Setting Up the Channel Manager Dashboard

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Channel Manager Dashboard

The Channel Manager Dashboard provides vendor users with an easy to use, configurable user interface to help them with day to day responsibilities. It provides them with a 360 degree view of their partners and activities, thereby enabling them to make informed decisions.

The Channel Manager Dashboard provides vendor employees with a Key Metrics bin, charts and graphs that display the sales performance of partners, a Quick Links bin, and a partner search. Vendor employees can perform advanced partner searches for partners based on profile attributes.

A vendor employee can access the dashboard if he has been assigned the Channel Manager responsibility. The information available on a user's dashboard is further determined by channel team membership, resource role, and permissions. This chapter describes how a user's roles and permissions affect what he sees on a dashboard, and how the Sales Performance Graph is set up and populated. For information on creating vendor users and assigning roles and permissions to them, refer to Chapter 3, Setting Up Vendor Users.

Vendor User Data Visibility

A vendor user's resource role and permissions determine the partner data he sees in three areas on the Channel Manager Dashboard: the Key Metrics bin, the Sales Performance graphs, and the My Partners list.

Key Metrics Bin and Sales Performance Graphs

The Key Metrics bin and the Sales Performance graphs provide statistical information about the performance of partners whose data the user can view and update. A vendor user gains access to partner data in two ways:

You must run two concurrent requests to update and populate the graphs and KPIs on the Channel Manager Dashboard:

Partner Search Results

The My Partners area of the Channel Manager Dashboard lists the results of a partner search. A user's resource role and permissions determine the partners that are returned by a search and what actions a user can take upon those partners (for example, view, update, invite).

For more information on permissions related to attributes, see Setting Up Attribute Security.

Statistical information about the partners that a user manages, either directly as a channel team member or indirectly as a channel manager, appears in the user's Key Metrics bin and Sales Performance graph.

The following table provides details about what information users with specific role and permission assignments can see. Note that the table also provides information about what Distributors can see.

Roles and Permissions permissionsvendor usersvendor userspermissionsrolesvendor usersvendor usersroles
User Type - Resource Role Manager in Resource Group Hierarchy PV: Update All Partners PV: View All Partners PV: Invite New Partners Description
Vendor Employee - Channel Manager Y N N N Can view and update all partners that are managed by the logged in user and as well as partners that are managed by channel managers or channel representatives reporting to the logged in user.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Manager Y Y N/A N Can view and update any partners in the system.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Manager Y N Y N Can view any partners in the system.
Can update only those partners that are managed by the logged in user and partners that are managed by channel managers or channel representatives reporting to the logged in user.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Manager Y N Y Y Can view and update all the partners that are managed by the logged in user and partners that are managed by channel managers or channel representatives reporting to the logged in user.
Can create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Manager Y Y N/A Y Can view and update any partners in the system.
Can create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Manager Y N Y Y Can view any partners in the system.
Can update only those partners that are managed by the logged in user and as well as the partners that are managed by the channel managers or channel representatives reporting to the logged in user.
Can create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Rep N N N N Can view and update only the partners that are managed by the logged in user.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Rep N Y N/A N Can view and update any partners in the system.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Rep N N Y N Can view any partners in the system.
Can update only those partners that are managed by the logged in user.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Rep N N N Y Can view and update all the partners that are managed by the logged in user.
Can create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Rep N Y N/A Y Can view and update any partners in the system. Can create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Channel Rep N N Y Y Can view any partners in the system.
Can update only those partners that are managed by the logged in user.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Vendor Employee - Any other role Y N N N/A Can view partners that are managed by the channel managers or channel representatives that report to the logged in user.
The logged in user cannot update partner details.
The logged in user cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Distributor - Channel Manager Y N/A N/A N Can view only the partners that are managed by the logged in user and as well as the partners that are managed by the channel managers or channel representatives reporting to the logged in user.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Distributor - Channel Manager Y N/A N/A Y Can view only the partners that are managed by the logged in user and as well as the partners that are managed by the channel managers or channel representatives reporting to the logged in user.
Can create partners and invite them to join a program.
Distributor - Channel Rep N N/A N/A N Can view only the partners that are managed by the logged in user.
Cannot create partners and invite them to join a program.
Distributor - Channel Rep N N/A N/A Y Can view only the partners that are managed by the logged in user.
Can create partners and invite them to join a program.
Distributor - Any Other Role N/A N/A N/A N/A No access to partner details.
Distributor - Any Role N/A N/A N/A N/A No access to partner details.

Setting Up Graphs in the Channel Manager Dashboard

For the graphs in the channel manager dashboard to be displayed correctly, the Accounting Calendar must be set up and then the Refresh AS period days concurrent program must be run.

Setting up the Accounting Calendar

The Accounting Calendar is set up from the Oracle General Ledger application. Unless you are implementing Oracle Partner Management as a stand-alone application, the Accounting Calendar has most likely been set up already.

The Accounting Calendar is set up in Oracle Forms by a user with the General Ledger Super User responsibility.

Populating the Graph

The x-axis of the Sales Information graph is populated with data stored in the as_period_days table. Running the Refresh AS period days concurrent program populates this table with data from the General Ledger Accounting Calendar.

The graph's y-axis is populated with Sales data.

Workflow Business Events

A business event is any event that might be of interest to customers or development teams. For managing partners, Oracle Partner Management has seeded the following business event:

Oracle Partner Management provides features to assign indirect opportunities to partners, invite partners to enroll into a program and tools to determine performance of partners. Partner transactions like opportunity assignment, program enrollment etc. requires the partner status to be active. To determine if a partner is active, the following conditions need to be true:

Whenever the partner status changes (from active to inactive or vice-versa), an Oracle Workflow business event is raised to indicate a change in the status of the partner. Customers can subscribe to the partner status business event to take appropriate action using the Define Business Event Subscriptions UI available under the Workflow Administrator Event Manager responsibility. The Workflow Business Event is seeded in the Add Business Event/Event Group UI available under Workflow Administrator Event Manager responsibility as follows:

Column Name Value
Internal Name oracle.apps.pv.partner.Profile.updateStatus
Display Name oracle.apps.pv.partner.Profile.updateStatus
Description This event is raised every time the partner status changes.
Status Enabled
Owner Name Oracle Partner Relationship Manager
Owner Tag PV
Customization Level Limit

Workflow Event Subscriptions

Event Subscriptions to a business event typically perform any or all of the following actions:

Event subscriptions can be enabled or disabled through a user interface. You do not have to change the code.

How Event Updates Work

As an example, this section discusses how a subscription works with the business event. The other subscriptions work in much the same way, except that some of the values change, for example, the Event Filter, Role Function, and Description. In this particular example, each time an organization-related partner qualifier (for example, Partner name, Annual revenue, Number of employee, Customer category and so on) values change, a workflow business event is raised to indicate that the organization information is updated.

The Phase value indicates the immediacy of response needed for the subscription. Any value less than 100 in that field means Immediate. A value more than 100 indicates that the notification can be Deferred, and sent out the next time that the scheduled concurrent request runs. Some business events, such as a partner self-registering, may require immediate attention, which is when a phase number below 100, such as 50 in the example, is used.

The following table lists the subscription setup fields for a business event, using the organization business event as an example.

Subscription Setup Details
Column Name Value
Source Type Local
Event Filter
Source Agent -
Phase 50
Status Enabled
Rule Data Key
Customization Level Limit
Rule Function pv_tap_bes_pkg.organization_update_post
Workflow Type -
Workflow Process -
Out Agent -
To Agent -
Priority Normal
Parameters -
Owner Name Partner Relationship Manager
Owner Tag PV
Description Create a changed partner record in PV_TAP_BATCH_CHG_PARTNERS table, whenever there is an updation in organization related partner qualifiers, resulting in re-definition of Channel team for that Partner Organization.

Partner Subscriptions

The following are the partner subscriptions used in Oracle Partner Management. The same format is used for subscriptions as is shown in the previous example; the specific details of four fields changes for each different subscription. Those fields are shown below.

Contact Point

Event Filter:

Rule Function: pv_tap_bes_pkg.contactpoint_update_post

Phase: Immediate

Description: Create a changed partner record in the PV_TAP_BATCH_CHG_PARTNERS table, whenever there is an update of the organization contact point related partner qualifiers, resulting in redefinition of the Channel team for that Partner Organization.


Event Filter:

Rule Function: pv_User_Resp_Pvt.manage_resp_on_address_change

Phase: Deferred

Description: Manage user responsibility when the location is updated.

Location/Partner Qualifiers

Event Filter:

Rule Function: pv_tap_bes_pkg.location_update_post

Phase: Immediate

Description: Create a changed partner record in the PV_TAP_BATCH_CHG_PARTNERS table whenever there is an update of organization location-related partner qualifiers, resulting in redefinition of the Channel team for that Partner Organization.


Event Filter:

Rule Function: pv_tap_bes_pkg.organization_update_post

Phase: Immediate

Description: Create a changed partner record in the PV_TAP_BATCH_CHG_PARTNERS table whenever there is an update in organization-related partner qualifiers, resulting in redefinition of the Channel team for that Partner Organization.

Party Site

Event Filter:

Rule Function: Pv_User_Resp_Pvt.manage_resp_on_address_change

Phase: Deferred

Description: Manage the user responsibility when the location is updated.

Party Site Update

Event Filter:

Rule Function: pv_tap_bes_pkg.partysite_update_post

Phase: Immediate

Description: Create a changed partner record in PV_TAP_BATCH_CHG_PARTNERS table, whenever there is an update to organization party site related partner qualifiers, resulting in redefinition of the Channel team for that Partner Organization.

Create Relationship

Event Filter:

Rule Function: Pv_ptr_member_type_pvt.terminate_partner

Phase: Deferred

Description: This is to used to update PV tables with the correct member type when the global-subsidiary relationship is activated outside the PVapplication.

Update Relationship

Event Filter:

Rule Function: Pv_ptr_member_type_pvt.terminate_partner

Phase: Deferred

Description: This is to update PV tables with correct member type and terminate active partner program memberships when the global-subsidiary relationship is inactivated outside the PV application.

Approve UT Event

Event Filter:

Rule Function: pv_user_mgmt_pvt.post_approval

Phase: Immediate

Description: Create user resource and responsibilities upon user registration approval

Profile Update Status

Event Filter: oracle.apps.pv.partner.Profile.updateStatus


Phase: Deferred

Description: Terminate partner memberships upon partner status change

Profile Options

There are certain system profile options that must be set for the Channel Manager Dashboard to function properly. Refer to Appendix A, System Profile Options for a complete list of profile options for the Channel Manager Dashboard.

Concurrent Programs

There are several concurrent programs that need to be run periodically for the Channel Manager Dashboard. Refer to Appendix C, Concurrent Programs, for information about setting up and running the programs.