Shop Floor Management Overview

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Shop Floor Management

Oracle Shop Floor Management manages complex shop floor information and bridges the gap between Oracle Manufacturing and the shop floor by expanding the capabilities of Oracle's Manufacturing Applications. It enhances the core product by making integrated shop floor/MES information available at the enterprise level to combine manufacturing excellence with customer responsiveness. Oracle Shop Floor Management uses a single data repository to guarantee information consistency for manufacturing execution. You can create and release discrete jobs and lot based jobs in the same manufacturing organization. The major features include:

Shop Floor Management Flow

The process flow begins when a primary component for the lot based job is created. When the lot is created and released, it moves through a series of operations to an inventory location, where it becomes an Inventory Lot. The Inventory Lot then moves into the next bill of material level, becoming a new WIP Lot. The new WIP lot moves through a series of operations, and is completed into inventory location for the next sector. This process is repeated through each sector until the last sector is complete.

The following graphic displays the Shop Floor Management flow described above.

the picture is described in the document text

Enhanced Shop Floor Execution

Enhanced Shop Floor Execution provides you with an interface to perform multiple shop floor functions without you having to navigate to a number of transaction windows. It helps you to do and view various transactions, and to track the manufacturing of goods at the factory shop floor. Apart from configuring the workstation to any role of action, like display, security and transactions, it also helps you to view the jobs assigned to specific work centers, to view requirements and provides instructions required to perform the job.

Detailed Scheduling

Detailed Scheduling provides a more granular organization or department level, real-time scheduling tool. It helps you to perform the following tasks:

Note: For Detailed Scheduling to function, Shop Floor Management must be integrated with Oracle Advanced Planning.

Multilevel Bills of Material

The relationship between the items that represent the different forms the lot takes is stored as a multilevel bill of material. These items are called the primary assembly of that level of the bill. Each of these primary assembly items has its own routing.

A lot sector converts inventory lot components into a lot based job. When the job is completed it becomes an inventory lot for the next lot sector.

Lot based jobs support operation pull, push, and phantom supply types. Other supply types are not currently supported. Oracle Shop Floor Management does not currently support assembly pull supply type.


Phantom assemblies are non-stocked assemblies used to group material. In discrete jobs, all routing operations are known. In lot based jobs, only the first operation is known. The difference in using a phantom supply type in lot based jobs is:

Before using phantom assemblies, the following parameters in Oracle Bills of Material need to be set:

The following table explains the behavior of the phantom assemblies based on the BOM parameter set up for phantoms:

Scenario Name of the Parameter Setting Behavior
Scenario 1 BOM: Use phantom routing Yes Material in primary path is exploded
Scenario 1 BOM: Inherit phantom operation sequence Yes The lot based job does not inherit phantom operation sequence from the phantom network but the operation sequence number is always inherited from the parent network operation sequence.
Scenario 2 BOM: Use phantom routing No Material in primary and alternate path is exploded. No resource requirement is created
Scenario 2 BOM: Inherit phantom operation sequence No The lot based job does not inherit phantom operation sequence from the phantom network but the operation sequence number is always inherited from the parent network operation sequence.
Scenario 3 BOM: Use phantom routing Yes Not Applicable
Scenario 3 BOM: Inherit phantom operation sequence No Not Applicable

Note: Oracle Shop Floor Management has some limitations while using the phantom supply type material:

Inverse Component Usage

In the Die Bank of a Semiconductor Manufacturing Business, you must calculate and enter the Bills of Material component quantity field with at least 38 decimal points. To capture inverse usage, you can model inverse component usage through the Inverse Usage field in Bills of Material window. The resulting quantity per assembly is stored unrounded to accurately determine the total required quantity of a component for a job. Storing the exact fractional quantity per assembly prevents any undesirable component usage variances that might occur in lot based jobs with large build quantities. This helps you to easily define and update Co-Product and Bills of Material.

To capture inverse usage

  1. Navigate to Bills of Material window.

  2. Enter the item number in the Item field.

  3. Enter the component name in the component field.

  4. Enter the inverse value of the component in the Inverse Usage field.

Now the component quantity that you need is displayed accurately in the Quantity field.

The inverse usage value will be displayed as inverse of component quantity while querying an existing Bill of Material or any BOM reports.

Inverse usage is also displayed in Lot Creation window, Lot Based Job window, WIP Material Requirements window, and Components Substitutes window.

Oracle Shop Floor Management Plan Details shows the inverse usage for both primary and substitute components.

the picture is described in the document text

Fixed Component Usage

Oracle Shop Floor Management gives you the ability to define components with Basis as lot and issue a fixed quantity irrespective of the job quantity. You can define a fixed usage for components on a bill of material, such that the total quantity required remains the same regardless of the build quantity. The information is copied on an item bill when a copy is created for use on a specific job.

You can use the Bills of Material window to set the basis type as either Item or Lot in the list box 'Basis' to calculate material requirements.

If basis is set to Item, the material requirement depends on the Job Quantity.

If the basis is set to Lot then the material requirement is a fixed quantity as specified in the BOM and not depend on the job quantity.

Lot-based Components can assume any supply type similar to the item based component. You have to define fixed usages of a component item irrespective of its parent item's build quantity.

Component Shrinkage

You can maintain the value of Quantity Per Assembly at job level independent of Component Yield Factor in Oracle Work in Progress. This parameter enables you to use the component yield factor and required quantity separately on the bill of material for planning purposes. Or exclude yield and shrinkage if it is not appropriate for shop floor execution—eliminating decimal quantities that can inflate component related transactions. This functionality applies to discrete jobs, repetitive schedules, flow schedules, and lot based jobs.

