Function Security

This appendix describes which Oracle Projects transactions and features are controlled by security functions.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Function Security in Oracle Projects

Use function security to control user access to Oracle Projects functions. By default, access to Oracle Projects functionality is not restricted. You must ask your system administrator to customize your responsibilities to restrict access. Your system administrator customizes each responsibility at your site by including or excluding registered functions and menus of functions in the Responsibilities window.

For example, your system administrator creates a Budget Entry Clerk responsibility that allows entry and submission of budgets in the Budget Lines window, but does not allow the clerk to baseline a budget. The clerk signs on and selects the Budget Entry Clerk responsibility. When the clerk enters and submits a budget, the Baseline button is hidden.

The following examples are common results that you can produce by using function security:

Functions in Oracle Projects

This section lists the Oracle Projects functions that you can control using function security. The security functions are organized by functional area.

Agreements and Funding Functions

The following table shows the security functions for agreements and funding:

Function Name Restrictions
Agreements Enter agreements and funding
Agreements: Advance Required Control whether advance payment is required for an agreement
Agreement Templates Define agreement and funding templates
Funding: Baseline Create baseline funding
Funding Revaluation includes Gains and Losses Include or exclude gains and losses in funding revaluation
Funding Inquiry: Baseline Funding Designate baseline funding
Revaluate Funding Control whether funding on a project is revaluated before revenue and invoices are generated

Allocation Functions

The following table shows the security functions for allocations:

Function Name Restrictions
Review Allocation Run Review allocation runs

Applications Data Warehouse Functions

The following table shows the security functions for applications data warehouse:

Function Name Restrictions
Dimensions Define dimensions

Application Programming Interface (API) Functions

The following table shows the security functions for application programming interfaces:

Function Name Restrictions
Activity Management Gateway:Add Asset Assignment Add asset assignments
Activity Management Gateway:Add Budget Line Add a budget line
Activity Management Gateway:Add Funding Add funding
Activity Management Gateway:Add Project Asset Add project assets
Activity Management Gateway:Add Resource List Member Add a resource list member
Activity Management Gateway:Add Task Add a task
Activity Management Gateway:Add Task Assignments Add tasks to a project
Activity Management Gateway:Baseline Budgets Baseline budgets
Activity Management Gateway:Create Agreement Create agreements
Activity Management Gateway:Create Draft Budget Create a draft budget
Activity Management Gateway:Create Event Create events
The Create Event API has been enhanced to accept Bill Hold Reason and Revenue Hold Reason codes as parameters. These fields are optional. The value specified is validated against the corresponding lookup. The reason must be defined only when the bill hold or the revenue hold flag is set to Yes.
Activity Management Gateway:Create Project Create a project
Activity Management Gateway:Create Resource List Create a resource list
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Agreement Delete agreements
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Asset Assignment Delete asset assignments
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Budget Line Delete a budget line
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Draft Budget Delete a draft budget
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Event Delete events
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Funding Delete Funding
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Project Delete a project
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Project Asset Delete project assets
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Resource Delete a resource
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Resource List Delete a resource list
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Resource List Member Delete a resource list member
Activity Management Gateway:Delete Task Delete a task
Activity Management Gateway:Modify Top Task Modify a top task
Activity Management Gateway:Update Agreement Update agreements
Activity Management Gateway:Update Budget Update a budget
Activity Management Gateway:Update Budget Line Update a budget line
Activity Management Gateway:Update Earned Value Update earned value
Activity Management Gateway:Update Event Update events
Activity Management Gateway:Update Funding Update funding
The Update Event API has been enhanced to accept Bill Hold Reason and Revenue Hold Reason codes as parameters.
Activity Management Gateway:Update Project Update a project
Activity Management Gateway:Update Project Asset Update project assets
Activity Management Gateway:Update Resource List Update a resource list
Activity Management Gateway:Update Resource List Member Update a resource list member
Activity Management Gateway:Update Task Update a task
Activity Management Gateway:Update Task Assignments Update task assignments
Define Control Actions Define API controls
Source Products Define API source products

Archive and Purge Functions

The following table shows the security functions for archive and purge:

Function Name Restrictions
Purge Batch Entry Create purge batches
Purge Batches: Purge the batch Purge batches
Purge Batches: Release the batch Release purge batches for purging
Purge Batches: Rework the batch Rework purge batches
Purge Batches: Validate the batch Validate purge batches

AutoAcounting Functions

The following table shows the security functions for AutoAcounting:

Function Name Restrictions
Assign AutoAccounting Rules Assign AutoAccounting rules to AutoAccounting transactions
AutoAccounting Lookup Sets Define AutoAccounting lookup sets
AutoAccounting Rules Define AutoAccounting rules

Billing Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project billing:

Function Name Restrictions
Control Billing by Top Task Control revenue accrual and invoicing by top task
Invoice: Approve Approve invoices from the Invoice Review window
Invoice: AR Invoice Drill down to Accounts Receivable to view an invoice
Invoice: Cancel Cancel invoices from the Invoice Review window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Bill Hold: Indefinite Place an indefinite bill hold using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Bill Hold: One Time Place a one-time bill hold using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Bill Hold: Release Release a bill hold using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Billable Reclass Perform billable reclassifications using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Edit Comment Edit expenditure item comments using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Non-Billable Reclass Perform non-billable reclassifications using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Recalculate Burden Cost Mark expenditure items for burden cost recalculation using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Recalculate Cost Mark expenditure items for cost recalculation via the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Recalculate Cost and Revenue Mark expenditure items for cost and revenue recalculation using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Recalculate Revenue Mark expenditure items for revenue recalculation using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Split Perform splits using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice: Expense Adjustments: Transfer Perform transfers using the Tools menu in the Invoice Line Details window
Invoice Method at Top Task Update Invoice Method at Top Task flag in the Project Billing Setup window
Invoice: Recalculate Recalculate invoices
Invoice: Regenerate Regenerate an invoice from the Invoice Review window
Invoice: Release Release an invoice from the Invoice Review window
Invoice Review Review information about project invoices
Invoice Review: Link Supplier Invoices Access and update the Linked Supplier Invoices page from the Invoices Review window
Invoice: Write-Off Perform an invoice write-off from the Invoice Review window

Budget Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project budgets:

Function Name Restrictions
Budgets Enter budgets
Budgetary Controls Review or update control level settings for each budget level
Budgets: Cost Budgets: Baseline Designate a cost budget as the baseline cost budget
Budgets: Cost Budgets: Create Revised Original Create a revised original cost budget
Budgets: Cost Budgets: Submit Submit a cost budget
Budgets: Cost Budgetary Control: Entry Enter and update the budgetary control account for cost budgets (if the Allow Override of Budget Accounts profile option is set to Yes at the site level)
Budget Funds Check Results Review budget, actuals, commitments, and available fund balances for each budget level
Budgets: Line Source: Burdened Cost Extn Update burdened cost amounts that were calculated by a budget calculation extension
Budgets: Line Source: Copy Actual Update or delete budget lines copied from actuals
Budgets: Line Source: Copy Version Update or delete budget lines copied from budget versions
Budgets: Line Source: Raw Cost Extn Update raw cost amounts that were calculated by a budget calculation extension.
Budgets: Line Source: Revenue Extn Update revenue amounts that were calculated by a revenue extension.
Budgets: Revenue Budgets: Baseline Designate a revenue budget as the revenue baseline budget
Budgets: Revenue Budgets: Create Revised Original Create a revised original revenue budget
Budgets: Revenue Budgets: Submit Submit a revenue budget
Budgets: Revenue Budgetary Control: Entry Enter and update the budgetary control account for revenue budgets (if the Allow Override of Budget Accounts profile option is set to Yes at the site level)

Budgeting and Forecasting Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project budgeting and forecasting:

Function Name Restrictions
Financials: Financial Plan Security Access the setup options on the Financial Setup page
Financials: Project: Budgets and Forecasts Access the budgets and forecasts summary page in edit mode
Financials: Project: Budgets and Forecasts View Access the budgets and forecasts summary page in view-only mode
Financials: Project: Edit Planning Options Update planning options at all levels
Financials: Project: Edit Planning Options View Access budget and forecast planning options in view-only mode
Financials: Project: Implement Financial Impact Implement the financial impact of a change document
Financials: Project: Maintain Cost Financial Impact Update cost financial impact of a change document
Financials: Project: Maintain Period Profile Update a period profile
Financials: Project: Maintain Period Profile View View period profiles for financial plans
Financials: Project: Maintain Plan Types Add a financial plan type to a project and delete a financial plan type from a project
Financials: Project: Maintain Revenue Financial Impact Update revenue financial impact of a change document
Financials: Project: View Plan Versions View all plan versions
Projects: Unlock Workplan and Financial Plan Version Unlock a budget or forecast version that has been locked by another user
Financials: Project: Approved Budget: Baseline Cost For an approved budget plan type: designate a baseline cost plan version, and designate a baseline cost plan version as the original baseline version
Financials: Project: Approved Budget: Baseline Revenue For an approved budget plan type: baseline a revenue plan version, and designate a baseline revenue plan version as the original baseline version
Financials: Project: Approved Budget: Delete Baseline Version Delete the baseline version of the approved budget plan type for a project
Financials: Project: Approved Budget: Edit Generated Lines For an approved budget plan type: edit a plan line that is copied from another plan version, copied from actual transactions, or calculated by a client extension
Financials: Project: Approved Budget: Maintain Cost For an approved budget plan type: create, edit, and view a cost plan version, and include and view change documents in a cost plan version
Financials: Project: Approved Budget: Maintain Revenue For an approved budget plan type: create, edit, and view a revenue plan version, and include and view change documents in a revenue plan version
Financials: Project: Approved Budget: Submit Cost Submit a cost plan version for an approved budget plan type
Financials: Project: Approved Budget: Submit Revenue Submit a revenue plan version for an approved budget plan type
Financials: Project: Budget: Baseline Cost For a budget plan type that is other than an approved budget plan type: designate a baseline cost plan version, and designate a baseline cost plan version as the original baseline version
Financials: Project: Budget: Baseline Revenue For a budget plan type that is other than an approved budget plan type: designate a baseline revenue plan version, and designate a baseline revenue plan version as the original baseline version
Financials: Project: Budget: Delete Baseline Version Delete the baseline version of a budget plan type other than the approved budget plan type for a project
Financials: Project: Budget: Edit Generated Lines For a budget plan type that is other than an approved budget plan type: edit a plan line that is copied from another plan version, copied from actual transactions, or calculated by a client extension
Financials: Project: Budget: Maintain Cost For a budget plan type that is other than an approved budget plan type: create, edit, and view a cost plan version, and include and view change documents in a cost plan version
Financials: Project: Budget: Maintain Revenue For a budget plan type that is other than an approved budget plan type: create, edit, and view a revenue plan version, and include and view change documents in a revenue plan version
Financials: Project: Budget: Submit Cost Submit a cost plan version for a budget plan type that is other than an approved budget plan type
Financials: Project: Budget: Submit Revenue Submit a revenue plan version for a budget plan type that is other than an approved budget plan type
Financials: Project: Forecast: Baseline Cost For a forecast plan type: designate a baseline cost plan version, and designate a baseline cost plan version as the original baseline version
Financials: Project: Forecast: Baseline Revenue For a forecast plan type: baseline a revenue plan version, and designate a baseline revenue plan version as the original baseline version
Financials: Project: Forecast: Delete Approved Version Delete the baseline version of the forecast plan type for a project
Financials: Project: Forecast: Edit Generated Lines For a forecast plan type: edit a plan line that is copied from another plan version, copied from actual transactions, or calculated by a client extension
Financials: Project: Forecast: Maintain Cost For a forecast plan type: create, edit, and view a cost plan version, and include and view change documents in a cost plan version
Financials: Project: Forecast: Maintain Revenue For a forecast plan type: create, edit, and view a revenue plan version, and include and view change documents in a revenue plan version
Financials: Project: Forecast: Submit Cost Submit a cost plan version for a forecast plan type
Financials: Project: Forecast: Submit Revenue Submit a revenue plan version for a forecast plan type
Define Period Profiles Define period profiles for financial plans

Capital Projects Functions

The following table shows the security functions for capital projects:

Function Name Restrictions
Capital Projects Manage asset capitalization
Capital Projects: Edit Events Define capital event processing
Capital Projects: Generate Asset Lines Submit the Generate Asset Lines process from the Capital Projects window
Capital Projects: Reverse Reverse capitalization of an asset from the Capital Projects window
Capital Projects: Split Asset Line Split an asset line from the Asset Lines window
Capitalized Interest Rate Names Define rate names for generating capitalized interest
Capitalized Interest Rate Schedules Define rate schedules to create and maintain rates when generating capitalized interest
Capitalized Interest Runs Review interest runs

Costing Functions

The following table shows the security functions for costing:

Function Name Restrictions
Allocation Rules Define allocation rules
Organization Labor Costing Rules Define organization labor costing rules
Override Expenditure Organization Override the expenditure organization in pre-approved batches for time cards
PA: Accounted Transactions Use Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator to import accounted transactions
PA: Costed Transactions Use Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator to import costed transactions
Project Asset Line Details View project asset line details
Project Burden Schedule Copy Copy burden schedules
Projects: Supplier Use the Supplier tab to access the Supplier Workbench
Projects: Supplier: Link and Unlink Supplier Invoices Use the available Apply and Unlink Supplier Invoices buttons to link supplier invoices to draft customer invoices and unlink them as required
Projects: Supplier: Apply and Release Hold Use the available actions to apply or release payment holds on supplier invoices
Provider/Receiver controls Define providers and receivers
Rate Schedules Define rate schedules
Standard Asset Unit Costs Define standard unit cost
Transaction Funds Check Results View results of budgetary control funds validations
Transfer Price Rules Define transfer price rules
Transfer Price Schedules Define transfer price schedules
View Burdened Costs View burdened costs
Work Types Define work types
PA: Uncosted Labor Transactions Use Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator to import uncosted labor transactions
PA: Uncosted Non-Labor Transactions Use Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator to import uncosted non-labor transactions
View Projects Adjustments from Payables Query and view adjustments of Oracle Projects expenditure items related to an Oracle Payables invoice

Customer Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project customers:

Function Name Restrictions
Customers: Address Contacts Enter and update customer contact addresses
Customers: Contacts Enter and update customer contacts
Customers: Telephones Enter and update customer telephone numbers
Customer at Top Task Enable or disable Customer at Top Task in the Project Billing Setup window
Customer Quick: PA Access quick customer entry with expanded business purposes

Deduction Functions

The following table shows the security functions for deductions.

Function Name Restriction
Deductions Enter deductions
Projects: Deductions: Update and Submit Deductions Controls visibility of the Update button and the Submit button in the Search Deductions page.
Project: Deductions: Delete Deductions Controls visibility of the Delete button in the Search Deductions page.

Deliverable Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project deliverables:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Deliverable Actions Define actions for a deliverable
Projects: Deliverable List Display deliverables list
Projects Deliverable Types Define deliverable types
Projects: Deliverables: View View all deliverables
Projects: Deliverables: Update Update all deliverables
Projects: Deliverables: Update Details Update deliverable definition attributes (applicable to deliverable owners)
Projects: Deliverables: Update Actions Update action definition attributes (applicable to action owners)

Events Functions

The following table shows the security functions for events:

Function Name Restrictions
Events maintenance across projects Define, update, and delete events across projects
Events maintenance for single project Define, update, and delete events for a single project
Invoice Events Maintenance Enter and update invoice events
Revenue Events Maintenance Enter and update revenue events
Adjusting Revenue Enter adjusting revenue events

Expenditure Adjustments Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project expenditure adjustments:

Function Name Restrictions
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Bill Hold: Indefinite Place an indefinite bill hold using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Bill Hold: One Time Place a one-time bill hold using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Bill Hold: Release Release a bill hold using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Billable Reclass Perform billable reclassifications using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Capitalizable Reclass Perform a capitalizable reclassification using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Change Functional Rate Attributes Update functional currency attributes of multi-currency expenditure items
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Change Project Rate Attributes Update project currency attributes of multi-currency expenditure items
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Change Work Type Attributes Update the work type of expenditure items
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Change Transfer Price Currency Attributes Update transfer price currency attributes of expenditure items
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Edit Comment Edit expenditure item comments using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Mark for no Cross Charge Processing Disable cross charge processing for expenditure items
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Non-Billable Reclass Perform non-billable reclassifications using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Non-Capitalizable Reclass Perform a non-capitalizable reclassification using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Recalculate Burden Cost Mark expenditure items for burden cost recalculation using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Recalculate Cost Mark expenditure items for cost recalculation using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Recalculate Cost and Revenue Mark expenditure items for cost and revenue recalculation using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Recalculate Revenue Mark expenditure items for revenue recalculation using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Reprocess Cross Charge Enable cross charge processing for expenditure items
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Split Perform splits using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Adjustments: Transfer Perform transfers using the Tools menu in the Expenditure Inquiry window

Expenditure Inquiry Functions

The following table shows the security functions for expenditure inquiry:

Function Name Restrictions
Expenditure Inquiry Query and adjust expenditures
Expenditure Inquiry Across Projects Perform cross-project queries in the Expenditure Inquiry window
Expenditure Inquiry: Run Project Streamline Access the Run Project Streamline window available in the Expenditure Inquiry window

Expenditure Inquiry Options Functions

The following table shows the security functions for expenditure inquiry options:

Function Name Restrictions
Expenditure Inquiry Option: AP Invoice View the Oracle Payables invoice for an expenditure item from the Expenditure Items window
Expenditure Inquiry Option: Cost Distribution Lines View cost distribution lines for an expenditure item from the Expenditure Items window
Expenditure Inquiry Option: PO Details View Oracle Purchasing purchase order details for an expenditure item from the Expenditure Items window
Expenditure Inquiry Option: PO Receipt View Oracle Purchasing receipt for an expenditure item from the Expenditure Items window
Expenditure Inquiry Option: Revenue Distribution Lines View revenue distribution lines for an expenditure item from the Expenditure Items window
Expenditure Inquiry: Options: View Accounting Lines View subledger accounting journal entries

Financial Structure Functions

The following table shows the security functions for financial structure operations:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Options: Tasks Update financial task information (on the Tasks subtab under the Financial tab)
Project: View Financial Tasks View financial task information (on the Tasks subtab under the Financial tab)
Financial Percent Complete Update information on the Financial Percent Complete page
Projects: Options: Financial Structure Information View View financial structure information from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Financial Structure Information Update information on the Financial Structure Options page
Projects: Options: Financial Breakdown Structure Update information on the Financial Breakdown Structures page

Issue and Change Management Functions

The following table shows the security functions for issue and change management:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Action List View the control item actions list
Projects: Change Document List View a list of change document items
Projects: Control Item Types Define control item types
Projects: Control Item Types: Edit Edit project control item types
Projects: Control Items: Change Orders: View View change orders for a project
Projects: Control Items: Change Requests: View View change requests for a project
Projects: Control Items: Edit Edit project control items
Projects: Control Items: Issues: View View issues for a project
Projects: Issue List View the issues list
Projects: Status Lists View the statuses list

Ledger Functions

The following table shows the security functions for ledger:

Function Name Restrictions
PA: Application Accounting Definitions History View the history of application accounting definitions
PA: Assign Analytical Criteria Assign analytical criteria
PA: Assign Analytical Criteria Detail Sources Assign analytical criteria detail sources
PA: Create Analytical Criterion Define analytical criteria
PA: Create Open Account Balances Listing Definition Define the open account balances listing
PA: Create Subledger Journal Entry Create subledger journal entries
PA: Ledgers Access the subledger accounting options
PA: Merge Analysis View application accounting definition merge analysis
PA: Multiperiod Journal Entry Lines Pages View journal entry lines for multiple periods
PA: Open Account Balances Listing Definitions Review open account balances listing definitions
PA: Reorder Analytical Criteria Change the sort order of analytical criteria
PA: Review Analytical Criteria Order Review the sort order of analytical criteria
PA: Review Analytical Criteria Source Assignments Review analytical criteria source assignments
PA: Search Analytical Criteria Query analytical criteria
PA: View Accounting - Lines Inquiries Query subledger accounting journal entry lines
PA: View Analytical Criteria Review analytical criteria
PA: View Analytical Criteria Standalone Review analytical criteria standalone
PA: View Subledger Journal Entry Lines from a GL Journal Line Drill down from a GL journal entry line to the subledger accounting journal entry lines

