Oracle Marketing Request Set and Concurrent Program Reference

This appendix covers the following topics:

Running Concurrent Programs

Many operational processes for Oracle Marketing require Concurrent Programs to run. They can run on a scheduled basis or on an as required basis. Use the following instructions for running any Oracle Applications concurrent program or program set.

See the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide for complete details on the concurrent programs.

To run concurrent programs, log in to Oracle Forms with appropriate responsibility and submit a new request. For Oracle applications concurrent programs, the responsibility varies by module.

Checking Concurrent Program Status

To check the status of a concurrent program, log in to Oracle Forms with System Administrator Responsibility.

Navigation: Concurrent > Request


Oracle Marketing Request Sets

Request sets are sets of concurrent manager programs which may be executed as a group. If desired, any concurrent manager program which is part of a request set may be executed individually.

Oracle Marketing Request Sets
Request Set Name Concurrent Manager Programs
BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time, Object to Load: Campaign
BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time, Object to Load: Event
BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time, Object to Load: Budget
BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time, Object to Load: Leads
BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time, Object to Load: Lead_Import
BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time, Object to Load: Response
BIM: Load Key Performance Indicator Facts
BIM: Initial Build of Materialized Views BIM: Initial Build of Campaign Materialized Views
BIM: Initial Build of Event Materialized Views
BIM: Initial Build of Budget Materialized Views
BIM: Initial Build of Key Performance Indicators Materialized Views
BIM: Initial Build of Interaction History Responses Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Materialized Views BIM: Refresh Campaign Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Event Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Budget Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Key Performance Indicators Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Marketing Activities Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh of Interaction History Responses Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence BIM: Refresh Summary by Group Hierarchy Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh of Lead KPI Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh of Lead Quality Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh of Lead Sources Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh of Lead Import Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh of Responses Materialized Views
BIM: Load Marketing Facts from Previous Refresh Date BIM: Load Marketing Facts from Previous Refresh Date, Object to Load: Campaign
BIM: Load Marketing Facts from Previous Refresh Date, Object to Load: Event
BIM: Load Marketing Facts from Previous Refresh Date, Object to Load: Budget
BIM: Load Marketing Facts from Previous Refresh Date, Object to Load: Leads
BIM: Load Marketing Facts from Previous Refresh Date, Object to Load: Lead_Import
BIM: Load Marketing Facts from Previous Refresh Date, Object to Load: Response
BIM: Load Key Performance Indicator Facts from Previous Refresh Date

Oracle Marketing Concurrent Program Reference

The table below indicates the Concurrent Manager programs for Oracle Marketing.

Oracle Marketing Concurrent Manager Programs
Concurrent Manager Required Description
Activate Event Schedules Yes This will pick up all the Event Schedules which are in Available status and for which the start date has passed and its Event is active and make the Schedule Active. For Events, run the program Activate Event Schedules. This program accomplishes two things:
  • Activates Events: This program activates available event schedules and one-off events for which the start date has passed.

  • Completes Events: Picks up and completes event schedules and one-off events for which the end date has passed.

AMS Activate Schedule Optional This will pick up all the Campaign Activities which are in Available status and for which the start date has passed and its Campaign is active and make the Schedule Active.
AMS: Complete Campaign Activities Optional This program accomplishes the following:
  • Picks up available schedules with a start date of today (or, a start date that has already passed) and activates them.

  • Picks up active schedules with an end date of today (or, an end that has passed) and completes them.

AMS Expire Data Mining Models Yes Background process that monitors data mining models to see if they have expired. A frequency of once a day should be sufficient.
AMS: Generate Suppression list Optional Updates and maintains organization defined suppression lists. This is in addition to seeded suppression lists.
AMS Group Access Refresh Yes Updates denormalized tables with group information. Should be run on a periodic basis according the organization's Business Rules.
AMS Web Execution: Specialty Store Items Refresh Program Yes Refreshes the denormalized table for minisites periodically to capture items in the iStore minisites.
AMS Web Execution: Campaign Items Refresh Program Yes Information about Campaigns is stored in multiple tables. To improve runtime performance, this program periodically collects required information on campaigns and places it into a single table.
OZF - TM: Refresh Trade Management Activities (Offers and Schedules) Required if using Offers and Web Posting This program populates denormalized tables with up-to-date information of new and changed Offers and Schedules. Both the Activity Summary and Offer Evaluator data is current as of the last time this concurrent program was run.
The Oracle Marketing Offers functionality will retrieve the Eligible Offers for Products depending on Qualifying parties.
AMS Load Inventory Categories Yes Loads categories from the MTL schema to the AMS schema denormalized tables. This program should be run if and when a new category is created in Inventory.
AMS : Interface Marketing Objects to Calendar Yes Before the new object or criteria will display on the Marketing Calendar, you must run the concurrent program This program is a workflow background process and will update the Calendar as needed.
Load Catalog Hierarchy Yes Next, run Load Catalog Hierarchy from the Catalog Manager responsibility.
This enables categories defined for Products to be visible to the Marketing applications. Only categories with the following parameters will be pulled into this view:


AMS Refresh Metrics - Use this request set for updating bin and graph data in the Campaign and Audience Workbenches:
  • Campaign Effectiveness Bin

  • List Effectiveness Bin

  • Trend Graphs

    It is recommended that you schedule this request set to run daily -- it has two concurrent programs:

  • AMS METRICS REFRESH programEnter "Yes" in parameter to collect history. Recording history is required for support of Business Intelligence for Marketing (BIM)

  • AMS METRICS DENORM REFRESH programIf "Yes" is entered in parameter , the program will be run in incremental mode. For example, just update mvs for the data updated since last time.

AMS Portal Cache Daemon Yes Populates the Marketing subtab on the Home tab.
AMS: Purge Imported List Optional During the import process, the user may specify an expiration date or number of uses for a list. This program removes those entries whose expiration date has passed or number of uses reached.
Optional Parameter: force_purge_flag. This parameter indicates whether to purge a record regardless of the associated campaign status. The default value is No.
AMS: Purge Target Group and List Entries Optional After a target group has been generated and used, this program lets a user purge the list entries.
AMS: Refresh Party Market Segments Optional Generates a list of parties in the segment. This program also updates the size information for all segments so a history of segment sizes may be maintained.
AMS Team Access Refresh Yes Updates denormalized tables with team information. Should be run on a periodic basis according to the organization's Business Rules.
AMS-TM: Adjust Backdated Offer Yes Concurrent program to adjust backdated offers. This should be run after running the AMS-TM: Funds Accrual Engine concurrent program.
AMS-TM: Funds Accrual Engine Yes Ability to calculate budget utilization and earnings based on ship confirmed orders (provided the offer's phase is set to 'Ship', else the accruals will be calculated at the phase the offer is applied).
In case of Fully Accrued type of Budgets with accrue to is 'customer', Budget, Committed and Earned columns are to be updated with the accrued amount. But in case of budgets with accrue to 'Sales', only Budget column will have to be updated. Committed and Earned should not be populated. This allows users to transfer money from Fully accrued budget to any other Fixed Budgets. If max cap is specified against the Fully accrued budget, the budget can be accumulated only to the level of max cap.
Parameters: p_run_exception. Set to Y to run Order Management Except Queue.
AMS-TM: Import Territory Hierarchy Yes This concurrent program uploads the hierarchy data from jtf_territories to AMS schema to be able to perform budget allocation to that territory hierarchy. The concurrent program expects a hierarchy id meaning which particular hierarchy the user wants to import.
Parameters: Hierarchy Id
AMS-TM: Release Committed Budget Amount After Grace Period Yes A budget has been committed for an offer or any other activity. The Activity or offer date has ended or the offer is going to be closed or canceled. There might be a situation that the budget has not been utilized completely. This feature can be implemented through a concurrent process would return back the unused committed amount back to the sourcing budget. If there is a grace period, release of committed amount from a fixed type fund would take place whenever a offer is closed or canceled after the attainment of the grace period.
Parameters: p_object_type (Object Type, for example, CAMP, OFFR, EVEH)
AMS-TM: Validate Budget Thresholds Yes Threshold Alert provides the feature to monitor over spending or under spending from time to time. The concurrent program performs the automatic process of verification and notifies the owner of the budget on over & under utilization.
Parameters: None
AMS-TM Utilize Lumpsum Offers Yes A user initiated background process that will account budget utilizations against lumpsum offer whenever the offer start date arrives rather than on offer approved or created date.
In case when the Offer is active on the date when Offer was created, then the budget utilization will be updated immediately.
AMS-TM: Claims Aging Population Yes Claims aging program populates the summary table for the claims aged by customer for an aging bucket. Aging will be run based on the system date. This program has to be run on a daily basis to get the daily aging analysis for the customers.
Claims may be aged using a future type. This type will display claims that will become due, based on the Due Date, the specified number of days in the future.
Parameter: Aging bucket defined in Oracle Receivables
AMS-TM: Claims Autopay Yes Autopay program is used to pay accruals on a regular basis to customers. Autopay can be set up to pay accruals based on a customer, budget, campaign or offer.
  • Customer

  • Budget

  • Offer

  • Campaign

AMS-TM: Claims Settlement Fetcher Yes Settlement fetcher gets the settlement data created in receivables and payables after settling a claim. Claim settlement on a manual claims gets created through autoinvoice or payables invoice import. These are programs which run on a batch mode and after the actual payment gets created in receivables or payables, settlement fetcher has to be run to get the settlement data to be shown in claims.
Parameters: None
AMS-TM: Import Claims Yes Import Claims imports the data from interface tables into claims. This program runs through the standard validations for claims creation and rejects the claims that are not successful for import.
Parameters: None
AMS-TM: Perform Recalculated Commitment for Offers Optional Performs recalculation of committed budget for offers.
AMS-TM: Transfer to General Ledger Yes Transfer to General Ledger is run to transfer the sub-ledger accounting entries created by claims/accruals into General Ledger accounting tables.
  • Selection Type (1-Batch Transfer)

  • Set Of Books - Primary set of books

  • Transfer Reporting Books - Yes/No

  • Batch Name - Name of batch for transfer

AMS Update Data Mining Models Optional Updates detail information collected on parties. The frequency should be the same as the BIC Summary Extraction process.
AMS Web Execution: Specialty Store Items Refresh Program Yes This refreshes the denormalized table for minisites periodically to capture items in the iStore minisites.
AMS Web Execution: Campaign Items Refresh Program Yes Information about Campaigns is stored in multiple tables. To improve runtime performance, this program periodically collects required information on campaigns and places it into a single table.
OZF: Refresh Trade Management Activities (Offers and Schedules) Yes -
AutoInvoice - Oracle Receivables Yes AutoInvoice is an Oracle Receivables concurrent program used to create credit memos/debit memos in receivables. It is used for creating credit memos on settling manual claims. Claims settled with receivables payment method gets created with the batch source defined in system parameters. For more information on parameters and options see Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.
BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time Optional Loads all Facts for the first time. Repeat for each object: Campaign, Event, Budget, Leads, Lead Import and Response.
Start Date
End Date
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time
BIM: Load Marketing Facts from the Previous Refresh Date Optional Loads all Facts from the Previous Refresh Date. Repeat for each object: Campaign, Event, Budget, Leads, Lead Import and Response.
Start Date
End Date
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Load Marketing Facts from the Previous Refresh Date
BIM: Load Key Performance Indicator Facts Optional Loads KPI Facts.
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time
BIM: Initial build of Campaigns Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Campaign Materialized Views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views
BIM: Initial build of Events Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Events Materialized Views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views
BIM: Initial build of Budgets Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Budgets Materialized Views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views
BIM: Initial build of Interaction History Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Interaction History Materialized Views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views
BIM: Initial build of Key Performance Indicators Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Key Performance Indicators Materialized Views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views
BIM: Initial build of Leads Quality Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Leads Quality Materialized Views
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Initial build of Leads Sources Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Leads Sources Materialized Views
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Initial build of Lead Import Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Lead Import Materialized Views
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Initial build of Responses Materialized Views Optional Prepares pre-built tables for Responses Materialized Views
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Initial build of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Refresh Campaign Materialized Views Optional Builds Campaigns Materialized views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Events Materialized Views Optional Builds Events Materialized views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Budgets Materialized Views Optional Builds Budgets Materialized views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh of Interaction History Materialized Views Optional Builds Interaction History Materialized views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Key Performance Indicators Materialized Views Optional Builds Key Performance Indicators Materialized views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh Marketing Activities Materialized Views Optional Builds Marketing Activities Materialized Views
