Seeded Data

This appendix lists all the information that is predefined in Oracle Procurement Contracts.

This appendix covers the following topics:


The seeded responsibilities are:

To create new responsibilities for the Contract Terms Library, use the following:

To create new responsibilities for the Contracts Workbench, use the following:

Note: Changing the seeded menu structure is not recommended. You must first customize the standard menus, and then create responsibilities.


The following table displays the seeded deliverables:

Name Description
All Contractual Deliverables All contractual deliverables.
All Negotiation Deliverables All negotiation deliverables.
Buyer Contractual Deliverables Contractual deliverables where the buyer is the responsible party.
Supplier Contractual Deliverables Contractual deliverables where the supplier is the responsible party
Supplier Negotiation Deliverables Negotiation deliverables where the supplier is the responsible party.

Document Types

The following table displays the seeded document types which can be associated to contractual terms:

Name Description Document Class Application
AUCTION Auction SOURCING Oracle Sourcing
PA_BLANKET Blanket Purchase Agreement PO Oracle Purchasing
PA_CONTRACT Contract Purchase Agreement PO Oracle Purchasing
PO_STANDARD Standard Purchase Order PO Oracle Purchasing
RFI RFI SOURCING Oracle Sourcing
RFI_RESPONSE RFI Response SOURCING Oracle Sourcing
RFQ RFQ SOURCING Oracle Sourcing
RFI_RESPONSE Sourcing Quote SOURCING Oracle Sourcing

Layout Template

To print contract documents and the Deviations reports, Oracle Procurement Contracts provides seeded layout templates in Oracle XML Publisher. The layout templates are stored in the XML Publisher Layout Template repository.

The following table lists the seeded layout templates in Oracle Procurement Contracts:

Document Type Document Type Layout Contract Terms Layout
Standard Purchase Order Standard Purchase Order Stylesheet Oracle Contract Terms Template
Blanket Purchase Agreement Blanket Agreement Stylesheet Oracle Contract Terms Template
Contract Purchase Agreement Contract Agreement Stylesheet Oracle Contract Terms Template
Sourcing RFI Sourcing Style Sheet Oracle Contract Terms Template
Sourcing RFQ Sourcing Style Sheet Oracle Contract Terms Template
Auction Sourcing Style Sheet Oracle Contract Terms Template

The following table lists the seeded layout templates for the Deviations Report:

Name Type Description
Contract Deviations Report Layout for Negotiation Response Documents - Sourcing RTF The template for negotiation response documents such as RFQ, RFI, and auction
Contract Deviations Sourcing Template RTF The main Rich Text Format template for Oracle Sourcing
Contract Deviations Purchasing Template RTF The main Rich Text Format template for Oracle Purchasing
Contract Deviations Report Template RTF Subtemplate for contract deviations summary details
Contracts RTE Handler Template XSL-FO Subtemplate for handling HTML tags used in Rich Text Editor for contracts
Contract Deviations Constants Template XSL-FO Subtemplate containing all context information
Contract Deviations Variable Resolution Template XSL-FO Subtemplate for variables resolution


The following table lists the different types of notifications that are seeded in Oracle Contracts:

Seeded Notifications
Type Business Context Description
Clauses Clause submitted for approval Notifies the global or local organization approvers when a global or local clause requires approval.
Clauses Global Clause approved Sends a notification to the requestor and library administrators of local organizations when a global clause is approved.
Clauses Clause rejected Sends a notification to the requestor in a global or local organization when a clause is rejected.
Clauses Auto-adoption of global clause Sends a notification to the library administrator of a local organization when a global clause is automatically adopted in that organization.
Clauses Global clause available for adoption Notifies the library administrator of a local organization when a global clause is available for adoption.
Clauses Clause requiring approval for adoption Sends a notification that a global clause was adopted in a local organization and submitted for approval.
Clauses Clause adoption approved Sends a notification that a global clause was approved for adoption in a local organization.
Clauses Clause adoption rejected Sends a notification that a global clause was rejected for adoption in a local organization.
Contract Templates Contract template submitted for approval Notifies global or local organization approvers when a global or local template requires approval.
Contract Templates Contract template approved Sends a notification to requestor when a contract template is approved.
Contract Templates Contract template rejected Sends a notification to requestor in a global or local organization when a contract template is rejected.
Contract Deliverables Overdue notification Sends a notification for overdue status on the due date of the deliverable.
Contract Deliverables Before due notification Sends a notification prior to the due date of a deliverable.
Contract Deliverables Escalation notification Sends a status notification to escalation assignee after the due date if the deliverable was performed.
Contract Deliverables Status change notification Sends a notification when either party changes the status of the deliverable.
Repository Approval request notification Notifies the contract approver when a contract requires approval.
Repository Contract approved notification Notifies the contract approval requester that the contract has been approved.
Repository Contract rejected notification Notifies the contract approval requester that the contract has been rejected.
Repository Contract expiration notification Notifies the contract administrator that a contract is about to expire.

