Concurrent Programs

This appendix covers the following topics:

Running Concurrent Programs

Use the following instructions for running any Oracle Applications concurrent program or program set. You can use these procedures to run or schedule any of the Oracle Partner Management concurrent programs.

Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide for complete details on Oracle Applications concurrent programs.




  1. Log in to the Forms application.

  2. Select the appropriate responsibility.

  3. Double-click Concurrent Requests.

  4. Double-click Run.

  5. Select the Single Request radio button.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Search for the concurrent request that you want to run.

  8. Click Submit.

  9. Select from the search results.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click OK to run the concurrent request.

Checking Concurrent Program Status

Use the following procedure to check the status of a concurrent program.




  1. Log in to Oracle Forms with the appropriate responsibility. The responsibility for each concurrent program is provided with the program description.

  2. Choose View > Request.

    The Find Request window opens.

  3. In the Find Request window, search for your concurrent program request.

    • If the server is not busy, selecting Find may be the fastest way to find your request.

    • If the server is busy, it may be better to enter search criteria and look for Specific Requests.

  4. The Request window displays a list of submitted requests. The Oracle Marketing concurrent programs should be listed.

  5. Select Refresh Data occasionally to check the completion status.

  6. Once in the “red” state or Phase = “completed,” the View Output and View Log buttons will become active (if the log output files have been set up correctly)

Concurrent Programs for the Channel Manager Dashboard

The following table provides information about the concurrent programs used by the channel manager dashboard.

Concurrent Program for the Channel Manager Dashboard
Program Required Description
Synchronize Territory Assignment Rules Yes After defining new territories or updating existing territories, the territory administrator must execute this concurrent program. The parameter values for this program must have Partner Management specified for usage, and Partner specified as transaction type. The new territory definitions are available for partner channel team assignment only after the concurrent request is executed successfully.
This program can be run in Total mode, Incremental mode, or Date Effective mode. Date Effective mode is used by Oracle Incentive Compensation to determine which salespeople worked on an order. To get the correct answer, you must run the program in date effective mode first.
There are four parameters. They are listed below, along with their settings:
  • Usage: Partner Management

  • Run Mode: Total Refresh or Incremental Refresh

  • Start Date: null

  • End Date: null

Responsibility: CRM Administrator
OZF-TM: Generate Party List for Market Yes Matches customer orders to offers and populates a denormalized table AMS_PARTY_MARKET_SEGMENTS with customer segmentation information based on territory definitions.
This program needs to be run in two situations:
  • When a new territory is created. Run the program after running the Synchronize Territory Assignment Rules program.

  • When a new customer is created as the result of a referral.

Note: This program must be run after the Synchronize Territory Assignment Rules program and before OZF-TM: Net Accrual Engine to ensure that the net accrual engine accurately matches customer orders to offers.
Responsibility: Oracle Trade Management Administrator
PV: Channel Team Assignment for Partners in TOTAL/INCREMENTAL Mode Yes Parameter Name: Mode
Parameter Values: TOTAL or INCREMENTAL
Run this concurrent program in TOTAL mode if you have installed Oracle Partner Management for the first time or have just upgraded to a new version of Oracle Partner Management. Before running the program, a territory hierarchy must be set up for your organization. After the hierarchy is set up, run this program to assign channel teams to partners based on the territory hierarchy.
You might also want to run this program in the TOTAL mode if your organization makes significant changes to the territory hierarchy.
Run this program in INCREMENTAL mode when you have:
  • Set the profile option PV: Territory Assignment Online is set to No.

  • Updated any partner's transaction matching attributes from an Oracle application other than Oracle Partner Management.

Frequency: Run in TOTAL mode one time after upgrading or installing Oracle Partner Management or when the territory definition undergoes a major change. Run in INCREMENTAL mode each day, or after making minor changes to territories.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV: Define Channel team for specific territories Yes Run this concurrent program when there is a change in:
  • The assignment of channel manager resources for a territory (for example, when a channel manager leaves or a new channel manager is added to the organization).

  • Territory transaction matching attribute values (for example, when a territory that was originally defined to contain partners in California now contains partners in California, Nevada, and Oregon).