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views
BIM: Refresh of Summary by Group Hierarchy Optional Builds summarized tables based on group hierarchy.
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Refresh of Leads KPI Materialized Views Optional Builds Leads KPI Materialized Views.
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Refresh of Leads Quality Materialized Views Optional Builds Leads Quality Materialized Views.
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Refresh of Leads Sources Materialized Views Optional Builds Leads Sources Materialized Views.
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Refresh of Lead Import Materialized Views Optional Builds Lead Import Materialized Views.
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Refresh of Responses Materialized Views Optional Builds Responses Materialized Views.
Part of the Request Set: BIM: Refresh of Materialized Views - Lead Intelligence
BIM: Load Marketing Facts from previous refresh date Optional Loads all facts from the previous refresh date. Repeat for each object: Campaign, Event, Budget.
Object to Load: Campaign
End Date
Number of Parallel Processors: 4
Part of the Request Set: Load Marketing Facts from previous refresh date
BIM: Load Key Performance Indicator facts from previous refresh date Optional Loads all KPI facts from the previous refresh Date.
Initial Build of Campaigns mvs - Replaced by BIM: Initial Build of Campaigns Materialized Views.
Initial Build of Events mvs - Replaced by BIM: Initial Build of Events Materialized Views.
Initial Build of Funds mvs - Replaced by BIM: Initial Build of Budgets Materialized Views.
Load Geographic Hierarchies Yes This program must be run each time that the geographies are changed.
Marketing Facts Load - Replaced by BIM: Load Marketing Facts for the First Time.
Marketing Materialized views prebuilt tables (AMS) - Replaced by BIM: Initial Build of Materialized Views
Marketing Materialized views Refresh (AMS) - Replaced by BIM: Refresh Materialized Views
Payables Open Interface Import - Oracle Payables Yes Payables open interface import is an Oracle Payables concurrent program used to create invoices in payables. It has to be run for the batch source defined in system parameters since all the claims settlement for payables get created with that batch source. For more information on parameters and options see Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.
Refresh of Campaigns mvs - Replaced by BIM: Refresh Campaigns Materialized Views.
Refresh of Events mvs - Replaced by BIM: Refresh Events Materialized Views.
Refresh of Funds mvs - Replaced by BIM: Refresh Budgets Materialized Views.
Workflow Background Process Required The System Administrator must run this program.
For lists purposes, this background process makes a list active. It populates List generation and target group generation data. For list generation, it requires the following parameters:
  • Item Type: AMS List Generation

  • Yes Process Timeout : yes

  • Process Stuck: yes

  • Ignore Minimum and Maximum Thresholds

    For data mining, this process must be run with the following parameters:

  • Item Type: AMS Data Mining - Build/Score/Preview

  • Minimum Threshold: Leave blank.

  • Maximum Threshold: Leave blank.

  • Process Deferred: Yes

  • Process Timeout: Yes

  • Process Stuck: Yes

    For the Workflow daemon to monitor data mining workflow requests, a frequency of 30 minutes should be sufficient.

    For budget approval purposes, the workflow background process must run with the following parameters:

  • Set Item Type: AMS Marketing Approvals

  • Minimum Threshold: Leave blank.

  • Maximum Threshold: Leave blank.

  • Process Deferred: Yes

  • Process Timeout: Yes

Trigger Workflow Process Yes The Trigger Workflow process is associated with an item type called OMO Triggers. This item type identifies all workflow processes that are needed to enable the Marketing Trigger functionality.
Currently there are four different processes in the OMO Triggers item type:
Trigger Process: The main process -- getting run as a subscription to the
Workflow Business Event OMO Trigger Event
The following processes are sub flows of this main process flow.
– Perform All Actions
– Execute Schedule
– Schedule Approval
AMS: Schedules Import - This executes when the Web ADI Import process is launched.
AMS: Export and Update Schedule - This executes when the Web ADI Update process is launched.
AMS: Media Planner Loader - This executes when the Schedule Media Planner layout is used to map metrics data from the interface table to schedule metrics. If metrics already exist for the schedule, the metric values are updated. If the metrics do not exist, new metrics are created for the schedule
AMS: Delete List Entries - This executes when the Oracle Marketing Administrator runs this concurrent program from the Forms user interface.