Menus and Responsibilities

This appendix provides information about the predefined menus and responsibilities in Oracle Projects.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Predefined Menus and Responsibilities in Oracle Projects

This appendix provides information about the predefined menus and responsibilities in Oracle Projects.

For information about setting up security using menus and responsibilities, see: Project and Organization Security.

HTML Responsibilities

Oracle Projects provides predefined responsibilities for the HTML pages used in the Oracle Projects solution. Following are the predefined responsibilities. The abbreviation shown for each responsibility is used in the Predefined Menus and Functions table and in the HTML Responsibilities table.

Predefined Menus and Functions

In the following table, the first two columns list the predefined menus and functions. The remaining columns indicate whether access to the menus and functions is granted to each of the predefined responsibilities.

Menu Function PSU PA OM PM RM SM TM
Project Delivery Team Member Home Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Delivery Project List Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Delivery Create Project Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Delivery Search Projects Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Delivery Project Sets Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Delivery Tasks Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Delivery Actions Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Delivery Issues Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Delivery Change Documents Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Project Staffing Open Requirements Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Staffing Requirement Search Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Staffing Scheduled Resource Hours Workbook Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Staffing Available Resource Hours Workbook Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Staffing Overcommitted Resource Hours Workbook Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Staffing Team Role Details Workbook Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Staffing Required Project Hours Workbook Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Resources Resources Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Resources Resource Search Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Resources Organization Competence Summary Workbook Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Project Resources Resource Competencies Workbook Yes   Yes   Yes Yes  
Utilization Organization Utilization Yes   Yes   Yes    
Utilization Resource Utilization Yes   Yes   Yes    
Operations Management Project Requests Yes   Yes        
Operations Management Project Pipeline Workbook Yes   Yes        
Unbilled Receivable, Unearned Revenue Reports Account Balance by Project and Cost Center Yes   Yes        
Unbilled Receivable, Unearned Revenue Reports Account Transaction Details by Project Yes   Yes        
Unbilled Receivable, Unearned Revenue Reports Project Balance by Project Yes   Yes        
Unbilled Receivable, Unearned Revenue Reports Project Balance by Project and Cost Center Yes   Yes        
Unbilled Receivable, Unearned Revenue Reports Project Transaction Details by Project Yes   Yes        
Expenditure Entry Using Microsoft Excel Uncosted Labor Transactions Yes            
Expenditure Entry Using Microsoft Excel Uncosted Non-Labor Transactions Yes            
Expenditure Entry Using Microsoft Excel Costed Transactions Yes            
Expenditure Entry Using Microsoft Excel Accounted Transactions Yes            
Supplier Payment Control Yes     Yes      
Setup Advertisement Rules Yes            
Setup Control Item Types Yes            
Setup Financial Plan Types Yes            
Setup Lifecycles Yes            
Setup Organization Role Mapping Yes            
Setup Organization Roles Yes            
Setup Page Layouts Yes            
Setup Person Role Mapping Yes            
Setup Probability Mapping Yes            
Setup Project Templates Yes            
Setup Report Types Yes            
Setup Status Report Reminder Rules Yes            
Setup Status Report Sections Yes            
Setup Task Types Yes            
Setup Team Templates Yes            
Setup Microsoft Project Integration Installation Yes            
Workflow Notifications Workflow Notifications Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Project Administrator Resource Search   Yes          
Project Manager Resource Search       Yes      
Project Manager Team Role Details Workbook       Yes      
Project Manager Reporting Pack Reporting Pack List Yes            
Project Manager Reporting Pack Create Reporting Pack Yes            
Staffing Manager Staffing Home       Yes      
Team Member Team Member Home             Yes
Team Member Project List             Yes
Team Member Search Projects             Yes
Team Member Tasks             Yes
Team Member Project Sets             Yes
Team Member Actions             Yes
Team Member Issues             Yes
Team Member Change Documents             Yes
Team Member Personal Schedule and Profile             Yes
Team Member Personal Requirement Search             Yes
Team Member Personal Utilization             Yes
Team Member Resource Search             Yes

HTML Responsibilities: Additional Menus for Security and Tab Displays

The following table lists the additional menus for controlling security and tab display. A column for each predefined responsibility shows which responsibilities are granted access to each menu.

Project Manager Role Menu Yes Yes   Yes   Yes  
Resource Pool Role Menu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Project Authority Menu Yes            
Resource Authority Menu Yes            
Utilization Authority Menu Yes            
Forecast Authority Menu Yes            
PA Global Menu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Project Tab Menu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Projects: Project Sets: Sets as Shared       Yes      
Projects: Workplan: Cancel Task Yes Yes   Yes     Yes
Team Member Role Menu             Yes

Project Portfolio Analysis Roles

There are three roles used specifically to restrict access for Project Portfolio Analysis:

The following table shows the default functions granted to each Project Portfolio Analysis role:

Function Portfolio Owner Portfolio Analyst Portfolio Approver
View Portfolio Yes Yes Yes
Update Portfolio Yes Yes  
Initiate Planning cycle Yes Yes  
Collect Projects Yes Yes  
Develop Scenarios Yes Yes  
Approve Plan Yes   Yes

Forms Responsibilities and Functions

Following are the predefined responsibilities for accessing the Oracle Applications Framework forms used in Oracle Projects. The abbreviation shown for each responsibility is used in the Predefined Menus, Forms, and Functions table.

Predefined Menus, Forms, and Functions

In the following table, the first column lists the predefined menus, forms, and functions. The remaining columns indicate whether access is granted to each of the predefined responsibilities.

