Source System Management API Use

This chapter covers the following topics:

Source System Managment APIs


Java Class Name: HzOrigSystemRefPub

PL/SQL Record Structure for Source System Reference

    ORIG_SYSTEM_REF_ID              NUMBER(15),
    ORIG_SYSTEM                     VARCHAR2(30),
    OWNER_TABLE_NAME                VARCHAR2(30),
    OWNER_TABLE_ID                  NUMBER(15),
    STATUS                          VARCHAR(1),
    START_DATE_ACTIVE               DATE,
    END_DATE_ACTIVE                 DATE,
    REASON_CODE                     VARCHAR2(30),
    CREATED_BY_MODULE               VARCHAR2(150),
    APPLICATION_ID                  NUMBER,
    ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY              VARCHAR2(30),
    ATTRIBUTE1                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE2                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE3                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE4                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE5                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE6                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE7                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE8                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE9                      VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE10                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE11                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE12                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE13                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE14                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE15                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE16                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE17                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE18                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE19                     VARCHAR2(150) ,
    ATTRIBUTE20                     VARCHAR2(150) 

Java Inner Class for Source System Reference

public static class OrigSysReferenceRec {
    public BigDecimal orig_system_ref_id;
    public String orig_system;
    public String orig_system_reference;
    public String owner_table_name;
    public BigDecimal owner_table_id;
    public String status;
    public String reason_code;
    public String old_orig_system_reference;
    public java.sql.Timestamp start_date_active;
    public java.sql.Timestamp end_date_active;
    public String created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal application_id;
    public String attribute_category;
    public String attribute1;
    public String attribute2;
    public String attribute3;
    public String attribute4;
    public String attribute5;
    public String attribute6;
    public String attribute7;
    public String attribute8;
    public String attribute9;
    public String attribute10;
    public String attribute11;
    public String attribute12;
    public String attribute13;
    public String attribute14;
    public String attribute15;
    public String attribute16;
    public String attribute17;
    public String attribute18;
    public String attribute19;
    public String attribute20;

    public OrigSysReferenceRec()
    public OrigSysReferenceRec(boolean __RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Create Source System Reference API


You can use this routine to create a mapping between a source system reference and a TCA owner_table_id.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_orig_system_reference(
p_init_msg_list              IN          VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
p_orig_sys_reference_rec     IN                ORIG_SYS_REFERENCE_REC_TYPE, 
x_return_status              OUT    NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
x_msg_count                  OUT    NOCOPY     NUMBER,
x_msg_data                   OUT    NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,

Java Method

public static void createOrigSystemReference(
    OracleConnection _connection,
    String p_init_msg_list,
    OrigSysReferenceRec p_orig_sys_reference_rec,
    String  [] x_return_status,
    BigDecimal  [] x_msg_count,
    String  [] x_msg_data
  ) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Create Source System Reference API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation Default Comment
orig_system_ref_id IN NUMBER No Generated from sequence
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validations:
Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system where status is active.
If multiple_flag = N, then the combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, owner_table_name, and status=A must be unique.
If multiple_flag = Y, then the combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, owner_table_name, owner_table_id, and status=A must be unique.
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validations:
If multiple_flag = N, then the combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, owner_table_name, and status=A must be unique.
If multiple_flag = Y, then the combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, owner_table_name, owner_table_id, and status=A must be unique.
owner_table_name IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validations:
Valid lookup code under TCA_OWNER_TABLE lookup type.
If multiple_flag = N, then the combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, and owner_table_name must be unique.
If multiple_flag = Y, then the combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, owner_table_name, owner_table_id, and status=A must be unique.
owner_table_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: The combination of owner_table_name and owner_table_id must be valid.
status IN VARCHAR No Validation: Validated against the MOSR_STATUS lookup type. Default: A
Sync up status and start/end_date_active.
start_date_active IN DATE No Validation: Start date cannot be a future date.
end_date_active IN DATE No Validation: End date cannot be a past date.
reason_code IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Validated against the MOSR_REASON lookup type.
old_orig_system_refernce IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: The combination of orig_system, old_orig_system_reference, and owner_table_name must exist.
created_by _module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment : Text to indicate application that initiates creation of record.
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  

