Profile Options

This chapter covers the following topics:

MTH: Item Classification for Extensible Attributes

Profile Values: Item hierarchy names

Default Profile Value: None

This profile option is used to define item classification for extensible attributes. The item classification gets the leaf node values from the selected item hierarchy.

MTH: Equipment Classification for Extensible Attributes

Profile Values: Equipment Hierarchy Name.Level Name

Default Profile Value: Department Hierarchy.Resource

This profile option is used to define extensible attributes for equipment. The values for the profile option are a combination of the equipment hierarchy and the level. Manufacturing Operations Center supports four equipment hierarchies.

Seeded Profile Values: None. The profile value displays the hierarchy name and the level name as defined in the equipment hierarchy. For example, if the equipment hierarchy name and the level lookup values are customized as Functional Hierarchy and Line, then the profile value appears as Functional Hierarchy.Line.

For example, suppose that Equipment Hierarchy 01 is defined as follows:

Equipment Line Area Site Plant
EQ001 L1 A1 S1 P1
EQ002 L1 A1 S1 P1
EQ003 L1 A1 S1 P1
EQ004 L2 A1 S1 P1
EQ005 L2 A1 S1 P1
EQ006 L2 A1 S1 P1
EQ007 L3 A2 S2 P1
EQ008 L3 A2 S2 P1

Profile Values from the previous hierarchy are as follows:

If the Profile Value is selected as Equipment Hierarchy 01.Line, then the Equipment is classified by the Entities that belong to Line. Three classifications are used to define attribute groups, as shown here:

Classification AG1 AG2 AG3 AG4
L1 Yes Yes No No
L2 No Yes Yes No
L3 No No Yes Yes

AG1, AG2, AG3, and AG4 are the Attribute groups defined in UDA.

If you change the profile value, the classification takes the latest value, and the Attribute groups defined for the new entity type appear in the UDA user interface. For example, suppose that the following three classifications are defined attribute groups:

If you change the Profile Value to Equipment Hierarchy 01 Site, then the Equipment is classified by the entities belonging to Site. Classifications used to define attribute groups are as follows:

Classification AG1 AG2 AG3 AG4
L1 Yes Yes No No
L2 No Yes Yes No
L3 No No Yes Yes

MTH: Catch All Shift Name

Profile Values: Input Text Field

Default Profile Value: Catch All

This profile option is used to define the name for a Catch All Shift that is used in OBIEE. It can be any user-defined name. The Catch All shift is populated for:

MTH: System Global Name

Profile Values: Input Text Field

Default Profile Value: None

This profile option is set in EBS 12.1.3, 12.2 environments. When defining the source in ODI, use the name provided in the profile as Service Name.

MTH: Mail Server Name

Profile Values: Input Text Field

Default Profile Value: None

This Profile Option is required in the MOC Target System for processing notifications. This profile option contains no default values and is set at the Site level.

Note: When setting up E-mail Notification during Event Management setup, you have to select a non-secured SMTP server as MOC email notification code will not work if you select secured SMTP server as the SMTP server.

MTH: Mail Server Port

Profile Values: Input Text Field

Default Profile Value: None

This Profile Option is required in the MOC Target System for processing notifications. This profile option contains no default values and is set at the Site level.

MTH: Notification E-Mail From Display Name

Profile Values: Input Text Field

Default Profile Value: None

This Profile Option is required in the MOC Target System for processing notifications. This profile option contains no default values and is set at the Site level.

MTH: Work Request Auto Approve

Profile Values: Y/N. If it is N, then you must pass the owning department ID into asset csv.

Default Profile Value: None

Recommended Change Level: Site

This profile option is required to create eAM work request.

MOC Profile Option (MTH_WORK_REQUEST_AUTO_APPROVE) EBS EAM Option (Check box: Auto Approve) Value of Owning Department column in MTH_ASSET_MASTER table EAM Parameters Department Approvers
Y Y Null No action No action
N N Owning department ID from EBS Uncheck Auto Approve Select Department Approvers for EM1 organization. Add a record for owning department

MTH: Work Request Priority ID

Profile Value: Get the value from the select query: SELECT lookup_code,meaning FROM mfg_lookups WHERE lookup_type= 'WIP_EAM_ACTIVITY_PRIORITY' AND enabled_flag='Y' AND sysdate BETWEEN nvl(start_date_active,sysdate-1) AND nvl(end_date_active,sysdate+1)

Default Profile Value: None

Recommended Change Level: Site

This profile option must be set up to a numeric value from the lookup values available in MFG Lookups for eAM activity priority.

MTH: Maintenance User

Profile Value: The user who can create EAM work request (e.g., mfg).

Default Profile Value: None

Recommended Change Level: Site

MTH: SOA Proxy Server

Profile Values: Input Text Field

Default Profile Value: None

This Profile Option is required in the MOC Target System for processing notifications. This profile option contains no default values and is set at the Site level.

MTH: Source DB Service Name

Profile Values: Input Text Field

Default Profile Value: None

This Profile Option is required for eAM Integration and creating work requests. This profile option contains no default values and is set at the Site level.

MTH: Planned Energy Usage Period Type

This profile option enables you to set the period type for storing planned energy usage information

Profile Values:

Default Value: None

Recommended Change Level: Site

Note: Once you set the profile option, do not change it.

MTH: Shifts Setup

This profile option lets you indicate if the shifts are generated using the Manufacturing Operations Center application or are obtained from an external source. It is mandatory to set up this profile option.

Profile Values:

Default Value: MOC

Recommended Change Level: Site

Note: Once you set the MTH: Shifts Setup profile option and generate shifts, you cannot change the profile option value from MOC to External Source or vice versa.

MTH: Global Currency UOM

This profile option enables you to define the global currency UOM for entities that span across all sites in your organization.

Profile Values:

All currency UOMs obtained from the FND-MTH_CURRENCY_CODE table.

Default Value: None

Recommended Change Level: Site

MTH: Source Instance DBLink

Profile Value: Input Text Field

Default Profile Value: None

This profile option is required for establishing the database link with the source Oracle EBS instance for the inbound integration. It represents source instance name. This is set up at Site level.

MTH: Export Details

Profile Values: Yes/No

Default Profile Value: No

This profile option is required to transfer move transactions, material transactions, and resource transactions associated with discrete work orders or process batches to Oracle E-Business Suite. It is set at Site level.

If the value is set as Yes, on completion of the MTH: Process Transaction it submits MTH: Export Production Workorder Details concurrent program and the data flows to EBS from MOC.

If the value is set as No, on completion of the MTH: Process Transaction it does not submit MTH: Export Production Workorder Details concurrent program and the data does not flow to EBS from MOC.

MTH: WIP To Intraoperation Step Type

Profile Values: Queue/To Move

Default Value: Queue

This profile option is required in the move transaction of materials in discrete manufacturing. It is set at the system administrator level and the MTH: Export Details profile option must be set as YES. The following values govern the behavior of this profile option:


Profile Value: Input Text Value. For example: process_ops

Default Value: None

This profile option is required for creating outbound transactions from MOC to EBS Process Manufacturing. Select a user such as process_ops or any other user with OPM responsibilities. This profile option is set at the system administrator level.

MTH: EBS Responsibility

Profile Value: Input Text Value. For example: Production Supervisor

Default Value: None

This profile option identifies the responsibility used for creating outbound transactions from MOC to Oracle E-Business Suite. Select a valid responsibility such as Production Supervisor or any other responsibility. This profile option is set at the system administrator level.