Procurement Notifications

The following table lists the notifications seeded for Oracle Procurement Contracts:

Type Business Context Description
Signature Buyer responding to contract after supplier signature Notifies the supplier that the buyer has responded to the contract.
Signature Contract approval Notifies the supplier that the contract was sent for signature.
Signature Supplier rejects the contract Notifies the buyer that the supplier has rejected the contract.
Signature Supplier signs the contract Notifies the buyer that the supplier has signed the contract, and the contract is now requires the buyer signature.

System Variables

The following tables display the:

Oracle Purchasing Seeded System Variables

The following table displays the seeded system variables in Oracle Purchasing.


System Variable Description Source Standard Purchase Order Blanket Purchase/ Global Agreement Contracts / Global Contract Purchase Agreement
Header Level          
Organization Organization name Organization A A A
Organization Address (B) Address of organization Organization Address A A A
Organization Address Style Address style Organization Address Style A A A
Organization Address Line 1 Organization address line 1 Organization Address Line 1 A A A
Organization Address Line 2 Organization address line 2 Organization Address Line 2 A A A
Organization Address Line 3 Organization address line 3 Organization Address Line 3 A A A
Organization Address - Town or City Organization address - town or city Organization Address - Town or City A A A
Organization Address - Postal Code Organization address - postal code Organization Address - Postal Code A A A
Organization Address - Country Organization address - country Organization Address - Country A A A
Organization Address - Region 1 Organization address - region 1 Organization Address - Region 1 A A A
Organization Address - Region 2 Organization address - region 2 Organization Address - Region 2 A A A
Organization Address - Region 3 Organization address - region 3 Organization Address - Region 3 A A A
Legal Entity Legal entity name Legal Entity A A A
Legal Entity Address (B) Address of the legal entity Legal Entity Address A A A
Legal Entity Address Style Address style Legal Entity Address Style A A A
Legal Entity Address Line 1 Legal entity address - line 1 Legal Entity Address Address Line 1 A A A
Legal Entity Address Line 2 Legal entity address - line 2 Legal Entity Address Address Line 2 A A A
Legal Entity Address Line 3 Legal entity address - line 3 Legal Entity Address Address Line 3 A A A
Legal Entity Address - Town or City Legal Entity address - town or city Legal Entity Address - Town or City A A A
Legal Entity Address - Postal Code Legal Entity address - postal code Legal Entity Address - Postal Code A A A
Legal Entity Address - Country Legal Entity address - country Legal Entity Address - Country A A A
Legal Entity Address - Region 1 Legal Entity address - region 1 Legal Entity Address - Region 1 A A A
Legal Entity Address - Region 2 Legal Entity address - region 2 Legal Entity Address - Region 2 A A A
Legal Entity Address - Region 3 Legal Entity address - region 3 Legal Entity Address - Region 3 A A A
Document Type Document type Type A A A
PO Document Number PO document number PO Number A A A
Document Revision Document revision number Revision A A A
Supplier Name Supplier name Supplier Name A A A
Supplier Site Name of the supplier site Supplier Site Name A A A
Supplier Site Address (B) Address of the supplier site Supplier Site Address A A A
Supplier Address - Line 1 Supplier address - line 1 Supplier Address - Line 1 A A A
Supplier Address - Line 2 Supplier address - line 2 Supplier Address - Line 2 A A A
Supplier Address - Line 3 Supplier address - line 3 Supplier Address - Line 3 A A A
Supplier Address - Line 4 Supplier address - line 4 Supplier Address - Line 4 A A A
Supplier State Supplier address - state Supplier State A A A