Update Source System Reference API


This routine is used to re-map or update source system references.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_orig_system_reference(
   p_init_msg_list                 IN               VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
   p_orig_sys_reference_rec        IN               ORIG_SYS_REFERENCE_REC_TYPE,
   p_object_version_number         IN OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER, 
   x_return_status                 OUT     NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count                     OUT     NOCOPY   NUMBER,
   x_msg_data                      OUT     NOCOPY   VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updateOrigSystemReference(
    OracleConnection _connection,
    String p_init_msg_list,
    OrigSysReferenceRec p_orig_sys_reference_rec,
    BigDecimal  [] p_object_version_number,
    String  [] x_return_status,
    BigDecimal  [] x_msg_count,
    String  [] x_msg_data
  ) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Update Source System Reference API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation Default Comment
orig_system_ref_id IN NUMBER No Comment: This ID is based on the combination of orig_system, and owner_table_name.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validations:
Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system where status is active.
If the old_orig_system_ref is not passed in the combination of orig_system, old_orig_system,_reference, and owner_table_name must exist.
orgi_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validations:
The combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, and owner_table_name must exist in the HZ_ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE table.
If the old_orig_system_ref is not passed in the combination of orig_system, old_orig_system_reference, and owner_table_name must exist.
owner_table_name IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validations:
Valid lookup code under TCA_OWNER_TABLE lookup type.
If the old_orig_system_ref is not passed in the combination of orig_system, old_orig_system,_reference, and owner_table_name must exist.
owner_table_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: The combination of owner_table_name and owner_table_id must be valid.
status IN VARCHAR No Validation: Validated against the MOSR_STATUS lookup type.
Sync up status and start/end_date_active
start_date_active IN DATE No Validation : Start date must not be future date.
end_date_active IN DATE No Validation : End date cannot be a past date.
reason_code IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation : Validated against the MOSR_STATUS lookup type.
old_orig_system_refernce IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation : The combination of orig_system, old_orig_system_reference, and owner_table_name must exist.
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation : Cannot be updated if value exists.
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  

Remap Internal Identifier API


This routine is used to re-map owner_table_id from existing owner table id to new owner table id for any system or certain system and to inactivate existing mapping with reason code.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE  remap_internal_identifier(
    p_init_msg_list         IN                  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_old_owner_table_id    IN                  NUMBER,
    p_new_owner_table_id    IN                  NUMBER,
    p_owner_table_name      IN                  VARCHAR2,
    p_orig_system           IN                  VARCHAR2,
    p_orig_system_reference IN                  VARCHAR2,
    p_reason_code           IN                  VARCHAR2,
    x_return_status         OUT     NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count             OUT     NOCOPY      NUMBER,
    x_msg_data              OUT     NOCOPY      VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void remapInternalIdentifier(
    OracleConnection _connection,
    String p_init_msg_list,
    BigDecimal p_old_owner_table_id,
    BigDecimal p_new_owner_table_id,
    String p_owner_table_name,
    String p_orig_system,
    String p_orig_system_reference,
    String p_reason_code,
    String  [] x_return_status,
    BigDecimal  [] x_msg_count,
    String  [] x_msg_data
  ) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Remap Internal Identifier API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Names Type Data Type Required Validation Default Comment
old_owner_table_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation : The combination of owner_table_name and owner_table_id must be valid.
new_owner_table_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation : The combination of owner_table_name and owner_table_id must be valid.
owner_table_name IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation : Validated against the OWNER_TABLE_NAME lookup type.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system where status is active.
If orig_system and orig_system_reference are passed in, then the combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, and owner_table_name must exist in the HZ_ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE table.
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
If orig_system and orig_system_reference are passed in, then the combination of orig_system, orig_system_reference, and owner_table_name must exist in the HZ_ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE table.
reason_code IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation : Validated against the MOSR_STATUS lookup type.