XML Reference

This appendix describes the contract terms XML reference.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Contract Terms XML Reference

The complete definition of the contract terms XML is provided as an XML schema seeded with Oracle Contracts. You can find the XML schema file in the XML Publisher data definition Contract Terms Data Definition. The XML defined in this section represent contract templates. However, the contract XML is also included in sourcing documents, procurement contracts, sales contracts, quotes and other contracts to represent contract terms.

Contract Terms XML

The complete definition of the XML format is provided as an XML schema. The XML schema file can be found in the XML Publisher data definition Contract Terms Data Definition. The ContractTermsAM element is the top-level node of the XML document for a contract template. Other XML documents, such as sales contracts XML, include the ContractTermsAM element as a child node.

The ContractTermsAM XML element has the following structure:

VariablesMetaDataVO (1)
VariablesMetaDataVORow (0 or more)
ParametersVO (1)
ParametesVORow (1)
SectionsArticlesToPrintVO (1)
SectionsArticlesToPrintVORow (0 or more)
DeliverablesAM (1)
DeliverablesAllForBusinessDocExpVO (0 or 1)
DeliverablesAllForBusinessDocExpVORow (0 ormore)
DeliverablesForAllSourcingExpVO (0 or 1)
DeliverablesForAllSourcingExpVORow (0 or more)
DeliverablesForInternalContractualExpVO (0 or 1)
DeliverablesForInternalContractualExpVORow (0 or more)
DeliverablesForExternalSourcingExpVO (0 or 1)
DeliverablesForExternalSourcingExpVORow (0 or more)
DeliverablesForExternalContractualExpVO (0 or 1)
DeliverablesForExternalContractualExpVORow (0 or more)
DeliverablesForInternalSourcingExpVO (0 or 1)
DeliverablesForInternalSourcingExpVORow (0 or more)

The following is an example of a contract terms XML document. This XML document is a shortened version of the preview XML document that is also available in the Contract Terms Data Definition.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<ContractTermsAM type="AM" name="ContractTermsAM1">
<VariablesMetadataVO type="VO" name="VariablesMetadataVO">
<ParametersVO type="VO" name="ParametersVO">
<DocumentName>Example Contract Template</DocumentName> 
<SectionsArticlesToPrintVO type="VO" name="SectionsArticlesToPrintVO">
<Title>Contract Terms and Conditions</Title> 
<ArticleText /> 











<Title>Limitation of Government Liability</Title> 



<P>a) A <var name="1022" type="U" meaning="Contract Type"/> 

<EM>[insert specific type of contract]</EM> 

definitive contract is contemplated. </P>

<P>(b) In performing this contract, the Contractor is not authorized to make expenditures or incur obligations exceeding 

<var name="OKC$B_AGREEMENT_AMOUNT_TXN" type="S" meaning="Agreement Amount (Transaction Currency)" /> 

<var name="OKC$B_TXN_CURRENCY" type="S" meaning="Transaction Currency" />. </P>








<DeliverablesAM type="AM" name="DeliverablesAM1">

<DeliverablesForExternalContractualExpVO type="VO" name="DeliverablesForExternalContractualExpVO">




<ResponsiblePartyName>Supplier Organization</ResponsiblePartyName> 







The ContractTermsAM element is the top-level node (root node) of the Contract Terms XML for contract templates.

The following table displays the nodes for the ContractTermsAM element:

Element/Attribute Set to Null Type Comments
VariablesMetaDataVO Yes Complex The definition and values for variables. Contract templates do not contain variable values.
ParametersVO Yes Complex Parameters that describe how the document should be printed.
SectionsArticlesToPrintVO Yes Complex Sections and articles of the contract terms.
DeliverablesAM Yes Complex Deliverables included in the contract template.

ContractTermsAM Components

The following sections describe the components of the ContractTermsAM:


This XML element contains the text of sections and clauses for the contract terms. The SectionsArticlesToPrintVO is a child element of the ContractTermsAM element. It only contains SectionsArticlesToPrintVORow elements. Each of these elements contains either a section or a clause.

The following table displays the child elements for the SectionsArticlesToPrintVORow element:

Element/Attribute Set to Null Type Comments
Uniqueld No String The unique identifier for this element. The unique identifier is composed of the prefix "SECTION" or "ARTICLE" and the CatId.
StructureLevel No Integer The indention level of the section or clause. For example, sections with StructureLevel=2 are subsections.
ObjectType No Enumeration The object type is either SECTION or ARTICLE.
ParentID No Long The CatId of the parent element. For a subsection this would be the identifier of the section in which you find the subsection. Since only sections and not clauses can be parents, the CatId is unique.
DocumentID No Long The identifier of the contract document.
DocumentType No String The type of the contract document. For a contract template, the type is TEMPLATE.
DisplaySequence No Integer The display or printing order for sections and clauses.
Label No String The sequential number defined by the numbering scheme for sections and clauses.
Title No String The title of a section or a clause.
ArticleNumber No String The clause number.
ArticleText No String The text of the clause. This text may contain selected HTML tags such as <EM>, <STRONG> or <B>. Oracle Contracts ensures that all tags are closed and XML compliant.
ArticleId No Long The unique clause identifier (may be identical to a section identifier).
ArticleVersionId No Long The unique identifier for the clause version.
CatId No Long A document may contain the same clause more than once. Therefore, the ArticleId and the ArticleVersionId may not be unique for a document. However, the CatId is different, even if the same clause is twice in the same document.
InsertByReference Yes Enumeration Especially in government contracts (FAR), clauses may be inserted by reference. If this clause should be inserted by reference, the value is "Y", otherwise "N".
ReferenceText Yes String The text shown when a clause inserted by reference.
AmendDescription Yes String The amendment description for the clause. If the clause has not been amended or no amendment description has been provided, the element is missing.
AmendmOperation Meaning Yes String The translated description of the AmendmentOperationCode. For English language, the values are: Added, Updated, and Deleted. If the deliverable has not been amended, the element is missing.
AmendmentOperationCode Yes Enumeration The code for the amendment operation. The code can be set to: ADDED, UPDATE, or DELETED. If the deliverable has not been amended, the element is missing.
PrintTextYm Yes String If the clause has been amended, the user chooses if the complete clause text should be displayed (PrintTextYn="Y") or not (PrintTextYn="N").


