Oracle Sourcing Responsibilities and Functions

This appendix covers the following topics:

Oracle Sourcing Responsibilities

The following responsibilities come installed with Oracle Sourcing:

Responsibilities Installed With Oracle Sourcing
Responsibility Name Description
Sourcing Buyer Allows users to create and award buyer's negotiations.
Sourcing Team Member Allows users to collaborate on sourcing events, from document creation and, response scoring through award.
Sourcing Super User Allows users to perform negotiations administration, create and award negotiations.
Sourcing Supplier Allows users to view and respond to buyer's negotiations. Sourcing suppliers should only have the Sourcing Supplier responsibility or a customized responsibility containing only functions from the Sourcing Supplier responsibility.
Sourcing Collaborator Allows users to perform all tasks as a Sourcing buyer, except that Sourcing Collaborators cannot create new negotiations (RFI, RFQ, or Auction): either from scratch, or by copying an existing negotiation.
Oracle Sourcing, or Oracle Procurement Contracts should be licensed, and ready to use. The Sourcing Collaborator responsibility enables users to work with the Sourcing team to contribute to negotiation creation, quote review, and awarding.

Responsibility/Menu/Function Cross-Reference

The following tables show which menus/job functions are initially defined to the Oracle Sourcing Super User/Buyer/Team Member responsibilities and which are defined to the Oracle Sourcing Supplier. Note, however, that since users with the System Administration responsibility can customize a responsibility, the exact responsibility definitions you see may be different. Use these tables when planning any customized responsibilities you wish to define.

Note that Sourcing Collaborators cannot create new negotiations (RFI, RFQ, or Auction): either from scratch, or by copying an existing negotiation. Other than that, they can perform the same tasks as a Sourcing Buyer.

Oracle Super User Menu/Function Hierarchy
Root Level Two Level Three Level Four Description
Sourcing Super User Main Root Menu       Main menu associated with the Sourcing Super User responsibility.
  Sourcing Buyer Submenu     Sourcing buyer submenu that contains prompts displayed in the navigator.
  Sourcing Super User Homepage     Sourcing Super User menu that contains the tabs displayed on the Home page.
  Sourcing Super User Functional Areas     Functional areas associated with the Sourcing Super User.
    Additional Super User Functions   Functions that allow super users to perform miscellaneous tasks.
      Award Other's Negotiations User can make award decisions for negotiations created by other users.
      Manage Collaboration Team Users can manage collaboration teams for negotiations that they can access.
      Unlock Draft Sourcing Documents Users can unlock any draft sourcing document.
    Negotiation Analysis   Functions that allow users to analyze negotiation responses.
    Negotiation Award   Functions that allow users to make award decisions.
    Negotiation Creation   Functions that allow users to create negotiations
    Negotiation Edit/Update   Functions that allow users to edit negotiation documents.
      Apply lists to creation pages Functions that allow users to apply reusable lists to negotiations during editing.
      Manage draft negotiations Functions that allow users to manage draft negotiations.
      Negotiation Abstract and forms Functions that allow users to access abstract and forms pages.
      Negotiation Approval Functions that allow users to access negotiation approval pages.
      Negotiation Creation Pages Functions that allow users to access main pages of the negotiation creation process.
      Negotiation Creation Through Spreadsheet Functions that allow users to create negotiations using spreadsheet.
      Negotiation Review Pages Functions that allow users to access negotiation review pages.
      Sourcing Concurrent Requests Functions that allow users to access Sourcing concurrent requests
    Negotiation Events   Functions that allow users to access negotiation events.
    Negotiation Management   Functions that allow users to manage negotiations (for example, unlock/unseal, close early, extend)
    Negotiation Tools   Functions that allow users to access negotiation tools (for example, create invitation/requirement/attribute lists)
    PO Agreement Tab   Functions that allow users to access pages in the Professional Buyer's Work Center Create/Update Agreement Tab.
    PO Document Creation   Functions that allow users to create purchase order documents.
    PO Order Tab   Functions that allow users to access pages in the Professional Buyer's Work Center Create/Update Order tab.
    Project Manager Role Menu   Functions that allow users to perform project manager-related tasks.
    Project Workbench Tab Structure   Functions that allow users to view tabs displayed for project pages.
    Sourcing Administration   Functions that allow users to perform administrative tasks (for example, setting up Oracle Sourcing, creating forms)
    Sourcing Buyer Registration Menu   Functions that allow users to register and approve suppliers.
    Sourcing Contract Terms and Deliverables   Functions that allow users to view and modify contract clauses and deliverables associated with Sourcing documents.
    Sourcing Discussions   Functions that allow users to access online discussions.
    Sourcing Inquiries   Functions that allow users to access inquiry pages.
    iProcurement: Homepage Menu   Functions that allow users to create negotiation lines from iProcurement during negotiation creation.
Oracle Buyer Menu/Function Hierarchy
Root Level Two Level Three Level Four Description
Sourcing Buyer Main Root Menu       Main menu associated with the Sourcing Buyer responsibility.
  Sourcing Buyer Submenu     Sourcing Super User menu containing the tabs displayed in the navigator
  Sourcing Super User Homepage     Sourcing Super User menu containing the tabs displayed on the Sourcing home page.
  Sourcing Buyer Functional Areas     Functional areas associated with the Sourcing Buyer.
    Negotiation Analysis   Functions that allow users to analyze negotiation responses.
    Negotiation Award   Functions that allow users to make award decisions.
    Negotiation Creation   Functions that allow users to create negotiations
    Negotiation Edit/Update   Functions that allow users to edit negotiation documents.
      Apply lists to creation pages Functions that allow users to apply reusable lists to negotiations during editing.
      Manage draft negotiations Functions that allow users to manage draft negotiations.
      Negotiation Abstract and forms Functions that allow users to access abstract and forms pages.
      Negotiation Approval Functions that allow users to access negotiation approval pages.
      Negotiation Creation Pages Functions that allow users to access main pages of the negotiation creation process.
      Negotiation Creation Through Spreadsheet Functions that allow users to create negotiations using spreadsheet.
      Negotiation Review Pages Functions that allow users to access negotiation review pages.
      Sourcing Concurrent Requests Functions that allow users to access Sourcing concurrent requests
    Negotiation Events   Functions that allow users to access negotiation events.
    Negotiation Management   Functions that allow users to manage negotiations (for example, unlock/unseal, close early, extend)
    Negotiation Tools   Functions that allow users to access negotiation tools (for example, create invitation/requirement/attribute lists)
    PO Agreement Tab   Functions that allow users to access pages in the Professional Buyer's Work Center Create/Update Agreement Tab.
    PO Document Creation   Functions that allow users to create purchase order documents.
    PO Order Tab   Functions that allow users to access pages in the Professional Buyer's Work Center Create/Update Order tab.
    Project Manager Role Menu   Functions that allow users to perform project manager-related tasks.
    Project Workbench Tab Structure   Functions that allow users to view tabs displayed for project pages.
    Sourcing Buyer Registration Menu   Functions that allow users to register and approve suppliers.
    Sourcing Contract Terms and Deliverables   Functions that allow users to view and modify contract clauses and deliverables associated with Sourcing documents.
    Sourcing Discussions   Functions that allow users to access online discussions.
    Sourcing Inquiries   Functions that allow users to access inquiry pages.
