Enabling Service Request Reports

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Service Request Reports

You can print the contents of service requests and cases, and generate a profit margin report for each service request, in HTML, PDF, RTF, and XSL formats via an integration with Oracle XML Publisher.

Your application comes with three data definitions ready for use for a service request: a detail report, a summary report, and a profit margin report. Each data definition comes with its own template for an English language report as listed in the table below:

Data Definition Corresponding Template Template Description
Service Request Detail Definition
Service Request Detail Report Template
Includes all available service request attributes including charges, the two descriptive flexfields, and extensible attributes.
Service Request Summary Definition
Service Request Summary Report Template
Includes a subset of the detailed report attributes including the same charges information as the detailed report.
Profit Margin Data Definition (CS_COST_DEF) Profit Margin Report Template (CS_COST_TMP_en) Includes all cost and charges details for a particular service request.

You can modify the predefined templates to change the look of the template or add text, using the Oracle XML Publisher Template Builder, a Microsoft Word macro or any text tool.

You cannot modify the predefined templates but you can modify copies and specify an end date for the template in Oracle XML Publisher's Template Manager.

Using personalization, you can set up the application to enable users to print based on templates created based on either the detailed data definition or the summary data definition. (By default, the application enables the detailed data definition).

To create a custom template:

  1. Under the XML Publisher Administrator responsibility, navigate to Templates. The Templates page appears.

  2. Search for the required template.

  3. Click the Duplicate icon. The Copy Template page appears. Click Apply.

  4. From the View Template page, click Download to download the RTF template and save it to your local machine. Modify the RTF template as required.

  5. Click the Update icon and the Update File page appears. Click Browse to select the updated RTF file from your local machine. Click Apply to update the template definition with the new RTF file.

Setting Up the Profit Margin Report

  1. By default the Profit Margin Report is enabled from the Service Request Form and Update Service Request page (HTML).

  2. Add the function Access Profit Margin Report Special Menu Item to the responsibility menu.

    Note: This step is optional. It is required only if the user has a new menu.

  3. Ensure that the action item for the Profit Margin Report is enabled in the lookup CSZ_GLOBAL_ACTIONS to access the report from the Update Service Request Page (HTML). This setup is done by default.

Modifying the Service Request Report

Use this general procedure to modify the service request report.


You must have Oracle XML Publisher implemented.

To modify service request reports

  1. Search and display the "Service" template in XML Publisher Home page.

    The Home page displays all of the templates available for Service: both the detail and the summary templates as well as the Service Request E-Record template, a template for capturing complete service request records.

  2. Select the Service Request Summary link.

    The View Template: Service Request Summary page appears.

  3. Click Download for the CS_SR_SUMMARY_TMP.rtf file.

  4. Save it to a folder on your hard disk. Modify the Template in Microsoft Word with Oracle XML Publisher Template Builder

  5. Open the RTF file in Microsoft Word with Oracle XML Publisher Template Builder.

  6. To modify the header, choose Header and Footer from the View menu.

  7. Enter text of your choice in the header. For example: "Please note that this report is for information only and does not imply any contractual commitments on the part of Vision Corporation."

  8. Close the header and save your document as CS_SR_SUMMARY_TMP_X.rtf

  9. On the Oracle XML Publisher Home page, search for the Service application templates again.

  10. Click the Duplicate icon for the Service Request Summary template.

  11. In the Copy Template tabbed page, enter "CS_SR_SUMMARY_TMP_X" as the code and "ABC Service Request Summary" as the template name. Agents will select the name for generating the report.

  12. Click Apply. The application opens the View Template page with the copied template information.

  13. Click Add File.

  14. Browse for and enter the modified template file.

  15. Enter "English" in the Language field.

  16. Click Apply. The application returns you to the View Template page.

  17. Click Update. Enter the name of your file in the Default File field. This makes the new file you uploaded as the default file for your template.

  18. Click Apply.

Specifying the Data Definition for User Reports

The list of reports users have available for printing service requests is based on the data definition you specify for the XML Publisher page where users make their selection. By default, this page is set to the detailed data definition (CS_SR_DETAIL_DEF), so users can choose reports based on that definition. Use this procedure to specify the summary data definition.

To specify a different data definition

  1. Display any service request in the application you are using.

  2. Navigate to the page where you select the report template. In HTML based applications (Case Management, Customer Support, and Service Desk), select Generate Report from the Action list and click Go. In Oracle TeleService's Service Request window, choose Print Request from the Tools1 menu.

    The template selection page appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select the Personalize Page link at the top of the page.

  4. Edit the Message Choice: Datasource field by clicking Personalize.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Enter the data definition you want to use in the Initial Value field at the desired personalization level. For example, CS_SR_SUMMARY_DEF for the seeded summary data definition.

  6. Click Apply.

Predefined Data Definition Contents

This section lists the service request information included in the three seeded data definitions. Each table specifies whether an attribute is available in the detailed data definition (CS_SR_DETAIL_DEF), summary data definition (CS_SR_SUMMARY_DEF), or the profit margin data definition (CS_COST_DEF).

The predefined templates for Service Request Detail and Service Request Summary reports include most of the attributes in their respective data definitions. The detailed template includes all. The summary template includes all but the following:

Customer Information

The following table lists the customer-related parameters:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Account Yes Yes (hidden)
Account ID
(Application-generated ID included but not displayed by default)
Yes Yes
Customer ID
(Application-generated ID included but not displayed by default)
Yes Yes (hidden)
Customer Number Yes Yes
Name Yes Yes
Type Yes Yes

Contact Information

The following table lists the contact related parameters:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
E-mail Yes Yes
Name Yes Yes
Phone Yes Yes
Type Yes Yes

Service Request Subject

This information pertains to the subject of the service request.