This XML element contains the deliverables for the contract terms. The DeliverablesAM element is a child element of the ContractTermsAM and may contain the multiple child elements. The child elements correspond to the deliverable variables supported by Oracle Contracts.

The following table displays the child elements for the DeliverablesAM element:

Element/Attribute Set to Null Type Comments
DeliverablesAllForBusinessDocExpVO Yes Complex All deliverables of the document.
DeliverablesForAllSourcingExpVO Yes Complex All deliverables specific to the sourcing phase.
DeliverablesForInternalContractualExpVO Yes Complex All internal or outbound contractual deliverables.
DeliverablesForExternalSourcingExpVO Yes Complex All external or inbound deliverables during the sourcing phase. Deliverables that have to be fulfilled by the other party.
DeliverablesForExternalContractualExpVO Yes Complex All external or inbound contractual deliverables. Deliverables that have to be fulfilled by the other party.
DeliverablesForInternalSourcingExpVO Yes Complex All internal or outbound deliverables during the sourcing phase.

Each of these elements may have multiple child elements witch has the same name and the added suffix "Row". For example, the DeliverablesAllForBusinessDocExpVO element has DeliverablesAllForBusinessDocExpVORow child elements.

Each of these elements contains the data for one deliverable.

The following table displays the child elements for each of these DeliverablesRow elements:

Element/Attribute Set to Null Type Comments
DeliverableId No Long The unique identifier of the deliverable.
DeliverableName No String The name of the deliverable.
Description Yes String The description of the deliverable.
ResponsiblePartyName No String The name of the party that is responsible for fulfilling the deliverable. Either "Supplier Organization" or "Buyer Organization".
PrintDueDate Yes String A string that describes the date when the deliverable is due. This may be a fixed date such as "03/10/06", or an expression such as "Due 30 days after Purchase Order Signed".
DelAdditionalAttrs Yes Complex When UDA is enabled for the deliverables, this node will have the information related to the UDA's. The structure contains all the attribute groups under DelAdditionalAttrs. The UDA attributes and their values are nested in the attribute groups. This information is used to print UDA groups in the contracts. If no UDA's are added to the deliverable, the element is missing.
AmendmentNotes Yes String The amendment description for the deliverable. If the deliverable has not been amended the element is missing.
AmendmentMeaning Yes String The translated description of the AmendmentCode. For English the values are: "Added", "Updated" and "Deleted". If the deliverable has not been amended the element is missing.
AmendmentCode Yes Enumeration The code for the amendment operation: ADDED, UPDATE or DELETED. If the deliverable has not been amended the element is missing.


The VariablesMeatDataVO contains variable values (for user variables) or the XPath to the element that contains the data for the variable. Typically contract templates do not contain variable values. The only exception is deliverable variables, since deliverables can be associated with templates. The variable section is automatically resolved by the code in the stylesheet, and there should be little need to customize this code.

The VariablesMetaDataVO is a child element of the ContractTermsAM element. It may only contain multiple VariablesMetadataVORow elements. These child elements describe the variables that may be found in the contract template.

Element/Attribute Set to Null Type Comments
ArticleVersionId Yes Long This field is only important for user variables since user variables may have different values for different clauses. The identifier of the clause version that has this value.
VariableCode No String The code of the variable: a unique identifier in the document.
VariableType No Enumeration The variable type:
  • D: Deliverable

  • S: System

  • U: User

  • T: Table

DocType Yes String The type of the contract document. For a contract template the type is TEMPLATE.
Value Yes String The value for a user variable
CatId Yes String The CatId of the clause that contains this value for the user variable.
ViewObjectName Yes String XPath of the data associated with system variable.
AttributeName Yes String The name of the element that contains the variable. The element is relative to the XPath of the "ViewObjectName"
ExternalYn Yes Enumeration Indicates if the variable is external (Y) or not (N). In a negotiation, this flag controls, if a variable should be communicated to an external party or not.


The ParametersVO contains information about how to print the document. The ParametersVO element is a child of the ContractTermsAM and contains one ParametersVORow child element.

The following table displays the child elements that the ParametersVORow element contains:

Element/Attribute Set to Null Type Comments
PrintAmendments No Enumeration This parameter determines the print area. It can be set to:
  • 0: Only the contract is printed.

  • 1: Only the amendment (change) is printed.

  • 2: Amendments and changes are printed.

DocumentName Yes String The name of the contract document.
ContractStatus Yes String Status of the Contract:
  • Draft

  • Pending Approval

  • Approved

  • Rejected

Watermark Text Yes String The text for the watermark.
Organization Name Yes String Name of the organization that owns the document.