Page Layout Functions

The following table shows the security functions for page layouts:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Page Layout: Edit Report Layout Create and edit report layouts
Projects: Page Layout: View Report Layout View report layouts

PA Period Functions

The following table shows the security functions for PA periods:

Function Name Restrictions
PA Periods: Copy Copy PA Periods from a GL calendar
PA Periods: Set Reporting Period Set the reporting period

Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry Functions

The following table shows the security functions for pre-approved expenditure entry:

Function Name Restrictions
Pre-Approved Expenditure Batch Review Review and release pre-approved expenditure batches
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry Enter and release pre-approved expenditures
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Allow Accrual Batches Enter period-end cost accrual expenditure batches
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Enter Burden Transactions Enter or view burden transactions in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Enter Inventory Transactions Enter or view inventory transactions in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Enter Miscellaneous Txns Enter or view miscellaneous transactions in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Enter Unmatched Negative Transactions Enter unmatched negative transactions in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Enter Timecards Enter or view timecards in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Enter Usage Logs Enter or view usage logs in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Enter Work in Process Enter or view work in progress in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Period-End Accrual Transactions Allowed Enter reversing expenditure batches
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Release Release expenditure batches in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Reverse Batch Reverse Expenditure Batches in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Rework Rework expenditure batches in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Submit Submit expenditure batches in the Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry window
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Update Released Modify the status of uncosted preapproved expenditure batches from Released to Update Released
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry: Work Type Override Allowed. Override default work types for expenditure items

Progress Functions

The following table shows the security functions for progress:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Progress Multiple Flow Personalization Personalize progress entry for multiple tasks
Project Percent Complete Update project percent complete

Project Assignments Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project assignments:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Administrative Assignment: Confirm Approve administrative assignments
Projects: Administrative Assignment: Create and Delete Define and delete administrative assignments
Projects: Administrative Assignment: Edit Basic Information Update basic information for administrative assignments
Projects: Administrative Assignment: Edit Forecasting Information Update forecasting information for administrative assignments
Projects: Administrative Assignment: Edit Rates Update rates for administrative assignments
Projects: Administrative Assignment: Edit Schedule Update schedules for administrative assignments
Projects: Administrative Assignment: View Basic Information View basic information for administrative assignments
Projects: Administrative Assignment: View Forecasting Information View forecasting information for administrative assignments
Projects: Administrative Assignment: View Rates View rates for administrative assignments

Project Collaboration Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project collaboration:

Function Name Restrictions
Default Team Home Personalization Access the Team Home personalization page
Default Project Home Personalization Access the Project Home personalization page

Projects Functions

The following table shows the security functions for projects:

Function Name Restrictions
Mass Update Batches Update project and task attributes in batches
Project Creation Define projects
Project: Financial: Billing View the Billing subtab in the Project Workbench
Project: Financial: Billing: Approve Invoice Approve invoices
Projects Enter and maintain projects
Projects: Edit Attachments Navigate to the Project Attachments page, add attachments, remove attachments, and view attachments
Projects: Add Attachments Navigate to the Project Attachments page, add attachments, and view attachments
Projects: View Attachments Navigate to the Project Attachments page and view attachments
Project Funding Inquiry Query project funding and billing activity
Project Retention Inquiry Query the total amount of withheld retention for a project or top task
Project Home Tab View the Project Home subtab in the Project Workbench
Project List Button Access the shortcut to Project List
Project List: View Summarization Columns View summarization columns on the Project List
Projects: Page Layout List Define page layouts
Projects: Project Overview Function View the Project Overview subtab in the Project Workbench
Projects: Project Request List View project request list
Projects: Project Search Search projects
Projects: Relationships View the Relationship subtab in the Project Workbench
Project Sets: Create and Delete Create and update project sets
Projects: Project Sets: Update All Update all attributes for all project sets even if the user is not the project set owner
Projects: Project Sets: Set as Shared Designate the project set as Shared
Projects: Set Project Access Levels Update the access level for a project that they have a role on or have authority over the project
Project Setup Subtab View the Project Setup subtab in the Project Workbench
Project Team Member Button Access the shortcut to Team Member Home
Self Service Project Templates Define and update project templates

Project Lifecycle Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project lifecycle:

Function Name Restrictions
PA: Lifecycles: Update Define and update lifecycles
PA: Lifecycles: View View defined lifecycles

Project Options Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project options:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Options: Asset Assignments View and select the asset assignments option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Assets View and select the assets option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Billing Assignments View and select the billing assignments option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Billing Setup View and select the billing setup option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Billing Setup: Funding Revaluation Includes Gains and Losses View and select the Funding Revaluation Includes Gains and Losses option
Projects: Options: Billing Setup: Revaluate Funding View and select the Revaluate Funding option
Projects: Options: Budgetary Control View and select the budgetary control option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Burden Schedule Overrides View and select the burden schedule overrides option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Capital Information View and select the capital information option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Copy a Project Copy a project to another project.
Projects: Options: Costing Burden Schedules View and select the costing burden schedules option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Credit Receivers View and select the credit receivers option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Cross Charge View and select the cross charge option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Currency View and select the currency option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Customers and Contacts View and select the customers and contacts option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Deliverables View and update deliverables from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Employee Bill Rate Overrides View and select the employee bill rate overrides option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Events View and update events from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: General Information View and update general information from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Items View and update items from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Items View View items from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Job Assignment Overrides View and select the job assignment overrides option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Job Bill Rate Overrides View and select the job bill rate and discount overrides option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Job Billing Title Overrides View and select the job billing title overrides option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Key Members View and select the key members option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Labor Multipliers View and select the labor multipliers option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Non-Labor Bill Rate Overrides View and select the non-labor bill rate and discount overrides option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Organization Overrides View and select the organization overrides option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Planning Resource List View planning resource lists from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project View the Project subtab in the Project Workbench
Projects: Options: Project Access Setup View and update project access setup
Projects: Options: Project: Additional Information View and select the additional information option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Additional Information View View the additional information option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Basic Info View and update basic information from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Basic Info View View basic information from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Classifications View and select the classifications option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Classifications View View classifications from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Customers and Contacts View View and select the customers and contacts option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Key Members View View key members from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Organization View and select the organization option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Organization View View the organization option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Page Layouts View and select the page layouts and tabs option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Page Layouts View View the page layouts and tabs option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Pipeline View and update the pipeline option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Pipeline View View the pipeline option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Project Attributes View and select the project attributes option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Resource Breakdown Structures View and select the resource breakdown structure from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Resource Breakdown Structure View View the resource breakdown structure from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Team Member List View and update the team member list from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Team Member List View View the team member list from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Project: Team Members View View the team members option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Reporting View the Reporting subtab in the Project Workbench
Projects: Options: Resource View the Resource subtab in the Project Workbench
Projects: Options: Resource: Additional Staffing Info View View additional staffing information from resources setup window
Projects: Options: Resource: Additional Staffing Information View and select additional staffing information from resources setup window
Projects: Options: Resource: Cand. Score and Search Setting V View the candidate score and search setting option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Resource: Cand. Score and Search Settings View and update the candidate score and search settings option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Resource: Subteams View and update subteams from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Resource: Subteams View View subteams from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Resource List Assignments View and select the resource list assignments option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Retention View and select the retention option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Standard Billing Schedules View and select the standard billing schedules option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Subprojects Association View and select the subprojects association option from the Project Options window (available when Project Contracts is installed)
Projects: Options: Task Detail View and select the task detail option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Tasks View and select the tasks option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Transaction Controls View and select the transaction controls option from the Project Options window
Projects: Options: Update Performance Rules Set up View and update the performance rules setup from the Reporting Setup window
Projects: Options: Workbench Tab Structure Update tab structure in the Project Workbench
Projects: Options: Workplan Task Details View and update workplan task details
Projects: Options: Workplan Task Details View View workplan task details
Projects: Tasks: Attachments Update Update task attachments

Project Organization Update Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project organization update:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Org Update: Override Standard Checks Override default checks for changing a project or task owning organization. Unlike other functions, this function is not automatically assigned to a responsibility.

Project Portfolio Analysis Functions

Function Name Restrictions
Portfolio: View Portfolio View portfolio setup, planning cycle history, and portfolio access information
Portfolio: Update Portfolio Update portfolio setup, planning cycle history, and portfolio access information
Portfolio: Maintain PC Create, initiate, and close planning cycles
Portfolio: Collect Project Collect projects for portfolios manually. If this capability is removed, projects can be collected only by the system.
Portfolio: Develop Scenario View and update scenarios, create new scenarios, and recommend scenarios
Portfolio: Approve PC View submitted scenarios, and approve scenarios and plans

Project Performance Reporting Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project performance reporting:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Options: Performance Page Layouts Select, preview, and associate a page layout with a performance page of a project
Projects: Options: Performance Page Layouts View Preview default layouts for performance pages listed in the Performance Page Layouts page
Projects: Reporting: View Performance View performance metrics for a project
Projects: Reporting: View Project Performance Regions View performance metric regions in the Project Home and Status Report pages

Performance Exceptions Reporting Functions

The following table shows the security functions for performance exceptions reporting:

Function Name Restrictions
Define Key Performance Area Scoring Rules Define key performance area scoring rules
Define Performance Rules Define performance rules
Projects: Options: Update Scoring Rules and Notification Update key performance area scoring rules and notifications for a project
Projects: Options: View Performance Rules Setup View performance rule setup for a project
Projects: Options: View Scoring Rules and Notification View key performance area scoring rules and notifications for a project
Projects: Performance/Scoring Rules: Edit Update performance rules and scoring rules
Projects: Performance/Scoring Rules: View View performance rules and scoring rules
Projects: Refresh Exceptions Refresh key performance areas
Projects: Update Performance Rules Setup Update performance rule setup for a project
Projects: View Exceptions View the exception list for a project

Project Resource Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project resource:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Resource Candidacy: View Own View the user's candidacies
Projects: Resource Pool: View Work Information View work information for a resource

Project Setup Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project setup:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Setup: Gantt Sections Define and update Gantt sections for use in configurable page layouts