Include Component Yield check box in the WIP parameters under Material tab is checked by default. This means that yield is taken into account while deriving backflush quantity to retain the existing system behavior. You can either factor component yield or exclude component yield to prevent incorrect inflation of backflush quantities to an amount greater than actual use.

See: Component Yield and Shrinkage, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.

Network Routings

Oracle Shop Floor Management provides flexible routing ability for lot based jobs. This type of routing is used in businesses such as the semiconductor industry where the paths that jobs take is not always known or understood at the time the job is created. Depending on the initial operation, subsequent operation paths are decided.

Flexible, or network routings enable you to define all possible operations paths that a job can take. This networked predefined path definition provides for dynamic flexible operation. Numerous possibilities are defined as part of a routing network, any one being selectable based on the outcome of the last operation within the job performed.

The routing network must have only one beginning and one ending operation. As the job goes through the production cycle, you build a history of operations that the WIP lot actually moves, selectable from the possibilities defined in the network.

A network of operations is available to model your shop floor, define possible rework points, or define a linear path. It consists of a series of nodes and paths which make up the routing network, and it is referenced by the Move Lot Based Jobs window to determine which operations a job can traverse.

You can also import network routings from 3P route builders into Oracle Shop Floor Management. Complete interface support is available that lets you import and modify network routings.

Enhanced Lot Functionality

Lot Transactions

WIP Lot Move transactions reference network routings and intraoperation steps. You can jump to other operations not defined on a network routing, and also put a job on hold at any operation.

The flow of a lot begins when a WIP Lot is created for the first sector's primary component and released. When it is completed, it becomes an Inventory lot and can be issued to the next sector as the primary component. Oracle Shop Floor Management lot transactions include:

Lot Based Material Support for Lot Based Job

Lot Based Material Support enables you to define a fixed usage quantity for components on a bill of material (item bill), so that the total quantity required remains the same, regardless of the build quantity. When defined on an item bill, the information is copied when a copy of the bill is created for use on a specific job or schedule. This means that the Lot Based Material usage quantity is fixed, irrespective of the Lot or Job quantity.

Lot Genealogy

The Lot Genealogy enables you to view the genealogy, or historical production information of a lot. It provides you with detailed lot information about the sectors the lot has moved through, and related lot transactions. It also enables you to view forward and backward direction or genealogy. View Genealogy to view historical informations in the Lot Genealogy window, see: Displaying Genealogy and Where Used Views.

Genealogy Enhancements

You can also trace defects in lots, and track changes that the lot might have undergone from the expected at the Outsourced Processing levels. Genealogy tracks the product's complete life cycle.

Lot Attributes

Lot attributes are key information elements that you can track with lot numbers. There are many attributes that you can track using Shop Floor Management. Lot attributes are entered as descriptive flex fields, and you can track attributes by item, and define attributes for validation requirements.

You can capture and track attributes of a lot based job during execution, from a lot start to completion. Attributes can be transferred from an inventory lot to a lot based job during the lot creation process, which would then be tracked through execution. When a job is completed, the job attributes are transferred to the resulting inventory lot.

Capturing Attributes During Lot Based Jobs Execution

You can capture attributes of a Work in Process (WIP) lot during job execution. When a job is completed, the job attributes are transferred to the resulting inventory lot.

While executing WIP lot transactions such as a split or a merge, then the lot attributes from the parent or representative job transfer to the new lot. You can then update lot attributes on the resulting job if required. You can also capture or update lot attributes during a move transaction. Lot Genealogy displays details of lot attributes associated with a job. If an OSFM organization is set up for shop floor transactions, then you can also view details from the Materials Workbench.

Oracle Shop Floor Management does not currently support the following attribute functionality:


Oracle Shop Floor Management co-products extend standard Oracle Bills of Material definitions. You can use the Define Co-Products window to define an item as the primary component of several end items (for example, one ungraded die which produces several die grades). You define the primary end item and the expected distribution across all the end items. Upon entering this information in the Define Co-Products window, the bill of material of the end items are automatically created. You can also define co-product split percentages across different time periods.

Operation Yields

Operation Yield costing enables you to include the cost of operation yield in the cost rollup of an assembly. You can also track the operation yield related variance by operation for lot based jobs. Oracle Shop Floor Management costing includes the following features:

Integration with Oracle Applications

Oracle Shop Floor Management expands the capabilities of Oracle's Manufacturing applications by making integrated shop floor information available at the enterprise level to combine manufacturing capabilities with customer responsiveness. This integration information allows scheduling and execution components to work together for job releases on the shop floor.

Oracle Shop Floor Management integrates with the following Oracle applications:

If you enable Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling at the organization level, then you can use the Scheduler Workbench to schedule discrete jobs created in lot based organizations.

Note: Oracle Shop Floor Management does not integrate with Oracle Master Scheduling and MRP.

Component Picking

You can perform component picking transactions for lot based jobs using the rules based system in Oracle Warehouse Management. The Component Pick Release window is used to select requirements and create move orders. It is a graphical workbench that displays fields applicable to the job or schedule type accessed. The features in component picking for lot based jobs include:

Related Topics

Overview of Component Picking, Oracle Work In Process User's Guide

Navigating on the Component Pick Release Window , Oracle Work In Process User's Guide

Using the Component Pick Release Window , Oracle Work In Process User's Guide

Completions into License Plate Numbers

If Oracle Warehouse Management is installed, you can use License Plate Number functionality for tracking completions. License plate numbers are unique identifiers for tracking the contents of containers in receiving, work in process, inventory, shipping, and in transit. You can perform assembly completions into license plate numbers. The container's genealogy provides content and transaction history for each license plate.

Related Topics

Explaining LPN and Cross Docking Put Away in the Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide

Explaining License Plate Management, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide