Reprocessing of MOC Data

Overview of Reprocessing of MOC Data

Reprocessing of MOC Data feature recalculates the past data for tag readings, output, status, output summary, status summary, and reason readings table when you provide input data for tag readings raw, CSV data for equipment output, or CSV data for equipment status. Recalculation enables you to go back in time and update any past status data coming from the CSV file, providing you the flexibility to correct any past data. This feature is used at a specific equipment level and all equipments level in a plant.


  1. Build equipment hierarchy.

  2. Define equipment reason setups.

  3. Maintain transactions for status and output.

  4. Prepare new status and/or output data.

  5. Set BNE Allow No Security Rule as Yes to access WEBADI.

Note: You can execute recalculation at the status, output, and both at the status and the output levels.

Status Recalculation

  1. Upload new status flat file to file location.

  2. Run ODI scenario for reprocessing.

  3. Check scenario completion and then review log.

  4. Query status, summary, tag reason readings.

Output Recalculation

  1. Upload new output flat file to file location.

  2. Run ODI scenario for reprocessing.

  3. Check scenario completion and review log.

  4. Query output, summary, tag reason readings.

Status and Output Recalculation

  1. Upload new status and output flat files to file location.

  2. Run ODI scenario for reprocessing.

  3. Check scenario completion and review log.

  4. Query status, summary, and tag reason readings.

Variable Name Expected Value
MTH_V_RESPONSIBILITY_NAME Manufacturing Operations Center Administrator
MTH_V_FROM_TIMEZONE User Defined Time Zone (Optional)
MTH_V_TO_TIMEZONE User Defined Time Zone (Optional)
MTH_V_SOURCE_VALUE For Status Recalculation: CSVS
For Output Recalculation: CSVO
For Both Status and Output Recalculation: CSVSO
MTH_D_RECAL_FROM_DATE For Status: From Date of First Record
For Output: Reading Time of first Record
MTH_D_RECAL_TO_DATE For Status: To Date of last Record less one second
For Output: Reading Time of last record

Reprocessing OUTOUT CSV data only

Reprocessing of equipment output data and equipment status data can be done individually or both at a time based on the input parameters that you choose.


Organizations, Plants, WorkdayShifts, Equipments, resources and EquipEntities, EquipmentShifts, Equip Hierarchy, EquipDenorm and EquipmentReasonSetup data should be set up.

Example Data:

Plant_pk = Plant_01.

Plant_Pk_Key = 1000.

Equipment_Pk = Equip_01.

Equipment_Pk_Key = 1001.

Workday shifts and Equipment shifts are defined for the plant and equipment.

Assume that Shift_Workday_pk_key is the same as the corresponding hour number. (For example, for 10:00:00 it is 10, for 17:00:00 it is 17, and so on.)

Scrap reason codes: HAZ, UC (Reason type = 2)

Existing data in output, status and their summary tables, and tag reason readings table are listed below.

Existing data in Equipment Output table
Equipment_Fk_key Reading_Time Hour_fk_key Qty_completed QTY_SCRAP
1001 2012.09.17 10:07:00 10 50  
1001 2012.09.17 10:28:00 10 25 5(UC)
1001 2012.09.17 10:50:00 10 30  
1001 2012.09.17 11:25:00 11 25  
1001 2012.09.17 11:25:00 11 60 10(HAZ)
Existing data in Equipment Output Summary table
Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time (mth_hour_d) To_time (mth_hour_d) Hour_fk_key Qty_Completed QTY_SCRAP
1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 115 5
1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:59:59 11 85 10
Existing data in Equipment Tag Reason Readings table
REASON_TYPE Equipment_Fk_key From_time To_time Hour_Fk_Key READING_TIME REASON_CODE
2 1001 2012.09.17 10:28:00 2012.09.17 10:28:00 10 2012.09.17 10:28:00 UC
2 1001 2012.09.17 11:48:00 2012.09.17 11:48:00 11 2012.09.17 11:48:00 HAZ
  1. Update the OUTPUT CSV with records to be reprocessed.

