cross References > [Assign]
Bill Components Comparison (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Comparison
Bill Details (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Bills > [Bill Details
Bill Documents (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Documents
Bills of Material (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Bills
Calculate Lead Times (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Lead Times
Change Types Setup > Change Types
Change Type Processes Setup > Change Types > [Processes]
Component Changes ECOs > Mass Changes > [Changes]
Component Changes (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Mass Changes > [Changes]
Copy to Manufacturing Protoyptes > Copy to Manufacturing
Copy to Manufacturing: from within an ECO page ECOs > ECOs > [Copy]
Cross Reference Types (See INV) Prototypes > Items > Cross References
Deletion Constraints (See BOM) Setup > Delete Constraints
Departments (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Departments
Descriptive Elements (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Bills > [Elements]
ECO Autonumbering Setup > AutoNumbering
ECO Department (See HR) Setup > ECO Department
ECO Priorities Setup > Priorities
Engineering Change Orders ECOs > ECOs ECOs > Schedules
Engineering Master Item (See INV) Prototypes > Items > Master Items
Engineering Organization Item (See INV) Prototypes > Items > Organization Items
Enter Person (See HR) Setup > Employees
History ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items] > [History]
Import Bills and Routings (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Import
Indented Bill of Material (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Indented Bills
Item Attributes (See INV) Prototypes > Items > View Item Details > [Attributes]
Item Catalog Groups (See INV) Prototypes > Items > Catalog Groups
Item Documents (See User) Prototypes > Items > Documents
Item Relationships (See INV) Prototypes > Items > Related Items > [Find]
Item Revisions ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items] > [Revisions]
Item Revisions (See BOM Prototypes > Bills > Bills > [Revision]
Item Search (See INV) Prototypes > Items > Item Search > [Find]
Item Template (See INV) Prototypes > Items > Item Template > [Find] > Item Templates Summary > [Open]
Item WhereUsed (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Item WhereUsed
Mass Change Bills ECOs > Mass Changes
Operation Resources (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Routings > [Operation Resources]
Reasons Setup > Reasons
Reference Designators ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items] > [Components] > [Designators]
Reference Designators (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Bills > [Designators]
Resources (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Resources
Resource WhereUsed (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Resource WhereUsed
Revised Components ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items] > [Components]
Revised Items ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items]
Routing Details (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Routings > [Routing Details]
Routing Documents (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Documents
Routing Revisions (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Routings > [Routing Revisions]
Routings (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Routings
Standard Operations (See BOM) Prototypes > Routings > Standard Operations
Start AutoImplement Manager Setup >AutoImplement
Substitute Components ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items] > [Components] > [Substitutes]
Substitute Components (See BOM) Prototypes > Bills > Bills > [Substitutes]
Transfer to Manufacturing Transfer to Manufacturing
Transfer to Manufacturing from within and ECO ECOs > ECOs >[Transfer]

Oracle Engineering Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows

The following table matches character mode forms with their corresponding GUI windows or processes. This information supplements Windows and Navigator Paths in the product online documentation. Text in brackets ([ ]) indicates a button.

The GUI Navigator paths are based on the Engineering responsibility.

The following table presents more information on any window, navigate to the window and choose the help icon.

