Purging Transaction History

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Purge Transactions Concurrent Programs

Oracle Installed Base provides the functionality to view the history of changes to an item instance in the Transaction link and the History link. Although this is an extremely useful feature, the storage of this data makes up the bulk of data tied to an instance, especially if the instance has a long transaction history. For instances with frequent changes and a long transaction history, older, historical transactions consume significant storage space. In certain cases, this has an adverse impact on performance.

To address these issues, the application provides a utility to purge history transactions tied to an instance. Given a start date, you can run the utility to purge all the transaction data with dates older than the specified date and store the data in a table.

In addition, you can run the Purge IB Transaction Interface Data concurrent program to purge high volumes of old data in the interface table, CSI_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE, and to improve the performance of the concurrent program Interface Install Base Lines.

Running the Installed Base Transactions History Purge Concurrent Program

Use the Installed Base Transactions History Purge concurrent program to purge all transaction data with dates older than a specified date and store the data in a table.

Warning: Be extremely careful when using this program. After you have purged transactions, the application cannot automatically restore them.

  1. Using the Oracle Install Base Administrator responsibility, select Others > Requests.

  2. Navigate to the Installed Base Requests window.

  3. Select Installed Base Transactions History Purge, and the Parameters window appears.

  4. Enter the date before which transaction data will be purged in the Purge_to_Date field.

  5. Click the OK button.

  6. Optionally enter additional values in the main window.

  7. Click Submit.

Running the Purge IB Transaction Interface Data Concurrent Program

Use these steps to run the Purge IB Transaction Interface Data concurrent program to purge all transaction old data in the interface table, CSI_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE, based on a specific range of months.

  1. Using the Oracle Install Base Administrator responsibility, select Others > Requests.

  2. Navigate to the Installed Base Requests window.

  3. Select Installed Base Transactions History Purge, and the Parameters window appears.

  4. Enter a value between 12 and 999 in the Number of Months parameter.

  5. Click the OK button.

  6. Click the Submit button.