    OUTPUT CSV data
    Equipment_ Fk_Key Reading_Time Qty_Completed QTY_SCRAP Scrap_ Reason_code
    1001 2012.09.17 10:10:00 110 10 HAZ
    1001 2012.09.17 10:30:00 60    
    1001 2012.09.17 10:40:00 50    
    1001 2012.09.17 11:30:00 40 20 UC
    1001 2012.09.17 11:56:59 30    
  2. Upload the CSVs to the (or EXT table) using FileZilla.

  3. Follow the steps below to run ODI scenario:

    1. Go to ODI studio.

    2. Navigate to MTH Transactions > MTH Equipment Transactions > MTH_PKG_REPROCESS_TRANSACTIONS.

    3. Right click and select Execute to run the Scenario.

    4. Select the correct Context in the Execution window that appears.

    5. Click OK.

      Variable Values window appears.

    6. Deselect the Last Values.

    7. Enter the following parameters:

      • MTH_V_USER_NAME : <MOC>

      • MTH_V_RESPONSIBILITY_NAME : <Manufacturing Operations Center Administrator>

      • MTH_V_FROM_TIMEZONE : <>

      • MTH_V_TO_TIMEZONE : <>



      • MTH_V_SITE_FOR_RECAL : <Plant_01>

      • MTH_V_EQUIP_FOR_RECAL : <Equip_01>

      • MTH_D_RECAL_FROM_DATE : <2012.09.17 10:10:00>

        (Reading_Time of first record in OUTPUT CSV.)

      • MTH_D_RECAL_TO_DATE : <2012.09.17 11:56:59>

        (Reading_Time of last record in OUTPUT CSV)

    8. Click OK to run the Scenario.

    9. Click on Operator tab.

      If the scenario is completed, a CP request is submitted.

  4. Log on to the application.

    User name is MOC and the password is welcome.

  5. Select View Requests from the Tool menu.

    Verify the CP request status and log information.

  6. Connect to the SQL tool.

  7. Query the OUTPUT, OUTPUT SUMMARY, and TAGReasonReadings tables.

    Verify if the data has been reprocessed or not. If reprocessed, then the recalculated data in OUTPUT, OUTPUT SUMMARY, TAGReasonReadings tables are as follows:

New and recalculated data in Equipment Output table
Equipment_Fk_key Reading_Time Hour_fk_key Qty_completed QTY_SCRAP
1001 2012.09.17 10:10:00 10 110 10(HAZ)
1001 2012.09.17 10:30:00 10 60  
1001 2012.09.17 10:40:00 10 50  
1001 2012.09.17 11:30:00 11 40 20(UC)
1001 2012.09.17 11:56:59 11 30  
New and recalculated data in Equipment Output Summary table
Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time (mth_hour_d) To_time (mth_hour_d) Hour_fk_key Qty_Completed QTY_SCRAP
1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 220 10
1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:59:59 11 70 20
New and recalculated data in Equipment Tag Reason Readings table
REASON_TYPE Equipment_Fk_key From_time To_time Hour_Fk_Key READING_TIME REASON_CODE
2 1001 2012.09.17 10:10:00 2012.09.17 10:10:00 10 2012.09.17 10:10:00 HAZ
2 1001 2012.09.17 11:30:00 2012.09.17 11:30:00 11 2012.09.17 11:30:00 UC

Note: The recalculation of the Equipment Output Summary and Status Summary for Equip_01 involves the following scenarios based on the data you populate in CSVs to reprocess:

  1. Output Summary and Status Summary do not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and data after the RECAL_TO_DATE.

  2. Output Summary and Status Summary do not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but have data for Equip_01 after the RECAL_TO_DATE.

  3. Output Summary and Status Summary have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but the data do not exist for the dates after RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  4. Output Summary and Status Summary have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and data for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  5. Output Summary and Status Summary do not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  6. Output Summary and Status Summary do not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but have data for the dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  7. Output Summary and Status Summary have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but do not have data for the dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  8. Output Summary and Status Summary have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also have data for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

Reprocessing STATUS CSV data only

Reprocessing of equipment output data and equipment status data can be done individually or both at a time based on the input parameters that you choose.