This program should be run each time there is a change in the territory setup.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV: Update Partner Status Yes To determine if the status of a partner is active, all the following conditions must be true:
1. Relationship status between partner and vendor is active and the relationship is not end dated.
2. Partner Organization status is active.
3. Vendor Organization status is active.
4. The partner organization resource record is not end dated in CRM resource manager.
Checking for partner status in all the above-mentioned places causes significant performance issues. To address this issue a STATUS column has been added to the PV_PARTNER_PROFILE table. The STATUS column consolidates the Partner Status definition, which improves performance. In addition, when a partner's status changes, a Workflow Business Event is raised. Any Oracle application can subscribe to this business event to perform necessary action.
This concurrent program needs to be scheduled to update the partner status periodically. Between the concurrent job executions, it may be possible for the partner status to be in an inconsistent state as the partner data can be updated through other Oracle Application products.
When the concurrent program return status is error or warning, use the concurrent program's log file for additional information.
Frequency: Every day (minimum)
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
Refresh AS period days Yes The date information that populates the graphs that appear on the Channel Manager dashboard is taken from the General Ledger Accounting Calendar. Once the calendar is set up, the Refresh AS period days concurrent program takes information from the gl_daily_rates table and populates the as_period_days table. Oracle Partner Management uses data from this table to build the x-axis of the dashboard graphs.
To set up the calendar, log into Oracle Forms as the General Ledger Super User and navigate to Setup > Financial > Accounting > Calendar.
It is recommended that this program be run once a month.
Responsibility: Oracle Sales Administrator
Refresh Multi-Currency Conversion Rate (AS_PERIOD_RATES) Yes Once the General Ledger Accounting Calendar is set up, this program takes information from the gl_daily_rates table and populates the as_period_rates table.
It is recommended that this program be run once a month. It should be run after the Refresh AS period days concurrent program is run.
Responsibility: Oracle Sales Administrate

Concurrent Programs for Deal Registration

The following table provides information about the concurrent programs used by deal registration.

Concurrent Program for Deal Registration
Program Required Description
PV - Update Referral/Deal Status Yes Evaluates all approved deal registrations to update the status to one of the following closed or expired statuses:
  • Closed. Dead Lead

  • Closed. Lost Opportunity

  • Closed. Opportunity Won

  • Expired

Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests

Concurrent Programs for Enrollments

The following table provides information about the concurrent programs used by enrollments.

Concurrent Program for Enrollments
Program Required Description
PV: Send enrollment notifications to partner user Yes Sends notifications to partner primary users when either of the following occurs:
  • The partner's membership in a particular program is about to or has expired (based upon a partner program's criteria). The primary user receives a Renewal notification.

  • The signed contract for a program that a partner wants to join has not been received within a specified period of time. The primary user receives a Contract Not Received notification.

It is recommended that you run this program daily.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV: Expire Ended Program Membership, and Renew Early Renewed Program Memberships Yes Changes a partner's program membership status to Expired if the partner's membership end date is past the current system date. When the status of a global partner's program membership status is Expired, the program membership of each of its subsidiaries changes to Expired as well.
The program also changes a partner's program membership status to Renew for all early renewals with a start date in the past.
It is recommended that you run this program daily.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV: Process the errored enrollment requests for approval Yes If the Oracle Approval Manager application encounters an error, it is possible that partner self-service enrollment requests will not be routed for approval. This program identifies and processes orphaned approval requests and routes them to their appropriate reviewer(s).
It is recommended that you run this program bi-weekly.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests

Concurrent Programs for Opportunities

The following table provides information about the concurrent programs used by opportunities.

Concurrent Programs for Opportunities
Program Required Description
PV Unassigned Opportunity Process After TimeOut Optional This concurrent program invokes the partner matching engine to route indirect opportunities that have been unassigned for more than a specified number of days since the opportunity was created. The number of days after which an opportunity is routed is determined by the profile PV: Unassigned Opportunity Timeout. (Days)
The parameters of the concurrent program are:
Country - Process opportunities only for country specified.
User Name - The user that is determined to be the assignment manager for the opportunity routing.
From Date - Consider only those opportunities that have been created after this date.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
Spatial Information for Locations Batch Update Yes Acquire latitude and longitude values for locations in the TCA registry.
For addresses that already have spatial data, the program updates the records with the latest information from eLocation. (For more information, see Oracle Trading Community Architecture eLocation Spatial Data Integration User Guide.) This is needed for partner matching to determine the radial distances between a customer on the opportunity and the partners.
Responsibility: Trading Community Manager
Workflow Background Process - POL Assignment Routing Yes Process channel manager time-out and partner time-out activities in opportunity routing.
The parameters of the concurrent program are:
Item_type: POL Assignment Routing
Process Deferred: N
Process Timeout: Y
Process Stuck: N
Responsibility: Workflow Administrator
Workflow Background Process - POL Automated Partner Matching Yes When a lead is created, and the channel selection engine selects an indirect channel based on the profile OS: Auto Convert Lead to Opportunity, the lead is converted to an indirect opportunity. Then, this concurrent program starts the workflow process that initiates the automatic background matching process, which automatically matches and routes opportunities to partners.
This concurrent program also performs routing to partners on the campaign specified on the opportunity if the profile option PV: Enable Automatic Routing by Campaign is set to Y. If the profile option PV: Enable Automatic Routing by Campaign is set to N, program instead adds partners participating in the campaign to the external sales team.
Item_type: POL Automated Partner Matching
Process Deferred: Y
Process Timeout: N
Process Stuck: N
Responsibility: Workflow Administrator
Workflow Background Process - POL NotifyParty Yes Sends a notification to a channel manager when an indirect opportunity is routed to one of the channel manager's partners and the partner also submitted the deal registration that resulted is the creation of the same opportunity.
The parameters of the concurrent program are:
Item_type: POL Notify Party
Process Deferred: Y
Process Timeout: N
Process Stuck: N
Responsibility: Workflow Administrator
PV - External Salesteam Migration Yes Organizations that are upgrading from a prior release must run this program.
Earlier implementations of Oracle Partner Management allowed a partner contact to exist on an opportunity or a lead, or to be included in a customer's external sales team, even when the partner organization was not associated with the object. A partner contact is accessed through the partner organization, and thus can not be accessed if the partner organization has been removed from an object. Run this program to add the partner organization to opportunities, leads, and customer external sales teams for which a partner contact is associated independently of its partner organization.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests

Concurrent Programs for Partner Funds

One concurrent program is required for Partner Funds: OZF - TM: Release Committed Budget Amount After Grace Period. This program closes a soft fund request after the grace period has passed, disables the Submit Claim button on a fund request, and reconciles liabilities. It can be scheduled to run periodically. The responsibility is Oracle Trade Management Administrator.

Concurrent Programs for the Partner Locator

The following table provides information about the concurrent programs used by the partner locator.

Concurrent Program for the Partner Locator
Program Required Description
Spatial Information for Locations Batch Update Yes Acquire latitude and longitude values for locations in the TCA registry.
For addresses that already have spatial data, the program updates the records with the latest information from eLocation. (For more information, refer to the Oracle Trading Community Architecture eLocation Spatial Data Integration User Guide.) This concurrent program needed for the Partner Locator to determine the radial distances between a customer and a partner.
Responsibility: Trading Community Manager
PV Refresh Attribute Text Table Yes Allows the attribute details for a particular partner to be used in the matching process and to calculate performance and derived attributes for each partner.
There are two options for running this program: full refresh or new partners only refresh. Full refresh is the default.
The new partners only option picks up all the partners that have been created since the last refresh of this type. The last refresh date is stored in the profile option PV: Refresh Search Attributes Last Update Date.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests

Concurrent Programs for Partner Programs

The following table provides information about the concurrent programs used by partner programs.

Concurrent Program for Partner Programs
Program Required Description
PV: Close Ended Programs and Memberships No Assigns a status of Closed to programs with end dates that are past the current system date.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV: Refresh Partner Program Eligibility Yes Evaluates a partner's eligibility to enroll in a partner program based on the program's prerequisites. PV: Refresh Partner Program Eligibility should be run at least once a day to make sure that existing partners are evaluated for eligibility to join new partner programs. If you do not run this program, new partner programs will be available only to new partners.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV - Update user resp when resp mapping is created or deleted Yes When a channel administrator modifies the responsibility mappings, it impacts the responsibilities assigned to partner users. This program updates partner users' responsibilities after a change has been made to existing responsibility mappings. There is no fixed frequency in which this program should be run.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV: Assign/Revoke User Responsibilities Yes This program is used to assign or revoke responsibilities of partner users based on their organization's program memberships. This program runs automatically when the channel administrator adds, changes, or deletes a responsibility.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests

Concurrent Programs for Partner Profile Attributes

The following table provides information about the concurrent programs used by partner profiles.

Concurrent Programs for Partner Profile Attributes
Program Required Description
PV: Partner Type Migration Yes if migrating from previous release Earlier you could assign multiple partner types to each partner. Currently, partners can be assigned one partner type only. If you are migrating from a previous release, you must run this concurrent program to perform the data conversion at the time of upgrading to R12. This concurrent program enables customers upgrading to R12 to assign a single partner type to their partners. The partner type is assigned according to the ranking system specified in the PV_PARTNER_TYPE_RANKING lookup table. Note: The ranking in the lookup table is utilized solely by the concurrent program. In R12, no other programs or processes access the data in this table.
The two parameters are as follows.
Running_Mode: There are two possible values:
  • Evaluation (default value): Select Evaluation to run the program without making changes to the partner data. This is useful if you want to get an idea of the changes that will be done to your partner data based on the specified ranking of Partner Types.

  • Execution: Select Execution to upgrade the partner types and store the changes in the underlying database.

Overwrite: There are two possible values:
  • No: If set to No (default value), the program will not overwrite the existing partner type on a partner record. This value is useful if the concurrent program failed (for whatever reason) to complete and you are rerunning it. The rerun will not update those Partner records that have already been processed the first time and will only update those Partner records that have not yet been processed. Setting the value to No also allows the program to run more efficiently.

  • Yes: Set the value to “Yes” if you have modified the ranking of the Partner Types in the PV_PARTNER_TYPE_RANKING table and would like to re-upgrade the data to reflect the changed ranking.

Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV: Refresh Partner Trend Values Yes Updates partner trend values to enable up to date attribute matching. Retrieves or calculates the partner trend performance measures summarized at a monthly level.
The parameters of the concurrent program are:
Start from Beginning of Month - Identifies the starting month to refresh (only applies to measures that are cumulative). Non-cumulative measures are always calculated for the current month only.
To Ending of Month - Identifies the ending month to refresh (only applies to measures that are cumulative). Non-cumulative measures are always calculated for the current month only.
New Partners Only - If set to Yes, then only process for new partners. New partners are defined as partners created after the last run of this program (stored in the profile PV: Partner Trend Last Refresh).
Ignore refresh interval - If set to Yes, process all attributes even though the time interval from the last refresh have not exceeded the refresh interval set for some attributes.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV Refresh Attribute Text Table Yes Allows the attribute details for a particular partner to be used in the matching process and to calculate performance and derived attributes for each partner. Run it periodically to make sure that the manual partner routing search functions properly.
There are two options for running this program: Full Refresh or New Partners Only Refresh. Full Refresh is the default and replaces all the primary key ID's in the table.
The New Partners Only Refresh option picks up all the newly created partners since the last refresh of this type. The last refresh date is stored in the profile PV: Refresh Search Attributes Last Update Date.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests

Concurrent Programs for Referral Management

The following table provides information about the concurrent programs used by referral management.

Concurrent Program for Referral Management
Program Required Description
OZF-TM: Generate Party List for Market Qualifier Yes Matches customer orders to offers and populates a denormalized table AMS_PARTY_MARKET_SEGMENTS with customer segmentation information based on territory definitions.
This program needs to be run in two situations:
  • When a new territory is created. Run the program after running the Generate Territory Package program.

  • When a new customer is created as the result of a referral.

Note: This concurrent program must be run before OZF-TM: Net Accrual Engine to ensure that the net accrual engine accurately matches customer orders to offers.
Responsibility: Oracle Trade Management Administrator
OZF-TM: Net Accrual Engine Yes Calculates the net accruals for all offers of type Net Accrual. Referral management uses the program to calculate the commission a partner earns on referrals.
The net accrual engine references a customer denormalized table that is populated by the OZF-TM: Generate Party List for Market Qualifiers concurrent program. When a referral is created, the system may create a new customer. The new customer is not in the customer denormalized table until the OZF-TM: Generate Party List for Market Qualifiers program is run.
Run the OZF-TM: Net Accrual Engine program before you run the PV - Referral Compensation Order Completion program and when you want to calculate how much your partners have accrued. It is recommended that you run OZF-TM: Net Accrual Engine once a month.
Responsibility: Oracle Trade Management Administrator
PV - Update Referral/Deal Status Yes Evaluates all approved referrals to update the status to one of the following values:
  • Closed - Dead Lead

  • Closed - Lost Opportunity

  • Closed - Opportunity Won

  • Expired

Run this program to close approved referrals. You must run this program before running the PV - Referral Compensation Order Completion program. It is recommended that you run PV - Update Referral/Deal Status weekly to make sure that the referral statuses are up to date.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
PV - Referral Compensation Order Completion Yes Creates claims and starts the payment process for referrals that have generated fulfilled orders. It is recommended that you run this program once a month.
Responsibility: PRM concurrent requests
DQM Staging Program Yes Populates the search table against which the DQM process performs queries. You should run this program when a new party (hz_parties) is created.
To run the program, you must be able to log in with the Trading Community Manager responsibility.
You must provide the following parameters to run the DQM Staging Program for Referral Management:
  • Number of Workers = 5

  • Staging Command = STAGE_ALL_DATA

  • Continue previous execution = No

No additional values need to be set.
Responsibility: Trading Community Manager

Concurrent Programs for Special Pricing

One concurrent program is required for Special Pricing: OZF - TM: Release Committed Budget Amount After Grace Period. This program closes a special pricing request after the grace period has passed, disables the Submit Claim button on a special pricing request, and reconciles liabilities. It can be scheduled to run periodically. The responsibility is Oracle Trade Management Administrator.