    Sourcing Surrogate Responding Menu   Functions that allow users to create surrogate responses.
    iProcurement Homepage Menu   Functions that allow users to create negotiation lines from iProcurement during negotiation creation.
Oracle Team Member Menu/Function Hierarchy
Root Level Two Level Three Level Four Description
Sourcing Team Member Main Root Menu       Sourcing team member root menu associated with the Sourcing Team Member responsibility.
  Sourcing Buyer Submenu     Sourcing buyer submenu containing the prompts displayed in the navigator.
  Sourcing Super User Homepage     Sourcing super user menu containing the tabs displayed on the Sourcing home page
  Sourcing Team Member Functional Areas     Functional areas associated with collaboration team members
    Apply Lists to Creation Pages   Functions that allow users to apply reusable lists to negotiations during editing.
    Manage Negotiation Requirements   Functions that allow users to manage Requirements
    Manage Draft Negotiations   Functions that allow users to manage draft negotiations.
    Negotiation Abstracts and Forms   Functions that allow users to access abstract and forms pages.
    Negotiation Analysis   Functions that allow users to analyze negotiation responses.
    Negotiation Creation Pages   Functions that allow users to create negotiations.
    Negotiation Creation Through Spreadsheet   Functions that allow users to create negotiations through spreadsheets.
    Negotiation Review Pages   Functions that allow users to access negotiation review pages.
    Project Manager Role Menu   Functions that allow users to perform project manager-related tasks.
    Project Workbench Tab Structure   Functions that allow users to view tabs displayed for project pages.
    Sourcing Contract Terms and Deliverables   Functions that allow users to view and modify contract clauses and deliverables associated with sourcing documents.
    Sourcing Discussions   Functions that allow users to access online discussions.
    Sourcing Inquiries   Functions that allow users to access inquiry pages.
    Sourcing Surrogate Responding Menu   Functions that allow users to create surrogate responses.
    Sourcing Concurrent Requests   Functions that allow users to access Sourcing concurrent requests.
Oracle Sourcing Supplier Job Functions
User Function Name Description
Accept Terms & Conditions Page Users can accept terms and conditions.
Acknowledge Amendments Page Users can acknowledge amendments.
Acknowledge Participation Users can acknowledge negotiation participation.
Advanced Workflow Worklist Users can access the advanced worklist to view notifications.
Amendment History Seller Page Users can view supplier amendment history.
Auction Monitor Users can view auction monitor.
Award By Line page in Award Flow Users can view all lines to be analyzed/awarded.
Award By Quote page in Award Flow Users can view all responses to be analyzed/awarded.
Award Line page in Award Flow Users can analyze/award on the line level.
Award Quote page in Award Flow Users can analyze/award on the response level.
Bid By Spreadsheet Page Users can submit responses by spreadsheets.
Bid Price Break Differentials Page Users can respond to price break differentials.
Cancel Proxy Bidding Page Users can cancel proxy bidding.
Compare Requirements Users can compare Requirements.
Concurrent Errors Page Users can view concurrent errors for large negotiation requests.
Create Response Page Users can create responses.
Discussion Summary Users can access online discussions.
Download Requests Page Users can view and download large negotiations requests.
Edit Personal Information Users can edit personal information.
Enter Response Item Details Page Users can enter response line details.
Forms JRAD Container Page Users can access abstract and forms details.
Manage Draft Bids or quotes Users can edit, delete, and publish draft bids/quotes.
Manage Draft Responses Page Users can access draft responses.
Monitor Bid Users can monitor their own responses with a page that automatically refreshed at user-specified time intervals.
Monitor Event Users can monitor events.
My Disqualified Bids Page Users can view their disqualified responses.
My Lost Bids Page Users can view their rejected responses.
My Won Bids Page Users can view their awarded responses.
Negotiation Line Details Page Users can view negotiation line details.
Negotiation Summary Page Users can view the Negotiation Summary page.
Negotiation Summary View Price Break Differentials Page Users can view price break differentials in negotiation summary.
Negotiation Summary View Requirement Page Users can view Requirements in negotiation summary view.
New Message Users can send new messages.
New Round Summary OA Page Users can view new round summary.
Open Invitation Page Users can view open invitations.
Review Response Download Contracts Users can download contracts response on review response page.
Print Discussion Users can print online discussions.
Reply Message Users can reply to messages.
Respond To Auctions Page Users can search negotiations to respond to.
Review Group Details Users can review line group details.
Review Response Download Contracts User can download contracts response on review response page.
Review Response Page Users can review responses.
Show Ship To Page Users can view ship to addresses for price breaks.
Sourcing Text for the branding logo.
Sourcing Notification Link Redirect Page Used to redirect access to destination pages routed from links inside Sourcing notification message body.
Sourcing Supplier Home Page Users can access supplier negotiations home page.
Submit Bid to Buyer's Negotiations Users can submit responses to negotiations.
Unlock Draft Response Users can unlock other users' draft bids/quotes.
Update Response Deliverables Users can update response deliverables during response creation.
View Active Bids Page Users can view active responses.
View Bid Users can view responses.
View Bid History Users can view response history.
View Bid Price Break Differentials Page Users can view price break differentials of responses.
View Contact Details Users can view contact details.
View Group Details Users can view line group details.
View Message Details Users can view message details.
View Net Changes Page Users can view net changes of amendments and multi-rounds.
View Pay Item Details Users can view pay item details.
Enable Supplier Edit of Contract Terms Function that allows contract terms to be edited by supplier when creating a response/bid/quote
OKC_CONTRACT_TERMS_USER menu is added to the supplier user to enable terms editing. Added to supplier user menu PON_SOURCING_SUPPLIER