Oracle Marketing Profile Option Reference

This appendix covers the following topics:

Before You Begin

Before making Oracle Forms settings, ensure that all Oracle Applications server processes are up and running. In particular, if you stopped concurrent managers before applying Oracle Applications patchsets, restart them now by changing to $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts, and executing <APPS username/APPS password> start.

Setting Profile Options

Most profile options ship with a seeded value. Setting or changing profile option values is one way to change the default behavior of the application. You may or may not want to change profile option values depending on business requirements.

Profile options can be set at four levels:

To set any profile option, log in to Oracle Forms with the System Administrator responsibility.

Navigation: Profile > System


Oracle Marketing Profile Option Reference

The following table displays profile options used by Oracle Marketing.

Oracle Marketing Profile Options
Option Required/Optional Level Setting Effect/Limitation
AMS : Admin Group Required Site Select from any group defined in JTF Resource Groups Resources that are part of this group will have full access to all campaigns, Events, and other marketing objects. Note that this should be a single level group.
AMS : Auto Register for Events upon cancellation Required Site Yes/No This is used to determine if the attendee can be moved from the waiting list to registered status if a spot is available
AMS : Budget Adjustment Grace Period in Days Optional Site
Enter any integer (for number of days) Budget reconciliation may be performed manually or automatically.
  • If automatic: The "AMS-TM: Release Committed Budget Amount After Grace Period concurrent program is used to reconcile budgets. This program waits before reconciling the sourced budgets of an object after the closing date of the object.

  • If manual: The offer is evaluated on a case by case basis. Use automatic if you would like to systematically reconcile the budgets.

AMS : Confirmation URL Required Site URL Contact preferences can be updated by the user using self service pages which are invoked by updating the contact preferences link in an e-mail text body.
Once the user updates the contact preferences he or she is redirected to the page specified in this profile.
AMS : Copy Event Details to Event Schedules Required Site Yes/No This is used to allow details of parent Event to be copied to the schedule
AMS: Cut Off Percentage for Approval Optional Site Enter any number (for percentage) This determines what percentage of the estimated budget amount an object must secure in actual funding before the object can go active.
For example, if you enter 100, it means 100%. An offer's estimated budget amount is $10K, meaning that it is estimated that this offer must get budget approved for $10K before the offer can go active.
This applies only to a Trade Management implementation.
AMS : Currency Conversion Type Required Site Select from conversions defined in GL, such as Corporate or Spot. This is the exchange rate used for converting transactional amounts into the default currency.
AMS : Custom Condition Class Optional Site Java class name of the custom condition This class is invoked in the runtime when custom conditions are implemented.
AMS : Cut off percentage for Approvals Required Site Enter a value between 0 and 100 For a marketing object with an Initial Estimated Amount (IEA) value entered into the Budget page for that object to go to Active status, it must obtain budget approval for this percentage of the IEA. During the initial stage, before the object status is Active, requests in excess of the IEA are not allowed.
AMS : Data Mining Across Database Link Optional Site Yes or No Profile to determine if data mining uses a DB Link.
Determines if the installation is a single or dual installation
No (or no value) for this profile means single installation scenario.
Yes means a dual installation scenario.
AMS : Data Mining Debug Enabled Optional User Default value is No. When set to Yes, debug is turned on, when set to No, debug is turned off. Enables debugging information to be written in the concurrent request log.
AMS : Data Mining Server JDBC URL Required for a dual installation Site This site level profile option is required if the customer is implementing a dual installation system, where Apps is in one instance and ODM is in another.

Note: 'orclsvc' is the database service name of the remote ODM server.

The JDBC connect string for the ODM server.
Only required for a dual installation data mining scenario.
AMS : Default Currency Code Required Site Select from currencies defined in FND_ CURRENCIES This becomes the default functional currency. All transactions will be converted and stored in this currency. This will be the default currency for Currency LOV.
AMS : Default Cust View Optional Site
Yes/No Default value is No.
If set to Yes, a user can see the Budget Customer View from the Budget summary page.
AMS : Default Product Stylesheet Required Site User defined Determines the default stylesheet file for Products.
AMS : Default Schedule Stylesheet Required Site User Defined Determines the default stylesheet file for Schedules.
AMS Enable Fulfillment Optional Site Yes/No Enables Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment Service Integration.
AMS : Enable Tip Text Optional User Yes/No Tip text will be displayed in the UI.
AMS : HZ Dedupe Rule Optional Site Yes/No Indicates whether deduplication rules are in effect for records placed into TCA.
AMS : Implement Contra Charge payment method Required Site Yes/No If set to Yes, “Contra Charge” is a settlement option available when settling claims. Contra charges are used to track offsetting balances for creditors who are also debtors.
AMS : Implement Client File Size Required Site Numeric value Default value is 1000000. For Oracle Marketing List Import functionality, this value sets the file size limit in terms of bytes that can be uploaded by client.
AMS : Import Control File Path Required Site Control File Location Path for the bin directory ($AMS_TOP/bin)
Improper setup will cause the server side import to fail.
AMS : Import Date File Path Required Site Data File Location Path for the data file location
Improper setup will cause the server side import to fail.
AMS : Interaction Logging Enabled Optional Site - To enable click-through destination logging in Interaction History, each time a customer/prospect clicks the URL, set AMS : Interaction Logging Enabled at site level.
If set to Yes, each click-through is logged in Interaction History, in the JTF Interaction History Tables.
If set to No, each click-through is not logged. This logging trail tracks the following information from the click through:
  • Party-id

  • Campaign Activity source code

  • Time and Date of the click-through

AMS : Item Validation Master Organization Required Site A Valid Master Inventory Organization When a deliverable is flagged as an inventory item, it is created in Inventory under the specified master organization.
AMS : Inventory Item Update Allows Optional Site Yes/No Default value is no. a Marketer is able to update products created within the Oracle Marketing application.However, if a Marketer wants to be able update products from Oracle Inventory, set this value to Yes at Site level.
AMS : Marketing Calendar Required Site Accounting Setting Seeded value for this profile is Null. The Calendar needs to be created and associated to this profile. For Oracle Marketing objects, the time periods come from the marketing calendar. The Marketing Calendar setups are performed prior to implementing Oracle Marketing.
AMS : Marketing to ODM Database Link Required Site All database links in the database. This profile is only necessary if implementing ODM in a dual instance environment.
The value of this profile options should be the name of the database link from the Oracle Marketing database instance to the ODM database instance. It allows Oracle Marketing to read scoring run results from the ODM results tables.
AMS: Merchant Party ID Optional Site Choose from a list of Parties provided This value determines the party ID of the current active merchant.
This sets the merchant ID for the creation of affiliate placements.
This option must be set before creating an affiliate site.
AMS : OA_Media Path Optional Site Physical file path of media directory where the image files are stored. This is used in the upgrade process to read the files from the media directory and store them in the database.
AMS : ODM to Marketing Database Link Optional Site Name of database link Profile to determine the DB Link from ODM to APPS database. It is only required for a dual installation data mining scenario.
AMS : Posting Runtime Shopping Cart Currency Required Site Select from a list of values. USD is the default. Determines the currency in which shopping cart amounts are measured.
AMS : Queue : Marketing Lists - Manual Assignments Optional All Yes/No This profile determines if a user can work on Marketing Lists - Manual Assignments. This profile assigns the user a universal work queue. In UWQ you can enable or disable a note that is exposed by telesales.
AMS : Queue Order : Marketing Lists - Manual Assignments Optional All Yes/No This profile is only applicable when Oracle Marketing is integrated with Oracle Telesales. Determines the order of appearance for the Universal Work Queue. This is only applicable if the profile AMS : Queue : Marketing Lists - Manual Assignment is enabled.
AMS : Prefix to Registration Confirmation Code Optional Site User Defined Characters for the Event Registration Confirmation Code.
AMS : Pricelist Header Name for Events Required Site User defined entry Enter the name of the default price list for Events.
AMS : Price Different Budget Optional Site
Choose a budget from a list of available budgets This is used for accruals created by the AMS-TM: Charge back Accruals concurrent process (which do not have any budgets assigned).
The program imports sell-through sales data into TM, often for the purpose of forecasting or creating promotional accruals for indirect customers.
AMS : Profile Search Set Size Required User Numeric Indicates the number of rows displayed in selection windows.
AMS: Server URL Optional Site User Defined This value determines the runtime URL path of the server. Used to generate API details for affiliates during placement definition.
This must be set before creating any affiliate placement definition.
For example: http://YourHostName:PortNum
AMS : Should Call to Inventory Modules be Made? Required Site Yes/No Indicates whether a deliverable or an Event may be created as an Oracle Inventory item.
AMS : Should call to Pricing Modules be Made? Required Site Yes/No Indicates whether a deliverable or an Event may be priced.
AMS : Source Code Date Format Required Site Less than 6 characters Used in the generation of source codes. The value has to be less than 6 characters (ex. "MMDDYY").
Apache Server needs to be bounced after setting the profile options.
AMS : Source Code sequence length Required Site Value must be between 1 and 10 Source Code includes Geography code, Month code, Activity code, and Source code digits.
The value can be anything between 1 to 10 (4 or 5 is recommended).
Apache Server needs to be bounced after setting the profile options.
AMS : Source From Parent Object Required Site Yes/No Determines whether Campaign Activitiess and Event Schedules are sourced from their parent campaigns and Events (Yes) or from budgets (No). Campaigns and Events, themselves, may only be sourced from budgets.
AMS : Universal Currency Required Site Choose any valid currency from a list of available currencies This profile determines the currency for the rollup view. It allows the rollup view of a budget to display correctly by converting all entries to a single currency.
Different users will, however, be able to see the Rollup View in different currencies based on the user level profile option JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY. (In other words, the universal currency profile is simply for storage in the background).
Once set the profile should not be changed.
AMS : Update Claim Access Optional Site
Yes/No This profile controls whether non-claim owners AND non-claim team members get update or view access to the claims.
AMS : UOM Area Required Site Depends on UOM Setup If not set correctly, will not be displayed for fields that use UOM (for example, area in square feet).
AMS : UOM Length Required Site Depends on UOM Setup If not set correctly, will not be displayed for fields that use UOM (for example, length in feet).
AMS : UOM Time Required Site Depends on UOM Setup If not set correctly, will not be displayed for fields that use UOM (for example, time in minutes).
AMS : Upgrade Complete Flag Optional Site Yes/No Yes means no upgrade and No means will upgrade data.
AMS : Upgrade iMarketing Optional Site Yes/No Used to determine whether to upgrade iMarketing data from the previous version.
AMS : User Country Required User Select from valid countries Defaults new objects to this country when created.
HZ: Address Key Length Optional Site Length of the Address This determines the length of Address key.
BIM Month Period Type Required Syst - Select the month period type defined on the Marketing Calendar.
BIM Quarter Period Type Required Syst - Select the quarter period type defined on the Marketing Calendar.
BIM Year Period Type Required Syst - Select the year period type defined on the Marketing Calendar.
Client Timezone Required User Select from a List of Timezone Values This profile is used by the Marketing APIs for converting user entered date and time to server specific date and time.
This profiles replaces AMS : CLIENT_TIME_ZONE_ID.
HZ: Key Word Count Optional Site Number of words This number determines how many words in the customer name are used to generate the keys.
HZ: Postal Code Key Length Optional Site Length of the Postal Code This determines the length of Postal Code key.
IBE: Use Web Placements Required App Yes/No Determines whether placements are displayed. Required only when implementing iStore.
ICX: Discoverer End User Layer Required Site User Defined EUL prefix for Discoverer, Usually EUL4
ICX: Discoverer Launcher Required Site User Defined URL to launch Discoverer Web version
ICX: Discoverer Use Viewer Optional Site Yes/No Whether to use viewer instead Web Discoverer. Defaulted to No.
ICX: Discoverer Viewer Launcher Required Site User Defined URL to launch Discoverer viewer
JTF Home Page File Name Optional Site or App User Defined. Enter a file name of the jsp file (for example, jtfhomepage.jsp). If no value is supplied, a generic information page is displayed. If a file is supplied it will be displayed on the homepage.
JTF_FM_BASE_IMAGE_URL Optional Site Host and port name of application installation instance If adding images to templates this profile must be set at site level. When uploading images to be stored in the database, the application must be enabled to retrieve files from the database. This profile enables this retrieval. The value of this profile must be set to the same value as your application installation. For example:
JTF_FM_UNSUBSCRIBE_TEXT Optional Site Replace host and port with your host name and port number. Use this profile to enable users to unsubscribe from email blasts.
@ Click <a href="http://host:port/OA_HTML/amsContactPreferencesMain.jsp?PAGE.
OBJ.requestId=&PAGE.OBJ.objId="here</a>to unsubscribe.
OSO: Minimum search string length Optional Site or User User Defined The default setting is 0. This profile determines the number of characters that must be entered before performing a search.
OSO: Search Lead Wildcard Optional Any Yes/No If Yes, the wildcard (%) will be allowed as the first character in a search string. If No, and the wildcard is entered as the first character, the system will give the user an error message.
OSO : Customer Access Privilege Required Resp Full Set this profile to Full in order to grant access the Venue subtab.
QP: Accrual UOM Class Required Site UOM Classes as set up in Inventory Used by accrual offers. All accrual units will fall under this UOM class. For example, frequent flyer miles.
QP: Item Validation Organization Required Resp Select from Inventory Organizations as set up in Inventory Offers can be defined only for those products which will be available in the specified organization. Required for all offers.
Prices may be defined only for those products which will be available in the specified organization.
Server Timezone Required Site Select from a List of Timezone Values This profile is used by the Marketing APIs for converting user entered date and time to server specific date and time.
Note: AMS : SERVER_TIMEZONE_ID is obsolete and Server Timezone should be used instead.
QP: Source System Code Required Resp Possible Source Systems that can define offers Offers created using this relationship are tagged with this system source code and will be used to determine update privileges of offers within the pricing module.
Task Manager: Default assignee status Optional App User Defined Specifies the default assignee status when creating or assigning a task.
Task Manager: Default Priority Optional App User Defined Specifies the default task priority when creating a task.
Task Manager: Default Task Status Optional App User Defined Required for implementing a task transition rule. This profile option must be set to the initial status of the rule.
Task Manager: Owner type for a task Optional App User Defined Specifies the default task type when creating a task.
AMS: Enable List Recalculation and Preview Optional Site User Defined If this profile value is set to "Yes", the Recalculate and the Preview Entries functions are enabled.
AMS: Hide Edit Metrics Optional App User Defined If this profile value is set to "Yes", the Edit Metrics column is hidden.
AMS: Batch Size Optional Site User Defined Sets a default value for bulk update during Metric refresh. For example, the user can specify a default value for the batch size such as 100 or 1000.
AMS: List Size Threshold Optional     Used to split a list option. When splitting a list, a button 'Preview Count' is displayed only if the list size is less than the value of this profile. The default value is 10000.

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.