Supplier Zip Code Supplier address - zip code Supplier Zip Code A A A
Supplier Country Supplier address - country Supplier Country A A A
Supplier Contact Name of supplier contact Supplier Contact A A A
Supplier Classification Supplier classification Supplier Classification A A A
Supplier Minority Type Supplier minority type Supplier Minority Type A A A
Ship To Address Ship to address Ship To Address A A A
Ship To Address - Style Address style Ship To Address - Style A A A
Ship To Address - Line 1 Ship to address - line 1 Ship To Address - Line 1 A A A
Ship To Address - Line 2 Ship to address - line 2 Ship To Address - Line 2 A A A
Ship To Address - Line 3 Ship to address - line 3 Ship To Address - Line 3 A A A
Ship To Address - Town or City Ship to address - town or city Ship To Address - Town or City A A A
Ship To Address - Postal Code Ship to address - postal code Ship To Address - Postal Code A A A
Ship To Address - Country Ship to address - country Ship To Address - country A A A
Ship To Address - Region 1 Ship to address - region 1 Ship To Address - Region 1 A A A
Ship To Address - Region 2 Ship to address - region 2 Ship To Address - Region 2 A A A
Ship To Address - Region 3 Ship to address - region 3 Ship To Address - Region 3 A A A
Bill to Address (B) Bill to Address Bill to Address A A A
Bill to Address - Style Address style Bill to Address - Style A A A
Bill to Address - Line 1 Bill to address - line 1 Bill to Address - Line 1 A A A
Bill to Address - Line 2 Bill to address - line 2 Bill to Address - Line 2 A A A
Bill to Address - Line 3 Bill to address - line 3 Bill to Address - Line 3 A A A
Bill to Address - Town or City Bill to address - town or city Bill to Address - Town or City A A A
Bill to Address - Postal Code Bill to address - postal code Bill to Address - Postal Code A A A
Bill to Address - Country Bill to address - country Bill to Address - Country A A A
Bill to Address - Region 1 Bill to address - region 1 Bill to Address - Region 1 A A A
Bill to Address - Region 2 Bill to address - region 2 Bill to Address - Region 2 A A A
Bill to Address - Region 3 Bill to address - region 3 Bill to Address - Region 3 A A A
Transaction Currency Document transaction currency PO Currency A A A
Functional Currency The currency that an operating unit uses to conduct business Functional Currency A A A
Buyer Buyer name Buyer A A A
PO Total Amount (Transaction Currency) Total amount of the purchase order in the transaction currency PO Total Amount (Transaction Currency) A    
PO Total Amount (Functional Currency) Total amount of the purchase order in the functional currency PO Total Amount (Functional Currency) A    
Agreement Amount (Transaction Currency) Total agreement amount for blanket or contract agreement in the transaction currency Agreement Amount (Transaction Currency)   A A
Agreement Amount (Functional Currency) Total agreement amount for blanket or contract agreement in the functional currency Agreement Amount (Functional Currency)   A A
Rate Type Rate type Rate Type A A A
Rate Date Rate date Rate Date A A A
Rate Rate Rate A A A
Payment Terms Terms of payment Payment Terms A A A
Freight Terms Terms of freight Freight Terms A A A
Carrier Carrier Carrier A A A
FOB Free on board designation FOB A A A
Pay On Pay-on terms Pay On A A A
Acceptance Method Acceptance method Acceptance Method A A A
Acceptance Required By Date The required due date for the acceptance Acceptance Required By Date A A A
Agreement Start Date Effective start date of the agreement Effective Start Date A A A
Agreement End Date Effective end date of the agreement Effective End Date   A A
Minimum Release Amount (Transaction Currency) Minimum release amount for blanket or contract agreements in the transaction currency Minimum Release Amount (Transaction Currency)   A A
Minimum Release Amount (Functional Currency) Minimum release amount for blanket or contract agreements in the functional currency Minimum Release Amount (Functional Currency)   A A

Oracle Sourcing Seeded System Variables

The following table displays the seeded system variables in Oracle Sourcing.


System Variable Description Source Buyer's Auction Sourcing Request for Quote Request for Information
Header Level          
Organization Organization name Organization A A A
Organization Address (B) Address of organization Organization Address A A A
Organization Address Style Address style Organization Address Style A A A
Organization Address Line 1 Organization address line 1 Organization Address Line 1 A A A
Organization Address Line 2 Organization address line 2 Organization Address Line 2 A A A
Organization Address Line 3 Organization address line 3 Organization Address Line 3 A A A
Organization Address - Town or City Organization address - town or city Organization Address - Town or City A A A
Organization Address - Postal Code Organization address - postal code Organization Address - Postal Code A A A
Organization Address - Country Organization address - country Organization Address - Country A A A
Organization Address - Region 1 Organization address - region 1 Organization Address - Region 1 A A A
Organization Address - Region 2 Organization address - region 2 Organization Address - Region 2 A A A
Organization Address - Region 3 Organization address - region 3 Organization Address - Region 3 A A A
Legal Entity Legal entity name Legal Entity A A A
Legal Entity Address (B) Address of the legal entity Legal Entity Address A A A
Legal Entity Address Style Address style Legal Entity Address Style A A A
Legal Entity Address Line 1 Legal entity address - line 1 Legal Entity Address Address Line 1 A A A
Legal Entity Address Line 2 Legal entity address - line 2 Legal Entity Address Address Line 2 A A A
Legal Entity Address Line 3 Legal entity address - line 3 Legal Entity Address Address Line 3 A A A
Legal Entity Address - Town or City Legal Entity address - town or city Legal Entity Address - Town or City A A A
Legal Entity Address - Postal Code Legal Entity address - postal code Legal Entity Address - Postal Code A A A
Legal Entity Address - Country Legal Entity address - country Legal Entity Address - Country A A A
Legal Entity Address - Region 1 Legal Entity address - region 1 Legal Entity Address - Region 1 A A A
Legal Entity Address - Region 2 Legal Entity address - region 2 Legal Entity Address - Region 2 A A A
Legal Entity Address - Region 3 Legal Entity address - region 3 Legal Entity Address - Region 3 A A A
Document Type Document type (Auction) Type A A A
Sourcing Document Number Sourcing document number (Auction) Number A A A
Ship To Address Ship to address Ship To Address A A A
Ship To Address - Style Address style Ship To Address - Style A A A
Ship To Address - Line 1 Ship to address - line 1 Ship To Address - Line 1 A A A
Ship To Address - Line 2 Ship to address - line 2 Ship To Address - Line 2 A A A
Ship To Address - Line 3 Ship to address - line 3 Ship To Address - Line 3 A A A
Ship To Address - Town or City Ship to address - town or city Ship To Address - Town or City A A A
Ship To Address - Postal Code Ship to address - postal code Ship To Address - Postal Code A A A
Ship To Address - Country Ship to address - country Ship To Address - country A A A
Ship To Address - Region 1 Ship to address - region 1 Ship To Address - Region 1 A A A
Ship To Address - Region 2 Ship to address - region 2 Ship To Address - Region 2 A A A
Ship To Address - Region 3 Ship to address - region 3 Ship To Address - Region 3 A A A
Bill to Address (B) Bill to Address Bill to Address A A A
Bill to Address - Style Address style Bill to Address - Style A A A
Bill to Address - Line 1 Bill to address - line 1 Bill to Address - Line 1 A A A
Bill to Address - Line 2 Bill to address - line 2 Bill to Address - Line 2 A A A
Bill to Address - Line 3 Bill to address - line 3 Bill to Address - Line 3 A A A
Bill to Address - Town or City Bill to address - town or city Bill to Address - Town or City A A A
Bill to Address - Postal Code Bill to address - postal code Bill to Address - Postal Code A A A
Bill to Address - Country Bill to address - country Bill to Address - Country A A A
Bill to Address - Region 1 Bill to address - region 1 Bill to Address - Region 1 A A A
Bill to Address - Region 2 Bill to address - region 2 Bill to Address - Region 2 A A A
Bill to Address - Region 3 Bill to address - region 3 Bill to Address - Region 3 A A A
Transaction Currency Document transaction currency Negotiation Currency A A A
Functional Currency The currency that an operating unit uses to conduct business Negotiation Currency A A A
Buyer Buyer name (Enterprise) Contact A A A
Agreement Amount (Transaction Currency) Total agreement amount for blanket or contract agreement in the transaction currency Total Agreement Amount A A  
Agreement Amount (Functional Currency) Total agreement amount for blanket or contract agreement in the functional currency Total Agreement Amount A A  
Payment Terms Terms of payment Payment Terms A A A
Freight Terms Terms of freight Freight Terms A A A
Carrier Carrier Carrier A A A
FOB Free on board designation FOB A A A
Agreement Start Date Effective start date of the agreement Effective Start Date A A  
Agreement End Date Effective end date of the agreement Effective End Date A A  
Minimum Release Amount (Transaction Currency) Minimum release amount for blanket or contract agreements in the transaction currency Minimum Release Amount (Transaction Currency) A A  
Minimum Release Amount (Functional Currency) Minimum release amount for blanket or contract agreements in the functional currency Minimum Release Amount (Functional Currency) A A  
Outcome Oracle Purchasing Style of the purchasing document created as an outcome of a negotiation (Auction) Outcome A A  
Outcome Document Type Document Type of the Oracle Purchasing document created as an outcome of a negotiation (Auction) Outcome Document Type A A  
Title Sourcing document title (Auction) Title A A A
Response Style Response style Response Style A A A
Response Ranking Method to determine how responses are ranked Bid/Quote Ranking A A A
Enterprise Name Enterprise name Auctioneers / Buyer A A A
Open Response Date The date the negotiation opens Open Response Date
(If the Open Response Date is set to Null, the System Date would be used.)
Close Response Date The date the negotiation closes Close Response Date A A A
Preview Date During the preview period, all eligible suppliers can view the auction/RFQ, but not submit responses Preview Date A A A
Scheduled Award Date The date by which the auction/RFQ is awarded Scheduled Award Date A A  
Amendment Description Amendment description Amendment Description A A A
Response Number Response document number Response Number A A A
Response Currency Currency of the response document Response Currency A A A

Contract Expert System Variables

The following table displays seeded Contract Expert system variables and value sets associated with them.

System Variable Purchasing Value Set Sourcing Value Set
PO Total Amount (Transaction Currency) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE
PO Total Amount (Functional Currency) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE
Agreement Amount (Transaction Currency) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE
Agreement Amount (Functional Currency) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE
Minimum Release Amount (Transaction Currency) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE
Minimum Release Amount (Functional Currency) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE
Display Scoring Criteria Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Currency Responses Allowed Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Invitation Only Participation Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
See Other Supplier's Responses Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Selective Response Allowed Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Full Quantity Response Required Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Multiple Responses Allowed Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Multiple Rounds Allowed Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Manual Close Allowed Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Manual Extend Allowed Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
AutoExtend Allowed Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO
Response Prices Decrease Flag NOT APPLICABLE PON _YES_NO

Lookup Codes

Standard ACCEPTANCE_TYPE Lookup Codes

The following table displays the values for the ACCEPTANCE_TYPE lookup code:

Look Up Code Value Description
ACCEPT WITH CHANGES Accepted purchase order and changes are present.
ACCEPTED TERMS Accepted all purchase order terms.
ON SCHEDULE Purchase order on schedule.
UNACCEPTABLE CHANGES Unacceptable purchase order changes.

For more information about lookup codes, see Lookup Codes, Oracle Contracts Implementation and Administration Guide.

Function Security

The following table lists the security functions provided by Oracle Procurement Contracts and the specific functionality that these functions and sub-menus would enable in Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Sourcing, and Oracle iSupplier Portal:

New Menu or Function Name Technical Name Description
Author Contract Terms in Oracle Purchasing PO_CONTRACT_TERMS Controls whether Oracle Purchasing users can author contract terms.
Author Deliverables Main Menu OKC_AUTHOR_DELIVERABLES_MAIN Author Deliverables main menu: included in Sourcing Buyer and Sourcing Super User menus.
Contract Terms Access in Oracle Sourcing PON_BUYER_CONTRACT_TERMS Enables Sourcing Buyer to access contract terms.
Contract Terms Library Access OKC_TERMS_LIBRARY_MAIN Enables Oracle Purchasing users to directly access the contract terms library.
Contract Terms User OKC_CONTRACT_TERMS_USER Contracts Terms User: included in Sourcing Buyer, Sourcing Supplier, and Sourcing Super User menus.
Create RFQ <RFQ_NUMBER>: Define Contract Terms PON_NEG_CRT_CONTRACTS Used to grant/deny access to the Enter Contract Terms page.
Manage Deliverables OKC_DELIVERABLES_WKBNCH_VIEW Enables access to the Manage Deliverables option under the Orders tab in Oracle iSupplier Portal.
Manage Deliverables for PO PO_DELIVERABLES_WKBNCH Controls the display of the following:
  • Deliverables tab in the Professional Buyer's Work Center

  • Manage Deliverables option in the Action list for a purchase order

  • Manage Deliverables option in the navigator menu

  • Update Deliverable Status button in the Terms window in Forms

Manage Deliverables Main Menu OKC_MANAGE_DELIVERABLES_MAIN Manage Deliverables main menu: gives Oracle Sourcing and Oracle Purchasing users access to manage deliverables.
Manage Contract Deliverables POS_MANAGE_DELIVERABLES Controls whether a supplier is enabled to manage deliverables.
Sign Purchase Order POS_SIGN_ORDER Controls whether a supplier is enabled to sign purchase orders.
Update Response Deliverables PON_DELIV_RES Enables access to the Update Response Deliverables page.
View Contract Amendments POS_VIEW_AMENDMENTS Controls whether a supplier is enabled to view contract deliverables and clauses.
View Document PO_VIEW_DOCUMENT Controls whether a supplier is enabled to view the PDF version of a purchase order document.