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Category Yes Yes
Component Yes No
Component Revision Yes No
Incident Address Yes Yes
Item Yes Yes
Item Desc Yes Yes
Item Instance Yes Yes
Item Revision Yes No
Problem Code Yes No
Problem Summary Yes No
Resolution Code Yes No
Resolution Summary Yes No
Serial Number Yes Yes
Sub-Component Yes No
Sub-Component Revision Yes No
System Number Yes No
Tag Number Yes No

Service Request Information

The following table lists the service request related parameters:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Agent Time Zone Yes Yes
Contact Respond By Yes Yes
Contact Responded On Yes Yes
Contact Resolve By Yes Yes
Contact Resolved On Yes Yes
Contact Time Zone Yes Yes
Created By Yes Yes (hidden)
Group Yes Yes
Incident Date Yes Yes
Incident Respond By Yes Yes
Incident Responded On Yes Yes
Incident Resolve By Yes Yes
Incident Resolved On Yes Yes
Incident Time Zone Yes Yes
Owner Yes Yes
Owner Type Yes Yes
Reported Date Yes Yes
Resolve By Date Yes Yes
Resolved On Date Yes Yes
Respond By Date Yes Yes
Responded On Date Yes Yes
Severity Yes Yes
Status Yes Yes
Type Yes Yes


This information relates to the contract selected for the service request.

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Coverage Yes Yes
Number Yes Yes
Service Yes Yes

Associated Parties

Associated parties are used only in Case Management. If a service request includes multiple contacts and contact points they are displayed in this section.

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Contact Yes No
Contact By Yes No
Party Name Yes No
Party Role Yes No
Party Type Yes No

Service Request Tasks

The following table lists tasks related attributes:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Date Yes No
Description Yes No
Number Yes No
Owner Yes No
Priority Yes No
Status Yes No
Subject Yes No
Type Yes No

Linked Solutions

The following table lists Oracle Knowledge Management related attributes:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Solution Number Yes No
Title Yes No
Updated Date Yes No


The following table lists notes related attributes:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Created By Yes No
Date Entered Yes No
Description Yes No
Detail Yes No
Type Yes No
Visibility Yes No

Audit Information

Your application automatically records changes to important fields, including the original and changed value, person who made the change, and the date the change was made. The data definition includes audit information on the following fields:

The information listed in the following table appears in the report for each of the audit fields:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Audit Field Yes No
Name Yes No
New Value Yes No
Old Value Yes No
Update Date Yes No
User Name Yes No

Interaction History

The application automatically tracks the agent interactions with the customer in Interaction History. The following interaction attributes are available for the report.

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Agent Yes No
Interaction ID Yes No
Outcome Yes No
Reason Yes No
Result Yes No
Start Date Yes No

Related Service Requests

Agents can add links to related service requests and specify the relationship. The following information is available for the reports:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Number Yes No
Owner Yes No
Relationship Yes No
Severity Yes No
Status Yes No
Summary Yes No

Related Objects

Agents can link a service request to another Oracle E-Business Suite object. The following information is available in the reports:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Description Yes No
Number Yes No
Object Yes No

Internal Descriptive Flexfield

The detailed data definition includes information from the descriptive flexfield located on the Workbench tab of the Service Request window. The seeded template based on this definition omits it. If you have implemented the capture of additional service request information using this flexfield, you must add this information to your template and modify the prompts to correspond to the prompts in the flexfield.

ATTRIBUTE1 Detailed Definition Summary Definition

External Descriptive Flexfield

The detailed data definition includes information from the descriptive flexfield located on the header of the Service Request window. The predefined template based on this definition omits it. If you have implemented capturing of additional information using this flexfield, you must add this information to your template and modify the prompts to correspond to the prompts in the flexfield.

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition

Service Request Extensible Attributes

Service request extensible attributes are included in the detailed data definition but not in the predefined template as described in the table below:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition

Charges Information

The following charges information appears in both the summary and detailed data definitions and reports:

Estimated Charges

The estimated charges in the following table are included:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Currency Code Yes Yes
Extended Price Yes Yes
Item Yes Yes
Item Description Yes Yes
Net Price Yes Yes
Quantity Yes Yes
Service Activity Yes Yes
Unit Price Yes Yes
UOM Yes Yes

Submitted Charges

The submitted charges listed in the table below are included:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Currency Code Yes Yes
Extended Price Yes Yes
Item Yes Yes
Item Description Yes Yes
Net Price Yes Yes
Quantity Yes Yes
Service Activity Yes Yes
Unit Price Yes Yes
UOM Yes Yes

Unsubmitted Charges

The unsubmitted charges in the following table are included:

Attribute Detailed Definition Summary Definition
Currency Code Yes Yes
Extended Price Yes Yes
Item Yes Yes
Item Description Yes Yes
Net Price Yes Yes
Quantity Yes Yes
Service Activity Yes Yes
Unit Price Yes Yes
UOM Yes Yes

Profit Margin Information

The Profit Margin Report displays the following regions: Customer Information, Service Request Information, Summary Information, and Transaction Details.

Customer Information

The customer related information is as follows:

Service Request Information

The service request related information is as follows:

Summary Information

The summary of the revenues, cost and profit by billing type displayed is as follows:

Transaction Details

The transactions (costs, debrief, repair orders, charges) displayed for a service request are as follows:

Repair Order Information

Debrief Information

