Windows and Navigator Paths

This appendix covers the following topics:

Windows and Navigator Paths

Although your system administrator may have customized your navigator, typical navigational paths include the following:

Windows and Navigation Paths
Window Name Navigation Path
Allocations By ACRN Contract Organizer responsibility > Select Contract > Go To > Funding Workbench > select a Funding Source > Allocations > ACRN Allocations

Important: The ACRN Allocations button is displayed only if you select the Enable Detailed Project Billing check box in the Billing region of the contract header.

Attribute Group Assignments Setup > Framework > Attribute Group Assignments
Change Request Contract Organizer > Go To > Change Management > Find Change Requests > Find > Change Requests Summary > New or Open
Change Requests Summary Contract Organizer > Go To > Change Management > Find Change Requests > Find
Communications Summary Contract Organizer > Go To > Communications
Contract Authoring Wizard Contract Organizer > New Document
Contract Authoring Workbench Contract Organizer > Go To > Authoring Workbench
Contract Communications Contract Organizer > Go To > Communications > Communications Summary > Open or New
Contract Funding Wizard Contract Organizer > Go To > Funding Workbench
Contract Organizer Contract Organizer
Contract Version Comparison Contract Organizer > History tab > View > Compare Versions
Define Billings Method Contract Organizer > Go To > Authoring Workbench > Action > Billing Methods
Define Funding Pools Funding Pools
Deliverable-Based Billing Contract Organizer > Go To > Deliverable-Based Billing > Find Billable Deliverables > Find
Deliverables Tracking System Contract Organizer > Go To > Deliverables Tracking System
Deliverables Tracking System Information Contract Organizer > Go To > Deliverables Tracking System > View
Find Billable Deliverables Contract Organizer > Go To > Deliverable-Based Billing
Find Change Requests Contract Organizer > Go To > Change Management
Find Contracts Contract Organizer > Find
Find Contract Lines Contract Organizer > Go To > Authoring Workbench > Find
Find Holds Contract Organizer > Go To > Hold Management > Search
Flowdown Matrix Setup > Flowdown >Flowdown Matrix
Fund Allocations Contract Organizer > Go To > Funding Workbench > Allocations
Funding History Contract Organizer > Go To > Funding Workbench > Funding History
Funding Workbench Contract Organizer > Go To > Funding Workbench
Holds Check Contract Organizer > Go To > Hold Management
Holds History Contract Holds Check > Find Holds > Find
Hold Management Contract Organizer > Go To > Hold Management
ACRN Details Contract > Action > Maintain ACRN
Numbering Options Setup > System Setup > Numbering Options
Perform Total Functions Contract Organizer > Go To > Authoring Workbench > Contract Header or Contract Lines > Tools Menu > Calculate Totals
Programs Programs
Projects Contract Organizer > Go To > Authoring Workbench > Contract Lines > Project field
Related Contract Documents Contract Organizer > Go To > Authoring Workbench > Action > Related Documents
Related Document Contract Organizer > Related Documents
Remove Holds Contract Organizer > Go To > Hold Management > Remove
Save As Template Contract Organizer > Go To > Authoring Workbench > Action > Save As Template
Security Role Assignments Security > Assignments
Split Line Contract Organizer > Go To > Authoring Workbench > Contract Lines > Action > Split Line
Standard Notes Text Contract Organizer > Go To > Deliverables Tracking System > View > Standard Notes tab > Text
System Setup Setup > System Setup
Term Type Assignments Setup > System Setup > Terms and Conditions > Term Type Assignments
View Contract Assignments Security > View Assignments > View