Project Status Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project statuses:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Status: Approved Statuses Change the status of a project to a status that maps to the Approved system status
Projects: Status: Change Project Status Change the status of a project. To enable a responsibility to change the status of a project, the responsibility must include the Project Status Function Security submenu.
Projects: Status: Closed Statuses Change the status of a project to a status that maps to the Closed system status
Projects: Status: Pending Close Statuses Change the status of a project to a status that maps to the Pending Close system status
Projects: Status: Submitted Statuses Change the status of the project to a status that maps to the Submitted system status
Projects: Status: Unapproved Status Change the status of a project to a status that maps to the Unapproved system status

Project Status Inquiry Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project status inquiry:

Function Name Restrictions
Project Status Display Columns Define project status display columns
Project Status Inquiry Query project status

Project Status Reporting Functions

The following table shows the security functions for project status reporting:

Function Name Restrictions
Project Progress Reporting View project progress reports
Project Status Reports Tab Access the progress reports page for a project
Projects : Project Progress Report : Edit Create and update progress reports for a project
Projects: Options: Reporting: Report Types Edit status reports setup
Projects: Options: Reporting: Report Types View View status reports setup
Projects: Project Progress Report: View View progress reports for a project
Projects: Project Status Report: Update Shortcut Update status reports using the shortcut link on the Project Home page
Projects: Report Types: Edit Create and edit report types
Projects: Report Types: View View report types
Projects: Rules: Project Status Report Reminder Rule Edit Define, update, and delete project status report reminder rule templates
Projects: Status Report: User Section Setup Define and update the user-definable section for status reports

Reporting Pack Functions

The following table shows the security functions for reporting pack:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects, Manager's Reporting Pack: Reporting Pack List Search, update, or delete reporting packs
Projects, Manager's Reporting Pack: Create Reporting Pack Create or update reporting packs

Resource Management Functions

The following table shows the security functions for resource management:

Function Name Restrictions
All Members Subtab View the Directory subtab in the Project Workbench
Define Job Relationships Define job relationships
Define Utilization Define utilization categories
Organization Authority Set organization authority
Organization Competence Summary Access the Organization Competence Summary workbook
Overcommitted Resources Timeline Access the Overcommitted Resources Timeline Portlet
Person Role Mapping Define and update mappings for person roles
PRM Workflow Notifications View Project Resource Management workflow notifications
Projects: Assignment: Bill Rate Override Update Update bill rate overrides for assignments
Projects: Assignment: Confirm Confirm project assignments
Projects: Assignment: Create and Delete Define and delete project assignments
Projects: Assignment: Edit Advertisement Update advertisements for assignments
Projects: Assignment: Edit Basic Information Update basic information for assignments
Projects: Assignment: Edit Forecasting Information Update forecasting information for assignments
Projects: Assignment: Edit Schedule Update schedule for an assignment
Projects: Assignment: Remove Conflicts Remove conflicts on a project assignment
Projects: Assignment: Transfer Price Rate Override Update Update transfer price override for an assignment
Projects: Assignment: View Basic Information View basic information for assignments
Projects: Assignment: View Forecasting Information View forecasting information for assignments
Projects: Candidates: Create Create candidates on a requirement
Projects: Candidates: Review Log View the review log for a candidate
Projects: Candidates: View View candidates on a requirement
Projects: Identification: Adhoc Resource Search Access resource search
Projects: Identification: Requirement Search Access requirement search
Projects: Identification: Resource Search Access resource search in the context of a requirement
Projects: Requirement Search: Nominate Nominate a resource as a candidate
Projects: Requirement Search: Nominate Self Only Nominate yourself (the user) as a candidate
Projects: Requirements: View as Staffing Owner View project requirements as a staffing owner
Projects: Resource Candidacy: Withdraw Withdraw a resource as a candidate
Projects: Resource Candidacy: Withdraw Self Only Withdraw yourself (the user) as a candidate
Projects: Resource Pool: View Competencies View competencies for a resource
Projects: Resource Pool: View Resume View resource resumes
Projects: Resource Pool: View Schedule View resource schedules
Projects: Resource Utilization Access Resource Utilization
Projects: Setup: Define Team Template Define team templates
Required Project Hours Access the Required Project Hours Workbook
Resource Competencies Access the Resource Competencies workbook
Resources: Planning Resources View Define and update planning resource lists
Team Role Details Access the Team Role Details workbook
Utilization by Resources Access the Utilization by Resources workbook

Revenue Review Functions

The following table shows the security functions for revenue review:

Function Name Restrictions
Revenue: Options: Drilldown from SLA to Revenue Drill down to revenue transactions from subledger journal entries
Revenue: Options: GL Drilldown Open the View Revenue Accounting window
Revenue: Options: View Accounting Lines View revenue accounting lines
Review Revenue Review information about project revenue
Revenue: Regenerate Regenerate draft revenue
Revenue: Release Release revenue
Revenue: Unrelease Reverse the Release Revenue process

Scheduling Tool Integration Functions

The following table shows the security functions for scheduling tool integration:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Install Project Connect Install Microsoft Project Integration

Subledger Functions

The following table shows the security functions for subledger:

Function Name Restrictions
PA: Subledger Event Drilldown from Txn Drill down to subledger event information for transactions
PA: Subledger Event Inquiry Query subledger accounting event information
PA: Subledger Journal Entries Query subledger accounting journal entries
PA: Subledger Journal Entry Lines Inquiries Query subledger accounting journal entry lines

Task Functions

The following table shows the security functions for tasks:

Function Name Restrictions
Task: Invoice Method View and update the invoice method for the top task
Task: Customer View and update the customer name or customer number for the top task
Task List Function View the task list

Team Member Home Functions

The following table shows the security functions for team member home:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Team Home: Assigned Actions View assigned actions on the Team Home page
Projects: Team Home: Owned Work View owned work on the Team Home page

Transaction Import Functions

The following table shows the security functions for transaction import:

Function Name Restrictions
Import Transactions Import transactions from an external system
Transaction Import: Pending Transactions Review pending transactions for import
Transaction Import: Rejected Transactions Enter or review transactions to be imported
Transaction Import: Review Transactions Review transactions rejected by the Transaction Import process

Workplan Functions

The following table shows the security functions for workplans and workplan structures:

Function Name Restrictions
Maintain Workplan Versions View the Workplan Versions page
Projects: Options: Workplan Access the Workplan Setup Options subtab
Projects: Tasks: Update Task Details Access the Task Details page (for task owners)
Projects: Options: Workplan: Workplan Options Update Workplan Options information
Projects: Options: Workplan: Workplan Options View View Workplan Options information
Projects: Options: Workplan: Workplan Structure Update workplan structures
Projects: Options: Workplan: Workplan Structure View View workplan structures
Projects: Options: Structures Update Structures Setup page information
Projects: Options: Structures View View Structures Setup page information
Projects: Tasks: Attachments Update View and update task attachment information
Projects: Workplan: Cancel Task Cancel a workplan task.
PA: Workplan: Change Current Phase View and update Task Phase information
Projects: Task Type: Edit View and update task type information
Projects: View Labor Cost Rates View workplan cost for resources on tasks
Projects: Workplan: View Workplan Costs View and compare workplan costs for all versions in the project
Projects: Workplan: Link Subprojects Create, update, and delete program links
Projects: Workplan: Link Subprojects View View program links
Projects: Workplan Progress: Edit Edit workplan progress
Projects: Workplan Progress: Task Progress Details Edit task progress details
Projects: Workplan Progress: View View workplan progress
Projects: Workplan: View Resource Usage View workplan resource usage
Projects: Unlock Workplan and Financial Plan Version Unlock any workplan version that has been locked by another user
View Workplan View the Workplan Tasks page
Review Workplan Notification Review workplan notification

Workplan Progress Functions

The following table shows the security functions for workplan progress tracking:

Function Name Restrictions
Projects: Options: Workplan: Task Progress Update Progress Options page information
Projects: Options: Workplan: Task Progress View View Progress Options page information

Oracle Projects Implementation Functions

The following table shows the security functions for Oracle Projects implementation:

Function Name Restrictions
Agreement Types Define agreement types
Bill Rate Schedules Define bill rate schedules
Billing Cycles Maintenance Maintain billing cycles
Billing Extensions Define billing extensions
Budget Change Reasons Define budget change reasons
Budget Entry Methods Define budget entry methods
Budget Types Define budget types
Burden Cost Codes Define burden cost codes
Burden Schedules Define burden schedules
Burden Structures Define burden structures
Calendars Define accounting calendars
Cost Bases Define cost bases
Define Financial Plan Types Define financial plan types
Define Spread Curves Define spread curves for financial plans
Event Types Define event types
Expenditure Categories Define expenditure categories
Expenditure Types Define expenditure types
Forecasting Implementation Options Define forecasting implementation options
GL Periods Define GL periods
Implementation Options Define implementation options
Invoice Formats Define invoice formats
Labor Cost Multipliers Define labor cost multipliers
Labor Costing Overrides Define labor costing overrides
Labor Costing Rules Define labor costing rules
Manage Project Organization Roles Create and update project organization roles
Non-Labor Resources Define non-labor resources
Organization Role Mapping Define organization role mapping for Oracle Sales Integration
PA Periods Define PA periods
PA: Setup: Attribute Functions Define user-defined attribute functions
PA: Setup: Planning Resource Lists Define planning resource lists
Project Classifications Define project classifications
Project Probabilities Define project probabilities
Project Roles Define project roles
Project Role Lists Define project role lists
Project Statuses Define project statuses
Project Templates Define project templates
Project Types Define project types
Resource Lists Define resource lists
Revenue Categories Define revenue categories
Roles Define project roles
Service Types Define service types
Transaction Sources Define transaction sources
Units Define units of measure
Projects: Reporting: Current Reporting Period Define current reporting period for performance pages
Projects: Reporting: Custom Measures Define custom measure metrics displayed in performance pages
Projects: Reporting: Setup Performance Define performance setup
Projects: Reporting: Row Sets Define row sets

Related Topics

Project and Organization Security

Security in Oracle Projects, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Overview of Function Security, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

How Function Security Works, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Implementing Function Security, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide

Defining a New Menu Structure, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide