Setting Up Custom Tabs on the Service Request Window

This chapter covers the following topics:

About Setting Up Custom Tabs on the Service Request Window

You can create two custom tabs in the Service Request window by modifying the code for the Service Request form and the associated library.

You must customize the view or a table that has a reference to or intersection with CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_B. The application passes INCIDENT_ID to the control block of the form. You can use this to retrieve or save to and from the custom tabs.

Basic Information About the Two Tabs

The following table provides basic information about the tabs for the application developer:

Property Custom1 Tab Custom2 Tab
Form Name CSXSRCT1.fmb CSXSRCT2.fmb
Library Name CSSRCT1.pld CSSRCT2.pld

Guidelines for Setting Up Custom Tabs

These steps provide guidelines to help you with custom tab implementation.


Knowledge of Oracle Forms development procedures and an understanding of Oracle TeleService code.

To set up the two custom tabs

  1. Customize the form using the following guidelines:

    • In the form CSXSRCT1.fmb and/or CSXSRCT2.fmb, create a data block with all the fields you wish to display in the custom tab.

    • Code an On Insert trigger for the data block to insert data into the tables.

    • Code an On Update trigger for the data block to update data in the tables.

    • Code an On Delete trigger for the data block to delete data from the tables.

    • The fields in the data block must be placed on the tabbed canvas CC_MAIN_CSXCUST1.CSXSRCT1 and/or CSXCUST2.CSXSRCT2

    • Any record groups and LOVs must be coded.

    • To integrate this with the Service Request window, you must add the data block, record groups, and LOVs for CSXSRCT1.fmb to the CSXSRCT1_OBJ_GRP object group. Those for CSXSRCT2.fmb must be added to the CSXSRCT2_OBJ_GRP object group.

  2. Modify the library. You can use any of the event handlers listed below:

    Procedure Name Description
    WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE This procedure calls WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE of the custom form. Code is added to this library based on the requirements of the custom form. This trigger is called from the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE of the main form.
    KEY-CLRFRM This procedure calls CLEAR_CTRL_FIELDS, a procedure that clears the control field values populated by values from the header region. This is called from the KEY_CLRFRM of the main form
    POPULATE_CTRL_FIELDS This procedure populates the control fields from the main form. This is called by the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE, RESTART, and WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED triggers.
    SHOW_TAB_VIEW This procedure can be used to show the stacked canvases used in the custom tab, if any. This is called in the WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED trigger of the main form.
    HIDE_TAB_VIEW This procedure can be used to hide the stacked canvases used in the custom tab, if any. This is called in the WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED trigger of the main form.
    WHEN_TAB_PAGE_CHANGED This procedure populates the control block fields and can be coded to customize any other functions. This is called in the WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED trigger of the main form.
    ALLOW_ACCESS This can be coded to enable the custom tabs. This is called in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger of the main form.
    DENY_ACCESS This can be coded to disable the custom tabs. This is called in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger of the main form.
    CLEAR_CTRL_FIELDS This procedure clears the control fields. This is called from the Key_Clrfrm Procedure of the custom library.
    RESTART This procedure can be used to populate the control fields. This is called from the RESTART trigger of the main form.

    All the code to handle API calls can be put in the library CSSRCT1.pld and/or CSSRCT2.pld.

  3. Integrate the forms with the Service Request form:

    1. Copy the forms CSXSRCT1.fmb and/or CSXSRCT2.fmb to the $AU_ TOP/forms/US directory in the patched environment.

    2. Compile the corresponding library and copy CSSRCT1.pll and/or CSSRCT2.pll to the $AU_TOP/resource directory in the patched environment.

    3. Run the adadmin utility to compile CS forms and libraries so that the changes made to the custom form and library are reflected in the Service Request form.

Parameters Passed from the Service Request Header

The parameters listed in the following table are passed from the Service Request form to the CSXSRCT1 and CSXSRCT2 forms:

Parameter Description
CSXCUST1_CTRL_BLK. INCIDENT_ID Identification number for the Service Request
CSXCUST1_CTRL_BLK.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID Identification number for the Service Request type
CSXCUST1_CTRL_BLK.INCIDENT_STATUS_ID Identification number for the Service Request Status
CSXCUST1_CTRL_BLK.INCIDENT_SEVERITY_ID Identification for the Service Request Severity
CSXCUST1_CTRL_BLK.INCIDENT_OWNER_ID Identification number for the Service Request Owner
CSXCUST1_CTRL_BLK.OWNER_GROUP_ID Identification number for the Service Request Owner Group

These parameters are populated by the POPULATE_CTRL_FIELDS procedure, which is called by the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger, the WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED trigger, and the RESTART trigger.

Function Names for Custom Tabs

The function name for CSXSRCT1 is CS_HA_AXS_CUSTOM1_TAB. For CSXSRCT2 it is CS_HA_AXS_CUSTOM2_TAB. You can add these functions to the CS_HA_SERVICE_REQ_FUNCTIONS to show the custom tabs.

By default, the tabs are hidden, so you must enable the function in the menu CS_HA_SERVICE_REQ_FUNCTIONS.

Either of the custom tabs can also be set as default tabs.

Note: Please back up your custom forms and libraries before applying any future CS patches for these files so they are not overwritten in $AU_TOP/forms/US and $AU_TOP/. After the patch is applied successfully, you must copy the customized files back to these directories and run adadmin to generate CS forms and libraries.