Character Mode Form and Menu Path GUI Window or Process, and Navigation Path
Assign Key Flexfield Security Rules
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Security Assign
Assign Security Rules
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Key > Security > Assign
Assign Security Rules
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Validation Security Assign
Assign Security Rules
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields >Validation > Security > Assign
Bill of Material Comparison Report
\Navigate Report Bill Compare
Bill Components Comparison
Navigator: Prototypes > Bills > Comparison
Bill of Material Loop Report
\Navigate Report Bill LoopCheck
Engineering Bill Reports
Navigator: Reports > Bills
Bill of Material Structure Reports
\Navigate Report Bill Structure
Engineering Bill Reports
Navigator: Reports > Bills
Calculate Lead Times
\Navigate Prototype Leadtimes
Calculate Lead Times
Navigator: Prototypes > Routings > Lead Times
Change Organization
\Navigate Other ChangeOrg
Navigator: Other > Organization
Define Change Order Types
\Navigate Setup ECO Types
Change Types
Navigator: Setup > Change Types
Define Cross-Validation Rule
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Rules
Cross-Validation Rules
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Key > Rules
Define Descriptive Flexfield Segments
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Descriptive Segments
Descriptive Flexfield Segments
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Descriptive > Segments
Define Descriptive Security Rule
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Descriptive Security Define
Define Security Rules
Navigator: Setup > Flexfield > Descriptive > Security > Define
Define Descriptive Segment Values
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Descriptive Values
Segment Values
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Descriptive > Values
Define ECO Approval Lists
\Navigate Setup ECO ApprovalLists
Approval Lists
Navigator: Setup > Approval Lists
Define ECO Autonumbering
\Navigate Setup ECO AutoNumbering
ECO Autonumbering
Navigator: Setup > AutoNumbering
Define ECO Departments
\Navigate Setup ECO Department
Define ECO Department
Navigator: Setup > ECO Department
Define ECO Priorities
\Navigate Setup ECO Priorities
ECO Priorities
Navigator: Setup > Priorities
Define ECO Reasons
\Navigate Setup ECO Reasons
Navigator: Setup > Reasons
Define Employees
\Navigate Setup Employee
Enter Person
Navigator: Setup > Employees
Define Engineering Bill of Material
\Navigate Prototype Define Bill
EngineeringBills of Material
Navigator: Prototypes > Bills > Bills
Define Engineering Change Order
\Navigate ECO Define
Engineering Change Orders
Navigator: ECOs > ECOs
Approval History
Navigator: ECOs > ECOs > [Approvals]
Approval Dates
Navigator: ECOs > ECOs. From the Tools menu choose View Dates
ECO Revisions
Navigator: ECOs > ECOs > [ECO Revisions]
View Reference Designators
Navigator: ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items] > [Components] > [Designators]
View Substitute Components
Navigator: ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items] > [Components] > [Substitutes]
Define Engineering Item
\Navigate Prototype Define Item Item
Engineering Master Item
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > Master Items
Engineering Organization Item
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > Organization Items
Define Engineering Item Revision
\Navigate Prototype Define Item Revision
Item Revisions
Navigator: Prototypes > Bills > Bills > [Revision]
Define Engineering Routing
\Navigate Prototype Define Routing
Engineering Routings
Navigator: Prototypes > Routings > Routings
Routing Details
Navigator: Prototypes > Routings > Routings > [Routing Details]
Define Item Catalog Groups
\Navigate Prototype Inventory Catalog Define
Item Catalog Groups
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > Catalog Groups
Define Item Cross-References
\Navigate Prototype Inventory Cross-Reference
Assign Cross Reference
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > Cross References > [Assign]
Define Item Relationships
\Navigate Prototype Inventory RelatedItems
Item Relationships
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > Related Items > [Find]
Define Item Template
\Navigate prototype Inventory Template
Item Template
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > Templates > [Find] > Item Templates Summary > [Open]
Define Key Flexfield Security Rule
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Security Define
Define Security Rules
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Key > Security > Define
Define Key Flexfield Segments
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Segments
Key Flexfield Segments
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Key > Segments
Define Key Segment Values
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Values
Segment Values
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Key > Values
Define Rollup Groups
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Groups
Rollup Groups
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Key > Groups
Define Security Rule
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Validation Security Define
Define Security Rules
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields >Validation > Security > Define
Define Segment Values
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Validation Values
Segment Values
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields >Validation > Values
Define Shorthand Aliases
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Aliases
Shorthand Aliases
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Key > Aliases
Define Value Set
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Validation Set
Value Sets
Navigator: Setup > Flexfields > Validation > Sets
Delete Item Information
\Navigate Prototype Delete
Engineering Deletion Groups
Navigator: Delete Item Report
Delete Items Report
\Navigate Report Delete
Delete History Report
Navigator: Reports > Delete Groups
Engineering Change Order Reports
\Navigate Report ECO
Engineering Change Order Reports
Navigator: Reports > ECOs
Engineering Setup Reports
\Navigate Reports Setup
Engineering Setup Reports
Navigator: Reports > Setup
Implement Engineering Change Orders
\Navigate ECO Implement
Engineering Change Orders
Navigator: ECOs > ECOs
Item Cost Information Report
\Navigate Report ItemCosts
Item Cost Information Report
Use the Cost Management responsibility Navigator: Report > Cost > Item
Item Reports
\Navigate Report Item
Engineering Item Reports
Navigator: Reports > Items
Mass Change Bills of Material
\Navigate ECO MassChange
Mass Change Bills
Navigator: ECOs > Mass Changes
Purge Engineering Change Orders
\Navigate ECO Purge
Purge Engineering Change Orders
Navigator: ECOs > Delete
Routing Reports
\Navigate Reports Routing
Engineering Routing Reports
Navigator: Reports > Routings
Run Reports
\ Navigate Report
Submit Request window
Navigator: Reports > Run
Search Items
\Navigate Prototype Inventory Catalog Search
Item Search
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > Item Search > [Find]
Start AutoImplement Manager
\Navigate Setup AutoImplement
Start AutoImplement Manager
Navigator: Setup >AutoImplement
Transfer Engineering Data to Manufacturing
\Navigate Prototype Transfer
Copy to Manufacturing
Navigator: Prototypes > Copy to Manufacturing
Transfer to Manufacturing
Navigator: Protoypes > Transfer to Manufacturing
Update Engineering Item/Org Attributes
\Navigate Prototype Define Item Update
Item Attributes
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > View Item Details > [Attributes]
Update Personal Profile Options
\Navigate Other Profile
Personal Profile Values
Navigator: Setup > Profiles
View Bill of Material Comparison
\Navigate Inquiry Bill Compare
Bill Components Comparison
Navigator: Prototypes > Bills > Comparison
View Bill of Material Details
Navigate Inquiry Bill Detail
Bill Details
Navigator: Prototypes > Bills > Bills > [Bill Details]
View Concurrent Requests
\ Navigate Other Requests
Requests window
Navigator: Concurrent > Requests
View Output button- to view Request Output
View Log button - to view Request Log
Use the Menu to choose:
Tools > Managers - to view Manager Log
View Engineering Change Order Details
\Navigate Inquiry ECO Details
Engineering Change Orders
Navigator: ECOs > ECOs
View Engineering Change Order Schedule
\Navigate Inquiry ECO Schedule
View ECOs
Navigator: ECOs > Schedules
View Engineering Delete History
\Navigate Inquiry DeleteHistory
Warning: Engineering Deletion Groups
Navigator: Prototypes > Routings > Delete Groups
View Indented Bill of Material
\Navigate Inquiry Bill Indented
Indented Bills of Material
Navigator: Prototypes > Bills > Indented Bills
View Item Attributes
\Navigate Inquiry Item Attributes
Item Attributes
Navigator: Prototypes > Items > View Item Details > [Attributes]
View Item Revision
Navigate Inquiry Item Revision
Item Revisions
Navigator: Prototypes > Bills > Bills > [Revision]
Revised Items Navigator: ECOs > ECOs > [Revised Items] > [Revisions]
View Item Usage
\Navigate Inquiry WhereUsed Item
Item WhereUsed
Navigator: Prototypes > Bills > Item WhereUsed
View Routing Details
\Navigate Inquiry Routing
Navigator: Prototypes > Routings > Routings