Organizations, Plants, WorkdayShifts, Equipments, resources and EquipEntities, EquipmentShifts, Equip Hierarchy, EquipDenorm and EquipmentReasonSetup data should be set up.

Example Data:

Plant_pk = Plant_01

Plant_Pk_Key = 1000

Equipment_Pk = Equip_01

Equipment_Pk_Key = 1001

Workday shifts and Equipment shifts are defined for the plant and equipment.

Assume that Shift_Workday_pk_key is the same as the corresponding hour number. (For example, for 10:00:00 it is 10, for 17:00:00 it is 17, and so on.)

Idle reason codes: LOA, CLE (Reason type = 3).

Down reason codes: DRV, HT (Reason type = 1).

Existing data in status, status summary, and tag reason readings table are listed below:

Existing data in Equipment Status table
Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time To_time Hour_fk_key Status READING_TIME
1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:25:00 10 1 2012.09.17 10:00:00
1001 2012.09.17 10:25:01 2012.09.17 10:45:00 10 2(LOA) 2012.09.17 10:25:01
1001 2012.09.17 10:45:01 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 3(DRV) 2012.09.17 10:45:01
1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:15:00 11 1 2012.09.17 11:00:00
1001 2012.09.17 11:15:01 2012.09.17 11:37:00 11 2(LOA) 2012.09.17 11:15:01
Existing data in Equipment Status Summary table
Equipment_ Fk_Key UP_Hours Down_Hours Idle_Hours Run_Hours Off_Hours Hour_FK_key
1001 .750000 .250000 .3333 .416667 0.00000 10
1001 1.0000 0.00000 .594595 .405405 0.00000 11
Existing data in Equipment Tag Reason Readings table
REASON_TYPE Equipment_Fk_key From_time To_time Hour_Fk_Key READING_TIME REASON_CODE
3 1001 2012.09.17 10:25:01 2012.09.17 10:45:00 10 2012.09.17 10:25:01 LOA
1 1001 2012.09.17 10:45:01 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 2012.09.17 10:45:01 DRV
3 1001 2012.09.17 11:15:00 2012.09.17 11:37:00 11 2012.09.17 11:15:00 LOA
  1. Update the STATUS CSV with records to be reprocessed.

    STATUS CSV data
    Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time To_time Status Down_Time_ Reason_code
    1001 2012.09.17 10:10:00 2012.09.17 10:40:00 2  
    1001 2012.09.17 10:40:00 2012.09.17 10:55:00 3 HT
    1001 2012.09.17 10:55:00 2012.09.17 11:10:00 2 CLE
    1001 2012.09.17 11:10:00 2012.09.17 11:35:00 3 DRV
    1001 2012.09.17 11:35:00 2012.09.17 11:57:00 1  
  2. Upload the Status CSV to the Flat file Directory (or EXT table) using FileZilla.

  3. Follow the steps below to run ODI scenario.

    1. Go to ODI studio.

    2. Navigate to MTH Transactions > MTH Equipment Transactions > MTH_PKG_REPROCESS_TRANSACTIONS.

    3. Right click and select Execute to run the scenario.

    4. Select the correct Context in the Execution window that appears.

    5. click OK.

      Variable Values window appears.

    6. Deselect the Last Values.

      Enter the following parameters:

      • MTH_V_USER_NAME : <MOC>

      • MTH_V_RESPONSIBILITY_NAME : <Manufacturing Operations Center Administrator>

      • MTH_V_FROM_TIMEZONE : <>

      • MTH_V_TO_TIMEZONE : <>



      • MTH_V_SITE_FOR_RECAL : <Plant_01>

      • MTH_V_EQUIP_FOR_RECAL : <Equip_01>

      • MTH_D_RECAL_FROM_DATE : <2012.09.17 10:10:00>

        (From_date of first record in STATUS CSV.)

      • MTH_D_RECAL_TO_DATE : <2012.09.17 11:56:59>

        (To_date of last record minus one second in status CSV)

    7. Click OK to Run the scenario.

    8. Click on the Operator tab.

      If the scenario is completed, a CP request is submitted.

  4. Log on to the application.

    User name is MOC and the password is welcome.

