Overview of Using Oracle Resource Manager

This chapter covers the following topics:

Accessing Oracle Resource Manager Interface

The Resource Manager can be called from other applications. The HTML version of Resource Manager is accessed from other applications or modules by navigating to the Resources tab. Therefore the responsibilities and navigation path will vary. All of the Resource Manager user functions described in this book can also be performed by administrators that have the Resource Self Service Administration responsibility. The following tables describes how you can access the Resource Manager:

Resource Manager Navigation Paths
Description Responsibility Navigation Path
The Standalone Forms-based Resource Manager
  • CRM Administrator or

  • CRM Resource Manager responsibility

Select Resource Manager in the Navigator window.
The Standalone HTML-based Resource Manager CRM Application Foundation User responsibility Select the People tab. Use the Employees subtab or Groups subtab to access the employee or group resource windows.
HTML-based Resource Manager for administrative duties Resource Self Service Administrator responsibility Select the Administration tab to access the setup windows.
The Forms-based or HTML-based Resource Manager from other CRM applications Resource Manager can be accessed through different CRM applications.
Example: You can create group resources in Forms by selecting the Customer Support responsibility.
Example: Select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Groups.

Note: There is a bug in the Netscape browser that can affect Resource Manager. Do not use the Back button, as you may loose your data. It is recommended that you use the Resource Manager user interface (UI). The Internet Explorer browser does not have this issue.

Summary of Oracle Resource Manager Tasks

Use Oracle Resource Manager to perform the following types of tasks: