Oracle Data Integrator Setup

This chapter covers the following topics:

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Setup Steps

The Extract Transform Load (ETL) technology is changed from Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) to Oracle Data Integrator (ODI). The data processing that was done earlier using the OWB Maps is now done through concurrent programs and ODI handles the core ETL functions. The data integration with multiple source systems such as Oracle E-Business Suite, Flat files and Plant Devices through tags is more efficient and faster.

MOC has out-of-box adapters with E-Business Suite releases 12.2.1, 12.1.3, 12.0.6, and 11.5.10. The support for integration with EBS includes the following elements:

You can also use flat files (or comma separated files) to collect the data in MOC. There are over 40 templates available for data creation.

The third mode of data collection is using Tags which can be used to collect real-time data from plant equipment.

Download RCU (

Setup the Repository

  1. Setup the Repository as C:\rcuhome\bin\rcu.bat. Double click on rcu.bat.

  2. Create Repository.

  3. Enter the Database Connection Details.

  4. In the Select Component window, specify the following:

    1. Prefix value: User Defined value (Default :DEV1).

    2. Select the Oracle Data Integrator check box and Master and Work Repository check box.

    3. Ensure that the <REPOSITORY_PREFIX>_ODI_REPO Schema Owner name is the default value.

    4. Upon completion of checking the prerequisites in the Repository Creation Utility window, click OK.

    5. Set the password for Schema Owner created in the Schema Passwords window.

    6. Set up the following variables in the Custom Variables window:

      • Master Repository ID: A numeric value except 001

      • Supervisor Password.

      • Confirm Supervisor Password.

      • Work Repository type: D - Development or R - Runtime. Runtime Repository - You will not be able to make any changes to the Project or interfaces. Development Repository - You will be able to make any changes to the Project or interfaces.

      • Work Repository ID: A numeric value except 001

      • Work Repository Name: Any user-defined name. For example, WORKREP.

      • Work Repository Password.

      • Confirm Work Repository Password.

        1. In Map Tablespaces window, default the values and click Next.

        2. Proceed through the steps by clicking OK in the Map Tablespaces window and click Create in the Repository Creation Utility Summary window.

        3. Click Close in the Completion Summary window.

Install Oracle Data Integrator

  1. Install C:\ODI\Disk1\ set.exe

  2. Define the path where java is installed. (This step is applicable only for 64 bit windows.) C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26 (depends on java installed on your machine). Click Enter.

  3. In the Installation Type window, check the following:

    • Developer Installation.

    • Standalone Installation.

  4. Click Next in the Prerequisite Checks and Specify Installation Location windows.

  5. Select Skip Repository Configuration.

  6. Enter user-defined name in the Agent Name and Agent Port fields in the Specify Agent Details window.

  7. Specify security details, if required, in the Specify Security Updates window.

  8. Click Install in the Installation Summary window.

  9. Click Finish once installation is complete.

Configure ODI Repository

  1. Open ODI. Click on Connect to Repository.

  2. Click on the + symbol to add repository.

  3. Enter Repository Connection details.

    • Login Name: Any user-defined name. For example: TEST.

    • User: SUPERVISOR.

    • Password: Database Connection (Master Repository).

    • User: <As created in the previous step>

    • Password: <As created in the previous step>

    • Driver List: Oracle JDBC Driver.

    • Driver Name: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

    • url:jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<Port>:<Service> Work Repository.

    • Select the work repository created in the previous step.

  4. Click OK.

Create Db Link

Db link is only required if collection from Oracle EBS or any other Enterprise system is required. The Db Link name will be used at a later step while creating Data Server.

Define ODI Topology

  1. Import the Topology.

    1. Connect navigator - Import > Topology

    2. In the Import Topology Window, enter the following details:

      1. Mode - Synonym Mode INSERT_UPDATE

      2. Import from a folder.

      3. Click OK.

      4. Accept the default message displayed, once the Import process ends.

      5. Click OK.

    3. Setup physical schema.

      1. CSV location. Double click on Physical schema MTH_FILE_P_CSV, fill the Directory and save it.

      2. Configure MOC instance.

      3. Configure Source Instance (Optional). This step is required if you plan to achieve integration with Oracle E-Business Suite or any other enterprise application system. Follow the procedure in the previous step.

Import Model

  1. Right click Model > Import Model

  2. Provide folder path

  3. Select all records and Click OK

  4. Click Yes and OK in the subsequent windows.

  5. Review Import Objects Report for errors.

  6. Click Close.

Import Work Repository

  1. Click on Import > Work Repository

  2. Select Import from a folder path.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Review Import Report.

  5. Click Close.

Refresh Language Variable

  1. Navigate to Projects > MTH > Variables

  2. Select MTH_V_LANGUAGE

  3. Right click Refresh.

  4. Click OK.