Form: Function PISU PBSU PCSU PM
Projects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Projects Page Layout Functions Yes Yes Yes Yes
Budgets Yes Yes Yes  
Expenditures: Pre-Approved Batches: Enter Yes Yes Yes  
Expenditures: Pre-Approved Batches: Review Yes Yes Yes  
Expenditures: Transaction Import: Import Yes Yes Yes  
Expenditures: Transaction Import: Review Yes Yes Yes  
Expenditures: Expenditure Inquiry: Project Yes Yes Yes Yes
Expenditures: Expenditure Inquiry: All Yes Yes Yes  
Transaction Funds Check Results Yes Yes Yes  
Allocations: Allocation Rules Yes Yes Yes  
Allocations: Allocations Review Yes Yes Yes  
Allocations: AutoAllocations: Workbench Yes Yes Yes  
Allocations: AutoAllocations: View Status Yes Yes Yes  
Capital Projects Yes Yes Yes  
Billing: Agreements Yes Yes    
Billing: Control Billing by Top Task Yes Yes    
Billing: Events: Project Yes Yes    
Billing: Events: All Yes Yes    
Billing: Revenue Review Yes Yes    
Billing: Invoice Review Yes Yes   Yes
Billing: Funding Inquiry Yes Yes   Yes
Billing: Retention Inquiry Yes Yes   Yes
Project Status: Project Status Inquiry Yes Yes Yes Yes
Project Status: Percent Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes
Subledger Accounting Inquiry: Accounting Events Yes Yes Yes  
Subledger Accounting Inquiry: Journal Entries Yes Yes Yes  
Subledger Accounting Inquiry: Journal Entry Lines Yes Yes Yes  
Project Administration: Mass Update Batches Yes Yes Yes  
Project Administration: Purge Product Data     Yes  
Setup: Projects: Roles Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Role Lists Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Classifications Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Service Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Customer Relationships Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Customer Contact Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Probability Lists Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Project Priorities Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Project Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Projects: Project Templates Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Staffing: Staffing Priorities Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Staffing: Candidate Status Change Reasons Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Workplan and Progress: Task Priorities Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Workplan and Progress: Work Items Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Workplan and Progress: Change Reasons Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Issue and Change: Control Item Priorities Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Issue and Change: Effort Levels Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Issue and Change: Source Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Budgets: Budget Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Budgets: Change Reasons Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Budgets: Forecast Adjustment Reasons Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Budgets: Entry Methods Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Budgets: Resource Lists Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Expenditures: Expenditure Categories Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Expenditures: Revenue Categories Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Expenditures: Expenditure Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Expenditures: Non-Labor Resources Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Expenditures: Transaction Sources Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Expenditures: Rate Schedules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Labor: Cost Multipliers Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Labor: Labor Costing Rules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Labor: Organization Labor Costing Rules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Labor: Labor Costing Overrides Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Burden: Bases Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Burden: Cost Codes Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Burden: Structures Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Burden: Schedules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Burden: View Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Cross Charge: Transfer Price Rules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Cross Charge: Transfer Price Schedules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Costing: Provider and Receiver Controls Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Billing: Payment Terms Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Billing: Agreement Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Billing: Credit Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Billing: Event Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Billing: Extensions Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Billing: Invoice Formats Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Billing: Agreement Templates Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Utilization: Utilization Categories Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Utilization: Work Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Project Status Columns Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: API Controls: Source Products Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: API Controls: Control Actions Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Implementation Options Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Forecasting Options Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: PA Periods Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: GL Periods Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Statuses Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Cycles Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Units Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Define Calendar Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Define Exceptions Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Define Shifts Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Assign Shifts / Exceptions Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Assign Resources Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Others: Define Availability Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Others: Define Calendar Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Others: Define Exception Categories Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: System: Scheduling Calendar: Others: Define Exception Reasons Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: AutoAccounting: Lookup Sets Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: AutoAccounting: Rules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: AutoAccounting: Assign Rules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: People: Enter and Maintain Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Career Management: Rating Scales Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Career Management: Competencies Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Career Management: Schools & Colleges Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Career Management: Qualification Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Define Locations Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Organizations: Description Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Organizations: Organization Manager Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Organizations: Hierarchy Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Organizations: Global Hierarchy Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Job: Description Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Job: Job Groups Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Position: Description Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Position: Hierarchy Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Work Structures: Grade: Description Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Other Definitions: Applications Utilities Lookups Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Other Definitions: User Profile Options Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Security: Profile Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Security: Global Profile Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Security: Information Types Security Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Processes and Reports: Submit Processes and Reports Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Processes and Reports: View Requests Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Processes and Reports: View Reports Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Project Job Levels Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Job Mapping Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Organization Authority Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Customers: System Options Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Resources and Organizations: HR Foundation: Customers: Customer Entry Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Financials: Calendar: Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Financials: Calendar: Periods Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Financials: Accounting Setup Manager: Accounting Setups Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Financials: Accounts Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Key: Segments Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Key: Values Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Key: Aliases Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Key: Rules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Key: Groups Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Key: Security: Define Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Key: Security: Assign Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Key: Accounts Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Descriptive: Segments Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Descriptive: Values Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Descriptive: Security: Define Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Descriptive: Security: Assign Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Validation: Sets Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Validation: Values Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Validation: Security: Define Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Flexfields: Validation: Security: Assign Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Subledger Applications Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Post-Accounting Programs Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Open Account Balances Listing Definitions Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Events: Event Model Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Events: Process Categories Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Events: Accounting Event Class Options Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Sources: Sources Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Sources: Source Assignments Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Sources: Accounting Attribute Assignments Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Sources: Custom Sources Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Journal Entry Setups: Journal Line Types Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Journal Entry Setups: Journal Entry Description Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Journal Entry Setups: Mapping Sets Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Journal Entry Setups: Account Derivation Rules Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Methods and Definitions: Journal Lines Definitions Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Methods and Definitions: Application Accounting Definitions Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Methods and Definitions: Subledger Accounting Methods Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Application Accounting Definition Loader: History Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Application Accounting Definition Loader: Merge Analysis Yes Yes Yes  
Setup: Subledger Accounting: Accounting Methods Builder: Accounting Definitions Inquiry Yes Yes Yes  
Other: Profile Yes Yes Yes  
Other: Concurrent Yes Yes Yes  
Other: Change Organization Yes Yes Yes  
Other: Running Jobs Yes Yes Yes  
Other: Requests: Run Yes Yes Yes  
Other: Requests: Set Yes Yes Yes  
Lookup Yes Yes Yes  

Concurrent Programs Request Groups

The following table shows the concurrent programs request group for each predefined responsibility.

Responsibility Concurrent Programs Request Group
Projects Implementation Super User All Oracle Projects programs
Project Billing Super User All Oracle Project Billing programs
Project Costing Super User All Oracle Project Costing programs
Project Manager None