  5. Select View Requests from the Tool menu.

    Verify the CP request status and log information.

  6. Connect to SQL tool.

  7. Query the STATUS, STATUS SUMMARY, TAGReasonReadings tables.

    Verify if the data has been reprocessed or not. If reprocessed, then the recalculated data in status, status summary, and Tag reason readings table are as follows:

New and recalculated data in Equipment Status table
Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time To_time Hour_fk_key Status READING_TIME
1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:40:00 10 2 2012.09.17 10:00:00
1001 2012.09.17 10:40:01 2012.09.17 10:55:00 10 3(HT) 2012.09.17 10:40:01
1001 2012.09.17 10:55:01 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 2(CLE) 2012.09.17 10:55:01
1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:10:00 11 2(CLE) 2012.09.17 11:00:00
1001 2012.09.17 11:10:01 2012.09.17 11:35:00 11 3(DRV) 2012.09.17 11:10:01
1001 2012.09.17 11:35:01 2012.09.17 11:57:00 11 1 2012.09.17 11:35:01
New and recalculated data in Equipment Status Summary table
Equipment_ Fk_Key UP_Hours Down_Hours Idle_Hours Run_Hours Off_Hours Hour_FK_key
1001 .750000 .250000 .750000 0.000 0.00000 10
1001 .561403509 .438596 .175439 .385965 0.00000 11
New and recalculated data in Equipment Tag Reason Readings table
REASON_TYPE Equipment_Fk_key From_time To_time Hour_Fk_Key READING_TIME REASON_CODE
3 1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:40:00 10 2012.09.17 10:00:00  
1 1001 2012.09.17 10:40:01 2012.09.17 10:55:00 10 2012.09.17 10:40:01 HT
3 1001 2012.09.17 10:55:01 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 2012.09.17 10:55:01 CLE
3 1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:10:00 11 2012.09.17 11:00:00 CLE
1 1001 2012.09.17 11:10:01 2012.09.17 11:35:00 11 2012.09.17 11:10:01 DRV

Note: The recalculation of the Equipment Status Summary for Equip_01 involves the following scenarios based on the data you populate in CSVs to reprocess:

  1. Status Summary does not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also has data after the RECAL_TO_DATE.

  2. Status Summary does not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but has data for Equip_01 after the RECAL_TO_DATE.

  3. Status Summary has data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but no data exists for the dates after RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  4. Status Summary has data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also has data for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  5. Status Summary does not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  6. Status Summary does not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but has data for the dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  7. Status Summary has data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but does not have data for the dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  8. Status Summary has data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also has data for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

Reprocessing both STATUS and OUTOUT CSVs data at a time

Reprocessing of equipment output data and equipment status data can be done individually or both at a time based on the input parameters that you choose.


Organizations, Plants, WorkdayShifts, Equipments, resources and EquipEntities, EquipmentShifts, Equip Hierarchy, EquipDenorm and EquipmentReasonSetup data should be set up.

Example Data:

Plant_pk = Plant_01

Plant_Pk_Key = 1000

Equipment_Pk = Equip_01

Equipment_Pk_Key = 1001

Workday shifts and equipment shifts are defined for the plant and equipment.

Assume that Shift_Workday_pk_key is the same as the corresponding hour number. (For example, for 10:00:00 it is 10, for 17:00:00 it is 17, and so on.)

Idle reason codes: LOA, CLE (Reason type = 3).

Down reason codes: DRV, HT (Reason type = 1).

Scrap reason codes: HAZ, UC (Reason type = 2).

Existing data in output, status and their summary tables, and Tag reason readings table are listed below:

Existing data in Equipment Status table
Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time To_time Hour_fk_key Status READING_TIME
1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:25:00 10 1 2012.09.17 10:00:00
1001 2012.09.17 10:25:01 2012.09.17 10:45:00 10 2(LOA) 2012.09.17 10:25:01
1001 2012.09.17 10:45:01 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 3(DRV) 2012.09.17 10:45:01
1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:15:00 11 1 2012.09.17 11:00:00
1001 2012.09.17 11:15:01 2012.09.17 11:37:00 11 2(LOA) 2012.09.17 11:15:01
Existing data in Equipment Status Summary table
Equipment_ Fk_Key UP_Hours Down_Hours Idle_Hours Run_Hours Off_Hours Hour_FK_key
1001 .750000 .250000 .3333 .416667 0.00000 10
1001 1.0000 0.00000 .594595 .405405 0.00000 11
Existing data in Equipment Output table
Equipment_Fk_key Reading_Time Hour_fk_key Qty_completed QTY_SCRAP
1001 2012.09.17 10:07:00 10 50  
1001 2012.09.17 10:28:00 10 25 5(UC)
1001 2012.09.17 10:50:00 10 30  
1001 2012.09.17 11:25:00 11 25  
1001 2012.09.17 11:48:00 11 60 10(HAZ)
Existing data in Equipment Output Summary table
Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time (mth_hour_d) To_time (mth_hour_d) Hour_fk_key Qty_Completed QTY_SCRAP
1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 115 5
1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:59:59 11 85 10
Existing data in Equipment Tag Reason Readings table
REASON_TYPE Equipment_Fk_key From_time To_time Hour_Fk_Key READING_TIME REASON_CODE
2 1001 2012.09.17 10:28:00 2012.09.17 10:28:00 10 2012.09.17 10:28:00 UC
2 1001 2012.09.17 11:48:00 2012.09.17 11:48:00 11 2012.09.17 11:48:00 HAZ
3 1001 2012.09.17 10:25:01 2012.09.17 10:45:00 10 2012.09.17 10:25:01 LOA
1 1001 2012.09.17 10:45:01 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 2012.09.17 10:45:01 DRV
3 1001 2012.09.17 11:15:00 2012.09.17 11:37:00 11 2012.09.17 11:15:00 LOA
  1. Update the STATUS CSV and OUTPUT CSV with records to be reprocessed.

    STATUS CSV data
    Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time To_time Status Down_Time_ Reason_code
    1001 2012.09.17 10:10:00 2012.09.17 10:40:00 2  
    1001 2012.09.17 10:40:00 2012.09.17 10:55:00 3 HT
    1001 2012.09.17 10:55:00 2012.09.17 11:10:00 2 CLE
    1001 2012.09.17 11:10:00 2012.09.17 11:35:00 3 DRV
    1001 2012.09.17 11:35:00 2012.09.17 11:57:00 1  
    OUTPUT CSV data
    Equipment_ Fk_Key Reading_Time Qty_Completed QTY_SCRAP Scrap_ Reason_code
    1001 2012.09.17 10:10:00 110 10 HAZ
    1001 2012.09.17 10:30:00 60    
    1001 2012.09.17 10:40:00 50    
    1001 2012.09.17 11:30:00 40 20 UC
    1001 2012.09.17 11:56:59 30    
  2. Upload the CSVs to the Flat file Directory (or EXT table) using FileZilla.

  3. Follow the steps below to run ODI scenario:

    1. Go to ODI studio.

    2. Navigate to MTH Transactions > MTH Equipment Transactions > MTH_PKG_REPROCESS_TRANSACTIONS.

    3. Right click and select Execute to run the scenario.

      Check if the correct Context is selected in the Execution window that appears.

    4. Click OK.

      Variable Values window appears.

    5. Deselect the Last Values.

    6. Enter the following parameters:

      • MTH_V_USER_NAME : <MOC>

      • MTH_V_RESPONSIBILITY_NAME : <Manufacturing Operations Center Administrator>

      • MTH_V_FROM_TIMEZONE : <>

      • MTH_V_TO_TIMEZONE : <>



      • MTH_V_SITE_FOR_RECAL : <Plant_01>

      • MTH_V_EQUIP_FOR_RECAL : <Equip_01>

      • MTH_D_RECAL_FROM_DATE : <2012.09.17 10:10:00>

        (From_date of first record in STATUS CSV or Reading_Time of first record in OUTPUT CSV.)

      • MTH_D_RECAL_TO_DATE : <2012.09.17 11:56:59>

        (To_date of last record minus one second in status CSV or Reading_Time of last record in OUTPUT CSV.)

    7. Click OK to Run the Scenario.

    8. Click on the Operator tab.

      If the scenario is completed, a CP request is submitted.

  4. Log on to the application.

    User name is MOC and the password is welcome.

  5. Select View Requests from the Tool menu.

    Verify the CP request status and log information.

  6. Connect to the SQL tool.

  7. Query the OUTPUT, STATUS, SUMMARY, TAGReasonReadings tables.

    Verify if the data has been reprocessed or not. If reprocessed, then the recalculated data in output, status and their summary tables, and tag reason readings table are as follows:

New and recalculated data in Equipment Status table
Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time To_time Hour_fk_key Status READING_TIME
1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:40:00 10 2 2012.09.17 10:00:00
1001 2012.09.17 10:40:01 2012.09.17 10:55:00 10 3(HT) 2012.09.17 10:40:01
1001 2012.09.17 10:55:01 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 2(CLE) 2012.09.17 10:55:01
1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:10:00 11 2(CLE) 2012.09.17 11:00:00
1001 2012.09.17 11:10:01 2012.09.17 11:35:00 11 3(DRV) 2012.09.17 11:10:01
1001 2012.09.17 11:35:01 2012.09.17 11:57:00 11 1 2012.09.17 11:35:01
New and recalculated data in Equipment Status Summary table
Equipment_ Fk_Key UP_Hours Down_Hours Idle_Hours Run_Hours Off_Hours Hour_FK_key
1001 .750000 .250000 .750000 0.000 0.00000 10
1001 .561403509 .438596 .175439 .385965 0.00000 11
New and recalculated data in Equipment Output table
Equipment_Fk_key Reading_Time Hour_fk_key Qty_completed QTY_SCRAP
1001 2012.09.17 10:10:00 10 110 10(HAZ)
1001 2012.09.17 10:30:00 10 60  
1001 2012.09.17 10:40:00 10 50  
1001 2012.09.17 11:30:00 11 40 20(UC)
1001 2012.09.17 11:56:59 11 30  
New and recalculated data in Equipment Output Summary table
Equipment_ Fk_Key From_time (mth_hour_d) To_time (mth_hour_d) Hour_fk_key Qty_Completed QTY_SCRAP
1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 220 10
1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:59:59 11 70 20
New and recalculated data in Equipment Tag Reason Readings table
REASON_TYPE Equipment_Fk_key From_time To_time Hour_Fk_Key READING_TIME REASON_CODE
2 1001 2012.09.17 10:10:00 2012.09.17 10:10:00 10 2012.09.17 10:10:00 HAZ
2 1001 2012.09.17 11:30:00 2012.09.17 11:30:00 11 2012.09.17 11:30:00 UC
3 1001 2012.09.17 10:00:00 2012.09.17 10:40:00 10 2012.09.17 10:00:00  
1 1001 2012.09.17 10:40:01 2012.09.17 10:55:00 10 2012.09.17 10:40:01 HT
3 1001 2012.09.17 10:55:01 2012.09.17 10:59:59 10 2012.09.17 10:55:01 CLE
3 1001 2012.09.17 11:00:00 2012.09.17 11:10:00 11 2012.09.17 11:00:00 CLE
1 1001 2012.09.17 11:10:01 2012.09.17 11:35:00 11 2012.09.17 11:10:01 DRV

Note: Recalculation of the equipment output summary and status summary for Equip_01 involves the following scenarios based on the data you populate in CSVs to reprocess:

  1. Output summary and status summary do not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and data after the RECAL_TO_DATE.

  2. Output summary and status summary do not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but have data for Equip_01 after the RECAL_TO_DATE.

  3. Output summary and status summary have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but no data exists for the dates after RECAL_TO_DATE for the Equip_01.

  4. Output summary and status summary have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also data for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  5. Output summary and status summary do not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  6. Output summary and status summary do not have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but have data for the dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  7. Output summary and status summary have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE but do not have data for the dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.

  8. Output summary and status summary have data prior to the RECAL_FROM_DATE and also data for dates after the RECAL_TO_DATE for Equip_01.